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it's been a while since I posted here, I am amazed by how much this thread progressed with every little detail we got about Bionicle's return

I been checking the large colored version of the leaked picture. so looked the masks the Toa have. and just little ago I came up with this


(they're from a piece im working on, so they're stylized). I noticed a thing that all masks seem to have in common (except for Onua's and Kopaka's, since they're just too blurry to see).

So, they all seem to have those "earpad" things on the side of their masks, it could be merely a design choice. but they are quite prominent on Tahu, and lewa and Gali. it could be that the new kanohi are attached from there.

Also the tiny spiders on every set seem to have moveable pieces. so im thinking. rather than being solid pieces of plastic. like the brains and the small kaijus from HF, what if these skull spiders actually use the new Bionicle head as their base or something like that?

cant wait to see if NYCC has anything to show

Wow, good job! I must say, I really like the look of these, particularly Gali and Kopaka's.

it's been a while since I posted here, I am amazed by how much this thread progressed with every little detail we got about Bionicle's return

I been checking the large colored version of the leaked picture. so looked the masks the Toa have. and just little ago I came up with this


(they're from a piece im working on, so they're stylized). I noticed a thing that all masks seem to have in common (except for Onua's and Kopaka's, since they're just too blurry to see).

So, they all seem to have those "earpad" things on the side of their masks, it could be merely a design choice. but they are quite prominent on Tahu, and lewa and Gali. it could be that the new kanohi are attached from there.

Also the tiny spiders on every set seem to have moveable pieces. so im thinking. rather than being solid pieces of plastic. like the brains and the small kaijus from HF, what if these skull spiders actually use the new Bionicle head as their base or something like that?

cant wait to see if NYCC has anything to show

Hey Antrozek, your drawings are good, and I can't wait for BIONICLE to return (a old BIONICLE fan myself! I mean! :)

Hey Antrozek, your drawings are good, and I can't wait for BIONICLE to return (a old BIONICLE fan myself) I mean! :)

Those look awesome, though Gali's does look a bit like an Elda/Faxon mix. #Hahliconfirmed2015!

If the rumours about mask packs/vendors are true it kinda confirms it as a reboot but why would they include a golden mask in the sets then? If the packs do return I think it will have 2 or 3 masks and 1 spider.

Also, whatever you are doing Antrozesk, please make a wallpaper out of it.

Edited by GK733

I don't mind if the Defenders all share the same mask, but only if they're all part of some kind of team. It would be a nice unifying feature.

If they're all just random Matoran, ehhhh....

Even if they're a team, I'd still find incredibly boring. Given how much the final gold mask has changed from the one we knew (unless it turns out they're separate ones, as the TTV guys suggested), I think the theory I and others wrote about the finalized Defenders' changing their mask is a bit more solid now.

If they all have the same mask, I don't see myself buying more than 2 of these guys.

Gali's weapon might be my favorite, and out of all the figures I actually think she might be an improvement over the original set. She is carrying a staff designed like a double-bladed scythe: essentially a giant pickaxe. I think this is a HUGE improvement over ther hooks, which were really just useless one-fingered Onua claws.

Alll the new weapons that are staff-like: Kopaka's, Lewa's, and Gali's really make the sets look wise and powerful.

As well, Gali's original mask is pretty bland if you ignore the transparency, whereas this new mask has more defined outline, and looks almost as if it has been redesigned to look a little more feminine. I'm hoping she does have some short of goggle design on her eyes, but I'm thinking she may have separate sockets which could be evidence for the sets using brain attack heads as they lack eyes that could be seen under a single-goggle mask.

The mask is also reminiscist of Gali Nuva's movie mask, just as Tahu's as well as Kopaka's mask outlines look a bit like their Nuva Kanohi. Maybe they're trying to make the sets familiar to fans who started in 02-03? While I'm not sure I like the Hau losing its distinctive outline, I didn't know it was possible to make a cooler Akaku but they might have pulled it off.

I really like all weapons. It was a needed change: Lewa, Kopaka and Tahu used proper weapons, but Gali, Onua and especially Pohatu did not- those "weapons" made sense only because they worked with the swinging arm function and the "knock the mask off" mini-game. Most of the weapons are related to the Toa' previous versions anyway, except I guess Onua (but it was about time we got a proper hammer!).

And I think Gali in general looks great. While I'm not quite sure about her new colours yet (still..no less weird than when Pohatu became orange and Lewa became lime, I guess), I think she's the best Gali since 2001 if not the best one. Gali Nuva was ok but her mask was awful like the other Nuva masks (except the Miru and Akaku), and I like to think that "Gali" Mistika does not exist.

