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*crosses fingers for the figures to show up in the summer wave*

I don't know, I just want their wicked-looking staffs as a piece.

I think that shoulder armour is very neat as well. Maybe it's the one Ekimu and Makuta wear (unless theirs is 15369 , but I still have doubts about that)? Between this guy and the Mask Makers (always assuming they get sets of course), Summer already looks very very promising. :sweet:

What is interesting is that the statues are decorating the entrance to a giant temple of sorts. Now I wonder who built it, scorpions are usually decipted as villains (look no further than the "Skull Scorpions" and Chima's Scorpion Tribe) so I can't see the Stone Villagers worshipping them. But the Skull Spiders certainly don't seem they could be able to actually build structures like this. So maybe there's a culture/group of villains we've yet to see?

I'm afraid it's as good as confirmed. :/

I guess it'd be sorta ok with it if we knew about that all along, but the FB page clearly stated "January worldwide release". It.. annoys me, to say the least, when they give out inaccurate info like this. :hmpf_bad:

Not to mention we always got HF in January. I'll see if I can manage to get Tahu and Gali a bit earlier (yeah, that's how much I want these sets :laugh:), otherwise I guess I'll have to accept it and wait (maybe I'll manage to save up some more money).


Lord of Skull Scorpions confirmed. :laugh: BTW, are there rumors for the 2H wave yet ? We usually get sets lists around the end of December, IIRC,

A February release would be a bummer. But it would leave me extra time to save money.

I wonder that as well. Somehow I still remember when we got pics of the 2012 Summer sets- December 22nd, that is tomorrow. :laugh:

I'll see if my source can dig anything up. Haven't heard from them in a while, though.


Edited by Shakar

To be honest, I can't see it being a February release all around Europe, especially as I have heard from a person or two that Bionicle will be put out by the 1st January in the UK. Okay, it's probably unhelpful for mainland Europe, but it's still Europe (I think release dates can vary wildly by country even within a region) so there is hope :classic: But at the same time, as Shakar said, if any country sees them being released after January 1st, it is contradictory to what LEGO originally said on Facebook whichever way you cut it. It's bad form to misinform and not keep promises...

BUT... if a February release was true for the whole of Europe, I actually probably wouldn't mind too much as it'll let me spread my spending (Chima and Star Wars are already proving to be cash sucking leeches for me)... and it would also give some time for my BFTGM prizes to arrive and see which elements I've got before I buy the rest of them :laugh:

Speaking of the statues - I'd like to see one of those as a set. It'd be interesting to see a scorpion creature race even if Chima beat them to the idea (but no Ultrabuilds were made of the Scorpion Tribe so it's okay). Bring on the rumours! :excited:

I've been thinking about the Vahi recently, and I've concluded that it will have no story significance. Why? This:

1) If Lego ended this by saying that the Toa came from another dimension, and then sending them back, that would mean treading back into Gen 1.

2) Lego would never tread back into Gen 1. That would require selling Gen 1 characters as products, which require using the old building system, which they will certainly not do.

3) Lego would expect fans to think that the Vahi=plot device. I mean, the've put it so plainly in every video, and they know old fans would immediately assume time travel.

Did anyone else think that maybe Gen 2 is sort of like that Twilight Zone episode (forgot the name), where he ends up in a dimension where everything is just like Earth, but slightly altered? Because that seems more likely than Lego re-treading in Gen 1 territory.....Or maybe this really is a REBOOT. Like we all thought for the past four months. :wink:

Edited by LN-01354

I've been thinking about the Vahi recently, and I've concluded that it will have no story significance. Why? This:

1) If Lego ended this by saying that the Toa came from another dimension, and then sending them back, that would mean treading back into Gen 1.

2) Lego would never tread back into Gen 1. That would require selling Gen 1 characters as products, which require using the old building system, which they will certainly not do.

3) Lego would expect fans to think that the Vahi=plot device. I mean, the've put it so plainly in every video, and they know old fans would immediately assume time travel.

Did anyone else think that maybe Gen 2 is sort of like that Twilight Zone episode (forgot the name), where he ends up in a dimension where everything is just like Earth, but slightly altered? Because that seems more likely than Lego re-treading in Gen 1 territory.....Or maybe this really is a REBOOT. Like we all thought for the past four months. :wink:

1) I don't feel that would necessarily be the case. If the reveal was that they were from a different world, doesn't mean that they'll necessarily be the G1 Toa. They could just be from an alternate timeline, or simply further back or forward the current one.

