September 27, 201410 yr Not necessarily; the wording could mean anything from special set reviews to just finally unveiling a new front page that didn't cough and hack its way from the early 2000s. I know, I was joking.
September 27, 201410 yr Well, the Savage Planet sets did come out in June in some places. Anyway, the hype built around HF 2.0 led me to believe LEGO could do the same here. I do have a reason to believe BZPower is going to show something at/after NYCC. -Gata I have a reason to believe that too, but it won't be set reviews, I can guarantee that. ;)
September 27, 201410 yr I've been wondering that as well. Maybe he didn't work much on this wave? Seems weird they'd keep him out of new bonkles.
September 27, 201410 yr Guys, someone on Reddit supposedly got to see the bonkle pages on the retailer catalogue (Here's the topic: , I'm not 100% sure on the validity of this (Especially since the poster didn't take any pics, but I digress) although I figured It'd give this forum a little something to talk about. :P
September 27, 201410 yr Guys, someone on Reddit supposedly got to see the bonkle pages on the retailer catalogue (Here's the topic: , I'm not 100% sure on the validity of this (Especially since the poster didn't take any pics, but I digress) although I figured It'd give this forum a little something to talk about. :P Do the retailer catalogs normally have that kind of information? Because from what I recall in past years, they usually have little more than small, blurry preliminary set pics (and since we've seen large, clear preliminary set pics I can't imagine catalog photos being all that enlightening at this stage).
September 27, 201410 yr Do the retailer catalogs normally have that kind of information? Because from what I recall in past years, they usually have little more than small, blurry preliminary set pics (and since we've seen large, clear preliminary set pics I can't imagine catalog photos being all that enlightening at this stage). I can totally agree with this, but it may also help us pick out what to expect, especially since the catalogue supposedly has pics of the combiners.
September 27, 201410 yr And the person also said that the new head apparently has a brain stock and the face piece separate.
September 27, 201410 yr So, Toa+Protectors are a thing. They sound kind of disappointing so far. Still, I will be surprised if the are no combo models among the Toa. And nice to see the new head and printed chests confirmed, as obvious both were. And: "Tahu can attach the BA swords to his back and use the other pair (the lavaboard ones)" Awesome! I hope all Toa can do that. I always wanted to see something like that in sets (no, whatever they tried to do with the BA Heroes' shields does NOT count). Edited September 27, 201410 yr by Shakar
September 27, 201410 yr And the person also said that the new head apparently has a brain stock and the face piece separate. yes! Bring on the new eye colors! (Fluorescent or not, I want my trans dark green)
September 27, 201410 yr To be honest, I expected toa + protector combiners from the beginning. Cool that Tahu can swap out to his more impressive swords though, and that the guy said some positive things about Gali's mask. Tahu with a Gatling gun on his shoulder in the combiner is going to piss off fans of the tribal feel, I just know it XD.
September 27, 201410 yr I wonder if the combiners will be new builds entirely, or just attached sets a la 2008 Matoran.
September 27, 201410 yr Well, with any luck we'll get the original green Lewa Mata used on the new Lewa as well! In all seriousness, though, glad to see the brains are coming back. Edited September 27, 201410 yr by JayWalker
September 27, 201410 yr Off topic, but I'm working on an MNOG remake done in text-adventure style on ti82,ti83,ti84 and ti89 (plus variants) and it's gonna be open source. It's like mnog but you play as (Going to have name selector currently Lewa) toa of (alternate versions currently air only) in a post-Bionicle setting where you're on an exploration mission through the Mata Nui robot. Sorry for the off topic but it's gonna include the start of BIONICLE gen 2, so ? Also, I don't happen to have a data cable so I'll only be able to release the source. Native platform is the 82 though. Edited September 27, 201410 yr by I AM THE DUCK MAN
September 27, 201410 yr Well, with any luck we'll get the original green Lewa Mata used on the new Lewa as well! We have a sarcasm emote? why have I never noticed this before? XD. In all seriousness, "Green lantern Green" is so similar to mata green I don't really mind.
September 27, 201410 yr Good to hear that the CCBS system has improved a bit (thanks to a new mold to the gears, which could be used to attach one of the Toa's weapon) and the secondary weapon idea is good. Unfortunately, the Toa-Defender combiners sounds a bit boring (like the Brain Attack combiners) Also. Pohatu seems to be white and tan...
September 27, 201410 yr Pohatu needs to be either grey or brown and tan. Really, silver and brown doesn't work. It worked on Pohatu Nuva, but that's because it was armor. I'm personally fine with grey, it would fit the whole "stone" thing Pohatu is meant to have. I know that many would be against that kind of change though, and I can't blame them. I never understood though why earth was represented by black and stone by brown. It makes sense in NINJAGO, there is no stone element (or grey/silver ninja, except in mostly non-canon Greg's lore and the 2015 sets, but the sets are going to have changed), but it's just something I've been curious about.
September 27, 201410 yr Personally I don't mind silver and brown, I just think there's not enough brown.
September 27, 201410 yr Man, I can't believe you, Tahu. Why did you steal Lhikan's lavaboard? Psh, Tahu is the OG lavasurfer. He didn't need no fancy blades, he did it on a ROCK.
September 27, 201410 yr soooo... the guy who saw the catalogue said he'll try to provide pics on Monday. everyone cross any available digits. Psh, Tahu is the OG lavasurfer. He didn't need no fancy blades, he did it on a ROCK. and... then on some fancy blades 2 years later... Also, I echo other peoples' sentiments that Pohatu really should have tan. Silver is just such a boring and generic colour these days, and we NEED tan CCBS shells. Edited September 27, 201410 yr by Timeline15
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