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Note: The second round of matches will be posted tomorrow!


15622016117_ba91eaa5d2_t.jpgNerwen Calmcacil (Chromeknight) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: 3x Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Thunderbird (Electric 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Electriphant (Electric 6), Lich (Dark 6), Storm Elemental (Electric 8)

heroicadt-senorcalacas.jpgSeñor Calacas (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Tygurah (Electric 7), Reaper (Dark 8)


15605732077_bd60270f70_t.jpgPurpearl Berthadhiell (Purpearljellyblob) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Scarab (Rock 1), Barghest (Electric 2), Automaton (Electric 5)

heroicadt-shampoo.jpgSham Poo (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Magic Carp (Aquatic 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Sylph (Electric 3), Tygurah (Electric 7)


Note: You already played both of your Stone Golems, so you will have to play your Rafflesia now. You would've won either way.

Sorrow plays a second Rafflesia (Plant 8)!


Sorrow wins again! The last cards are revealed next! Sorrow has Moon Elemental (Icy 8) while Shaun has a second Dune Ghoul (Rock 3)!



"Iii haaavf nootheengh leeeftth..." Sorrow wins the whole shebang!

ava-sorrow.jpgSorrow (Endgame)

Decamon Deck: Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8), 2x Stone Golem (Rock 8), Rafflesia (Plant 8)

Cards played: Stone Golem (Rock 8), Stone Golem (Rock 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8), Rafflesia (Plant 8), Moon Elemental (Icy 8)


heroicadt-shaun2.jpgShaun (NPC)

Cards played: Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), Flesh Golem (Dark 3), Flesh Golem (Dark 3), Cherub (Luminous 3), Dune Ghoul (Rock 3)

Sorrow wins the match and moves on! Shaun is eliminated!

ava-sorrow.jpgSorrow (Endgame) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: 2x Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), 2x Flesh Golem (Dark 3), Cherub (Luminous 3), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8), 2x Stone Golem (Rock 8), Rafflesia (Plant 8)

heroicadt-shaun2.jpgShaun (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck:


1aa.jpgThalion Dwinlas (-obelix-) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Brains-in-a-Jar (Ethereal 2), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Pegasus (Luminous 8), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Carcinos (Aquatic 8), Reaper (Dark 8)

heroicadt-sirloin.jpgSir Loin (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Shedu (Rock 5), Storm Elemental (Electric 8)


7928526094_0c2174ef6b_t.jpgThormanil Nihai (swils) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Scarab (Rock 1)

heroicadt-skuld.jpgSküld Verdandi (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Firefly (Fiery 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Cherub (Luminous 3), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Aepyornis (Flying 4), Unicorn (Luminous 5), Igniphant (Fiery 6), Pegasus (Luminous 8)


15481004935_2a2eb11453_s.jpgThrolar Wineghilm (Lord Duvors) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Magic Carp (Aquatic 1), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Toxic Toad (Plant 1), Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Specter (Icy 2)

heroicadt-squidraken.jpgSquidraken (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Demon Ray (Aquatic 3), Wight (Dark 4), Mindflayer (Ethereal 5), Siren (Flying 5)


face10.jpgVindsval Half-Born (Asphalt) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Magic Carp (Aquatic 1), Cherub (Luminous 3)

heroicadt-teresa.jpgTeresa (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Craven (Flying 2), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Hippogriff (Flying 6)


Warlen_ava.pngWarlen Melimane (The Chosen Minifigure) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Tweetybird (Flying 1), Golden Scorpion (Luminous 2), Unicorn (Luminous 5)

heroicadt-victoriavries.jpgVictoria Vries (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Death's Rose (Plant 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Automaton (Electric 5), Automaton (Electric 5), Siren (Flying 5)

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Note: Please choose five cards from your deck to play with before posting! To prevent cheating in player vs. player matches, please send me your hand via PM! It is not necessary if you're playing against an NPC.

