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I meant European prices yes, but I was so tired I didn't explain properly. :wacko: Queen Beast was 40 Euro in Europe, which, considering we already pay more with a 1:1 conversion was a really crappy deal. Same with Combat Machine ($25 -> €30) and Dragon Bolt ($20 -> €25). Funnily enough the opposite happened in 2012: Stormer XL was 20 Euro and Speeda 30 Euro. It only seems to happen to larger sets and once in a while- Splitter Beast, Evo XL, Fangar, Fluminox and the 3 bigger Toa thankfully didn't see any hike.

My idea was to have MM vs SG at 40 Euro/Dollars so there's a bit more room for pieces, but I'd be ok with 35 as well, provided that Grinder is still reasonably bigger (Queen Beast looked pitiful) and 35 doesn't turn into 40.


Thanks for clearing that up! And I agree Queen Beast definately could have been better. :P

On the subject of Piraka toed feet(don't forget about Zaktan's, Thok's, and Avak's different ones that didn't get any HF 2011+ use) we did get the piece in brown with Ogrum in 2013. And I wouldn't so much mind seeing it in Gen 2 Bonkle, but I'd really like a new Toa footpiece. The 2.0 foot has lived past its days in my opinion. :P

Thanks for clearing that up! And I agree Queen Beast definately could have been better. :P

On the subject of Piraka toed feet(don't forget about Zaktan's, Thok's, and Avak's different ones that didn't get any HF 2011+ use) we did get the piece in brown with Ogrum in 2013. And I wouldn't so much mind seeing it in Gen 2 Bonkle, but I'd really like a new Toa footpiece. The 2.0 foot has lived past its days in my opinion. :P

Well not lived past but rather associated with Hero Factory. I really hope they are going to make pieces that are borderline remolds. Like new mata feet. And return some weapons that molds are possibly not destroyed (Kopaka's sword, last seen on stars Skrall)

I have always strongly disliked the Piraka talon foot, especially when used as hands. It is such an awkward and weird part. I would rather the new line move forward with new molds entirely.

Well not lived past but rather associated with Hero Factory. I really hope they are going to make pieces that are borderline remolds. Like new mata feet. And return some weapons that molds are possibly not destroyed (Kopaka's sword, last seen on stars Skrall)

Yes! I was thinking about a Mata foot remake, the originals look quite well on CCBS figures, I use two grey on my HF self moc. XD I hope we see at least two more shell add-on pieces with piston detail also. :P if the three would circulate among sets there would be enough customization and detail to keep me happy.

Some remarks about feet:

I've never been that big of a fan of the Piraka foot piece, but I always appreciate recolors of old BIONICLE pieces. I greatly appreciated seeing the piece in brown on Ogrum (that set was excellent), but it irritates me to no end to see it appear so often in the color black.

The 2.0 foot piece has overstayed its welcome by about two years and I would love nothing more than for it to be retired and/or reduced in its usage.

Something like the Stars feet would be cool.

I am honestly sick to death of the 2.0 foot. I need some variety, man.

I am honestly sick to death of the 2.0 foot. I need some variety, man.

Personally, I feel like it is fine, and it has just about the right amount of connection points without being too overly covered in pin holes, and it has nice shaping, but now that this has been brought up I would really enjoy a new foot for aesthetic reasons as well...

Man, so much disdain for the 2.0 foot =P

I like it because it's incredibly functional; it's a foot, it looks like a foot, it acts like a foot, it only has slightly weird foot proportions. It's purposeful to the best degree. But I can see people getting bored of it, seeing how often it's been reused.

The only problem I have with the Piraka foot piece is that most sets that used it had it in black (wish it came in more colors).

The HF 2.0, while I have no problems with it either, has appear too much in sets. I wouldn't mind seeing a new foot piece come in and replace it.

Man, so much disdain for the 2.0 foot =P

I like it because it's incredibly functional; it's a foot, it looks like a foot, it acts like a foot, it only has slightly weird foot proportions. It's purposeful to the best degree. But I can see people getting bored of it, seeing how often it's been reused.

The problem is that it can ONLY act like a foot. The old Bionicle foot pieces could be used not only as feet, but also as a chest armor, shoulder armor, leg armor, back armor, even as a head or a part of a torso. While the HF feet... they're just feet. You can't do anything else with them.

You can't do anything else with them.

Rocka Breakout (and Splitface, and perhaps some others I forget) disagrees.

But I agree, I think a replacement / an alternative to the 2.0 foot is needed. I don't mind the Piraka foot, if we get it in new colors (agree with DOTM Shockwave, black is starting to get boring).

Rocka Breakout (and Splitface, and perhaps some others I forget) disagrees.

But I agree, I think a replacement / an alternative to the 2.0 foot is needed. I don't mind the Piraka foot, if we get it in new colors (agree with DOTM Shockwave, black is starting to get boring).

That foot doesn't even look good on the back. It doesn't fully cover it and has an unwanted empty ball socket.

Edited by Voxovan

Well, that's solved easily now. Just put a regular lower leg joint (or the smallest variant of it x2/3), put a Mata ballcap on and attach a stud launcher. Voila! You have a proper gatling gun.

The problem is that it can ONLY act like a foot.
two foot, connected by bottoms looks like cow head for me.

I don't know, I have mixed opinions on both the Piraka claw and 2.0 feet.

Though I agree the Piraka feet looks too organic for some CCBS characters, new recolors of an old mold are always welcome (please just stop giving us the all-black one that look horrible).

