January 10, 201510 yr I rather like the fact that the masks are easy to remove, especially considering a lot revolves around mask swapping. It makes it a lot easier and less hassle.
January 10, 201510 yr For those of you who use Bricklink often; in your experience, how long might it be until there is any amount of BIONICLE 2015 heads and eyestalks? The very skewed 5/2 mask/head ratio that I have right now is driving me mad, even if most of those masks are Skull Spiders. Edited January 10, 201510 yr by The Kumquat Alchemist
January 10, 201510 yr For those of you who use Bricklink often; in your experience, how long might it be until there is any amount of BIONICLE 2015 heads and eyestalks? The very skewed 5/2 mask/head ratio that I have right now is driving me mad, even if most of those masks are Skull Spiders. There are a few heads and eyestalks available now, along with a few miscellaneous pieces from Gen 2.
January 10, 201510 yr Scarox! Darn, I forgot about him. Probably because he's hiding behind Dragon Bolt on my shelf. XD But Queen Beast equals the 35$ price here in America, was she higher priced in European markets?(forgive me I'm a dumb American here, just trying to figure out what your all's speculation on Skull Grinder's price may be :P) I meant European prices yes, but I was so tired I didn't explain properly. Queen Beast was 40 Euro in Europe, which, considering we already pay more with a 1:1 conversion was a really crappy deal. Same with Combat Machine ($25 -> €30) and Dragon Bolt ($20 -> €25). Funnily enough the opposite happened in 2012: Stormer XL was 20 Euro and Speeda 30 Euro. It only seems to happen to larger sets and once in a while- Splitter Beast, Evo XL, Fangar, Fluminox and the 3 bigger Toa thankfully didn't see any hike.My idea was to have MM vs SG at 40 Euro/Dollars so there's a bit more room for pieces, but I'd be ok with 35 as well, provided that Grinder is still reasonably bigger (Queen Beast looked pitiful) and 35 doesn't turn into 40. Yep, don't have the sets don't really know if the hands clash together too much but at least this guy has a lot of friction. Looks pretty nice! It could certainly work and seems like what a designer would build. Another theory I have is that two arms are geared and two aren't (perhaps attached to the otherwise unused torso balljoints), but it would be so much fun if all 4 worked- now THAT would be some real slicing action. What do we think the chances are of us ever getting recolored Toa Masks? If LEGO announced that they would be selling mask packs next year, I'd flip....In fact, that's a great idea. They could be in blind bags (like the Collectible Minifig line), and have all different colors of the Toa Masks!!!! I would buy so many! Hear that LEGO? You have a customer willing to throw his money at you.....and I'm sure there are many more who would too. *Nudge Nudge* A pet theory (..more like a piece of wishful thinking) of mine is that at the end of 2015 Ekimu gets awaken and as a celebration decides to give the villagers new masks that honor the six Masters..and bam! Six villager sets as the small sets of 2016: a fire villager with a yellow Mask of Fire, an Ice villager with a sand blue Mask of Ice... you know who I'm referring to.Keep in mind that the first small sets ever we got were the Turaga (masters), we got the Mctoran later. I know we got the Bohrok Va in 2002, but remember we didn't get another full set of six small villains after that (nothing in 2003-2007 and very few individual ones in 2008-2010): it seems that making more villagers would be a more profitable choice. From a production standpoint, the 6 Master masks would be old pieces by then, so those would be nothing more than specific recolours (just like what the Protector masks are). We might never get mask packs again, but I feel this would be the next best thing.
