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As the Decamon Tournament officially starts, you find out what cup you have been assigned to, and who is your first opponent. Now it is up to a coin toss which one of you goes first and plays a card from their hand.

Note: If you have more than five cards in your deck, please choose five to play with at the beginning of each match.


Jeaux2.jpgJeaux Elmfyre (joeshmoe554)

Decamon Deck: Yeti (Icy 4), Polar Bear (Icy 5), Genie (Ethereal 6), Sphinx (Ethereal 7), Storm Elemental (Electric 7)


heroicadt-mariel2.jpgMariel (NPC)

Mariel starts! Mariel plays Shy Shell (Aquatic 2)!

picture_8_inventory.pngJohon (Bricksandparts)

Decamon Deck: Rafflesia (Plant 8), Reaper (Dark 8), Sun Elemental (Fiery 8), Green Dragon (Flying 8), Star Elemental (Ethereal 8)


heroicadt-mumbasa.jpgMumbasa (NPC)

Mumbasa starts! Mumbasa plays Glow Worm (Luminous 1)!

8878153168_75444a509d_t.jpgKarie Alderflask (Kintobor)

Decamon Deck: Simsalamander (Fiery 2), Sylph (Electric 3), Yeti (Icy 4), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Sphinx (Ethereal 7)


heroicadt-pepestunkent.jpgPepe Stunkent (NPC)

Pepe Stunkent starts! Pepe plays Toxic Toad (Plant 1)!

lindwhispererv.jpgLind Whisperer (Lind Whisperer)

Decamon Deck: Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Scarab (Rock 1)


heroicadt-porcelaine.jpgPorcelaine (NPC)

Porcelaine starts! Porcelaine plays Mud Frog (Rock 2)!

15776593006_d5e8922489_o.pngMatthias (StickFig)

Decamon Deck: Scarab (Rock 1), Mud Frog (Rock 2), Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), Gargoyle (Rock 4), Shedu (Rock 5)


heroicadt-robinahooter.jpgRobina Hooter (NPC)

Robina Hooter starts! Robina Hooter plays Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1)!

paladin_pretzel_2.jpgMonk Pretzel (Palathadric)

Decamon Deck: Mud Frog (Rock 2), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Electriphant (Electric 6), Dryad (Plant 6), Woodwose (Plant 7)


heroicadt-scaro.jpgScaro (NPC)

Scaro starts! Scaro plays Scarab (Rock 1)!

a126cabc798a9ad470820a8d617b5d8c.pngMortimer "Em" Mahzan (emjajoas)

Decamon Deck: Aepyornis (Flying 4), Shedu (Rock 5), Lich (Dark 6), Pterodactyl (Flying 7), Stone Golem (Rock 8)


heroicadt-scheherazade.jpgScheherazade (NPC)

Scheherazade starts! Scheherazade plays Sylph (Electric 3)!

Mizuki_Fancy_Ava2.jpgMizuki Kimura (Zakura)

Decamon Deck: Wight (Dark 4), Shedu (Rock 5), Genie (Ethereal 6), Arachnophobia (Dark 7), Rafflesia (Plant 8)


heroicadt-schuester.jpgSchuester (NPC)

Mizuki starts!

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Matthias plays Mud Frog (Rock 2) and collects the Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1).

He starts to lead with a high card, but fear gets to the tiny gnome so he plays Scarab (Rock 1) to start the second round.


Lind Whisperer (Lind Whisperer)

Decamon Deck: Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Scarab (Rock 1)

Porcelaine starts! Porcelaine plays Mud Frog (Rock 2)!

Lind responds with his Tweetybird (Flying 1), trumping the Rock 2.

Feeling a flicker of hope, for the second round, Lind plays a Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1).


The first cards are played, and the Tournament is on the way!


Jeaux plays Yeti (Icy 4) in answer to Mariel's card.


Jeaux wins and goes next! He plays Genie (Ethereal 6)!


"Hmm... Can I ask you, how do you kiss without a face?" Mariel pulls out Sybaris (Fiery 7)!


