Opproperaar Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 The person above me (whose plan I so cleverly foiled :-P ) has not been replied to in the last six days.
andy_0306uk Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 The person above has noticed that this thread hasn't been posted too for 6 days (geez, he is so smart and I wish I was him) ;-)
Opproperaar Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 The person above me would be right in the last part of his last statement (the one above) everybody wants to be me :-P Gosh I love myself *wub*
ExoBuilder Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 The person above me is cool because he likes the Mario bros.
trooperdavinfelth Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 The person above me is in the prime of Citizenship(when I posted this)! Congrats! *y*
Lord Of Pies Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 (edited) The person above me has recently become a knight (in shining armour? X-D ) Edited October 30, 2007 by Lord Of Pies
andy_0306uk Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 The person above has a cool animated avatar of a pirate minifig
Opproperaar Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 I like ( *wub* :-$ ) the person above me and am trying to get him to be embarassed. This seemed to me the best way of making him so :-P
Lt. Col. Thok Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 The person above me is an avid shark fan and a patriotic Belgian.
Lt. Col. Thok Posted October 30, 2007 Posted October 30, 2007 The person above me thinks I'm a "commie" (communist??).
Opproperaar Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 The person above the person above me claims that the person above him, who is coincidentally also the person above me, is a communist, which in turn confuses the person above me as to why he'd say such a thing. This post by myself nonetheless, has in turn confused me. (?!?) Why am I here? 8-|
andy_0306uk Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 The person above me is often in a confused state - has my plan to confuse everyone finally infiltrated his superior mind? >:-) Oh - and - the person above tried to embarress me in an earlier post - more more more please X-D ;-)
trooperdavinfelth Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 The person above me wants to get embarassed-not a character trait popularly found in your everyday story character. :-D
Opproperaar Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 (edited) The person above me has solemnly stated a statement about the statement of the person above him. The statement which he (the person above me) stated something about is a statement which was stated after a statement of myself in which, at the time, I was trying to confuse and embarrass the person above me who is now the person above the person above me and who has stated in an official statement that I have a superiour mind which I concur with in the following statement. I, for one, second that motion. (the motion being the statement in which it was stated I have a superiour mind):-P Eat that! Edited October 31, 2007 by Hairy Ruben
trooperdavinfelth Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 :-D :-P Eaten! The person above me has stated a stately statement stated with the stately intention of instating a certain understanding of stately statements largely involving the stately state of using the stately word state and all of its statementary stately statelets. *y* ;-)
Opproperaar Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 (any resemblance between the following and any actual event be it in the past, present or future is purely coincidental.) Repeat after me I, Hairy Ruben, do solemnly swear, that the statement of the person above me which he stated so carefully as to appear stately to other persons whether they may or may not have already made statements in this thread in the past, present or future, in fact equals the square root of a stately statement divided by PI (3,1415...) and subsequently multiplied by the second power of my pure genius. I hope that by stating this solemn and above all OFFICIAL statement, I have made my past statements clear enough for other people, who may or may not have stated something in this thread in the past, present or future, and may continue to proudly and stately serve the Eurobricks community by forever on stating about the endless possibilities of solemnly stating statements. Still with me? okay... May it forever be clear that I shall not state something about just anybody, I have to 'deem' these persons worthy or better yet 'stately stateworthy' if such a word even exist, so that I may forever possess the ability to keep refining the impossible to master art of stating the inevitable in a stately way by means of using all statelets at my disposal. This would now conclude the final end of my statement. PS: the guy above me has eaten my previous statement :-P and I lost track of my own post, not sure anymore what I was on about :-D
trooperdavinfelth Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 *TDF laughs so hard he can't even write a 'The person above you' because the person above me is so funny. *
Opproperaar Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 I agree with the statement of the person above me who stated something in his last not so stately statement about the person above him who coincidentally is me. I am funny, aren't I? *sweet* PS: I know what a statement is, I know all possible meanings of state or a state, I know what stately is ... But can somebody for the love of God tell me what a statelet is? :-P
andy_0306uk Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 The person above is trying to ascertain the meaning of 'statelets' Definition of "Statelets" Statelets This chapter is intended to give an overview of the state management performed by SGL. In SGL every type of OpenGL state is encapsulated in its own subclass of sglStatelet [editor's note: as of the writing of this paragraph not all state is currently implemented. Until then, it is relatively simple to subclass sglStatelet to create your own. Sections at the end of this page describe how to do this]. Statelets can range from the simple, like sglLighting [which calls glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) or glDisable(GL_LIGHTING) ], to the complex, like sglTexture2D [which encapsulates every thing about a 2D texture that we could think of]. Does that help?
Opproperaar Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 (edited) The person above me has been very helpful indeed, even though I'm now even more confused as to the true meaning of statelet. Apparently it'd be some kind computer program, am I right? In which case it would fall completely out of context in my previous posts and would now make them look like if they didn't make sense at all. Which they of course did and still do, otherwise I wouldn't spend so much of my own time stating the obvious in stately statements though that's getting old perhaps. :-P The person above me has finally confused me enough to slip by my pure genius and can thus finalize his plans for taking over Eurobricks, I would alert the avid, international, brick-loving, community if it were not for his incomprehensible confusion talents which have left me with a headache. :-| *wacko* I need to lie down 8-| Edited October 31, 2007 by Hairy Ruben
Opproperaar Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 The person above has managed to get me back to my very first reply in this topic. A reply to somebody who also claimed I think too much. My parents agree. I can't argue ... :-/ Ice cream anybody? :-$
andy_0306uk Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 The person above is tempting me with ice-cream ...... Me thinks the person above knows me too well ...... And added to the fact he was trying to embarress me ..... hmmmmmm What flavour ice-cream?? Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough ??? or Half Baked? or Piece of Cake?
Opproperaar Posted October 31, 2007 Posted October 31, 2007 The person above me is falling for my evil (though actually good for EB), well thought of plan to seduce him with ice cream. >:-) It can be any flavour you want my friend, literally any, >:-) hahaha *leaves the room while still laughing to himself ... HAHA ... Falls down the stairs ... HA hu? Ouch, OOH ah!*
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