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germany ≠ europe. it is common that some sets in germany out earlier, some later. at 30.12.2013 i buyed 2 lego set that was tagged in germany catalog as february. as germany is second market for lego after usa that may mean that lego doesn't have enough productivity to be ready for january launch. usa didn't get chima constraction sets, but germany did. so european countries with a smaller market can get bionicle in january, but germany only february.

Lego usually sees Europe as a global market, just like North America (USA + Canada (+ Mexico ?)), so it would make sense to release the sets at the same date in all European countries.

^ Sure, but they won't bring back the half-mask if it doesn't work with the function. (Oh, with the toys is the function meant to work with the spiders jumping the back of the head, pushing the mask off, then crawling to the front?)

We don't know if they'll keep the function through the years or if it's specific to 2015. Sure, I hope they'll keep the same head, for consistence's sake, but if the Vahi appears in a set, I highly doubt it's gonna be next year (and we're already waiting for the Mask of Creation, which is the main plot point for 2015), and we might get a new kind of head by the time the Vahi gets released (once again, if it appears in a set).

So... if the Vahi is important then there are two options;

- The Vahi is everwhere because its actually been drawn there (meaning that its been shown in that universe before meaning its the future)

- The Vahi is everywhere as an easter egg and isnt actually drawn there (meaning that its a hint to the over-arcing plotline and its the past)

As for the idea of how it connects, it seems the idea is the following;

- Toa are summoned via the Temple Of Time (Time Travel) to this part of the timeline to fix something that wasnt meant to happen (The death of Ekimu)

- If its part of the timeline in the past or future then the GSR event will be that this is the past or future

- The comparisons to the Star Trek reboot film series seems to imply it is more likely the past than the future

- The Mask Of Ultimate power being the only mask shown in shadows and the only mask with red eyes seems to hint towards that being the origins of Teridax.

the toa were summoned tho. and they all seem to come from different planets or whatevs, based on the legend murals

That seems to be a common misconception, it was more hinted that they come when the planets align. Not from the individual planets but simply when the energy from the planets aligning summons them. If the Vahi is important and the link between the two realms then it could be possible that the planets aligning somehow provides it with more power, enough to transport the toa from the old timeline to this timeline (likely the distant past or distant future)

Edited by Scarilian

Lego usually sees Europe as a global market, just like North America (USA + Canada (+ Mexico ?)), so it would make sense to release the sets at the same date in all European countries.

Actually, there have been differences in European release dates in the past but less so lately. LEGO doesn't regard Europe as one single market but certain groups of countries like Germany, Austria and Switzerland or the BeNeLux countries. And DE/AT/CH has usually been one of the first markets to get constraction sets in the last few years so I assumed others wouldn't get them earlier either. Of course I could be wrong, though. I sure hope so for you non-German Europeans out there. ^^

Edited by Gatanui

All this talk about the Vahi: wasn't the matter settled that this is a separate continuity?

The Star Trek reboot comparison was only used to say that this is a retelling of a story. But people jumped to the conclusion that the two Bionicle stories would be linked because, well, Spock. And the Vahi/half a mask deal was just to say that if they re-use concepts from the original story for G2, they'll change things. So, in G1, the Vahi was designed like half a mask, but in G2 they could make a full mask.

I'm not saying that the/a Mask of Time won't be prominent. Clearly, there's something going on with the concept of Time. But I'm by no means saying that the Vahi from G1 (the physical thing) will show up in G2. I think G2 will get its own Mask of Time.

I like the look of the launch trailer.

You know if this era of Bionicle came out as a movie and the cast from the last four movies were unavailable I've got a rough idea who should play the Toa.

Tahu – Robby Benson

Lewa – Rob Schneider

Kopaka – Willem Dafoe

Gali – Idina Menzel

Pohatu – Wayne Forester

Onua – Brian Blessed

I'm pretty sure it's just one voice actor for the episodes as well. It's likely the Bios and episodes were done at different times, so he didn't settle on a voice for each character just yet.

Tahu in the episode has a deep, calm voice, but his bio gives him a gruff voice. Kopaka does sound fairly similar in both, and I guess that it could make sense for him to be the same guy. But definitely not Tahu.