Mariel wins! It is her turn next, and she plays another Shy Shell (Aquatic 2)!


"They make a nice pair, don't they?" Mariel asks with a wink.

Jeaux2.jpgJeaux Elmfyre (joeshmoe554)

Decamon Deck: Yeti (Icy 4), Polar Bear (Icy 5), Genie (Ethereal 6), Sphinx (Ethereal 7), Storm Elemental (Electric 7)

Cards played: Yeti (Icy 4), Genie (Ethereal 6),


heroicadt-mariel2.jpgMariel (NPC)

Cards played: Shy Shell (Aquatic 2), Sybaris (Fiery 7), Shy Shell (Aquatic 2),


Johon uses Rafflesia (Plant 8) against Mumbasa's card.


Johon wins! He goes next and plays Star Elemental (Ethereal 8)!


"Hrrm, you make a worthy opponent." Mumbasa answers with Sphinx (Ethereal 7)!


Johon wins! Mumbasa goes next and plays Jun-Chi (Luminous 7)!

picture_8_inventory.pngJohon (Bricksandparts)

Decamon Deck: Rafflesia (Plant 8), Reaper (Dark 8), Sun Elemental (Fiery 8), Green Dragon (Flying 8), Star Elemental (Ethereal 8)

Cards played: Rafflesia (Plant 8), Star Elemental (Ethereal 8),


heroicadt-mumbasa.jpgMumbasa (NPC)

Cards played: Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Sphinx (Ethereal 7), Jun-Chi (Luminous 7),


Karie places her Sylph (Electric 3) down in response to Pepe's Toxic Toad (Plant 1)!


Karie wins! She goes next and plays Simsalamander (Fiery 3)!


"So we meet again on the battlefield, Miss Alderflask! Too bad we are on the opposing sides this time." Pepe plays Golden Scorpion (Luminous 2)!


Pepe wins! He plays Simsalamander (Fiery 3) next!

8878153168_75444a509d_t.jpgKarie Alderflask (Kintobor)

Decamon Deck: Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Sylph (Electric 3), Yeti (Icy 4), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Sphinx (Ethereal 7)

Cards played: Sylph (Electric 3), Simsalamander (Fiery 3),


heroicadt-pepestunkent.jpgPepe Stunkent (NPC)

Cards played: Toxic Toad (Plant 1), Golden Scorpion (Luminous 2), Simsalamander (Fiery 3),


Lind responds with his Tweetybird (Flying 1)!


Lind wins! He plays Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1) next!


"You started mud wrestling with the wrong sow!" Porcelaine picks Aquaphant (Aquatic 6)!


Porcelaine wins! She chooses to play another Mud Frog (Rock 2) next!

lindwhispererv.jpgLind Whisperer (Lind Whisperer)

Decamon Deck: Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Scarab (Rock 1)

Cards played: Tweetybird (Flying 1), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1),


heroicadt-porcelaine.jpgPorcelaine (NPC)

Cards played: Mud Frog (Rock 2), Aquaphant (Aquatic 6), Mud Frog (Rock 2)


Matthias plays Mud Frog (Rock 2) against Robina Hooter!


Matthias wins! He is next in turn and places Scarab (Rock 1) on the table.


"I usually take from the rich and give to the poor, but this time I won't feel any sympathy!" Robina Hooter answers with Dryad (Plant 6)!


Robina wins! She goes next and plays another Dryad (Plant 6)!

15776593006_d5e8922489_o.pngMatthias (StickFig)

Decamon Deck: Scarab (Rock 1), Mud Frog (Rock 2), Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), Gargoyle (Rock 4), Shedu (Rock 5)

Cards played: Mud Frog (Rock 2), Scarab (Rock 1),


heroicadt-robinahooter.jpgRobina Hooter (NPC)

Cards played: Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Dryad (Plant 6), Dryad (Plant 6)


Monk Pretzel lays out his Sandman (Ethereal 4) before his opponent.


Monk Pretzel wins! He goes next and plays Mud Frog (Rock 2)!


