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It's December, most themes get names or even pics of the Summer sets (HF rarely did, but I get the impression BIONICLE is going to get a slightly better treatment even from constraction haters) during the second half of the month. Plus the sets will hit the stores in most countries within a month or so. So we're just getting through a transition period, really- it's not going to be quiet for much longer.

EDIT: And don't forget the tendency Lego picked up ever since 2012 to spoil Summer sets via pieces of animation, commercials and the like. I think we're getting something like that soon (actually, we might just already have coughTheLegendofEkimu&Makutacough).

EDIT 2: I forgot, I like G2 Makuta's title. It really reminds you of the obsessive part of his personality nicely.

Seems like, from the small number of glimpses we've got of him (so this might very well change), that he's less of a diabolical mastermind like post-2004 G1 Makuta and more of an unsettling madman driven by powerlust and envy, which is in a way closer to his 2001 persona and, arguably, Karzahni (one of my favourite G1 characters. I'm still mad he got treated like that). That's ok, I like genius villains but I like the insane ones as well (if he manages to be both, even better).

I just hope that, since the reboot is supposed to get the 2001 atmosphere back, G2 Makuta is creepy enough, even though it looks like his form is closer to 2003 Makuta (no form ever came close to MNOG Makuta for me).

Edited by Shakar

To ask a stupid question: Who else has signed up for that notification E-Mail? :P

I signed up for it, but I'll still be hoping to see a broken street date somewhere.

Tahu is available to order at TRU if you hurry. Imagine he'll be down soon.

Edit: Gali is currently MIA from the website as well.

Double edit: Aaaaand he's gone. Got mine though!

Edited by ButtScientist

While I often think it's silly that people are so jazzed about broken street dates, it's bringing back some fond memories. I probably won't be getting any sets for a while (I'm hoping for review sets, but as a newbie Ambassador, I gotta wait :< ) but if I see one in a store, I might not be able to help myself...

To ask a stupid question: Who else has signed up for that notification E-Mail? :P

Totally not me no sir.

Anyway, I like the name, and it fits with what we know about him. I'm glad to see Masks receiving such a huge focus this year, makes me hopeful that we'll get more promo items and such.

What is that street date thing ?

I'm glad to see Masks receiving such a huge focus this year, makes me hopeful that we'll get more promo items and such.

My first thought was polybags ala the BA one, but I feel that if we get polybags they will contain more Skull Spiders. I do hope promo items are a thing though.

What is that street date thing ?

When Lego sends the sets out to retailers, they come with a note of some sort saying 'DO NOT SELL UNTIL JANUARY 1ST'. The deal is that some stores (usually TRU) break this date and put out sets early for the Christmas season.

Edited by TheDesuComplex

Oh, thanks. In France (at least where I live), retailers usually get the sets after Lego releases them, so we don't really worry about this. :laugh: In fact, I doubt I'll see them in toy stores before mid-January / early February (hence the February release date that was announced by Exo-6 a couple months ago).

Wait I'm lost what's this about Makuta being a hoarder of masks?

Wait I'm lost what's this about Makuta being a hoarder of masks?

Comes from here :

Summoned by the Islanders of Okoto, the Toa have fallen from the sky to fight an ancient evil! Their masks make them the masters of the six elements, but legend tells of the powerful GOLDEN MASKS, which were scattered over the Island and now lie hidden. Now they must work with the Protectors to find each one and stop Makuta the Mask Hoarder recovering the MASK OF CREATION.

In addition to the absorbing world and compelling story, the buildable action figures feature a simple and familiar snap-building system. Each model can be reassembled effortlessly after rugged play and combines easily with other sets to create new and ever more powerful heroes!

It's a pretty interesting title, all things considered. Personally, I quite enjoy it.

My first thought was polybags ala the BA one, but I feel that if we get polybags they will contain more Skull Spiders. I do hope promo items are a thing though.

If that happens, here's hoping for it to be GitD. GitD Skull Spider is a must.

Lego always does contraction promo items. Mostly at TRU though.

Comes from here :

Oh, thanks! That gives us a bit of insight on Makuta's personality.

Something to mull around about: someone apparently managed to 'buy' Kopaka from the TRU site before they removed the 'Add to Cart' button.


Makuta the Mask Hoarder.....I like it! It sounds greedy and creepy.

I still love his old title, from I-can't-remember-what: THE MAKUTA OF METRU NUI. It sounds so evil and sinister, and adding the specific location makes him feel even more like a horrifying spirit.

Finished the last review, Protector of Ice.

