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Shame about the dark blue set.. But I really like the idea of a dark tan set!

As for the Toa, I don't think we'll see another team. Unlike G1, recent action themes have made an effort to keep a single team of heroes, adding at most 2-4 additional members. Look at Ninjago for instance.

That works well with Ninjago because the main part of the set isn't the character in almost every case. With CCBS, the character is the set. They might stick with the Toa for a few years, but not the series' entire run, methinks. :P

None of what he says has had time to play-out. As such none of his comments have actually came true... yet anyway. So i'm not 100% sure that we can believe he's seen the Summer sets until some of the other stuff he's spoken about comes true.

So far this; "chance of getting a tan/dark tan set" is just that, a chance. Granted its a high possibility because the Summer Sets are based on villains that reside in the same area as Pohatu (Skull Scorpions being a main factor in his set and animations, Ekimu originally being defeated in the same region, etc...) Though it seems more like a guess to me, that even if we recieve tan sets may not mean he is telling the truth. We need a more concrete statement that will either come and prove him right or wrong.

Obviously people can make mistakes, so I wouldn't say to take everything he says as 100% accurate, but the information provided by Exo-6 (and Leewan as his proxy) has been reliable so far.

Where does Ex0-6 post about his leaks and stuff?

Obviously people can make mistakes, so I wouldn't say to take everything he says as 100% accurate, but the information provided by Exo-6 (and Leewan as his proxy) has been reliable so far.

Its not the fact that he's making mistakes, its the fact none of what he's said has had time to happen. As such none of the information he has provided has actually happened, so not sure how you are calling it reliable when we have no way of judging if he's telling the truth. It could still happen, but the only thing he's gotten right that we have any evidence of at the current moment is the August release for the Summer sets... but given most sets are released in August it could have easily been a guess. As with most of his other statements, its so bare bones in details that it could be a complete guess.

If he's seen the sets he could give us more details than just essentially telling us what we already know such as the potential inclusion of Tan in a set that is based on a region that is entirely focused around Tan and Brown pieces. He need to say something that only someone who has seen the sets would know and then we'll know he's telling the truth when the Summer sets are revealed later this month or next.

For the moment though nothing he's provided has been his source other than the August release date, which may have been a guess;

- The tan comes from the speculation that the Skull Scorpion Warrior is the one in the Pohatu animation

- The number of sets come from a leaked document released a month prior to his statement

- The Summer wave consisting entirely of villains is subjective, i view it as incorrect due to the 'Mask Makers Vs.' set

- The trailer he mentioned containing Gali and the Earth protector in toy form has not appeared

- Etc...

Until he provides something that can actually be verified as an official source of information about the sets then i dont trust his 'source' as valid as none of it has actually been verified as something only someone who has seen the sets could know.

Where does Ex0-6 post about his leaks and stuff?

Bionifigs mostly. Though he rarely makes any information available in one thread and instead its mostly as replies to random individuals or snippets that Bionifigs uses to support their more speculative articles.

In that post his two comments used in the article simply follow the general consensus of fan theory. Thats its not the MoUP that was revealed but the head of a Summer Villain (Duh) and that the images from the Pohatu animations are 'possibly' going to be seen as Summer sets. If you read each of his comments you notice a pattern that he never actually confirms or denies anything and instead throws doubt into something by saying 'As I recall', 'possibly', 'might' or otherwise...

Edited by Scarilian

- The tan comes from the speculation that the Skull Scorpion Warrior is the one in the Pohatu animation

What we see in the Pohatu animation is a statue, which isn't necessarily the same color as the character it represents. Do you remember LoMN ? It means nothing, really.

- The Summer wave consisting entirely of villains is subjective, i view it as incorrect due to the 'Mask Makers Vs.' set

He never said that there would only be villains, and neither did I. But okay, I'll rephrase : most of the new characters will be villains. :wink:

That works well with Ninjago because the main part of the set isn't the character in almost every case. With CCBS, the character is the set. They might stick with the Toa for a few years, but not the series' entire run, methinks. :P

Hero Factory says hi

I didn't expect HF to stick with the same characters for years either. (But they did, yes.)

Hero Factory says hi

Hero Factory was also dog-awful and had less story substance over five years than G2 Bionicle has already.

Yup. At first I put them together in a way that half a module of pin was sticking out each side and that was actually tighter. When I put them in their instruction configuration (with one module of pin sticking out one side) they hold their position ok, but flop around at the slightest touch. I am probably going to find a pin with higher friction (like the new pin/axle pieces in Lewa) to put in them so that they stick better. My initial thoughts on them were that they would have pegs to hold them in place like the beast heads and Cragger's jaw, so that might have helped some.