"We will fight to death! ... Or at least until we run out of cards." Scaro plays Dune Ghoul (Rock 3)!


Scaro wins! Scaro plays Shedu (Rock 5) next!

paladin_pretzel_2.jpgMonk Pretzel (Palathadric)

Decamon Deck: Mud Frog (Rock 2), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Electriphant (Electric 6), Dryad (Plant 6), Woodwose (Plant 7)

Cards played: Sandman (Ethereal 4), Mud Frog (Rock 2),


heroicadt-scaro.jpgScaro (NPC)

Cards played: Scarab (Rock 1), Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), Shedu (Rock 5),


Em plays Shedu (Rock 5)!



"Not going to cut me any slack, are you? After all the drinks I've poured you." Em wins! He follows with Aepyornis (Flying 4)! Scheherazade plays Mindflayer (Ethereal 5) against it!


Scheherazade wins! She plays Gargoyle (Rock 4) next!

a126cabc798a9ad470820a8d617b5d8c.pngMortimer "Em" Mahzan (emjajoas)

Decamon Deck: Aepyornis (Flying 4), Shedu (Rock 5), Lich (Dark 6), Pterodactyl (Flying 7), Stone Golem (Rock 8)

Cards played: Shedu (Rock 5), Aepyornis (Flying 4),


heroicadt-scheherazade.jpgScheherazade (NPC)

Cards played: Sylph (Electric 3), Mindflayer (Ethereal 5), Gargoyle (Rock 4)


Mizuki plays her Genie (Ethereal 6) to be cautious.


"Sssshhhfffeeenkkhssshhh!" Schuester plays Sphinx (Ethereal 7)!


Schuester wins!


"Ssshhaaessshheeelll!" It goes next and plays Shy Shell (Aquatic 2)!

Mizuki_Fancy_Ava2.jpgMizuki Kimura (Zakura)

Decamon Deck: Wight (Dark 4), Shedu (Rock 5), Genie (Ethereal 6), Arachnophobia (Dark 7), Rafflesia (Plant 8)

Cards played: Genie (Ethereal 6),


heroicadt-schuester.jpgSchuester (NPC)

Cards played: Sphinx (Ethereal 7), Shy Shell (Aquatic 2),


"Afraid not, Scheherazade," Em frowns. "I'll find another way to thank you for the drinks."

Mortimer then lays down Pterodactyl (Flying 7), winning the round, and leads with Lich (Dark 6) during the next round.


OOC: Since when did Karie play a Sphinx? She played a Sylph? :look: Also, you had the Simsalamander in my inventory as a 2, not a 3. Is this tournament rigged? :sarcasm:

Karie simply coughs at the cowardly skunk before placing her Sandman (Ethereal 4) on the playing field, taking his Simsalamander (3 Fiery.)

"I'll be taking my fiery lizard thing back, please and thank you."

She then places her Yeti (4 Icy) on the table.


Porcelaine wins! She chooses to play another Mud Frog (Rock 2) next!

Lind Whisperer (Lind Whisperer)

Decamon Deck: Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Scarab (Rock 1)

Cards played: Tweetybird (Flying 1), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1),


Porcelaine (NPC)

Cards played: Mud Frog (Rock 2), Aquaphant (Aquatic 6), Mud Frog (Rock 2)

"Ah, well - win some, lose some. Scuttle off, my small friend."

Lind plays and loses his Scarab (Rock 1).

"A last brief flicker, before the game is done."

Lind plays his Glowworm (Luminous 1).


Posted (edited)

Green Dragon

Sun Elemental

Below is the last card I am forced to play, however I have spoilered it so that it dos not subconsciously affect your choice. I'm not calling you a cheater by any means, but humans are terrible at creating randomness, and realistically the opponent isn't supposed to know what our hands are.


Edited by Bricksandparts

Note: The next round of matches is posted when all the current ones have concluded.


Jeaux plays the Storm Elemental (Electric 7)!


Jeaux wins! He plays Sphinx (Ethereal 7) next!


