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i'm confused, is Bionicle coming back?

i'm confused, is Bionicle coming back?

There are very strong hints suggesting that it is.

However, we're also starting to see obvious fake "leaks" pop up so best to use discretion.

Wasn't Gnuklear some BZP fad some time ago?

Wasn't Gnuklear some BZP fad some time ago?

Apparently so, judging from a Google search. Not that the image really needed another nail in the coffin. :P

Oh, so it definitely confirms the fake. Thanks, I'm reassured now. :grin:

Oh, so it definitely confirms the fake. Thanks, I'm reassured now. :grin:

It is far too early for any more leaks anyways. I give it several more weeks till the next leak

EDIT: aaaaaannd I'm instantly proven wrong :grin:

Edited by TheGreatSpirit

Since we're beginning to discuss obviously fake leaks, I'll leave here some bad jokes I had in my mind. About BIONICLE, of course.

- An old friend of Pridak, from the League days, meets the white Barraki in a pub.

"Pridak! Long time no see! Why the long face?".

- Who would Nidhiki fight for in a toy war?

For Lego!

Others are even sillier, I won't ruin your lunch.

For Lego!

It took me about a minute to understand this one.

I like it.

So this is a thing

Purported BIONICLE 2015 set names. I have no experience with this website so I have no clue of its reputation but it appears to be a shopping website so that lends some credence to it. Anybody else ever seen this site leak stuff before?

Translated list of names:

LEGO Bionicle 70778 Defender Jungle

LEGO Bionicle 70779 Defender Stones

LEGO Bionicle 70780 Defender Water

LEGO Bionicle 70781 Defender Land

LEGO Bionicle 70782 Defender Ice

LEGO Bionicle 70783 Defender Fire

LEGO Bionicle 70784 Lewa Master Jungle

LEGO Bionicle 70785 Pohatu Master Stones

LEGO Bionicle 70786 Gali Master Water

LEGO Bionicle 70787 Tahu Master Fire

LEGO Bionicle 70788 Kopaka Master Ice

LEGO Bionicle 70789 Onua Master Land

LEGO Bionicle 70790 Lord of Skull Spiders

So this is a thing

Purported BIONICLE 2015 set names. I have no experience with this website so I have no clue of its reputation but it appears to be a shopping website so that lends some credence to it. Anybody else ever seen this site leak stuff before?

Translated list of names:

LEGO Bionicle 70778 Defender Jungle

LEGO Bionicle 70779 Defender Stones

LEGO Bionicle 70780 Defender Water

LEGO Bionicle 70781 Defender Land

LEGO Bionicle 70782 Defender Ice

LEGO Bionicle 70783 Defender Fire

LEGO Bionicle 70784 Lewa Master Jungle

LEGO Bionicle 70785 Pohatu Master Stones

LEGO Bionicle 70786 Gali Master Water

LEGO Bionicle 70787 Tahu Master Fire

LEGO Bionicle 70788 Kopaka Master Ice

LEGO Bionicle 70789 Onua Master Land

LEGO Bionicle 70790 Lord of Skull Spiders

exoforce.ru has a history of accurately leaking set names or pics. Sounds like we are in fact getting the Toa Mata, or at least characters named after them.

So this is a thing

Purported BIONICLE 2015 set names. I have no experience with this website so I have no clue of its reputation but it appears to be a shopping website so that lends some credence to it. Anybody else ever seen this site leak stuff before?

Translated list of names:

LEGO Bionicle 70778 Defender Jungle

LEGO Bionicle 70779 Defender Stones

LEGO Bionicle 70780 Defender Water

LEGO Bionicle 70781 Defender Land

LEGO Bionicle 70782 Defender Ice

LEGO Bionicle 70783 Defender Fire

LEGO Bionicle 70784 Lewa Master Jungle

LEGO Bionicle 70785 Pohatu Master Stones

LEGO Bionicle 70786 Gali Master Water

LEGO Bionicle 70787 Tahu Master Fire

LEGO Bionicle 70788 Kopaka Master Ice

LEGO Bionicle 70789 Onua Master Land

LEGO Bionicle 70790 Lord of Skull Spiders

I believe this site has been reliable in the past. I remember they were one of the first places to reveal pics and information on some of this year's sets in themes like Legends of Chima. Since this is a site that actually sells sets they wouldn't exactly benefit from trolling the fan community.

Those sound interesting. Can't wait for pics.