January 10, 201510 yr As pointed out beneath, one source is lying. We have conflicting information and neither seems able to provide proof at the moment to back-up the claim. We don't encourage confidential/retailer catalogue images to be posted on Eurobricks. Given that it is an illegal practice, I wouldn't be so surprised that they choose not to post them. This topic was not only founded upon a leaked image but it was also created by someone who leaks tons of Lego stuff on this site and on his youtube which he shares constantly on this site via links. If the rule isnt enforced constantly then situations like this occur. The people who get past this and do post are the main reason people visit Eurobricks... they want to see leaks and they want to be able to discuss the leaks. If someone is commenting about leaked image details, i'm not sure why the leaked image itself cannot be shown as proof, especially if the rule is tossed aside whenever someone feels like not enforcing it. If the person posting information cannot back-up his/her source in anyway then it weakens the reason for why it would be posted here in the first place, as proven now we have two conflicting sources of information both stating different comments about the 2015 Summer sets. Whats the point of visiting a site for information if we have Risgrynsgrot claiming Skull Scorpio has 6 legs while Exo-6 states its the same design as the HF Scorpio with 8 legs... Somebody is lying, and neither is posting any proof. (Their are other discrepancies between the two sources also) I'm thinking there's gonna be multiple LOSSes and they're basically giant skull spiders that trade the ability to latch onto faces for sheer strength and possibly other powers. Didnt we see the catalogue which refered to Lord Of Skull Spiders as a singular entity? Edited January 10, 201510 yr by Scarilian
January 10, 201510 yr I second this. I was expecting them to fall off by just shaking them, but they hold on for most purposes. They do come off quite easily, but honestly they arent much less secure than the 01-03 style of connection. I personally wouldnt mind seeing them tighter. It is a problem, just not as bad as a lot of people have made out. I don't know why it suprised me because obviously it's a necessary part of the design, but it did when: I looked inside the masks and discovered geometry that butts up under and over the silly looking nose and jaw, and realized those facial features are actually functional to secure the position of the mask. Between that and the pretty good actual connection, they really work exactly like they're supposed to.
January 10, 201510 yr As pointed out beneath, one source is lying. We have conflicting information and neither seems able to provide proof at the moment to back-up the claim. This topic was not only founded upon a leaked image but it was also created by someone who leaks tons of Lego stuff on this site and on his youtube which he shares constantly on this site via links. If the rule isnt enforced constantly then situations like this occur. The people who get past this and do post are the main reason people visit Eurobricks... they want to see leaks and they want to be able to discuss the leaks. If someone is commenting about leaked image details, i'm not sure why the leaked image itself cannot be shown as proof, especially if the rule is tossed aside whenever someone feels like not enforcing it. If the person posting information cannot back-up his/her source in anyway then it weakens the reason for why it would be posted here in the first place, as proven now we have two conflicting sources of information both stating different comments about the 2015 Summer sets. Whats the point of visiting a site for information if we have Risgrynsgrot claiming Skull Scorpio has 6 legs while Exo-6 states its the same design as the HF Scorpio with 8 legs... Somebody is lying, and neither is posting any proof. (Their are other discrepancies between the two sources also) Didnt we see the catalogue which refered to Lord Of Skull Spiders as a singular entity? I think Risgrynsgrot is probably the most reliable source we have at the moment--at least he said that he saw small images of the sets. The other guy didn't even say where he got his info from.But it doesn't really matter, though. We have a little over 2 weeks until Toy Fair. Edited January 10, 201510 yr by MonkeyChud
January 10, 201510 yr I've tried to give the Protectors the Toa masks (to make Jala and the rest), but the masks seem much too big. So actually, recolored Toa masks wouldn't work for Protectors....But I definitely like the idea of recolored Protector masks! It's such a sweet mold, and getting them in yellow, turquoise, orange, purple would be great! Which reminds me: remember this image? If you look closely, POE has a PURPLE MASK!!!! That would've been absolutely wonderful.....I really want to make Nuparu. Yeah, you know what? Scrap my other idea; I just want solid colored protector masks, in every color imaginable (and a rainbow one for good measure ) Edited January 10, 201510 yr by LN-01354
January 10, 201510 yr My only issue with the masks is they always come off when moving the heads, I haven't found a good hold position for them yet. Apart from that they stay on pretty firmly and only flap a tiny bit. I also took advantage of the looser connection for roleplay. Actually I find the loose masks really good for role play. If you move it up a down with your thumb it looks like they are talking. Also I dont know if this is old news but I found out its really easy to put tahus surf board on his back while its still completly intact. 1. Remove his gold swords from his back if you havent already. 2. Get two blue pins and slot them in to the sword holders on his back 3. Point the blue pins away from his body so they are at a ninety degree angle from his back 4. Get the surfboard and attach to the blue pins it to the second highest connection points on the board (make sure the surf board is pointing down) Its pretty flawless aside from a two cons. 1. Hard to reach the gear, although this can be easily fixed by extending it, although its still not actually too hard to twist his arms with it. 2. Hard to pick up and play with. 3. Not actually too much of a con, but if you put it flat to his back, it restricts his leg movement. I found, however that the board moves up a touch if you push it, so just a heads up.