"Aww, you're no fun!" Mariel plays Sylph (Electric 3)!


Jeaux wins again! The last cards are laid out, and it is Mariel's Dryad (Plant 6) versus Jeaux's Polar Bear (Icy 5)!



"Hmpf! I guess it's back to waiting tables for me, then..." Jeaux wins the final round!

Jeaux2.jpgJeaux Elmfyre (joeshmoe554)

Decamon Deck: Yeti (Icy 4), Polar Bear (Icy 5), Genie (Ethereal 6), Sphinx (Ethereal 7), Storm Elemental (Electric 7)

Cards played: Yeti (Icy 4), Genie (Ethereal 6), Storm Elemental (Electric 7), Sphinx (Ethereal 7), Polar Bear (Icy 5)


heroicadt-mariel2.jpgMariel (NPC)

Cards played: Shy Shell (Aquatic 2), Sybaris (Fiery 7), Shy Shell (Aquatic 2), Sylph (Electric 3), Dryad (Plant 6)

Jeaux wins the match and moves on! Mariel is eliminated!

Jeaux2.jpgJeaux Elmfyre (joeshmoe554) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: 2x Shy Shell (Aquatic 2), Sylph (Electric 3), Yeti (Icy 4), Polar Bear (Icy 5), Dryad (Plant 6), Sphinx (Ethereal 7), Storm Elemental (Electric 7)

heroicadt-mariel2.jpgMariel (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Genie (Ethereal 6), Sybaris (Fiery 7)


Johon answers with Green Dragon (Flying 8)!


Johon wins yet again! He plays Sun Elemental (Fiery 8) next!


"Grr, it looks this is my Waterloo." Mumbasa plays Cheshire Cat (Ethereal 3)!


Johon is on a winning streak! The last cards are played. Mumbasa places Tygurah (Electric 7) on the table, while Johon plays Reaper (Dark 8)!



"I raise the white flag and admit defeat." Johon wins this round as well!

picture_8_inventory.pngJohon (Bricksandparts)

Decamon Deck: Rafflesia (Plant 8), Reaper (Dark 8), Sun Elemental (Fiery 8), Green Dragon (Flying 8), Star Elemental (Ethereal 8)

Cards played: Rafflesia (Plant 8), Star Elemental (Ethereal 8), Green Dragon (Flying 8), Sun Elemental (Fiery 8), Reaper (Dark 8)


heroicadt-mumbasa.jpgMumbasa (NPC)

Cards played: Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Sphinx (Ethereal 7), Jun-Chi (Luminous 7), Cheshire Cat (Ethereal 3), Tygurah (Electric 7)

Johon wins the match and moves on! Mumbasa is eliminated!

picture_8_inventory.pngJohon (Bricksandparts) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Cheshire Cat (Ethereal 3), Sphinx (Ethereal 7), Jun-Chi (Luminous 7), Tygurah (Electric 7), Rafflesia (Plant 8), Reaper (Dark 8), Sun Elemental (Fiery 8), Green Dragon (Flying 8), Star Elemental (Ethereal 8)

heroicadt-mumbasa.jpgMumbasa (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck:


Karie simply coughs at the cowardly skunk before placing her Sandman (Ethereal 4) on the playing field.



"Eep! I didn't mean to make you angry, Miss Alderflask!" Karie wins! She goes next and plays Yeti (Icy 4)! Pepe answers with Flamboa (Fiery 5)!


Pepe wins in turn! He plays his last card, Wight (Dark 4)! Karie's last card is Sphinx (Ethereal 7)!



"Ugh, I'll just go hide in a closet somewhere now..." Karie wins the last round!

8878153168_75444a509d_t.jpgKarie Alderflask (Kintobor)

Decamon Deck: Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Sylph (Electric 3), Yeti (Icy 4), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Sphinx (Ethereal 7)

Cards played: Sylph (Electric 3), Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Yeti (Icy 4), Sphinx (Ethereal 7)


heroicadt-pepestunkent.jpgPepe Stunkent (NPC)

Cards played: Toxic Toad (Plant 1), Golden Scorpion (Luminous 2), Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Flamboa (Fiery 5), Wight (Dark 4)

Karie wins the match and moves on! Pepe Stunkent is eliminated!