Funky names. Are they supposed to be 6 Matoran-sized + 6 Toa-sized (+ 1 whatever-spider-sized) sets? If so I can get behind that.

"Defender" seems to be an odd choice for villain name, after all, even with the translation gap.

So this is a thing

Purported BIONICLE 2015 set names. I have no experience with this website so I have no clue of its reputation but it appears to be a shopping website so that lends some credence to it. Anybody else ever seen this site leak stuff before?

Translated list of names:

LEGO Bionicle 70778 Defender Jungle

LEGO Bionicle 70779 Defender Stones

LEGO Bionicle 70780 Defender Water

LEGO Bionicle 70781 Defender Land

LEGO Bionicle 70782 Defender Ice

LEGO Bionicle 70783 Defender Fire

LEGO Bionicle 70784 Lewa Master Jungle

LEGO Bionicle 70785 Pohatu Master Stones

LEGO Bionicle 70786 Gali Master Water

LEGO Bionicle 70787 Tahu Master Fire

LEGO Bionicle 70788 Kopaka Master Ice

LEGO Bionicle 70789 Onua Master Land

LEGO Bionicle 70790 Lord of Skull Spiders

That's interesting, it does make sense to use the original toas to catch the nostalgic audience, and it is by far the most recognizable lineup, we'll see how it plays out in the long-run.

I just hope that pohatu is brown.

In terms of the story, I don't understand why no one ever thought of the story just stretching out in already concluded segments. Always dreamed of having lots of Mata nui sets of the different matoran villages, machines and other instruments. TLG has done this with Star Wars for years, with mixed results.

So this is a thing

Purported BIONICLE 2015 set names. I have no experience with this website so I have no clue of its reputation but it appears to be a shopping website so that lends some credence to it. Anybody else ever seen this site leak stuff before?

Translated list of names:

LEGO Bionicle 70778 Defender Jungle

LEGO Bionicle 70779 Defender Stones

LEGO Bionicle 70780 Defender Water

LEGO Bionicle 70781 Defender Land

LEGO Bionicle 70782 Defender Ice

LEGO Bionicle 70783 Defender Fire

LEGO Bionicle 70784 Lewa Master Jungle

LEGO Bionicle 70785 Pohatu Master Stones

LEGO Bionicle 70786 Gali Master Water

LEGO Bionicle 70787 Tahu Master Fire

LEGO Bionicle 70788 Kopaka Master Ice

LEGO Bionicle 70789 Onua Master Land

LEGO Bionicle 70790 Lord of Skull Spiders



Edited by TwistLaw

Hmm, this would be good for me, as I got into Bionicle way too late to own the original Mata, but I could swear I saw a Skakdi in that original picture. Oh well, it was incredible blurry, I'm happy to be proven wrong. "Lord of Skull Spiders" however, sounds way too HF for my tastes. Was hoping for a more Rahi-like name.

Also, I assume its meant to be "Fire Master Tahu" or "Tahu; master of fire" The names seem like they've been weirdly translated or something.

Funky names. Are they supposed to be 6 Matoran-sized + 6 Toa-sized (+ 1 whatever-spider-sized) sets? If so I can get behind that.

"Defender" seems to be an odd choice for villain name, after all, even with the translation gap.

I don't know, it could be that things like "Fire Defender" refer to elemental guardians like in this concept art. In that case, they could definitely be adversaries for the Toa. EDIT: Here's a gallery of similar concept art. Coincidentally, there's even something that could pass for a "Skull Spider". :tongue:

But I'm also interested by the set numbers. They start at 70778, but sets only exist for sets up to 70728. If these names are legitimate, then it could be that the intervening numbers belong to other themes, or to unannounced BIONICLE sets with a different marketing strategy. But a gap of 49 numbers is highly irregular, at least with what we've seen since the switch to five-digit set numbers for all sets.

Hmm, this would be good for me, as I got into Bionicle way too late to own the original Mata, but I could swear I saw a Skakdi in that original picture. Oh well, it was incredible blurry, I'm happy to be proven wrong. "Lord of Skull Spiders" however, sounds way too HF for my tastes. Was hoping for a more Rahi-like name.

Skull Spider sounds plenty Rahi-like to me. At least as much as Chute Lurker, Doom Viper, or Ash Bear.

Edited by Aanchir

For those interested, here's a Google-translated version of the entire article:

LEGO Bionicle and LEGO Hero Factory - the imaginary worlds.

