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Wasn't it confirmed by a leaker we were getting Kaita?

edit: yeah, by some guy on a French forum

edit: wait, no. It was just "combiners"

Absolutely, Kaita was just a supposition I made after we learnt that there would still be combiners.

BTW, I'm sure if we don't get official Kaita a lot of people will MOC their own G2 Kaita. That could be fun for a contest. :sweet:

Why do you prefer the fluorescent colors over the normal transparent colors? Do they not "light up" as well? (when in front of a light source)

The colors that I remember lighting up the best were the light blue, orange and lime Metru eye pieces. Were those fluorescent? The other three (dark blue red and green) hardly lit up at all.

All the Bohork eyes looked find to me though. I never had a problem with those.

Fluorescent colors are called such because they glow brightly under ultraviolet light. Since most natural and artificial light includes some ultraviolet light, this means they glow under a lot of different lighting conditions. Colors that aren't fluorescent generally only glow brightly when lit from above or behind. The orange and lighter green eyepieces from the Toa Metru were indeed fluorescent — their official names are Transparent Fluorescent Reddish Orange and Transparent Fluorescent Green. They're the two oldest transparent fluorescent colors, originating in early 90s Space sets.

The light blue ones were Transparent Light Blue, which is not a fluorescent color. This is the same color that will be used for Tahu, Kopaka, and the Protectors of Fire, Ice, and Stone in the 2015 BIONICLE range. There does still exist a fluorescent light blue color called, appropriately, Transparent Fluorescent Blue. It was used for sets like Kopaka, Turaga Nuju, Kopaka Nuva, Kazi, and Toa Inika Matoro. The blue Glatorian heads and the visors of the Toa Mahri and Phantoka are also Transparent Fluorescent Blue.

Back in 2001 BIONICLE, all the Toa and Turaga except Onua and Whenua had fluorescent colors for their eyes. I've even discovered some Element IDs in the LEGO Group's replacement parts database that suggest Onua's Transparent Green eyes were the last color the LEGO Group introduced for the Toa Mata's eyes — before that, it seemed like the designers might have been considering Phosphorescent White (classic glow-in-the-dark) as an eye color, which would have made sense for the tunnel-dwelling Onua and Whenua.

Unfortunately, Transparent Fluorescent Red (Tahu's original eye color) and Transparent Fluorescent Yellow (Gali's original eye color) have both been discontinued for many years, and were never used for much other than BIONICLE eyes. But on the plus side, two newer colors (Transparent Bright Orange, introduced in 2004, and Transparent Bright Green, introduced in 2010) are both fluorescent, even though it's not mentioned in their names. So there are technically still as many fluorescent colors on the palette as there were in 2001 — it's just that now, two of them are orange and two of them are green, so there's not as much to be gained from using all five as eye colors.

For me, the best way to sum up the difference between fluorescent and non-fluorescent LEGO colors is that fluorescent ones look more "glowy", while non-fluorescent ones look more "glassy". I think a "glowy" look is preferable as far as eye colors are concerned, especially because with the shadow of a mask over top, the eye colors don't really stand out at all unless they're glowing.

Edited by Aanchir

-Attach the gearbox alone to a metru style hip piece and so on. If possible add waist articulation. This also gives possibilty to use the gearbox torso upside down.

-Give us on easier way of attaching shells on eachother rather than T-piece. The base of the torso created from more than one piece

-Fill the gaps in shells (new shells or thicker bones)

-Bring back the joint connection system of using female-female bones attached to "elbow"male-male

-Make it possible to add armor addons without shells.

-Piston-esque shells with "minifig bars"

-Actual moving fingers


-More feminine looking sets (A piece on a male toa's shoulder could be used on chest instead to create the effect and no new mold needed for a breastplate alone).

My wishlist basicly for Bionicle Gen 2.

It's much more than Lego will probably deliver throughout the years.

I would say the present CCBS system not yet outstands the Bionicle one, but it's sure getting close and will eventually become better.

To test if it's fluorescent, just get a blacklight. You'll know it when you see it.

And then you'll want every trans color to be fluorescent because it's super pretty. I'm still sad the Ultra Agents sets don't use fluorescent blue, but that's another story.

Even though all the eye colors aren't fluorescent, I'm glad they're still using transparent eye pieces. HF 2.0 was a dark time...

... No pun intended...

I definitely want a "hand" piece that's like a socket with a two bars attached, with enough room for three fingers and a thumb. New finger pieces are optional, since we have a decent amount of options as-is.