8878153168_75444a509d_t.jpgKarie Alderflask (Kintobor) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Toxic Toad (Plant 1), Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Sylph (Electric 3), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Wight (Dark 4), Sphinx (Ethereal 7)

heroicadt-pepestunkent.jpgPepe Stunkent (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Golden Scorpion (Luminous 2), Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Yeti (Icy 4), Flamboa (Fiery 5)


Lind plays Scarab (Rock 1) in response to Porcelaine's card!


Porcelaine wins! Lind plays Glow Worm (Luminous 1) next!


"A card fitting to a maggot like you! Oiiink!" Porcelaine plays Electriphant (Electric 6)!


Porcelaine wins again! The last cards are played. It is Porcelaine's Igniphant (Fiery 6) against Lind's Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1)!



"I don't mean to be rude, but I just porked you good!" Porcelaine wins the last round as well!

lindwhispererv.jpgLind Whisperer (Lind Whisperer)

Decamon Deck: Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Scarab (Rock 1)

Cards played: Tweetybird (Flying 1), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Scarab (Rock 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1)


heroicadt-porcelaine.jpgPorcelaine (NPC)

Cards played: Mud Frog (Rock 2), Aquaphant (Aquatic 6), Mud Frog (Rock 2), Electriphant (Electric 6), Igniphant (Fiery 6)

Porcelaine wins the match and moves on! Lind Whisperer is eliminated!

lindwhispererv.jpgLind Whisperer (Lind Whisperer) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Tweetybird (Flying 1), Mud Frog (Rock 2)

heroicadt-porcelaine.jpgPorcelaine (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Scarab (Rock 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Mud Frog (Rock 2), Aquaphant (Aquatic 6), Electriphant (Electric 6), Igniphant (Fiery 6)


Matthias winces and plays his Dune Ghoul (Rock 3)!


Robina Hooter wins again! Matthias goes next and plays Shedu (Rock 5)!


"I've got my girls by my side." Robina plays another Dryad (Plant 6)!


Robina wins this round as well! The last cards are then played. Robina puts down White Widow (Icy 3) and Matthias plays his Gargoyle (Rock 4)!



"You made a comeback, gnome! Too bad it isn't enough to take down the leader of the Merry Women." Matthias wins the last round!

15776593006_d5e8922489_o.pngMatthias (StickFig)

Decamon Deck: Scarab (Rock 1), Mud Frog (Rock 2), Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), Gargoyle (Rock 4), Shedu (Rock 5)

Cards played: Mud Frog (Rock 2), Scarab (Rock 1), Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), Shedu (Rock 5), Gargoyle (Rock 4)


heroicadt-robinahooter.jpgRobina Hooter (NPC)

Cards played: Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Dryad (Plant 6), Dryad (Plant 6), Dryad (Plant 6), White Widow (Icy 3)

Robina Hooter wins the match and moves on! Matthias is eliminated!

15776593006_d5e8922489_o.pngMatthias (StickFig) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Mud Frog (Rock 2), White Widow (Icy 3), Gargoyle (Rock 4)

heroicadt-robinahooter.jpgRobina Hooter (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Scarab (Rock 1), Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), Shedu (Rock 5), Dryad (Plant 6), Dryad (Plant 6), Dryad (Plant 6)


Monk Pretzel answers Scaro's card with Woodwose (Plant 7)!


Monk Pretzel wins! He plays Dryad (Plant 6) next!


"Grrauh! My rock cards are powerless against your plants!" Scaro plays Scarab (Rock 1)!


Monk Pretzel wins again! It is time to play the last cards! Scaro plays Sand Devil (Rock 7) while Monk Pretzel has Electriphant (Electric 6) left!



