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Sorry to be off-topic and repeating a post.

Any sets spotted in the UK?

Yes, I would also like to know. I've checked The Entertainer, which is usually quite good when it comes to constraction, but no such luck.

And it is the most obscured thing of a mask ever and possibly was in at conceptual state back then. There are like ten things pointing towards it being the MoUP and and only those spikes saying it isn't. Remeber how they toyed around with the look of Ignika?

I strongly believe that it will go like this:

MoUP has a mind of it's own. after Makuta's defeat it transformed into a spider (that's why the top of the mask actually looks like a skull spider) With the power of the mask LOSS made armies of skull spiders in order to find the masks of power and gain enough elemental power to resurrect Makuta. In summer wave. one way or another LOSS has brought Makuta back to life and transformed back into a mask. Makuta takes the MoUP and becomes a gigantic and powerfull Skull Grinder as seen in the legend animation. The toa have ressurected Ekimu and now these two mask makers battle in the same set. Makuta as transformed into a giant Skull grinder and Ekimu as just the "mask maker" the other skullguys are just some random things either affected by spiders or summoned by Makuta.

And due to this Mask Maker vs Skull Grinder could be the best Bionicle set ever. Featuring two or even more legendary masks (MoUP, MoCr and quite possibly MoCo) , titan Makuta and Ekimu

It'd be cool to see the MoUP show up, but not explicitly revealed to be as such. Like, we go through the Skull Spider mask, Skull Grinder's mask, and whoever else's mask, and then at the end it reveals itself to be the MoUP all along. But if the MoUP only has one form, I can't see this Skull Mask being it. With the six spikes being the only defining feature on the MoUP, I just have a hard time believing they'd get rid of them.

Anywho, my personal theory for this year goes like this: The ancient city LOSS guards is where the Summer wave Skull guys (we need a name for them) are hiding/buried/imprisoned. LOSS, through some exterior motive (possibly Makuta?) is wanting to gain the Golden Masks to use their power to awaken the Skull guys.

A basic idea, but something along those lines. Who the Skulls are, I'm not sure. Maybe they fought the Mask Makers for control of the Golden Masks at some point in the past, and the six elemental powers imprisoned them a la Protodermis cage. And how they get out... Maybe LOSS tricks the Toa into breaking them out? It's a rough idea.

Also guys, omg, Bionicle is officially released in three days. I'll be going to the Lego Store on Friday where hopefully I'll be able to nab the whole lineup (thank you, Christmas money!).

Sorry to be off-topic and repeating a post.

Any sets spotted in the UK?

Not UK, but I'm in Ireland, and I've seen nothing so far around my area. I haven't heard any reports of sightings from outside the US and Canada.

Anywho, my personal theory for this year goes like this: The ancient city LOSS guards is where the Summer wave Skull guys (we need a name for them) are hiding/buried/imprisoned. LOSS, through some exterior motive (possibly Makuta?) is wanting to gain the Golden Masks to use their power to awaken the Skull guys.

A basic idea, but something along those lines. Who the Skulls are, I'm not sure. Maybe they fought the Mask Makers for control of the Golden Masks at some point in the past, and the six elemental powers imprisoned them a la Protodermis cage. And how they get out... Maybe LOSS tricks the Toa into breaking them out? It's a rough idea.

I also think that the Skull Army is in the Ancient City, but I don't think the LoSS wants to awaken them. I rather think they will be awaken by the Toa when they will defeat the LoSS and enter the City, but I don't know how.

Sorry to be off-topic and repeating a post.

Any sets spotted in the UK?

Try this; http://www.thehut.com/elysium.search?search=bionicle

Its more of a pre-order thing however it seems to be the only way to get the sets in the UK at the current time.

Edited by Scarilian

I like the idea of the MoUP being alive, almost like Majora's Mask.

Lol, you always know an argument is lost when people trot out the old "LEGO has lied in the past" claim. Funny how people can never provide examples where a LEGO rep knew the truth and lied about it. Instead it's always an evasive answer, or an example of somebody misunderstanding the question, or an automatic or out-of-date response form. And because of these so-called lies, we should ALWAYS be prepared to doubt the LEGO Group's word, at least when we don't like the answers they've given us.

Can we please stop talking about the Vahi/time theories for now? It's annoying and just causing fights.

I second this notion. This thing is so ambiguously explained that by now everyone has their deeply ingrained headcanon that they are stuck with. If you've made up your mind, you've made up your mind, and no amount of internet fights will get you to change it.

Wow, the snarkiness in this topic is hilarious.

I'll jump in when it gets more intense.

Can we please stop talking about the Vahi/time theories for now? It's annoying and just causing fights.