January 10, 201510 yr There are a few heads and eyestalks available now, along with a few miscellaneous pieces from Gen 2. What search terms would you use to find them? Browsing via parts and then looking for listed lots shows few results, if any. I saw 2 heads for sale, and no eye stalks. Edited January 10, 201510 yr by The Kumquat Alchemist
January 10, 201510 yr Well, time to news from the Russian Fun-Forum of LEGO. Не. Даже по описанию не похож.Я тут пересмотрел ролики тоа и увидел в ролике про Похату одну интересную вещь. Там стоят две статуи, которые по своему внешнему виду напоминают skull warrior. Что вы думаете на этот счет? Это всего лишь статуи или очередной тонкий намек от лего? In this picture we can see two statues probably look like Skull Warriors because they keep 4 swords in 4 arms. The construction above the Golden mask looks a little Scorpion style. Maybe it the story we can meet more than 1 warrior - a whole army for example. the shadow from the construction looks like the Lord of Skull spiders. Edited January 10, 201510 yr by Illarion
January 10, 201510 yr I've tried to give the Protectors the Toa masks (to make Jala and the rest), but the masks seem much too big. So actually, recolored Toa masks wouldn't work for Protectors....But I definitely like the idea of recolored Protector masks! It's such a sweet mold, and getting them in yellow, turquoise, orange, purple would be great! Which reminds me: remember this image? If you look closely, POE has a PURPLE MASK!!!! That would've been absolutely wonderful.....I really want to make Nuparu. Yeah, you know what? Scrap my other idea; I just want solid colored protector masks, in every color imaginable (and a rainbow one for good measure ) I feel like purple was incorporated into Earth not just to differentiate it from stone, but also because the first Onu-Matoran had a purple mask... (Btw, Nuparu had an orange mask, Onepu had the purple one) ;)
January 10, 201510 yr I think Risgrynsgrot is probably the most reliable source we have at the moment--at least he said that he saw small images of the sets. The other guy didn't even say where he got his info from. But it doesn't really matter, though. We have a little over 2 weeks until Toy Fair. I kinda agree, he's provided more detail so it'll be easier to verify his claim when we get the Toy Fair news. Yep, don't have the sets don't really know if the hands clash together too much but at least this guy has a lot of friction. Just checked, the design works fine however each arm only has 180° rotation as otherwise they begin to knock against each other. The result is a slicing motion where when the top blades move back the lower blades move in providing a nice stabbing motion. Could see it working for a set though due to the heavyness of the arms you likely would'nt be able to have longer arms than the ones shown here. Well, time to news from the Russian Fun-Forum of LEGO. the shadow from the construction looks like the Lord of Skull spiders. Just pointing out, its been speculated for a while that these are the Summer sets and that those are the Skull Warriors (And Skull Scorpio being buried behind them, hence the Scorpion legs) however, this site doesnt really count as confirmation or news... Its just speculation. Fun speculation, but just that. It was also Skull Slicer who was meant to have four arms in the Summer sets, not Skull Warrior... Oh... and looking at the image they dont actually seem to have four arms... they have two arms and a Scorpion tail. Edited January 10, 201510 yr by Scarilian
January 10, 201510 yr I've tried to give the Protectors the Toa masks (to make Jala and the rest), but the masks seem much too big. So actually, recolored Toa masks wouldn't work for Protectors....But I definitely like the idea of recolored Protector masks! It's such a sweet mold, and getting them in yellow, turquoise, orange, purple would be great! Which reminds me: remember this image? If you look closely, POE has a PURPLE MASK!!!! That would've been absolutely wonderful.....I really want to make Nuparu. Yeah, you know what? Scrap my other idea; I just want solid colored protector masks, in every color imaginable (and a rainbow one for good measure ) I hadn't looked back at that image since final images came out, I forgot the differences between the two. I would really like to see what solid-coloured Protector masks would look like. I wonder if any prototypes of those exist...
January 10, 201510 yr Queen Beast was 40 Euro in Europethis is not correct even for eurozone. for example.
January 10, 201510 yr If the statues are not Warriors... Well, they don't like Protectors, I don't believe that statues are just statues. This statues must be important in the story.
January 10, 201510 yr this is not correct even for eurozone. for example. Prices for LEGO vary by country, even among countries that use the same currency. Click the "Prices" tab here to see how wildly they can vary. In Finland, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands the set was €45. In Austria, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Germany it was €40. And as that catalog shows, in Latvia they were €50!
January 10, 201510 yr Prices for LEGO vary by country, even among countries that use the same currency.i know this. so for me looks strange then somebody says that set xxxxx price is xx€ in europe. for queen for there is same price in "old" europe countries. but for example ev3 set has different price even in germany and france.