Anyway, the Vahi is making my head spin. On the one hand, it's a quite reasonable thing to assume (since there are, like, 100 easter eggs and the word "time" is spoken in every other line). However, at the same time ( :grin:), I just can't see them making the Vahi an integral part. To go with the last chronicler's idea (posted on the previous page), a lot of that story is just a shout-out to older fans, and kids would need to learn the old story.

My head hurts...so much. :wall::ugh:

Edited by LN-01354

Tahu in the episode has a deep, calm voice, but his bio gives him a gruff voice. Kopaka does sound fairly similar in both, and I guess that it could make sense for him to be the same guy. But definitely not Tahu.

It... Still sounds like the same guy to me. Just doing a different voice.

germany ≠ europe. it is common that some sets in germany out earlier, some later. at 30.12.2013 i buyed 2 lego set that was tagged in germany catalog as february. as germany is second market for lego after usa that may mean that lego doesn't have enough productivity to be ready for january launch. usa didn't get chima constraction sets, but germany did. so european countries with a smaller market can get bionicle in january, but germany only february.


sets=/=characters. Just saying.

sets=/=characters. Just saying.

Well of course. But that's for minor characters.

Any major sets that we've seen last generation won't make any appearance in stores or in the story. (besides the obvious ones we have now)

Well of course. But that's for minor characters.

Any major sets that we've seen last generation won't make any appearance in stores or in the story. (besides the obvious ones we have now)

II wouldnt say there is no chance of it.

All this talk about the Vahi: wasn't the matter settled that this is a separate continuity?

They just dont want to come out and say its a continuation as that may weaken the GSR event if confirmed, they probably want it as a suprise.

Edited by Scarilian

All this talk about the Vahi: wasn't the matter settled that this is a separate continuity?

The Star Trek reboot comparison was only used to say that this is a retelling of a story. But people jumped to the conclusion that the two Bionicle stories would be linked because, well, Spock. And the Vahi/half a mask deal was just to say that if they re-use concepts from the original story for G2, they'll change things. So, in G1, the Vahi was designed like half a mask, but in G2 they could make a full mask.

I'm not saying that the/a Mask of Time won't be prominent. Clearly, there's something going on with the concept of Time. But I'm by no means saying that the Vahi from G1 (the physical thing) will show up in G2. I think G2 will get its own Mask of Time.

But then why go to the trouble of including it, qua original-"half a mask"-Vahi, as a repeated easter-egg? We've seen multiple images of it, one of which shows it quite clearly in its original form.


To feature the images of the original Vahi so prominently, as opposed to simply hiding the word "Vahi" or whatnot, and to not have it appear that way, would amount to, in internet parlance, trolling.

But then why go to the trouble of including it, qua original-"half a mask"-Vahi, as a repeated easter-egg? We've seen multiple images of it, one of which shows it quite clearly in its original form.

To feature the images of the original Vahi so prominently, as opposed to simply hiding the word "Vahi" or whatnot, and to not have it appear that way, would amount to, in internet parlance, trolling.

Think about this: they have to use the original Mask of Time's image because, if they made a new one that looked nothing like it, we would not recognize it as a Mask of Time. Making the Easter Egg mostly pointless.

Just because it looks like the old mask does not mean it is the old mask. Many of the Toa's masks--the Mask of Ice in particular--look like their old versions. But that does not mean they are the same mask. Kanohi Akaku =/= Mask of Ice, so in the same way it is likely that New Mask of Time =/= Kanohi Vahi, even if they look similar and have similar functions.

Edited by mysteriouspi

Think about this: they have to use the original Mask of Time's image because, if they made a new one that looked nothing like it, we would not recognize it as a Mask of Time. Making the Easter Egg mostly pointless.

Pretty much this. The belief in the "Vahi theory" stems from the fact that they're hinting so strongly towards the Vahi having something to do with new BIONICLE; the Vahi's appearances thus far haven't been the actual Vahi. They've merely been easter eggs that have hinted towards the Vahi's relevancy. The actual Vahi isn't buried inside a rock, or hidden inside a lava pool, for instance. It's done how it is so the fans can recognize and comment on it.