Huh, that's odd to me since mine are prefectly tight. Guess I didn't expect there to be noticeable differences on parts tolerances in LEGO. I hope you find a good solution!

So I just built LOSS, and now I have all the sets built. I would go over them all, but that would take too much time, so I'm just going to talk about LOSS for a bit.

LOSS is a lot better than I thought and people make him out to be. Does he have great pose-ability? No, not at all. But he looks fantastic. And the function is super fun and addicting. Top it all off with a satisfying build, and you got yourself a pretty cool set. He's also bigger than I thought he'd be. The main body is small, yes, but the legs stick out so wide it gives the appearance of being larger than he is. Would he be a challenge for the entire Toa team? No, but it looks like he'd be able to put up a fight against one or maybe two.

Would I prefer a larger spider? Yes. But what we got here is suitable. I love him.

So as I said, I have all the sets. Favorite Toa would be either Kopaka or Onua and favorite Protector would be Earth. Least favorites (not necessarily bad figures, mind you) would be Tahu and Protector of Water.

Odd, it seems the Toa I ordered shipped separately from the Protectors; However, considering that said Toa were shipped with 2-day priority for free, without my asking for it, I cannot complain.

Edited by The Kumquat Alchemist

I'm starting to really hate FedEx. The rest of my sets have been sitting at my local sorting facility since earlier this morning, and the tracking hasn't changed since. I wouldn't be surprised if I got 'em on Wednesday the expected delivery date, instead of getting them early.

So I just built LOSS, and now I have all the sets built. I would go over them all, but that would take too much time, so I'm just going to talk about LOSS for a bit.

LOSS is a lot better than I thought and people make him out to be. Does he have great pose-ability? No, not at all. But he looks fantastic. And the function is super fun and addicting. Top it all off with a satisfying build, and you got yourself a pretty cool set. He's also bigger than I thought he'd be. The main body is small, yes, but the legs stick out so wide it gives the appearance of being larger than he is. Would he be a challenge for the entire Toa team? No, but it looks like he'd be able to put up a fight against one or maybe two.

Would I prefer a larger spider? Yes. But what we got here is suitable. I love him.

So as I said, I have all the sets. Favorite Toa would be either Kopaka or Onua and favorite Protector would be Earth. Least favorites (not necessarily bad figures, mind you) would be Tahu and Protector of Water.

I agree completely.

Hero Factory was also dog-awful and had less story substance over five years than G2 Bionicle has already.

But I thought we were operating under the assumption that the sets were the reason why BIONICLE can't stick with the same main characters for more than three years like Ninjago does? In that case, Hero Factory is all the proof you need that it can be done. If it's the story that's the issue... well, that brings us right back to Ninjago, which has not needed a complete cast change in its entire run.

Hero Factory's story also had more depth than people give it credit for, but I won't bother going into THAT because it's not really relevant to the question of whether BIONICLE could keep the same main characters for more than three years.

I'm starting to really hate FedEx. The rest of my sets have been sitting at my local sorting facility since earlier this morning, and the tracking hasn't changed since. I wouldn't be surprised if I got 'em on Wednesday the expected delivery date, instead of getting them early.

Hate them because they deliver on time ? If there's a delay, I can understand that you hate them (and yet, it seems excessive), but hey, they're just doing their job.

I'll go to the Lego Store on Saturday, I'll pick Tahu, Gali, Lewa and the Protector of Jungle (so I'll get the lovely flower cart :grin: ).

Edited by Leewan

Hate them because they deliver on time ? If there's a delay, I can understand that you hate them (and yet, it seems excessive), but hey, they're just doing their job.

I'll go to the Lego Store on Saturday, I'll pick Tahu, Gali, Lewa and the Protector of Jungle (so I'll get the lovely flower cart :grin: ).

I hate them because their tracker lies, and they're lazy. If my mail is already here, why not just deliver it early? Even USPS is better at these things, and that's among the most untrustworthy services to use.

Did I mention that I'm impatient? :)

I'm starting to really hate FedEx. The rest of my sets have been sitting at my local sorting facility since earlier this morning, and the tracking hasn't changed since. I wouldn't be surprised if I got 'em on Wednesday the expected delivery date, instead of getting them early.

I know the feeling, i've had to wait since the 1st with my sets being in the warehouse with no change until today... :L

I hate them because their tracker lies, and they're lazy. If my mail is already here, why not just deliver it early? Even USPS is better at these things, and that's among the most untrustworthy services to use.