2) Again, I don't think that if it was the G1 Toa, that they would have to make them, or any other character, in the old building system, or at all. If Lego did decide to link up G1 and G2, it could be as simple as the Toa learning that they're from a different world, and leave using the mask. At most, showing a portal with stock imagery or video.

3) Even if it is a red herring, it seems overly elaborate, especially considering that this generation of Bionicle is meant to be more simplistic, storywise: I mean, the same mask appearing 4 times in a row is just an easteregg? Not likely.

I just think there are too many parallels to draw to simply dismiss it. The mask, that coincidentally is the Mask of Time, the power intrinsically linked to their "most sacred place", the Temple of Time. Summoning them by "evoking the power of past and future", bringing the six "timeless" heroes, and with the narrator stating, "who they really were remained a mystery". If this was true, it would all line up nicely with what was reported at NYCC.

Edited by Mask_of_Death

I'll see if my source can dig anything up.

Cool, thanks ! :D

That would require selling Gen 1 characters as products, which require using the old building system

No. They just would have to make CCBS versions of the G1 characters.

Or maybe this really is a REBOOT. Like we all thought for the past four months. :wink:

Like what was confirmed at the NYCC ?

2) Again, I don't think that if it was the G1 Toa, that they would have to make them, or any other character, in the old building system, or at all. If Lego did decide to link up G1 and G2, it could be as simple as the Toa learning that they're from a different world, and leave using the mask. At most, showing a portal with stock imagery or video.

Pretty much this. The whole "Masters are really G1 Toa" falls apart if you assume that means we will visit the old universe again. We never will; that ship has sailed. Just because there's a possible link between the two universes does not negate the fact that BIONICLE 2015 is a reboot; the Vahi theory would only serve to connect the two universes, not to force a hardcore continuation onto everyone.

Heck, Lego may never even confirm this one way or another. They may leave it open-ended and let the fans draw their own conclusions about where the Toa are from.

Edited by Mesonak

Maybe the vahi is the connection of the masters. It's possible we'll see another toa team next winter and maybe they appear because of the vahi. I'm thinking there could be multiple teams throughout time and so a new one is summoned through time when a greater threat appears.

I still think seeing a BioShock Infinite style twist at the very end would be cool.

"There's always a mask, always a Toa."

I'm pretty confused about that whole 'Vahi' theory; how would it connect the two universes? Going back to the 'half a mask' thing, could Vakuma have made the G1 universe's Mask of Time at the same 'time' as G2 made theirs, and that's how they're connected?

Lol I'm not really confused, just interested. But I probably know everyone reaction's to said theory.

Edited by MonkeyChud

I just wish they'd left the Vahi out of it. I'd rather have a new story, and not worry about any ties to the old universe. The old universe was great, I loved following it, but I'm happy with it being over and us getting a new story. Dredging in something like the Vahi and explicitly tying it to the original verse... Just no.

I don't think the "half a mask" thing actually has anything to do with it, for reasons stated. If anything, maybe this universe ALSO has a Vahi only this one can be used for time travel etc.

Or maybe it's just a neat little easter egg. Yeah, let's go with that.

2) Again, I don't think that if it was the G1 Toa, that they would have to make them, or any other character, in the old building system, or at all. If Lego did decide to link up G1 and G2, it could be as simple as the Toa learning that they're from a different world, and leave using the mask. At most, showing a portal with stock imagery or video.

But then this happens:

Lego: "Oh, the MoUP is the top of the Vahi"

Kid: "What's a Vahi?"

Lego: "It was a powerful mask made by the six powerful Kanoka disks."

Kid: "What's a Kanoka disk?"

Lego: "They were powerful disks that were recovered by the Toa of Metru Nui."

Kid: "What's Metru Nui?"

And on it goes, until kids are forced to understand the Gen 1 timeline, and we all know how that turned out the first time.......And no, Lego can't just say "Oh, the Vahi is from a different dimension". They will need to explain it to some degree, and no matter what, it would call for a Gen 1 tie-in.