"Hyenamen always get the last bite!" Scaro wins the final round!

paladin_pretzel_2.jpgMonk Pretzel (Palathadric)

Decamon Deck: Mud Frog (Rock 2), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Electriphant (Electric 6), Dryad (Plant 6), Woodwose (Plant 7)

Cards played: Sandman (Ethereal 4), Mud Frog (Rock 2), Woodwose (Plant 7), Dryad (Plant 6), Electriphant (Electric 6)


heroicadt-scaro.jpgScaro (NPC)

Cards played: Scarab (Rock 1), Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), Shedu (Rock 5), Scarab (Rock 1), Sand Devil (Rock 7)

Monk Pretzel wins the match and moves on! Scaro is eliminated!

paladin_pretzel_2.jpgMonk Pretzel (Palathadric) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: 2x Scarab (Rock 1), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Shedu (Rock 5), Dryad (Plant 6), Woodwose (Plant 7)

heroicadt-scaro.jpgScaro (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Mud Frog (Rock 2), Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), Electriphant (Electric 6), Sand Devil (Rock 7)



"No mercy for the old matron, eh?" Mortimer lays down Pterodactyl (Flying 7)!


Em wins! He leads with Lich (Dark 6) for the next round! Scheherazade answers with Storm Elemental (Electric 8)!


Scheherazade wins! She puts down her last card, Scarab (Rock 1)! Em's remaining card is Stone Golem (Rock 8)!



"That was a close one! Hmm... I'll make you a warm meal next time you pop to the Saloon, as thanks for this game." Em wins the last round!

a126cabc798a9ad470820a8d617b5d8c.pngMortimer "Em" Mahzan (emjajoas)

Decamon Deck: Aepyornis (Flying 4), Shedu (Rock 5), Lich (Dark 6), Pterodactyl (Flying 7), Stone Golem (Rock 8)

Cards played: Shedu (Rock 5), Aepyornis (Flying 4), Pterodactyl (Flying 7), Lich (Dark 6), Stone Golem (Rock 8)


heroicadt-scheherazade.jpgScheherazade (NPC)

Cards played: Sylph (Electric 3), Mindflayer (Ethereal 5), Gargoyle (Rock 4), Storm Elemental (Electric 8), Scarab (Rock 1)

Em wins the match and moves on! Scheherazade is eliminated!

a126cabc798a9ad470820a8d617b5d8c.pngMortimer "Em" Mahzan (emjajoas) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Scarab (Rock 1), Sylph (Electric 3), Gargoyle (Rock 4), Shedu (Rock 5), Pterodactyl (Flying 7), Stone Golem (Rock 8)

heroicadt-scheherazade.jpgScheherazade (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Aepyornis (Flying 4), Mindflayer (Ethereal 5), Lich (Dark 6), Storm Elemental (Electric 8)


Mizuki sighed and tossed down her Wight (Dark 4)!


Mizuki wins! She goes next and plays Arachnophobia (Dark 7)!


"Ssschhuuucccuuubbhuusssshhh!!!" Schuester plays Succubus (Fiery 4)!


Schuester wins!


"Sshhhaahahuuugghiiinn!" Schuester plays Sahuagin (Aquatic 5) next!

Mizuki_Fancy_Ava2.jpgMizuki Kimura (Zakura)

Decamon Deck: Wight (Dark 4), Shedu (Rock 5), Genie (Ethereal 6), Arachnophobia (Dark 7), Rafflesia (Plant 8)

Cards played: Genie (Ethereal 6), Wight (Dark 4), Arachnophobia (Dark 7),


heroicadt-schuester.jpgSchuester (NPC)

Cards played: Sphinx (Ethereal 7), Shy Shell (Aquatic 2), Succubus (Fiery 4), Sahuagin (Aquatic 5)


Johon shakes hands with his opponent before taking his opponent's entire hand.

"Another time, another place, perhaps." He says, leaving the table and deciding his next hand before sitting down across from Jeaux.

"Hello, friend. Ready?"


Note: If Zakura doesn't post by tomorrow, he will be automatically eliminated from the Tournament.

I'm tired of people signing into things they don't commit to...

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