Because they don't have enough trucks and drivers to handle a given load. It's not like it's literally sitting on their truck, they see it's your address, and go "nah". They could overload, but that requires paying the drivers in overtime, and you didn't pay for that. Logistics, dontchaknow.

[/worked for UPS]

Because they don't have enough trucks and drivers to handle a given load. It's not like it's literally sitting on their truck, they see it's your address, and go "nah". They could overload, but that requires paying the drivers in overtime, and you didn't pay for that. Logistics, dontchaknow.

[/worked for UPS]

Yup, it's a shame that people forget so often that the person behind the counter, behind the wheel, etc. is a human being who should be respected and given the benefit of the doubt, not someone with a personal vendetta against you. ESPECIALLY after this holiday season and the crunch time that they experience, people should have patience. But this isn't 100% on the topic of Bionicle.

Wow. Googled Bionicle 2015, and the preview text below the Bionicle web page reads "Explore the island of Mata Nui ruled by the Makuta, meet the six heroes, discover the masks of power, and solve the mystery of Bionicle." Looks like the site editor forgot to change the description!

Wow. Googled Bionicle 2015, and the preview text below the Bionicle web page reads "Explore the island of Mata Nui ruled by the Makuta, meet the six heroes, discover the masks of power, and solve the mystery of Bionicle." Looks like the site editor forgot to change the description!

This makes me wonder what the kids who use google, but never knew of Bionicle 2001-2010 series, would think... I hope LEGO can fix that because I don't want the kids to look up 2001-2010 Bionicle stuff. Its story gets really confusing later on (kinda like Evangelion....) and I don't want that for them. :innocent2:

Edited by Phoenix_Flare

This makes me wonder what the kids who use google, but never knew of Bionicle 2001-2010 series, would think... I hope LEGO can fix that because I don't want the kids to look up 2001-2010 Bionicle stuff. Its story gets really confusing (kinda like Evangelion....) and I don't want that for them. :innocent2:

When I was a kid, around the same time I got into BIONICLE, I was a big fan of the MegaMan Battle Network series of video games. It didn't take me long to figure out that it was just the newest series of MegaMan games, and that the other versions of MegaMan I saw on the Internet who looked different and had different stories were from different game series that the Battle Network series was inspired by, but not directly a part of.

Now, I got into BIONICLE around when I was ten, and MegaMan Battle Network when I was 13. It's possible that younger fans (7–9) might struggle more with differentiating the current generation of a franchise from previous generations, and in this day and age I'm sure younger kids like that are becoming more and more active on the Internet. So it remains to be seen just how the younger BIONICLE fans handle this.

But it's nothing other franchises haven't dealt with before. Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, My Little Pony, G.I. Joe, and other toy franchises from the 80s have had plenty of different story continuities by now, and the advent of the Internet has not crippled them in that respect one bit. In fact, it makes information on when and how they have been rebooted over the years more accessible to people than ever before. Without the Internet, imagine how much harder it might be for a My Little Pony fan today to figure out why the characters on the old-school My Little Pony DVD they rented look so different from the ones they know from TV or their own toys!

I still have to keep reminding myself that this is going to be the first Bionicle for some people. Kinda cool when you put yourself in their shoes.

I still have to keep reminding myself that this is going to be the first Bionicle for some people. Kinda cool when you put yourself in their shoes.

Yeah....Right now, some kid opened his first Tahu, and maybe one day, he'll be immersed in the story, have his imagination run wild and free on this mystical island of Okoto. Then, perhaps he'll find his way to Mata Nui and experience Gen 1, which is so important to all of us, for the first time ever. For that is the way....Of the BIONICLE!

That being said, I hope BIONICLE doesn't have the same fate as other toy lines: stretched out too long, the original mythology forgotten, and no longer focusing on story or quality, but rather on making a quick buck off of the name. BIONICLE is too special for that.....I think that after Gen 2 ends, it should be laid to rest. For good.

Edited by LN-01354

That being said, I hope BIONICLE doesn't have the same fate as other toy lines: stretched out too long, the original mythology forgotten, and no longer focusing on story or quality, but rather on making a quick buck off of the name. BIONICLE is too special for that.....I think that after Gen 2 ends, it should be laid to rest. For good.

And then they bring back Slizers.

... A guy can dream.

And then they bring back Slizers.

Slizers Master Race.

After Bionicle G2 ends, it needs some sort of spiritual successor, while having a different environment/theme instead of the usual "island paradise in peril" thing. Not that there's anything wrong with it in the first place.

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