In PvP matches, it is possible for the contestants to post the matches themselves, without my interference. I will only check the end result and officially announce the winner.


Half of the contestants in the cup were eliminated, and now it was time for the winners of the first round to match against each other!


Nerwen faces Sham Poo in a duel! Nerwen starts!


"You look like you've been around almost as much as I have. Wanderer to wanderer, let's have a good match!"

15622016117_ba91eaa5d2_t.jpgNerwen Calmcacil (Chromeknight)

Decamon Deck: 3x Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Thunderbird (Electric 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Electriphant (Electric 6), Lich (Dark 6), Storm Elemental (Electric 8)

Cards played:


heroicadt-shampoo.jpgSham Poo (NPC)

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Magic Carp (Aquatic 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Sylph (Electric 3), Tygurah (Electric 7)

Cards played:


Sorrow meets Thalion Dwinlas in a match! Sorrow starts!

ava-sorrow.jpgSorrow (Endgame)

Decamon Deck: 2x Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), 2x Flesh Golem (Dark 3), Cherub (Luminous 3), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8), 2x Stone Golem (Rock 8), Rafflesia (Plant 8)

Cards played:


1aa.jpgThalion Dwinlas (-obelix-)

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Brains-in-a-Jar (Ethereal 2), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Pegasus (Luminous 8), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Carcinos (Aquatic 8), Reaper (Dark 8)

Cards played:


Sküld and Squidraken had a match against each other! Squidraken started!

heroicadt-skuld.jpgSküld Verdandi (NPC)

Decamon Deck: Firefly (Fiery 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Cherub (Luminous 3), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Aepyornis (Flying 4), Unicorn (Luminous 5), Igniphant (Fiery 6), Pegasus (Luminous 8)

Cards played: Igniphant (Fiery 6), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Unicorn (Luminous 5), Aepyornis (Flying 4), Pegasus (Luminous 8)


heroicadt-squidraken.jpgSquidraken (NPC)

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Demon Ray (Aquatic 3), Wight (Dark 4), Mindflayer (Ethereal 5), Siren (Flying 5)

Cards played: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Demon Ray (Aquatic 3), Wight (Dark 4), Siren (Flying 5), Mindflayer (Ethereal 5)

Sküld Verdandi wins the match and moves on! Squidraken is eliminated!

heroicadt-skuld.jpgSküld Verdandi (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Firefly (Fiery 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Cherub (Luminous 3), Wight (Dark 4), Unicorn (Luminous 5), Siren (Flying 5), Igniphant (Fiery 6), Pegasus (Luminous 8)

heroicadt-squidraken.jpgSquidraken (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Demon Ray (Aquatic 3), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Aepyornis (Flying 4), Mindflayer (Ethereal 5)


The two blondes, Teresa and Victoria, met in a match! Teresa started!

heroicadt-teresa.jpgTeresa (NPC)

Decamon Deck: Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Craven (Flying 2), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Hippogriff (Flying 6)

Cards played: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Hippogriff (Flying 6), Craven (Flying 2), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Holy Cow (Luminous 4)


heroicadt-victoriavries.jpgVictoria Vries (NPC)

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Death's Rose (Plant 4), 3x Automaton (Electric 5), Siren (Flying 5)

Cards played: Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Death's Rose (Plant 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Automaton (Electric 5), Siren (Flying 5)

Victoria Vries wins the match and moves on! Teresa is eliminated!

heroicadt-teresa.jpgTeresa (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Death's Rose (Plant 4), Hippogriff (Flying 6)

heroicadt-victoriavries.jpgVictoria Vries (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Craven (Flying 2), Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Automaton (Electric 5), Automaton (Electric 5), Siren (Flying 5)



Nerwen begins with her Thunderbird (Electric 4).Sham Poo is forced to play his Tygurah (Electric 7)!


Sham Poo wins! He goes next and plays Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1)!