On another topic, the voices in the character Bios are NOT what we are getting in the episodes. Tahu in the storyline episode, and Tahu in the Bio sound COMPLETELY different. (Same for Kopaka). The Bios were all done by one guy, but the episodes will likely have different voice actors.

Edited by LN-01354

Just to point this out: the Vahi is the Mask of Time. The Gen 1 Vahi does not hop dimensions. Only the Kanohi Olmak can do that. Because 1) the Olmak has not been teased whatsoever, and 2) at this time we have little knowledge of what role the Vahi plays in Gen 2, there is little to support the idea that the Okotoverse and the Mataverse are linked. Add on top of that how complicated the storyline would become if they were vs. TLG's desire to keep the story more simple...

On another topic, the voices in the character Bios are NOT what we are getting in the episodes. Tahu in the storyline episode, and Tahu in the Bio sound COMPLETELY different. (Same for Kopaka). The Bios were all done by one guy, but the episodes will likely have different voice actors.

I'm pretty sure it's just one voice actor for the episodes as well. It's likely the Bios and episodes were done at different times, so he didn't settle on a voice for each character just yet.

Edited by Kalhiki

But then this happens:

Lego: "Oh, the MoUP is the top of the Vahi"

Kid: "What's a Vahi?"

Lego: "It was a powerful mask made by the six powerful Kanoka disks."

Kid: "What's a Kanoka disk?"

Lego: "They were powerful disks that were recovered by the Toa of Metru Nui."

Kid: "What's Metru Nui?"

And on it goes, until kids are forced to understand the Gen 1 timeline, and we all know how that turned out the first time.

Still I think you're dramatizing it, just a bit. Even in the new story, it'd be almost impossible to detach G2 from G1. Just a search for Bionicle you'll see G1 things like Teridax, the Ignika, or Mata-Nui. I'd be impossible for Lego to forget the old story. In fact, the main problem I have with your argument is this:

......And no, Lego can't just say "Oh, the Vahi is from a different dimension". They will need to explain it to some degree, and no matter what, it would call for a Gen 1 tie-in.

If Lego decides to connect the 2 Generations (which I find doubtful), there is no reason why Lego can't say that the mask was made in a different dimension, or something to that effect. If they don't need to explain why the 6 golden masks are scattered across Okoto, then there is no need to explain why there is a Mask of Time. I'd imagine they'd say something to the effect of: "the mythical Mask of Time, forged from the land of the Toa".

Just to point this out: the Vahi is the Mask of Time. The Gen 1 Vahi does not hop dimensions. Only the Kanohi Olmak can do that. Because 1) the Olmak has not been teased whatsoever, and 2) at this time we have little knowledge of what role the Vahi plays in Gen 2, there is little to support the idea that the Okotoverse and the Mataverse are linked.

This is the main reason I don't think the two Generations are necessarily linked. I just don't think it should be dismissed from story significance, as you suggested in your original post, LN-01354.

Don't count on the voices being done by multiple people.

But then this happens:

Lego: "Oh, the MoUP is the top of the Vahi"

Kid: "What's a Vahi?"

Lego: "It was a powerful mask made by the six powerful Kanoka disks."

Kid: "What's a Kanoka disk?"

Lego: "They were powerful disks that were recovered by the Toa of Metru Nui."

Kid: "What's Metru Nui?"

Or it could go like this:

Lego: "Oh, the MoUP is the top of another legendary mask, the Mask of Time"

Kid: "Wow that's so cool"

You're overracting a little bit IMO :P

Or it could go like this:

Lego: "Oh, the MoUP is the top of another legendary mask, the Mask of Time"

Kid: "Wow that's so cool"

You're overracting a little bit IMO :P

Can I just clarify something? There has never been any reason to think this universe will have the "other half" of the Vahi. The LEGO representatives at NYCC said that the old BIONICLE's Mask of Time was "half a mask" and that the new BIONICLE would have "the whole mask". NOT that the new BIONICLE would have "the other half of the mask". A lot of people seem to assume for some reason that this means there is literally a half-mask in the new universe that connects to the half-mask from the old universe, when the more likely possibility is that the new universe's mask will be a full mask to begin with.