And boring

Lol, you always know an argument is lost when people trot out the old "LEGO has lied in the past" claim. Funny how people can never provide examples where a LEGO rep knew the truth and lied about it. Instead it's always an evasive answer, or an example of somebody misunderstanding the question, or an automatic or out-of-date response form. And because of these so-called lies, we should ALWAYS be prepared to doubt the LEGO Group's word, at least when we don't like the answers they've given us.

To be fair, I believe he was directly referring to our interview with Greg Farshtey in 2013 where we asked him if he knew anything about the future of BIONICLE and he stated he knew of no plans to bring it back.... which he just revealed on the message boards was a lie, he has known BIONICLE was returning months in advance and then continued to say that LEGO employees will rarely be allowed to give truthful answers regarding future plans.

But I agree, it's not much to go on in terms of a convincing argument.

Edited by IllustriousVar

Also guys, omg, Bionicle is officially released in three days. I'll be going to the Lego Store on Friday where hopefully I'll be able to nab the whole lineup (thank you, Christmas money!).

Well, in my country the sets are going to be released in February, so I have to wait a little more :P Which sucks by the way, it's never been like that, I remember getting Brain Attack sets in December, not to mention that this year's HF sets were released earlier in my region than in North America. I wonder what caused such change.

Edited by Voxovan

I like the idea of the MoUP being alive, almost like Majora's Mask.

Now we just need them to have an epic rap battle - Majora's Mask vs The Mask of Ultimate Power.

Oh, I now have most of the sets now. I'm just missing Onua and Gali but so far all of them have been enjoyable (yes, even LOSS)! There are a few minor tweaks that I need to make but other than that these are solid sets. My favorite would have to be Tahu.

Lol, you always know an argument is lost when people trot out the old "LEGO has lied in the past" claim. Funny how people can never provide examples where a LEGO rep knew the truth and lied about it. Instead it's always an evasive answer, or an example of somebody misunderstanding the question, or an automatic or out-of-date response form. And because of these so-called lies, we should ALWAYS be prepared to doubt the LEGO Group's word, at least when we don't like the answers they've given us.

Seeing as you are naturally jumping to claiming that my side of the conversation is automatically lost because i point out that people may lie to cover potential spoilers or because they are not allowed to disclose information at the current time. This has occured in many different professions, and its not uncommon for Lego to do this, most noticeably a few misdirections that can be found when looking back at the Bionicle Lore and conversations with TLG during the events of the first generation that led away from the Mata Nui reveal.

Regardless, as mentioned by others their is no point in furthering this conversation as none of you actually want to speculate or discuss Bionicle, you just want to accept what you are told. I hope, in a couple of years time IF they do announce a connection between this and the old universe, that you'll actually be a lot less argumentative in the future to others. Getting theories and speculating about Bionicle is what the community should be, not just sitting around waiting for the next piece of official news to come out and tell them what to think. What happened to the days when we translated Bionicle symbols and speculated about the story?

Until that point continuing the conversation seems to be fruitless as any sort of speculative discussion is this discussion topic is automatically discarded in favour of believing what you were told outside of the story rather than what is being shown in the story.

Edited by Scarilian

I can guarantee that regardless of the vahi showing up in all these animations, when we get a mask of time in plastic, it won't look like the one we had in G1, and it won't be the one in the animations either. Which makes arguing from the animations a little silly.

I can guarantee that regardless of the vahi showing up in all these animations, when we get a mask of time in plastic, it won't look like the one we had in G1, and it won't be the one in the animations either. Which makes arguing from the animations a little silly.

Final thing then

If we are'nt getting a mask that looks like the G1 version and the G1 version has no relevance on the story in G2, why is it their?

- It would'nt be an easter egg as it would'nt make sense to include a G1 easter egg in G2 just to mess around with fans, specifically if you are introducing a different looking Mask Of Time that is crucial to the story

- If as you say its not a second half that combines with the G1 half then we cant use the excuse of it being part of the G2 Mask Of Time

- It would'nt be story relevance as you discarded that

- It would'nt be for a nod to G1 as logically it would'nt make sense to include an obscure Vahi rather than the more recogniseable Avohkii or Ignika

- If its not a link to the G1 universe then we cant use the excuse that anyone in G2 would know what the original Vahi looked like either

- Old Vahi didnt have Time Travel yet the new Mask Of Time does, showing the old mask to support the idea of Time Travel would just be contradicting the original G1

So via all you've presented its just their for absolutely no reason other than to say 'you remember how we had the Vahi in the original universe, well now its gone'

Edited by Scarilian

The Vahi is certainly there to tell the older fans that the Mask of Time (which is a different mask) will have a major role for the story (actually, it already has an important role, since the Protectors used its powers to "summon" the Toa) without revealing the real MoT design. They're planning something big, and they want us, the older fans, to know it, because it's a reference only us will understand. And it's a way to keep us interested, and it works very well.