Had this review hidden in the crypts for a while, had some technical difficulties with the photos.

But that wraps up my reviews of the 2015 Winter wave- it was a rough one, I found myself getting extremely repetitive and had to try to make things interesting as I went along- And yeah, I cheated with some of the pictures. (I'm sure you all noticed my repeat use of the Skull Spider and gatling gun pictures) and not all of them are up to the maximum standard, but I think they will have given you all a good idea of what to expect from some of these sets.

It's surreal to think that I have the 13 sets in hand already, but I will say this- Bionicle 2015 is awesome. Each set has it's ups and downs, and of course I have my favorites and least favorites, but I would recommend them all to you any day of the week. The gearboxes to the gatling guns to the masks upon masks, it's a fantastic feeling to build these sets and in some strange way they do feel more like Bionicle than I originally thought they would, and i cannot wait to see what the summer and future years bring us.

And of course ( to avoid repeating it 13 times) a massive thank you to Julie and the other responsible Lego associates for providing us with the sets to review.

So now that the reviews are all up, what would you say is your favorite and least favorite sets, VBBN? Asking just out of curiosity.

Still super jelly that you guys got these early, but I'm looking forward to having them in hand myself. Now, of course, we're all gonna be disappointed when you don't have the summer set reviews up in April =P.

Makuta the Mask Hoarder.....I like it! It sounds greedy and creepy.

I still love his old title, from I-can't-remember-what: THE MAKUTA OF METRU NUI. It sounds so evil and sinister, and adding the specific location makes him feel even more like a horrifying spirit.

That's from way back in the day when we learned there was more than one Makuta and he was just the one assigned to Metru Nui. Somewhere in between 2004 and 2006.

I suppose most of you have, but I thought I'd ask anyways- have you seen the slightly funny bios for the Skull Spider types?

The blue skull spiders are some tough critters. They have been known to survive incredible things. Such as a falling Onua.

That one's the oddest!

It's rather nice that they've given each type a different trait, rather than leaving the differences at the fact that they have colours variance just because. Although that means the distribution of the spiders is a bit odd. Why in the places full of fire (being bright) would there be Skull Spiders than have X-Ray vision and can see in the dark? And infrared would have made more sense.

Ah well, it was a nice idea la the same even if not entirely logical...

Edited by Mutant Orc

I suppose most of you have, but I thought I'd ask anyways- have you seen the slightly funny bios for the Skull Spider types?

The blue skull spiders are some tough critters. They have been known to survive incredible things. Such as a falling Onua.

That one's the oddest!

It's rather nice that they've given each type a different trait, rather than leaving the differences at the fact that they have colours variance just because. Although that means the distribution of the spiders is a bit odd. Why in the places full of fire (being bright) would there be Skull Spiders than have X-Ray vision and can see in the dark? And infrared would have made more sense.

Ah well, it was a nice idea la the same even if not entirely logical...

I love the blue Skull Spider description. :P

as for the green one in the fire region.... Smoke? They can use their X-Ray to see through that, I guess. I don't know. At least they're also in the Earth sets.

Hey, VBBN. Do you have plans to create some Toa Kaita and Protector Kaita combo models?

Not sure what you guys will think about this idea, but here we go.

I was slightly disheartened to learn we wouldn't be getting any villager sets and then I had this story idea. The protectors have kids and pass the title of protector along with their mask down to their offspring, that much we pretty much know. I had this idea where the protectors of current(the ones we get as sets) are soon ready to retire/die/whatever they do. But at this moment they dont feel like the "kids"(I say kids when they would probably be just arriving into adult hood) arnt ready for the responsibility(think chroniclers company), so they give them to the Toa to train under their wing.

I plan to buy an extra set of protectors and make a few changes to them

First things first get rid of all translucent bone pieces to reinforce these guys have no form of elemental power. Aside from altering their builds a tad, I will be removing all armour(not the shells, just the add ons) and weapons.

Then I will change the colours around a bit, using shells and bone peices. Im trying to get as close to the 01 Tohunga as I possibly can. Colour schemes are as follows:

Fire: Yellow and Red

Water: Dark Azure and Mata Blue

Jungle: Bright Green and Teal

Ice: White and Dark Azure

Earth: Black and Purple

Stone: Undecided

What do you guys think?

I kind of want to experiment with these Toa's color schemes when I get them to see how the look with their original Mata colors. (Lewa with lime green instead of Keetorange, Onua with green highlights, Pohatu with yellow or orange instead of silver, etc. etc.)

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