The company began producing plastic LEGO designers in 1947. And that is remarkable. Details started in 1958 can be connected with the items created in 2014. Each season, the Danish company pleases his fans with new lots of designers. Some series, issued based on movies and cartoons live very long, and some, such as Star Wars, there are more than one decade.

Among the Lego series have that were taken out of production, but then again started. This series, for example, became Bionocle, the return of which are waiting in 2015, all fans of the series. The toys were very popular at one time, they had a lot of fans, who were united in fan forums. On the motives of this series was released three films and written books that are written to this day a member of the internal team of LEGO. And if hope fans come true and fictional universe toys go on sale, then Bionicle 2015mozhno will buy in our store.

LEGO Bionicle - a fantastic world in which they live and fight against evil brave heroes. They are opposed by mutants, murderers and even the weight of various villains. Robots characters loved by children and adults alike. A huge success with customers can be attributed to sound and famously twisted storyline and high quality models. One of the recognizable features designer Bionicle was packing in the form of tubes, looking at which you can immediately say to what clan hero belongs and where he.

Fans of the series are still looking for these robots, but they are long gone on sale. Many even call it a series of Factory Bionicle Heroes as robots resemble one another.

[set list]

Sequel to the popular series have become designers Factory heroes. These super-robots dressed in impenetrable armor and equipped with ultramodern weapons created to fight evil. First series of robots were created to deal with the monsters that have been brainwashed parasites. Once all the monsters were defeated, they were replaced by others of the fault in the earth. Here, robots have to fight with underground monsters, jumpers and their queen. But progress does not stand still. Now heroes appeared more modern weapons and armor. Toys in 2014, like previous ones, can be combined to create more powerful robots. LEGO Hero Factory allows kids to dive into the amazing and interesting fictional world express their imagination and design capabilities. Buy LEGO Bionicle Hero Factory and possible in our store.

Edited by Tazakk

I don't remember, did any of the leakers confirm the return of brown colour?

I'm really hoping for a sort of 'Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood' approach to BIONICLE 2015- A reboot that follows more closely to the original ideas for the story, and, seeing as Hero Factory may still continue, this could allow them to stay true to what the story writers want (as well as maybe giving us a better ending :P). Seeing as the Toa Mata are returning, this is luckily looking more and more likely!

For those interested, here's a Google-translated version of the entire article:

On the motives of this series was released three films and written books that are written to this day a member of the internal team of LEGO. And if hope fans come true and fictional universe toys go on sale, then Bionicle 2015mozhno will buy in our store.

I was Google-translating it myself before, and mozhno means "possible".

What would it mean? Lego is not planning a big launch or something?

Edited by TwistLaw

Well, this is definitely interesting news! Interesting that we're getting presumably new iterations of the "original" Toa, so one has to wonder what direction the Bionicle reboot could potentially take. And "Lord of Skull Spiders" strangely sounds right up my alley :laugh: And since I'm a villain person, I'm interested to see what these "defenders" could be.

But I'm also interested by the set numbers. They start at 70778, but sets only exist for sets up to 70728. If these names are legitimate, then it could be that the intervening numbers belong to other themes, or to unannounced BIONICLE sets with a different marketing strategy. But a gap of 49 numbers is highly irregular, at least with what we've seen since the switch to five-digit set numbers for all sets.

Not to mention that the constraction sets normally occupy the 440xx numbers of the 5 digit numbering system, and for it to suddenly move to the 707xx numbers, where previously Ninjago and Galaxy Squad (System themes) had normally occupied, is really unusual. I would have expected a purely Constraction theme to stay within the 440xx numbers, but hey, that could mean we're also getting another wave of Hero Factory at the same time. Yeah, I think I analyse patterns in set numbers too much :sceptic:

Edited by TheOneVeyronian

I'm really hoping for a sort of 'Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood' approach to BIONICLE 2015- A reboot that follows more closely to the original ideas for the story, and, seeing as Hero Factory may still continue, this could allow them to stay true to what the story writers want (as well as maybe giving us a better ending :P). Seeing as the Toa Mata are returning, this is luckily looking more and more likely!

Technically Brotherhood was just following the manga, as opposed to the original series which ended before the manga did.



A lot of set numbers there (and I love how they just go higher and higher). If that's just one wave, that's already beating out HF.

(also "defender" could translate to "guardian" or something along those lines which would make more sense but whatever)

I don't remember, did any of the leakers confirm the return of brown colour?

Not to my knowledge.

Assuming the leaks are true, I would imagine Pohatu would be brown. I mean, CHI Mungus was brown. Why not Pohatu?

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