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Unfortunately I can't make a video walkthrough, as the only computers that are able to screen record are the two Macs: one, my laptop, has a fit every time I want to record, and the other desktop one doesn't play OOG properly for some reason... :\ So I'll either have to buy a screen recorder for one of the PCs, or wait until someone else makes a walkthrough I can't control my tongue.


I'm really not keen on how the pixel sizes vary so much on the sprites. Honestly, I don't really think it's worth going with the pixellated style if the pixels are all gonna be in different sizes. It's awkward.

Posted (edited)

We reached 150 plays today, so I made up a little something for the fans: a look at how

the new masks of power would have looked like if they'd been 2001 Kanohi:


Stay tuned for more updates [wink.png]

Edited by bionicle_fanatic
  • 2 weeks later...

Fanatic Studios® now have a website! Check back for weekly updates and hilarious blog posts: http://fanaticstudios.weebly.com

Just played it for the first time, absolutely love it! The only thing that might be improved on is that Skull Spiders attack a bit too early in the game IMO... The first one took me a bit by surprise! ;) Or at least implement a day/night feature to have them come out only at night...

Posted (edited)

I reached Chapter II, and I'm definitely enjoying it.

-I keep losing the Fire sword and can't find it again, what causes it to spawn? I lose it when I fall in lava.

-Speaking of lava, finding the Earth region was difficult. Fun, but difficult.

-Also, I've been trying to navigate the Earth region, and it took five minutes to find the Turaga-like Protector.

I like it so far. Could you consider changing the main Protector's mask to light blue and his hands as well, please? (I didn't realize you could switch between Protectors.)

Edited by Starrocks923

I'm currently stuck in the Earth region, will there be another walkthrough? Also, some in game hints on where to go would be nice, seeing as I have a bad habit of getting lost and/or stuck.


I reached Chapter II, and I'm definitely enjoying it.

-I keep losing the Fire sword and can't find it again, what causes it to spawn? I lose it when I fall in lava.

-Speaking of lava, finding the Earth region was difficult. Fun, but difficult.

-Also, I've been trying to navigate the Earth region, and it took five minutes to find the Turaga-like Protector.

I like it so far. Could you consider changing the main Protector's mask to light blue and his hands as well, please? (I didn't realize you could switch between Protectors.)

Hi Starrocks!

The fire sword spawns when the fire village level is loaded: If you die and lose it, just walk to the beach and back again and it will have respawned. Of course, that means the Skull Spiders you've defeated will also be back, but hey I'm an idiot.P] I'm an idiot.P]

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it [:)]

I'm currently stuck in the Earth region, will there be another walkthrough? Also, some in game hints on where to go would be nice, seeing as I have a bad habit of getting lost and/or stuck.

A walkthrough for the Earth Region will hopefully be up soon. I'm trying to concentrate on releasing the next chapter, as I'm shortening the release date by a month I'm a happy blockhead.

Posted (edited)

I was about three days from completing Chapter III. Then my MacBook pro went AWOL. Again. And this time it isn't coming back from the dead. I can get the OOG files from it, but I'm now sharing a crummy Mac with my bro. So I need a new computer. And for that I need to work.

So, what I'm saying is, unless anyone wants to fund/donate or whatever, I'm gonna have to put OOG on the sideline and get an actual paying job until I can get a proper computer. So, yeah. If you want to see the project continue, leave a comment here and I'll PM you or something. In the meantime, don't get your hopes up for OOG coming back soon, because good computers are expensive these days...

Not that anyone here cares I can't control my tongue.

Edited by bionicle_fanatic

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