Edited by Leewan

The Vahi is certainly there to tell the older fans that the Mask of Time (which is a different mask) will have a major role for the story (actually, it already has an important role, since the Protectors used its powers to "summon" the Toa) without revealing the real MoT design. They're planning something big, and they want us, the older fans, to know it, because it's a reference only us will understand. And it's a way to keep us interested, and it works very well.

Old fans know the original Vahi could not allow the user to Travel through Time, only powers it had were to 'Let user speed up or slow down time in an area' as such showing it to explain that the Mask Of Time has Time Travel powers would be like a slap to the face for old fans... as they know the Vahi could never do that. Would'nt it make more sense actually announcing the Protectors used a 'Mask Of Time' to summon the Toa? They did this in the lego magazine so the Vahi would'nt be here for that reason...

(Added that to the list also)

Well, in my country the sets are going to be released in February, so I have to wait a little more :P Which sucks by the way, it's never been like that, I remember getting Brain Attack sets in December, not to mention that this year's HF sets were released earlier in my region than in North America. I wonder what caused such change.

I also wonder why Europe is having to wait, because one would think the European sets have already been produced for a long time (because the reviewers got them). Perhaps the production has been:

  1. Small run of parts for the NYCC event (late September, shipped out by October)
  2. Small run of European sets to send out to reviewers and work out the production kinks (late October, shipped out by mid November)
  3. Large run of American sets to send out to retailers to stock following the Christmas season (late November, shipped out by mid December)
  4. Large run of European sets to send out to European retailers to stock on Febuary 1st (late December, shipped out by mid January)

Keep in mind that Lego can only produce as much as their factories can handle and they also need to produce other 2015 sets.

Edited by TheDesuComplex

- It would'nt be an easter egg as it would'nt make sense to include a G1 easter egg in G2 just to mess around with fans, specifically if you are introducing a different looking Mask Of Time that is crucial to the story

Sure it would. Easter eggs don't have to make sense from an in-universe perspective, and it's actually incredibly common for them to be shout-outs to other continuities or even different stories altogether. Just like how there were carvings of R2-D2 and C-3PO in "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Not everybody needs to know what they are — they're simply included for the benefit of people who DO know what they are. In this case, that means G1 BIONICLE fans.

As for why the animators chose the Mask of Time, perhaps because it was the first BIONICLE mask designed, or perhaps to reinforce the theme of time, or perhaps just because it IS somewhat obscure and that makes it particularly potent as an inside reference among long-time fans.

I can guarantee that regardless of the vahi showing up in all these animations, when we get a mask of time in plastic, it won't look like the one we had in G1, and it won't be the one in the animations either. Which makes arguing from the animations a little silly.

Unless you have some insider information that you're not telling us you can't guarantee anything about the future of Bionicle, and this goes further to prove you are unwilling to speculate and have decided your authority is law without all the facts.

I also think that the Skull Army is in the Ancient City, but I don't think the LoSS wants to awaken them. I rather think they will be awaken by the Toa when they will defeat the LoSS and enter the City, but I don't know how.

If that's the case, then I wonder what LOSS's motive would be? Has it been confirmed that LOSS is hunting the golden masks? If so, I have a strong feeling that the power of the masks can awaken the Skull Army. And if LOSS doesn't want to awaken the Army, maybe the Toa do so by accident.

Or perhaps LOSS once worked with said army, or maybe he's being controlled by Makuta?

This is really starting to feel like '01 if Makuta is controlling LOSS. Big Bad (Makuta) controls a bunch of animals (Rahi/Skull Spiders). Once defeated a new threat is awakened (Bohrok/Skull Army).

Well, in my country the sets are going to be released in February, so I have to wait a little more :P Which sucks by the way, it's never been like that, I remember getting Brain Attack sets in December, not to mention that this year's HF sets were released earlier in my region than in North America. I wonder what caused such change.

I feel your pain. Here in the US, we had to wait till March to get IFB. Hopefully, stores will break the street date around where you live and you won't need to wait as long.

I have a feeling that LOSS and the Skull Spiders are just a scouting force of sorts sent out by the Skull Army to see what they're up against.

I have a feeling that LOSS and the Skull Spiders are just a scouting force of sorts sent out by the Skull Army to see what they're up against.

Quite the scouting force. =P

But yes, I wouldn't be surprised if they are merely the prima acie. Of course, the question is how the LOSS plays into this. He isn't, on the basis of his appearance, a Skull Spider, and he only seems to control them through his golden mask. So what makes him more suited to command them than our mysterious Skull Grinder? Is there some sort of "spider-sympathy" which makes it easier for him to control them?

Obviously the real reason is that a spider lord for a spider horde sells better, but I do wonder if there will be an in-story justification.

So you COULD say I lucked out today...


I've only built Tahu so far, but he's awesome (as I predicted). The guy who worked at Target was so helpful getting the sets out from the back storage room for me. Very grateful!

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