-Bring back the joint connection system of using female-female bones attached to "elbow"male-male

I don't understand this, what advantage could this possibly offer?

I mean, I'd like a male-male bone, but not for leg pieces.

Edited by CabooseBM

-Attach the gearbox alone to a metru style hip piece and so on. If possible add waist articulation. This also gives possibilty to use the gearbox torso upside down.

-Give us on easier way of attaching shells on eachother rather than T-piece. The base of the torso created from more than one piece

-Fill the gaps in shells (new shells or thicker bones)

-Bring back the joint connection system of using female-female bones attached to "elbow"male-male

-Make it possible to add armor addons without shells.

-Piston-esque shells with "minifig bars"

-Actual moving fingers


-More feminine looking sets (A piece on a male toa's shoulder could be used on chest instead to create the effect and no new mold needed for a breastplate alone).

My wishlist basicly for Bionicle Gen 2.

It's much more than Lego will probably deliver throughout the years.

I would say the present CCBS system not yet outstands the Bionicle one, but it's sure getting close and will eventually become better.

Sorry mate, just beat you to waist articulation (been working on it for the past half hour, mostly comprised of finding parts)



There are better ways to do it already that I figured out after I took the photos. Unfortunately, I don't have a second Glatorian neck to complete the shoulders. It's not perfect, but LEGO has more than enough ability to mold the entire top half into one joint and make a few new Shells for this.

The worst part about this is that this had been doable since CCBS's debut wave. Using a "shin" bone with a single Technic hole on top would be better than what I've done, and I have some theories on trying to make the neck better. (because I'm not going to hide the fact I didn't factor in the head too much)

EDIT: YAY 600th POST! :blush:

Edited by JayWalker

This topic is just FULL of great bone pieces I'd love to get my hands on.

What I can't find is the topic where the OP and Front discuss building a torso, which led to a few of these parts here. Still sifting through topics for it!

Those parts (pluss a new upper torso piece) would easily allow for LEGO to make torso articulation. Having torso articulation that could both bend forwards and turn sideways would give them a MASSIVE gain over regular action figures. Every non-LEGO action figure I had has never featured waist articulation, and LEGO implementing it wouldn't raise the prices too much, if at all.

It'd also give me some cool new bone pieces to work with! =)

I definitely want a "hand" piece that's like a socket with a two bars attached, with enough room for three fingers and a thumb. New finger pieces are optional, since we have a decent amount of options as-is.

This would definitely be pretty awesome. I can do without it, but I wouldn't complain one bit if articulated hands were introduced.

I don't understand this, what advantage could this possibly offer?

I mean, I'd like a male-male bone, but not for leg pieces.

I know I should get my mind out of the gutter, but when I hear "male–male bone" I don't think of LEGO pieces. :P

JayWalker, that's a great torso concept! There are definitely a lot of ways to integrate waist articulation into a set or MOC with current parts, though I can sort of see why the LEGO Group doesn't bother. Waist articulation can make a model more expressive for sure, but it also means the upper and lower body have to be armored separately, and sometimes it gives a model a hard time supporting its own weight (Pridak, the sole BIONICLE canister set with waist articulation, has been heavily criticized for this). Also, if the waist itself isn't armored, the resulting model can look kind of scrawny. In general, it's easier to avoid it — I don't think it's something that the younger builders in the LEGO Group's target audience are clamoring for the way they would have been for knee, elbow, and neck articulation in the early days of BIONICLE.

I should try coming up with some articulated torso designs of my own. I have done a lot of doodles like that on LEGO Digital Designer in the past, though I've never gotten a result I'm totally happy with, in part because I'm a bit preoccupied with making it work with current torso shells (which probably shouldn't even be on my radar at this point).

It would indeed. It would also eliminate much of the hate for CCBS, because waist articulation only ever appeared in Titans. You can't argue about friction/weight issues with articulation, now that we have the Friction joints as well. Yes, they're a temporary solution, but a solution nonetheless. Just an upper torso and some new shells. That's all we need.

edit: sorry, forgot about Pridak's articulation. Thanks Aanchir!

Edited by JayWalker

I definitely want a "hand" piece that's like a socket with a two bars attached, with enough room for three fingers and a thumb. New finger pieces are optional, since we have a decent amount of options as-is.

I don't understand this, what advantage could this possibly offer?

I mean, I'd like a male-male bone, but not for leg pieces.

