July 19, 201410 yr I don't think we'll see any Turaga, ever. The last one we got was Dume, ten years ago. I always assumed most people weren't interested enough in them to buy them. Don't forget about Turaga Lhikan, released in 2006 as a polybag (at least, I think it was 2006 and a polybag...)
July 19, 201410 yr Which doesn't mean any of them couldn't come back if LEGO needed them. It's not like they deleted the blueprints or something. -Gata Plus he didn't really say where he got his information from. Don't forget about Turaga Lhikan, released in 2006 as a polybag (at least, I think it was 2006 and a polybag...) That wasn't definitively put forward as Turaga Lhikan but yeah, I'd like to think that it was him. Should I get the set?
July 19, 201410 yr A rare to find polybag of a figure that only after a while was confirmed as..that character who appeared (in that form) only in a 2 year old movie. My point is, while Turaga remained as background characters, no new characters were introduced under that classificatiton. After 2004, we got LOTS of Toa and Matoran sets, but no Turaga whatsoever. No Turaga for Voya Nui (except a passing "Well, they had this Jovan guy, yes, the combo model Toa, but he died"), Mahri Nui or Karda Nui were ever mentioned. Then 2009 of course did its own thing. You could say the concept of Turaga was kind of dropped- not retconned to pretend they never existed, but close it to that. They..just..stayed..there. Some Turaga appeared in serials IIRC but that's it. Kinda like the Vahi and the Avokhii- they were a big deal during their story arcs, but they just became a background element afterwards. So I doubt that in this reboot (or at least what appears to likely be one) the concept of Turaga would be even used. Matoran have showed themselves to be perfectly suited for the leader role, so I'd say this is what we're going to get.
July 19, 201410 yr Another fake leak is floating around, so allow me to be the first to discredit its legitimacy. First of all, its set number doesn't match up with the other sets (775##), and on the side of the box is the picture of the Movie-Edition Kraahkan from Bricklink, which is a mold that was thrown away after 2003. I don't know who's making these fakes or for what purpose but it's starting to get irritating.
July 19, 201410 yr Another fake leak is floating around, so allow me to be the first to discredit its legitimacy. First of all, its set number doesn't match up with the other sets (775##), and on the side of the box is the picture of the Movie-Edition Kraahkan from Bricklink, which is a mold that was thrown away after 2003. I don't know who's making these fakes or for what purpose but it's starting to get irritating. Well, this set actually looks pretty good (except for the wings), it's a shame it's fake
July 19, 201410 yr Well, this set actually looks pretty good (except for the wings), it's a shame it's fake Yeah, I wouldn't actually be disappointed if that set was real! Just for interest's sake, here's a fake Takanuva that was circulating: http://37.media.tumblr.com/01a506b6d4f3666f777276df1812c8cc/tumblr_n8nezvox6W1rkpnbdo1_250.png. On another note, did anyone else think of this when they heard Lord Of Skull Spiders :P :
July 19, 201410 yr That's pretty good. Remember, the staves that each group carried were meant to be defensive weapons, not canes. Technically, their primary function wasn't as defensive weapons OR canes. They were the Turaga's "badges of office" — basically symbols of their leadership, almost like a scepter. See the old BIONICLE Lexicon. Sadly, I also think we are perhaps unlikely to see Turaga as sets. Frankly, regardless of whether you see them as village elders or merely village chiefs, they were never involved in a lot of fighting other than self-defense — defense of the villages generally fell to the Matoran villagers rather than their leaders. And I think that's part of the reason why the BIONICLE sets only focused on the Turaga for the first year, later shifting the focus of the small sets to the more battle-ready Matoran. I do hope that if we see Matoran OR Turaga, they will have somewhat cutesy, dwarfish proportions like the Matoran and Turaga sets did for BIONICLE's first seven years, rather than body proportions like the Av-Matoran and Agori.
July 19, 201410 yr Well it would be awesome if they would release few Turaga along with Matoran, calling them Turaga xxxxx and giving them some of these elder/sage elements could avoid some confusion, Matoran would be called just by their names. We should get some Turaga at least in some bigger sets if not as separate small sets. They should be somehow kept in the story. On another note I think more and more that Hero Factory will be ending soon. Today I grabbed Lego magazine from a shop. (These are different from the US ones. Basicly pictures of new Lego sets from current year with name, set number, price and some lore stuff here and there.) The summer HF sets had 1 page, winter ones too. So only 2 pages of Hero Factory, meanwhile for example Legend of Chima got 7 new pages (including 2 pages of comic and 1 page of CCBS action figures). I guess that there is indeed a space for new product line being created.
July 19, 201410 yr Yeah, I wouldn't actually be disappointed if that set was real! Just for interest's sake, here's a fake Takanuva that was circulating: http://37.media.tumblr.com/01a506b6d4f3666f777276df1812c8cc/tumblr_n8nezvox6W1rkpnbdo1_250.png. On another note, did anyone else think of this when they heard Lord Of Skull Spiders :P YES I DID (ugh Fury Mode is killing me). I mean, did people really not expect fakes trying to be passed off as leaks (since that's what the original images look like :U)? That was a given. Some lazier ones, in this case; a solid black background is hilarious. As for HF being canceled, it's always had a pretty sparse showing in the magazine. Normally there's some kind of supplemental material as well (comics, books, whatever) but a lot of that hasn't been as well-received, so I think they put a lot of the focus towards the episode this year. Chima has always been a stronger seller in large part because it is a System line; Technic (or constraction, to specify in our case) has always been more niche, including BIONICLE back in the day. Quite frankly, two spreads is more than we normally get, not to mention it's still at the halfway point; a comic or some extra HF material is likely to come in the next issue or two. That isn't to say they won't cancel it, but the magazine appearances have never been intensive, so I wouldn't take it as any kind of sign. Edited July 19, 201410 yr by Dorek
July 19, 201410 yr Talking about fakes, I found this floating around Brickshelf, what do you guys think? http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Toa777/Bionicle/Bionicle2015/2014-07-08_19.47.51.jpg I think it's legit since it has much similiarity with other "confirmed" leaks. Seeing as there's at least one humanoid titan set it makes me wonder if this really is a reboot since there was nothing like it during the first waves, if it is, then maybe Exo-Toa? Doesn't look Lord of Skullspider'ish to me. I still think a reboot would be a bad idea in a long run.