15622016117_ba91eaa5d2_t.jpgNerwen Calmcacil (Chromeknight)

Decamon Deck: 3x Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Thunderbird (Electric 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Electriphant (Electric 6), Lich (Dark 6), Storm Elemental (Electric 8)

Cards played: Thunderbird (Electric 4),


heroicadt-shampoo.jpgSham Poo (NPC)

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Magic Carp (Aquatic 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Sylph (Electric 3), Tygurah (Electric 7)

Cards played: Tygurah (Electric 7), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1),


Sorrow places down a Flesh Golem (Dark 3) ! It is Thalion's turn to respond!

ava-sorrow.jpgSorrow (Endgame)

Decamon Deck: 2x Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), 2x Flesh Golem (Dark 3), Cherub (Luminous 3), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8), 2x Stone Golem (Rock 8), Rafflesia (Plant 8)

Cards played: Flesh Golem (Dark 3),


1aa.jpgThalion Dwinlas (-obelix-)

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Brains-in-a-Jar (Ethereal 2), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Pegasus (Luminous 8), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Carcinos (Aquatic 8), Reaper (Dark 8)

Cards played:


heroicadt-skuld.jpgSküld Verdandi (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Firefly (Fiery 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Cherub (Luminous 3), Wight (Dark 4), Unicorn (Luminous 5), Siren (Flying 5), Igniphant (Fiery 6), Pegasus (Luminous 8)

heroicadt-squidraken.jpgSquidraken (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Demon Ray (Aquatic 3), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Aepyornis (Flying 4), Mindflayer (Ethereal 5)


heroicadt-teresa.jpgTeresa (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Death's Rose (Plant 4), Hippogriff (Flying 6)

heroicadt-victoriavries.jpgVictoria Vries (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Craven (Flying 2), Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Automaton (Electric 5), Automaton (Electric 5), Siren (Flying 5)



Nerwen continues with Automaton (Electric 5)!


Nerwen wins! She goes next and plays Electriphant (Electric 6)!


"Eeh, this is getting exciting!" Sham Poo answers with Tweetybird (Flying 1)!


Nerwen wins again! Sham Poo goes next and plays Volt Ant (Electric 1)!

15622016117_ba91eaa5d2_t.jpgNerwen Calmcacil (Chromeknight)

Decamon Deck: 3x Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Thunderbird (Electric 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Electriphant (Electric 6), Lich (Dark 6), Storm Elemental (Electric 8)

Cards played: Thunderbird (Electric 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Electriphant (Electric 6),


heroicadt-shampoo.jpgSham Poo (NPC)

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Magic Carp (Aquatic 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Sylph (Electric 3), Tygurah (Electric 7)

Cards played: Tygurah (Electric 7), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1),


Thalion responds with a Tweetybird (Flying 1)!


Sorrow wins! Thalion goes next and plays

Carcinos (Aquatic 8)!

ava-sorrow.jpgSorrow (Endgame)

Decamon Deck: 2x Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), 2x Flesh Golem (Dark 3), Cherub (Luminous 3), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8), 2x Stone Golem (Rock 8), Rafflesia (Plant 8)

Cards played: Flesh Golem (Dark 3),


1aa.jpgThalion Dwinlas (-obelix-)

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Brains-in-a-Jar (Ethereal 2), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Pegasus (Luminous 8), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Carcinos (Aquatic 8), Reaper (Dark 8)

Cards played: Tweetybird (Flying 1), Carcinos (Aquatic 8),


heroicadt-skuld.jpgSküld Verdandi (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Firefly (Fiery 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Cherub (Luminous 3), Wight (Dark 4), Unicorn (Luminous 5), Siren (Flying 5), Igniphant (Fiery 6), Pegasus (Luminous 8)

heroicadt-squidraken.jpgSquidraken (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Demon Ray (Aquatic 3), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Aepyornis (Flying 4), Mindflayer (Ethereal 5)


heroicadt-teresa.jpgTeresa (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Death's Rose (Plant 4), Hippogriff (Flying 6)

heroicadt-victoriavries.jpgVictoria Vries (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Craven (Flying 2), Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Automaton (Electric 5), Automaton (Electric 5), Siren (Flying 5)



Nerwen plays Lich (Dark 6)!