It's possible to use it for building torsos as well and so on. The more symmetrical it is, the more purposes it can fill.

This would definitely be pretty awesome. I can do without it, but I wouldn't complain one bit if articulated hands were introduced.

Completely agreed, I don't NEED it, but man it would be nice. One of those Pie-in-the-sky kind of deals.

I know I should get my mind out of the gutter, but when I hear "male–male bone" I don't think of LEGO pieces. :P

Geez Aanchiir, you're going to give me the vapors. =P

I should try coming up with some articulated torso designs of my own. I have done a lot of doodles like that on LEGO Digital Designer in the past, though I've never gotten a result I'm totally happy with, in part because I'm a bit preoccupied with making it work with current torso shells (which probably shouldn't even be on my radar at this point).

Yeah, I can't imagine how current torso shells lend themselves well to waist articulation. I'd abandon that track entirely to be honest.

Edited by CabooseBM

What I can't find is the topic where the OP and Front discuss building a torso, which led to a few of these parts here.

Really, we did ? I don't even remember it... :blush:

But I know Aanchir did post a concept for an articulated torso, which showed a part that Front said it wouldn't work properly because of a too important deformation.

So, list of things LEGO can improve on for BIONICLE 2016 (we should publish this on BZP, because we know LEGO will read it then :tongue: )

- Waist Articulation (only if models can support the weight. Otherwise, no)

- Different bone joints. It's been 5 years as of next year LEGO, that's frustrating for MOCing

- Better Technic usage (a new upper torso and lower torso could improve the feasibility of this greatly), eg Onua's interior

- Technic-esque parts. The shovels, axe heads and sword/shield are a big step up in this regard :thumbup:

- Better shells. No more pieces with points jutting out in awkward places, which can kill a MOC often times.

- Less reliance on the ball and cup system. It's ridiculous how much this can restrain building.

Really, we did ? I don't even remember it... :blush:

But I know Aanchir did post a concept for an articulated torso, which showed a part that Front said it wouldn't work properly because of a too important deformation.

Maybe not? I recall you making that cross-bones style bone in response to such a conversation, but I could be making stuff up. There was a nice render of that bone, the double cup and the double ball bones attached into a nice, simple torso design that "followed the rules" according to Front.

But again, I could be making stuff up. =P

- Less reliance on the ball and cup system. It's ridiculous how much this can restrain building.

Yet that's the whole point of CCBS.

Maybe not? I recall you making that cross-bones style bone in response to such a conversation, but I could be making stuff up. There was a nice render of that bone, the double cup and the double ball bones attached into a nice, simple torso design that "followed the rules" according to Front.

But again, I could be making stuff up. =P

Oh yeah, I think I know what you're talking about ! Could it be this picture ? It's not what I would call a nice render, but it fits your description.

Anyways guys, perhaps this topic would be more appropriate for such a discussion. :wink:

Oh yeah, I think I know what you're talking about ! Could it be this picture ? It's not what I would call a nice render, but it fits your description.

Well, nice enough, I'd say, but yeah, that's exactly it, thanks! =)

Yet that's the whole point of CCBS.

I meant the shell system using ball and cup. It would be great to see some variation away from this.

You mean pieces that don't resemble the overused CCBS shells?

I added the axle hole for inserting weapons and such.


You mean pieces that don't resemble the overused CCBS shells?

Pretty much well.

Also, I really hope they make Makuta into a scary villain. That way if we get a movie, or a TV show, he can have an awesome theme like this (listen the WHOLE thing, or at least after 4:00):

I added the axle hole for inserting weapons and such.


Great concept, but if we see an official piece like that, they should probably remove that axle at the end. I know it's part of the hand, but it looks far too out of place IMO.

Edited by JayWalker

I added the axle hole for inserting weapons and such.

That would be PERFECT.

Also, I really hope they make Makuta into a scary villain. That way if we get a movie, or a TV show, he can have an awesome theme like this (listen the WHOLE thing, or at least after 4:00):

Can't beat the classics:

Can't beat the classics:

Not incredibly creepy though. It doesn't have very much finesse, very dramatic. More "generic villain" really.

Anyway, to test the concept I came up with earlier I attached a bunch of garbage to it and called it a MOC


Stability test:


EDIT: OH WHOOPS lol, should mention that I bent it myself on that last photo. It stands up perfectly fine. Just realized what the way it looked would imply XD

Edited by JayWalker

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