2015!Gali has a weapon that neatly mixes together her past ones (axe-like blades on one end, a hook on the other), doesn't look like a deformed ape and has a mask (the gold one at least, likely the final one) that looks strikingly similar to the Kaukau in MoL and in the 2003 game. Unlike with Gali Nuva and...that thing from 2008, I'd have no troubles if someone told me the figure represents a female character. I'm not that surprised though, Breez was a step in the right direction and the CCBS makes tweaking a character's body build a lot easier.

And yeah, I love the new Hau. It's hugely similar to the classic one (you really can't mistake it for anything else), yet it has a more square and elongated shape that makes it look more mature, fitting for the new Tahu's bigger body. I imagine this is similar to what the designers were planning to do with the Phantoka/Mistika, before the focus groups shot their ideas down. :sceptic:

you know what's great about all these gold masks? I can finally moc a toa of psionics without having to give it an olmak or ignika.

As for Gali's weapon,I can't make out what that's supposed to be. Perhaps a trident. Also, the Blue on her looks very light. Could she be using entirely the trans blue from stormer and frost beast?

It's subtle, but her limb bones are a slightly different shade than her shells and mask. I think she has tr. light blue bones like Water Defender, Kopaka and Ice D., while her shells are solid medium azure (like the Beasts and Thornaxx).

it's been a while since I posted here, I am amazed by how much this thread progressed with every little detail we got about Bionicle's return

I been checking the large colored version of the leaked picture. so looked the masks the Toa have. and just little ago I came up with this


(they're from a piece im working on, so they're stylized). I noticed a thing that all masks seem to have in common (except for Onua's and Kopaka's, since they're just too blurry to see).

So, they all seem to have those "earpad" things on the side of their masks, it could be merely a design choice. but they are quite prominent on Tahu, and lewa and Gali. it could be that the new kanohi are attached from there.

Also the tiny spiders on every set seem to have moveable pieces. so im thinking. rather than being solid pieces of plastic. like the brains and the small kaijus from HF, what if these skull spiders actually use the new Bionicle head as their base or something like that?

cant wait to see if NYCC has anything to show

First off, SWEET drawings! Not only they look cool, but also fairly accurate from what I can see. I don't see the earpads myself, but I think it's just a decoration, I'm sure the axle connection is going to be kept. As for the spiders, check the gold mask on LoSS- it has 4 handle bars for the claws/legs to attach, so I don't think there are any other pieces.

Maybe the earpads are like earmuffs, and it's to protect them against sonic bursts; Toa of Sonics in second wave?

Edited by LordChris

Maybe the earpads are like earmuffs, and it's to protect them against sonic bursts; Toa of Sonics in second wave?

now THAT's what they should do with the other elements. Have the summer wave be an antagonistic toa team with sonics/iron/plantlife/psionics/gravity/plasma also seeking the masks.

I don't think they'd have evil Toa (not yet at least). Toa are supposed to be the Heroes and marketing ones that are evil... I just don't see that going over to well.

Antrozek, your drawings are fantastic. Especially Lewa's. I kinda wish they'd look like that in the sets, but they seem like they'll be more organic in shape than the geometric, stylized angles you gave them.

Also, Gali's weapon. I still see a giant battle axe, myself. Which would work, I guess, considering Gali Nuva had axes.

now THAT's what they should do with the other elements. Have the summer wave be an antagonistic toa team with sonics/iron/plantlife/psionics/gravity/plasma also seeking the masks.

Perfect. An evil toa team. You know a magnetism Toa can rip a Makuta's armor apart? It would be awesome.

I would absolutely love to see a team of Toa antagonists (I have one in my canon). I love grey characters like the OoMN members. But we'll never see one: for marketing reasons Lego has to make clearly evil looking prominent villains (spikes, fangs, claws, non humanoid builds..).

We all want mask packs, but I doubt we'll see them coming back. The budget for that would be insane.

I don't think budget is necessarily where the issue would be. After all, since mask packs would presumably just use the same molds as the main sets, they wouldn't necessarily require any new molds, just a bunch of recolors. I could potentially see the budget for that being lower than the budget for the collectible minifigures, which DO regularly feature a lot of new molds, elaborate printing, pre-assembled parts, etc.

I think a bigger issue would be return on investment — would enough people actually buy enough of them to make up the cost of producing them? And that's more difficult to say. The collectible minifigures have a number of advantages over mask packs. Each set is a complete toy with a completely unique identity, not just a generic accessory for a larger toy. They cater to a diverse audience, which not only includes fans of various LEGO themes but also fans who are not dedicated LEGO collectors, but appreciate the minifigure for its iconic status and are drawn to ones they identify with.