Granted, but repeated visual references to the original Vahi are going to cause a fair amount of fans to expect to see it in the new story. LEGO should know that, and so I will be surprised if it does not make at least a moment's appearance.

Edited by Quisoves Pugnat

Speculation about its importance aside, I greatly look forward to potentially getting a new mask of time to fit the new heads. I sadly missed out on getting one in gen2 so hopefully it will be available in a set.

We don't know if they'll keep the function through the years or if it's specific to 2015. Sure, I hope they'll keep the same head, for consistence's sake, but if the Vahi appears in a set, I highly doubt it's gonna be next year (and we're already waiting for the Mask of Creation, which is the main plot point for 2015), and we might get a new kind of head by the time the Vahi gets released (once again, if it appears in a set).

Sure, but it makes more sense to assume they will keep the current design rather then assume they will change it, especially if the only reason to change it is story reasons. If they spent money and made the mold, I'm sure they intend to use it for the 3 years planned. Gen 1 Bionicle only decided to give up on the mask gimmick in the second half of year 3 due to kids thinking it was defective.

I want to note that the mask of Ultimate Power plays the same role the Vahi played in 2001, as on all the mask posters back then it was used as the 'mystery mask' of power. This adds significance to it's choice of appearance in Gen 2.

Keep in mind that the Vahi was the first mask designed for the original theme so it is clearly meant to create a significant connection between the two generations, I can imagine LEGO's train of thought was to use the original "half-mask" design to their advantage to further connect the two themes.

the toa were summoned tho. and they all seem to come from different planets or whatevs, based on the legend murals

Yes, but one could imagine the Toa Mata where launched through space and time by re-merging the mask of time, and the summoning simply guided them to their landing spot on Okoto. Like how the original canisters where launched out to the chaotic sea then had to be signaled to Mata Nui.

Edited by the last chronicler

[...] Tahu at 19,49 Euro plus 6 Euro for shipping [...]

26 EUR (32 USD) for Tahu? Hell no. If that's the case, I'd rather sit and wait until May and get the sets on sale. The sets are amazing but these prices are getting ridiculous.

Edited by wghost

After being on an "endless quest" for the new sets.

I was finally able to find a Target that had only one of the new sets, Lewa, and so I picked him up.

Head articulation is quite limited, but the rest of the set is good.

I would recommend.

26 EUR (32 USD) for Tahu? Hell no. If that's the case, I'd rather sit and wait until May and get the sets on sale. The sets are amazing but these prices are getting ridiculous.

Those are the prices we have to deal with here. Anyway, I deleted my post, that was actually a pre-selling offer- meaning that no, I'm not getting Tahu on the 30th (January 16th actually, which I guess is still decent if they're coming out in February) and yes, I'm an idiot for impulse-buying like this.

Just noticed just2good (pun fully intended) is releasing some info on the Summer waves (Ninjago, Minecraft and a Technic set). Hopefully we're getting BIONICLE soon!

Edited by Shakar

Those are the prices we have to deal with here.

Unfortunately, my fellow-European wallet is well aware.

[...] and yes, I'm an idiot for impulse-buying like this.

I didn't call you an idiot and had no intention of doing that either as I have no right to judge people based on their purchase habits. My post was meant to express my newfound disappointment about the set prices and the ongoing USD=EUR conversion which has been permanent for the last decade.

Indeed, 32 dollars for a Toa is crazy when you think about it. *huh*

I know you didn't call me an idiot :laugh: I'm actually kicking myself for not having read the Ebay offer correctly, so I'm spontaneously calling myself as such.

I found this launch trailer for Bionicle 2015 on YouTube. It looks great.

The moment they are released in the UK I'll do a review of them. :wink:

Those are the prices we have to deal with here. Anyway, I deleted my post, that was actually a pre-selling offer- meaning that no, I'm not getting Tahu on the 30th (January 16th actually, which I guess is still decent if they're coming out in February) and yes, I'm an idiot for impulse-buying like this.

Just noticed just2good (pun fully intended) is releasing some info on the Summer waves (Ninjago, Minecraft and a Technic set). Hopefully we're getting BIONICLE soon!

Can you link me please?

"- Do you have the bionicle set names?

- Nope, don't have those."

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