July 19, 201410 yr Talking about fakes, I found this floating around Brickshelf, what do you guys think? http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Toa777/Bionicle/Bionicle2015/2014-07-08_19.47.51.jpg I think it's legit since it has much similiarity with other "confirmed" leaks. Seeing as there's at least one humanoid titan set it makes me wonder if this really is a reboot since there was nothing like it during the first waves, if it is, then maybe Exo-Toa? Doesn't look Lord of Skullspider'ish to me. I still think a reboot would be a bad idea in a long run. As far as I can see, this is too blurry to make out any useful details whatsoever. So I'm not going to bother speculating on what they might be or mean. I wouldn't assume that any of these are "humanoid titan sets" — all we can see are boxes, but no way to judge what size they are, and there are rumors that ALL the new BIONICLE sets might just use cardboard boxes for all the sets rather than pouches (which would make me sad ). EDIT: Something I just noticed on an archived BIONICLE press release (click "BIONICLE: The Heroes of Mata Nui"). Turaga Vakama is described as the "defender of fire" and Nuju as the "defender of ice". Edited July 19, 201410 yr by Aanchir
July 19, 201410 yr Brace yourselves. Comic-Con is coming. That's an interesting find Aanchir..... I always thought the Defender sets would be rahi guarding the masks, but that little tidbit of info is intriguing... Alot of fake leaks are popping up now. The sets look decent, but they don't look convincing whatsoever.
July 19, 201410 yr I think it's safe to say these are fakes too: http://limeflavoured...al-or-fake��Old Thornraxx launcher and bad overall, also no new parts expect for masks. Although Gali's mask in movie style would make my day. Edited July 19, 201410 yr by GK733
July 19, 201410 yr Talking about fakes, I found this floating around Brickshelf, what do you guys think? http://www.brickshel...08_19.47.51.jpg I think it's legit since it has much similiarity with other "confirmed" leaks. And it's much more blurry than the fakes we've seen lately. What's the point of making a fake picture if no one can clearly see who's on the box art ?
July 19, 201410 yr Yo, I made that Takanuva fake as a joke. Don't get too nasty guise Hahahaha, why? -Sci
July 19, 201410 yr I think it's safe to say these are fakes too: http://limeflavoured...al-or-fake��Old Thornraxx launcher and bad overall, also no new parts expect for masks. Although Gali's mask in movie style would make my day. Limeflavoredlibertain has got to have THE WORST tumblr layout and blog I've ever seen PERIOD. And i've seen some pretty bad SJW blogs as well. Anyways, slightly more on topic; I'm so gonna use Gnuklear as a boss in the project I'm working on!
July 19, 201410 yr How intriguing.. I never knew Turaga were called like that. In this case, these "defenders", rather than random villagers, could be the villages' champions or leaders..
July 20, 201410 yr There were also the Rahaga (who were later unmutated back into their Toa selves), and maybe we could also pretend this is supposed to be Turaga Jovan:
July 20, 201410 yr EDIT: Something I just noticed on an archived BIONICLE press release (click "BIONICLE: The Heroes of Mata Nui"). Turaga Vakama is described as the "defender of fire" and Nuju as the "defender of ice". I mentioned that on the previous page as a far out possibilty, but, now that I know it could be possible, I actually would rather that they be Matoran than Turaga. A Jaller reboot would be awesome...
July 20, 201410 yr I think it's safe to say these are fakes too: http://limeflavoured...al-or-fake��Old Thornraxx launcher and bad overall, also no new parts expect for masks. Although Gali's mask in movie style would make my day. Fake. Those masks are straight lifted from BIONICLE: The Game. I even recognize the angle the masks are at from pics Edited July 20, 201410 yr by Ids5621
July 20, 201410 yr There were also the Rahaga (who were later unmutated back into their Toa selves), and maybe we could also pretend this is supposed to be Turaga Jovan: http://media.tumblr....HuLF1rxyya1.jpg Jovan was black, blue and gunmetal though.. At least Lhikan was fairly obvious (the mask, the staff, the colours..). This one has nothing to do with Jovan. I think that is just a random guy really.And I guess you could consider the Rahaga as Turaga-like characters (small yet old and wise, etc..), despite the obviously different story origins. Never thought of that to be honest. I think it's safe to say these are fakes too: http://limeflavoured...al-or-fake��Old Thornraxx launcher and bad overall, also no new parts expect for masks. Although Gali's mask in movie style would make my day. :laugh: I must say I kinda missed this stuff with HF. Sure, fakes don't serve any purpose, but they're fun to debunk and shows how much people are excited about upcoming sets. And the Breakout round shoulder pads do make a nice representation of the Nuva pads.
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