A reference to the Generation 1 storyline doesn't mean the universes have to end up sharing a bloated continuity. There are lots of ways to connect the universes that doesn't require understanding EITHER of them to be dependent on the other. I've heard a number of theories that would be simple enough. One person on BZPower suggested that maybe the Mask of Time in the old universe was misused or destroyed and it caused history to completely rewrite itself, creating the new universe. That wouldn't require any "immigrants" from the old universe in the new one or vice-versa.

The Mask of Time theory I like the most is that the Mask of Ultimate Power might actually be this universe's equivalent to the Mask of Time. After all, it's already been established as being exceedingly dangerous, requiring an extraordinary combination of materials to craft, and being the object of Makuta's desire — just like the Mask of Time in BIONICLE G1. As a "whole mask", perhaps it might even have more powers than the Mask of Time did in the old universe. Mask of Time and Space, perhaps?

Well if you think about it, with the new heads they use and the fact that their eyes launch the masks off, they couldn't use the origional vahi because the eye launcher wouldn't hit the mask off and it would look really wierd. For the story reason for the full mask, I have no idea.

Edited by MightySlickPancake

The Mask of Ultimate Power as G2's Vahi sounds good on paper, controlling both space and time. But I easily see it being a haxxed plot device.

Edited by MonkeyChud

So, is it confirmed or not that Europe is getting a February release?

germany ≠ europe. it is common that some sets in germany out earlier, some later. at 30.12.2013 i buyed 2 lego set that was tagged in germany catalog as february. as germany is second market for lego after usa that may mean that lego doesn't have enough productivity to be ready for january launch. usa didn't get chima constraction sets, but germany did. so european countries with a smaller market can get bionicle in january, but germany only february.
That would require selling Gen 1 characters as products

Interesting statues. They look strikingly similar to Vorox (especially the helmet). I wonder if they're anything important.

I was thinking that aswell. But i'm expecting this new storyline will have easter eggs from Gen 1 all over the place. That doesnt change the fact there hieroglyphics depict the toa coming from six different planets. Which is the coolest thing to think bout

Well if you think about it, with the new heads they use and the fact that their eyes launch the masks off, they couldn't use the origional vahi because the eye launcher wouldn't hit the mask off and it would look really wierd. For the story reason for the full mask, I have no idea.

I'd say the mask function is just in the sets.

It would be nice if the masters would had different heads to the protectors/villagers to distinguish them from eachother and really give the alien look. But those are mostly hidden in the sets so it doesn't really matter.

^ Sure, but they won't bring back the half-mask if it doesn't work with the function. (Oh, with the toys is the function meant to work with the spiders jumping the back of the head, pushing the mask off, then crawling to the front?)

My personal theory for the Vahi is the other half provides the power to travel backwards in time or the ability to create alternate timelines, or as others have stated the whole mask controls spacetime. In Gen 2 the Toa enter another reality, place, or past where the mask is merged. For example Gen 2 could be set in the past. In the climactic battle of Gen 2 the mask (could it be the MoUP?) is broken in two, the lower half melted into the great disks (old fans will figure this out from context so it won't need to be shown), the upper half lost. In the future on Spherus Magna the original Toa Mata find the upper half and remerge the two peices, which releases its refound reverse-time-travel ability, launching them back in time to Okoto and where they break the mask. Therefore we get a plot-twisty paradox of fun.

^ Sure, but they won't bring back the half-mask if it doesn't work with the function. (Oh, with the toys is the function meant to work with the spiders jumping the back of the head, pushing the mask off, then crawling to the front?)

My personal theory for the Vahi is the other half provides the power to travel backwards in time or the ability to create alternate timelines, or as others have stated the whole mask controls spacetime. In Gen 2 the Toa enter another reality, place, or past where the mask is merged. For example Gen 2 could be set in the past. In the climactic battle of Gen 2 the mask (could it be the MoUP?) is broken in two, the lower half melted into the great disks (old fans will figure this out from context so it won't need to be shown), the upper half lost. In the future on Spherus Magna the original Toa Mata find the upper half and remerge the two peices, which releases its refound reverse-time-travel ability, launching them back in time to Okoto and where they break the mask. Therefore we get a plot-twisty paradox of fun.

the toa were summoned tho. and they all seem to come from different planets or whatevs, based on the legend murals

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