Nerwen wins again! The last cards are revealed! Nerwen has Storm Elemental (Electric 8) while Sham Poo has Sylph (Electric 3)!



"Nooo! Mother will give me a beating for losing!" Nerwen wins the final round!

15622016117_ba91eaa5d2_t.jpgNerwen Calmcacil (Chromeknight)

Decamon Deck: 3x Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Thunderbird (Electric 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Electriphant (Electric 6), Lich (Dark 6), Storm Elemental (Electric 8)

Cards played: Thunderbird (Electric 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Electriphant (Electric 6), Lich (Dark 6), Storm Elemental (Electric 8)


heroicadt-shampoo.jpgSham Poo (NPC)

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Magic Carp (Aquatic 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Sylph (Electric 3), Tygurah (Electric 7)

Cards played: Tygurah (Electric 7), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Sylph (Electric 3)

Nerwen Calmcacil wins the match and moves on! Sham Poo is eliminated!

15622016117_ba91eaa5d2_t.jpgNerwen Calmcacil (Chromeknight) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: 3x Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Sylph (Electric 3), Automaton (Electric 5), Electriphant (Electric 6), Lich (Dark 6), Storm Elemental (Electric 8)

heroicadt-shampoo.jpgSham Poo (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Magic Carp (Aquatic 1), Thunderbird (Electric 4), Tygurah (Electric 7)


Sorrow and Thalion continue their match! They get ties on the next two turns.

ava-sorrow.jpgSorrow (Endgame)

Decamon Deck: 2x Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), 2x Flesh Golem (Dark 3), Cherub (Luminous 3), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8), 2x Stone Golem (Rock 8), Rafflesia (Plant 8)

Cards played: Flesh Golem (Dark 3), Rafflesia (Plant 8), Stone Golem (Rock 8),


1aa.jpgThalion Dwinlas (-obelix-)

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Brains-in-a-Jar (Ethereal 2), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Pegasus (Luminous 8), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Carcinos (Aquatic 8), Reaper (Dark 8)

Cards played: Tweetybird (Flying 1), Carcinos (Aquatic 8), Reaper (Dark 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8),


heroicadt-skuld.jpgSküld Verdandi (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Firefly (Fiery 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Cherub (Luminous 3), Wight (Dark 4), Unicorn (Luminous 5), Siren (Flying 5), Igniphant (Fiery 6), Pegasus (Luminous 8)

heroicadt-squidraken.jpgSquidraken (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Demon Ray (Aquatic 3), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Aepyornis (Flying 4), Mindflayer (Ethereal 5)


heroicadt-teresa.jpgTeresa (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Death's Rose (Plant 4), Hippogriff (Flying 6)

heroicadt-victoriavries.jpgVictoria Vries (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Craven (Flying 2), Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Automaton (Electric 5), Automaton (Electric 5), Siren (Flying 5)


"It is." Thalion replies with a smile as he plays his own Moon Elemental. "Well played my friend!"

"I wish you the best of luck in the rest of the tournament!" He gives Sorrow a slight bow and departs.


Note: The third round of matches will be posted as soon as possible!


15622016117_ba91eaa5d2_t.jpgNerwen Calmcacil (Chromeknight) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: 3x Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Sylph (Electric 3), Automaton (Electric 5), Electriphant (Electric 6), Lich (Dark 6), Storm Elemental (Electric 8)

heroicadt-shampoo.jpgSham Poo (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Magic Carp (Aquatic 1), Thunderbird (Electric 4), Tygurah (Electric 7)


Sorrow and Thalion finish their even match!

ava-sorrow.jpgSorrow (Endgame)

Decamon Deck: 2x Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), 2x Flesh Golem (Dark 3), Cherub (Luminous 3), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8), 2x Stone Golem (Rock 8), Rafflesia (Plant 8)