January 10, 201510 yr (Btw, Nuparu had an orange mask, Onepu had the purple one) ;) Man, I always get those two mixed up. Same mask, same build....just different color. Well, Onepu was cool to.
January 10, 201510 yr I could almost bet we see piraka feet back in Bionicle as it's been in heavy use on the latest Chi sets and the earlier Hero Factory, Chima and Ninjago at least. I really would want it to be on other color than black again though. Edited January 10, 201510 yr by GK733
January 10, 201510 yr I could almost bet we see piraka feet back in Bionicle as it's been in heavy use on the latest Chi sets and the earlier Hero Factory, Chima and Ninjago at least. I really would want it to be on other color than black again though. White and silver maybe, or white and tan...or black and red, or some useful or interesting blend of two colours like they used to be.
January 10, 201510 yr I could almost bet we see piraka feet back in Bionicle as it's been in heavy use on the latest Chi sets and the earlier Hero Factory, Chima and Ninjago at least. I really would want it to be on other color than black again though. I'm personally not so sure. With Bionicle relaunching, and Chima supposedly ending, this might be the best time in a while for Lego to leave that piece in the dust. Also, somewhat notably, no sets this year use the Piraka foot so far—even the Ninjago Titanium Dragon opts for the HF beast feet instead. I definitely wouldn't mind if those feet went away, for sure. They always struck me as odd—too organic for most Bionicle sets (especially in the reboot), but too mechanical to look right when used for non-mechanical animals in themes like Ninjago and Chima (why the dragons have pistons on their feet, I'll never know). And the HF beast feet are just plain better in my opinion, with way more attachment points and smooth, geometric surfaces that can work for both organic and mechanical creations.
January 10, 201510 yr I'm personally not so sure. With Bionicle relaunching, and Chima supposedly ending, this might be the best time in a while for Lego to leave that piece in the dust. Also, somewhat notably, no sets this year use the Piraka foot so far—even the Ninjago Titanium Dragon opts for the HF beast feet instead. I definitely wouldn't mind if those feet went away, for sure. They always struck me as odd—too organic for most Bionicle sets (especially in the reboot), but too mechanical to look right when used for non-mechanical animals in themes like Ninjago and Chima (why the dragons have pistons on their feet, I'll never know). And the HF beast feet are just plain better in my opinion, with way more attachment points and smooth, geometric surfaces that can work for both organic and mechanical creations. But they aren't something I would like to see on skeletons, while it's overused I would still prefer the piraka feet over the HF beast feet. Worst scenario is that they have the same footpiece as the toa and all Heroes past 1.0. Really hope we ge a new piece for them. Or reasonable looking beast feet with proper dd-on.
January 10, 201510 yr I'm personally not so sure. With Bionicle relaunching, and Chima supposedly ending, this might be the best time in a while for Lego to leave that piece in the dust. Also, somewhat notably, no sets this year use the Piraka foot so far—even the Ninjago Titanium Dragon opts for the HF beast feet instead. I definitely wouldn't mind if those feet went away, for sure. They always struck me as odd—too organic for most Bionicle sets (especially in the reboot), but too mechanical to look right when used for non-mechanical animals in themes like Ninjago and Chima (why the dragons have pistons on their feet, I'll never know). And the HF beast feet are just plain better in my opinion, with way more attachment points and smooth, geometric surfaces that can work for both organic and mechanical creations. I dunno, I always liked the Piraka feet; more organic, but in a recognizable way. I'm still pretty hit-and-miss on the new foot; it's well sized, but it looks really incomplete without any sort of attachment.
January 11, 201510 yr we have Risgrynsgrot claiming Skull Scorpio has 6 legs while Exo-6 states its the same design as the HF Scorpio with 8 legs... Somebody is lying, and neither is posting any proof. You must be refering to this post, but you seem to forget his next post where he says it's a joke. If you don't want to believe him, it's your choice, but please, don't lie to discredit him. I think Risgrynsgrot is probably the most reliable source we have at the moment--at least he said that he saw small images of the sets. The other guy didn't even say where he got his info from. Okay, I'll tell you again : he saw prototypes of the sets at the Lego France HQ back in October. So yeah, things might have changed since then, and perhaps what he says isn't 100% accurate because he doesn't perfectly remember what he briefly saw over two months ago. But still, he's 100% trustworthy. At least, I trust him. I take this post as a proof. He gave us, four months in advance, the official french names. Not a rough translation, or a random guess, no, the actual names (we usually have to wait until they're released on the s@h to get official translations). Also, remember the first Chima Ultrabuild pics ? He provided them.
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