Also, the collectible minifigure series are cheaper to collect at RRP than Kanohi packs. Back in 2001, getting a full set of 72 masks would cost a minimum of $72, assuming you either didn't get any duplicates or were able to trade all your duplicates for masks you needed to complete your collection. When you factor for inflation, that shoots up to $96. A full set of 16 minifigures at the current price of $4 per pack would cost only $64, two thirds of that price. Of course, you might wisely point out that there are typically three collectible minifigure series per year, and there were only ever two BIONICLE collectible series per year, so in that respect the price discrepancy for a complete collection sort of balances out... though BIONICLE also had a nasty habit of both increasing the number of collectibles needed for a complete collection and reducing the usefulness of those collectibles in some series. The less said about the exorbitant cost of a full Kraata collection (and the limited usefulness of having such a collection), the better.

I don't think they'd have evil Toa (not yet at least). Toa are supposed to be the Heroes and marketing ones that are evil... I just don't see that going over to well.

I didn't mean evil. I mean like, antagonistic to the toa mata. Another group also trying to get the masks. (I'm still hoping that's what the defenders turn out to be).

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You're a tad bit late to the party, mister :tongue:

Unity. Duty. Destiny to all the BIONICLE fans! :P

October 9th, unless we get leaks sooner than that. Seeing Bionicle 2015 unveiled(if its what's going to be at ComicCon) will make one hell of a birthday Present. *giggles with excitement* But September is dragging by. HURRY UP AND GO AWAY SEPTEMBER! We want our bonkle unveiling!

The speculation behind what themes it could be is Bionicle(top contender even amongst Non-constraction fans), Top Gear, Elves, and Jurassic World. My money is on JW if it's not Bionicle. its a big enough deal since it's a new IP tied into a movie meaning lots of money on both party's sides involved.

Yeah, September is dragging by.....

But I thought that the Jurassic World movie is coming out 2016? Wouldn't that mean that they would be revealed next year?

Back in 2001, getting a full set of 72 masks would cost a minimum of $72, assuming you either didn't get any duplicates or were able to trade all your duplicates for masks you needed to complete your collection. When you factor for inflation, that shoots up to $96. A full set of 16 minifigures at the current price of $4 per pack would cost only $64, two thirds of that price. Of course, you might wisely point out that there are typically three collectible minifigure series per year, and there were only ever two BIONICLE collectible series per year, so in that respect the price discrepancy for a complete collection sort of balances out... though BIONICLE also had a nasty habit of both increasing the number of collectibles needed for a complete collection and reducing the usefulness of those collectibles in some series. The less said about the exorbitant cost of a full Kraata collection (and the limited usefulness of having such a collection), the better.

But they don't have to do 72 different masks, they could just produce each Toa Mask in each colour (which would make 36 masks), and maybe even add gold and silver, we would then have 48 masks to collect. They could sell packs of three masks for 3-4€/$, which means we would have to pay a minimum of 48-64€ to get the full set.

I was thinking of something, BTW. I don't know if it has been discussed before, but they could throw in let's say three random masks of the Protector's color in each Protector set (e.g. the Protector of Fire would have three red masks), so you can give your character the mask you want, and he / she would have to defend the two other ones. I don't know if it could fit the budget, but, IMO, that could be an interesting feature, you would have playability (defend the masks), and collectible items at the same time.

Yeah, September is dragging by.....

Anyone have a bunch of Technic/feels like building in LDD? We could have a Bionicle Shiptember. Or Bioshiptember.

^I want Bionicle October. Or Bioctober.

What I was thinking was we could do a quick Shiptember contest, just in LDD. The same rules as normal Shiptember, just based around Bionicle. And, maybe we could get someone to render all of the ships together as a final image or something.

Noob question: WHat's shiptember?

Noob question: WHat's shiptember?

It's a building event a lot of AFOL communities do in September where you build a massive spaceship. Generally, SHIP is capitalized and stands for "Significantly Huge Investment of Parts". A SHIP is normally defined as a spaceship at least 100 modules (80 centimeters/31.5 inches) in length.

I doubt I'll be entering that, then, Bionicle-based or not. I'm awful at building anything much larger than a Toa. I shall instead look forward to the results.

I didn't mean evil. I mean like, antagonistic to the toa mata. Another group also trying to get the masks. (I'm still hoping that's what the defenders turn out to be).

I find the idea of the Defenders as opposed to the Toa somewhat unlikely. I suppose that they might initially clash with the Toa, and the Toa might have to prove themselves in some way, but I doubt it would be anything more than that. The Toa (and their Bara Magna analogues, the Glatorian,) have always protected villagers, and I imagine that would be an element that LEGO would be keen to retain. It was always appealing to have, in addition to the powerful heroes, more of an everyman kind of character. In fact, that's one of the reasons MNOG worked so well. LEGO changing that element would be like removing the Toa team dynamic.

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