Cards played: Flesh Golem (Dark 3), Rafflesia (Plant 8), Stone Golem (Rock 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8), Moon Elemental (Icy 8)


1aa.jpgThalion Dwinlas (-obelix-)

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Brains-in-a-Jar (Ethereal 2), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Pegasus (Luminous 8), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Carcinos (Aquatic 8), Reaper (Dark 8)

Cards played: Tweetybird (Flying 1), Carcinos (Aquatic 8), Reaper (Dark 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8), Moon Elemental (Icy 8)

Sorrow wins the match and moves on! Thalion Dwinlas is eliminated!

ava-sorrow.jpgSorrow (Endgame) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Tweetybird (Flying 1), 2x Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), 2x Flesh Golem (Dark 3), Cherub (Luminous 3), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8), 2x Stone Golem (Rock 8), Rafflesia (Plant 8)

1aa.jpgThalion Dwinlas (-obelix-) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Brains-in-a-Jar (Ethereal 2), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Pegasus (Luminous 8), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Carcinos (Aquatic 8), Reaper (Dark 8)


heroicadt-skuld.jpgSküld Verdandi (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Firefly (Fiery 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Cherub (Luminous 3), Wight (Dark 4), Unicorn (Luminous 5), Siren (Flying 5), Igniphant (Fiery 6), Pegasus (Luminous 8)

heroicadt-squidraken.jpgSquidraken (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Demon Ray (Aquatic 3), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Aepyornis (Flying 4), Mindflayer (Ethereal 5)


heroicadt-teresa.jpgTeresa (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Death's Rose (Plant 4), Hippogriff (Flying 6)

heroicadt-victoriavries.jpgVictoria Vries (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Craven (Flying 2), Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Sandman (Ethereal 4), 3x Automaton (Electric 5), Siren (Flying 5)



The penultimate round of matches is about to begin, with only four players in each cup remaining!


The other spot in the final match is decided between Nerwen Calmcacil and Sorrow! Nerwen starts the match!

15622016117_ba91eaa5d2_t.jpgNerwen Calmcacil (Chromeknight)

Decamon Deck: 3x Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Sylph (Electric 3), Automaton (Electric 5), Electriphant (Electric 6), Lich (Dark 6), Storm Elemental (Electric 8)

Cards played:


ava-sorrow.jpgSorrow (Endgame)

Decamon Deck: Tweetybird (Flying 1), 2x Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), 2x Flesh Golem (Dark 3), Cherub (Luminous 3), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8), 2x Stone Golem (Rock 8), Rafflesia (Plant 8)

Cards played:


Sküld Verdandi and Victoria Vries had a decisive match, which Sküld began!

heroicadt-skuld.jpgSküld Verdandi (NPC)

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Firefly (Fiery 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Cherub (Luminous 3), Wight (Dark 4), Unicorn (Luminous 5), Siren (Flying 5), Igniphant (Fiery 6), Pegasus (Luminous 8)

Cards played: Wight (Dark 4), Igniphant (Fiery 6), Pegasus (Luminous 8), Unicorn (Luminous 5), Siren (Flying 5)


heroicadt-victoriavries.jpgVictoria Vries (NPC)

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Craven (Flying 2), Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Sandman (Ethereal 4), 3x Automaton (Electric 5), Siren (Flying 5)

Cards played: Holy Cow (Luminous 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Siren (Flying 5)

Sküld Verdandi wins the match and moves on! Victoria Vries is eliminated!

heroicadt-skuld.jpgSküld Verdandi (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Firefly (Fiery 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Cherub (Luminous 3), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Unicorn (Luminous 5), Siren (Flying 5), Igniphant (Fiery 6), Pegasus (Luminous 8)

heroicadt-victoriavries.jpgVictoria Vries (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Craven (Flying 2), Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Wight (Dark 4), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), 2x Automaton (Electric 5), Siren (Flying 5)


I approach the Decamon table, and seeing my opponent, I hardly recognize you.

"Nerwen? Is that you? You look... Rather different."

I play a Stone Golem, trumping the squirrel, followed by a Pegasus.


It is me. I got in touch with my musical side. A refreshing change after the non elvish pursuits of shaman and paladin.

Nerwen ties using her Storm Elemental (Electric 8) then plays Tweetybird (Flying 1).


"I... See. i never thought of you as un-elf like but you certainly know your culture better than I do."

I play my Rafflesia, followed by my Moon Elemental. (Plant 8/Icy 8.)


QM Note: The final match will be posted momentarily!


Nerwen and Sorrow finish their match!

15622016117_ba91eaa5d2_t.jpgNerwen Calmcacil (Chromeknight)

Decamon Deck: 3x Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Sylph (Electric 3), Automaton (Electric 5), Electriphant (Electric 6), Lich (Dark 6), Storm Elemental (Electric 8)

Cards played: Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Storm Elemental (Electric 8), Tweetybird (Flying 1), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Lich (Dark 6)


ava-sorrow.jpgSorrow (Endgame)

Decamon Deck: Tweetybird (Flying 1), 2x Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), 2x Flesh Golem (Dark 3), Cherub (Luminous 3), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8), 2x Stone Golem (Rock 8), Rafflesia (Plant 8)

Cards played: Stone Golem (Rock 8), Pegasus (Luminous 8), Rafflesia (Plant 8), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Stone Golem (Rock 8)

Sorrow wins the match and moves on! Nerwen is eliminated!

15622016117_ba91eaa5d2_t.jpgNerwen Calmcacil (Chromeknight) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: 2x Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Volt Ant (Electric 1), Sylph (Electric 3), Automaton (Electric 5), Electriphant (Electric 6), Moon Elemental (Icy 8), Storm Elemental (Electric 8)

ava-sorrow.jpgSorrow (Endgame) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: 2x Tweetybird (Flying 1), Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), 2x Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), 2x Flesh Golem (Dark 3), Cherub (Luminous 3), Lich (Dark 6), Pegasus (Luminous 8), 2x Stone Golem (Rock 8), Rafflesia (Plant 8)


heroicadt-skuld.jpgSküld Verdandi (NPC) *MOVING ON!*

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Firefly (Fiery 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Cherub (Luminous 3), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Unicorn (Luminous 5), Siren (Flying 5), Igniphant (Fiery 6), Pegasus (Luminous 8)

heroicadt-victoriavries.jpgVictoria Vries (NPC) *ELIMINATED!*

Decamon Deck: Will-o'-the-Wisp (Fiery 1), Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Craven (Flying 2), Simsalamander (Fiery 3), Wight (Dark 4), Holy Cow (Luminous 4), 2x Automaton (Electric 5), Siren (Flying 5)



It is time for the decisive match of the Cerulean Cup! Sorrow faces Sküld Verdandi in the final match for the access to the Decamon Drafter job class and a place in the Championship Cup!

As both players choose their hand of five cards, the coin is tossed in the air. It decides that Sorrow begins the final match!


"You remind me of my best friend Shaun, sir. Let's have fun!"

ava-sorrow.jpgSorrow (Endgame)

Decamon Deck: 2x Tweetybird (Flying 1), Carrion Squirrel (Dark 1), 2x Dune Ghoul (Rock 3), 2x Flesh Golem (Dark 3), Cherub (Luminous 3), Lich (Dark 6), Pegasus (Luminous 8), 2x Stone Golem (Rock 8), Rafflesia (Plant 8)

Cards played:


heroicadt-skuld.jpgSküld Verdandi (NPC)

Decamon Deck: Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Firefly (Fiery 1), Glow Worm (Luminous 1), Ursa Minor (Ethereal 1), Cherub (Luminous 3), Sandman (Ethereal 4), Automaton (Electric 5), Unicorn (Luminous 5), Siren (Flying 5), Igniphant (Fiery 6), Pegasus (Luminous 8)

Cards played:

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