About the 2.0 feet piece, yeah it work for what it's meant, but I love how in Bio G1 there were loots of different feet pieces, each one with different characteristics. They helped giving some personality to the characters IMO.

On a side not, I ordered all the Toa (algo with the TECHNIC Street Motorcycle, dat pieces man) some days ago, on Wednesday 7th to be more precisely. But the info of the order still says they're in the warehouse /:

I don't mind the 2.0 Hero Foot, but I would like some more feet variation. It's the only shoe/foot like one- bar for the Stormer XL feet, but they're a bit odd- that isn't more for beastly characters and it doesn't always fit with the character/build very well.

To be honest, I wouldn't mind seeing a remould of the 2.0 HF foot, if only they can go and fill in that rather odd looking gap above the Technic pin holes. I much prefer the shaping of some of the original Bionicle feet if I'm honest, and indeed the 2.0 foot has probably past it's sell by date considering that CCBS has moved along while the feet (and hands perhaps even more so - I want a hand with moveable fingers that can also hold weapons without them sliding out) kinda lag behind. The beast feet are a sign that CCBS feet are evolving, but really it only works for more bestial and animal-based builds. and well, Stormer XL's feet are kind of like clown shoes, too big for most humanoid builds :tongue:

I personally don't dislike the Piraka talon feet, but do agree that they're getting a bit boring in just black all the time. I'd like it if they reintroduced the marbling aspect that the Piraka (and my all time favourite Bionicle, Barraki Takadox :grin: ) had, to distinguish the talons from the rest of the feet. Heck, I'd be glad to see a black Piraka talon foot with white talons or something similar any day of the week.

The Piraka foot is meh. I'm also not too big on the Beast foot, but I'll take it over the Piraka foot. I'd really like a new standard foot. The 2.0 foot is okay but the weird gap after the ballcup looks bad (I know it's so that the foot can move forward even with longer shells, but it's still weird). Ideally I'd like a foot piece where you have to attach the ballcup, that way it can be better used as armor or hands or w/e, but I understand that can also make for some weird shapes.

Was not really a fan of the Piraka foot, it worked with the Piraka and was a nice new piece at the time but i'm not sure it would work with the current CCBS aesthetic.

You must be refering to this post, but you seem to forget his next post where he says it's a joke. If you don't want to believe him, it's your choice, but please, don't lie to discredit him. :wink:

I am not lying as you proved he did say it originally and if he claimed it was a joke later then that goes to undermine him more than anything else. As mentioned, all his comments are intentionally vague or contradicted later, below are a few examples.

- He commented about the similarities to Scorpio from Hero Factory then claimed it was a joke

- He claimed that he thought the Mask we saw looked similar to a mask worn by the villain, though didnt say it was the same

- He claimed that Tan wasnt impossible, but that isnt saying its certain

I'm sure he's claimed other things in the same way. Pretty much everything he has given us has been designed so that it cannot be verified, meanwhile Risgrynsgrot provided more detail and more concise information in several posts than Exo-6 has done in any of his. If anything given what we've seen recently, Exo-6 is either lying or intentionally misleading those who read his posts.

As mentioned several pages back, if Exo-6 wants to prove he's actually seen the sets then get him to provide actual information that can be verified. I know you enjoy to hype him as the original source of information, but the truth is he is not the first with this information and has not commited to details. If he doesnt commit to details on the sets then his qoutes cannot be verified, not helped by him releasing information AFTER multiple different sources.

Okay, I'll tell you again : he saw prototypes of the sets at the Lego France HQ back in October. So yeah, things might have changed since then, and perhaps what he says isn't 100% accurate because he doesn't perfectly remember what he briefly saw over two months ago. But still, he's 100% trustworthy. At least, I trust him. I take this post as a proof. He gave us, four months in advance, the official french names. Not a rough translation, or a random guess, no, the actual names (we usually have to wait until they're released on the s@h to get official translations). Also, remember the first Chima Ultrabuild pics ? He provided them.

Out of all he stated in your 'proof' he has currently been incorrect about the commercial between Gali and the Stone protector. He has also got the names in SEPTEMBER a month or so after the names were

in AUGUST and the
was leaked in JULY. He was neither the first to provide them nor the earliest, so stop lying and pretending he was the original source.

Cannot speak for the Chima Ultrabuilds as i have no interest in tracking down who leaked those first, but he definitely was not the source of the Bionicle leaks for 2015. He neither provided the names nor the images before anyone else.

(I know TTV were not the direct official source of the leaks and they gained them from other places, however the videos were easier to use as proof than tracking down the original leakers. Though David Thompson was mentioned as one of the leakers on Eurobricks in August for the set names)

Edited by Scarilian

Somehow Risgrynsgrot said a lot of similiar things as Exo-6 about the summer wave. People do mistakes. Either both of them are false or both speak truth and have misunderstood things due to certain reasons (last seen the sets October, small pictures, not that great interest in constraction in general etc.).

We can't speak for sure until we get the leaks ourselves, but I'd like to believe the latter.

Edited by GK733

Somehow Risgrynsgrot said a lot of similiar things as Exo-6 about the summer wave. People do mistakes. Either both of them are false or both speak truth and have misunderstood things due to certain reasons (last seen the sets October, small pictures, not that great interest in constraction in general etc.).

We can't speak for sure until we get the leaks ourselves, but I'd like to believe the latter.

I suppose mistakes happen, but its just the wording of Exo-6's comments. It doesnt really seem like a concrete or straight answer. I mean we have one person who claims to have seen tiny images who provided more information than someone who claims to have seen the sets in person. It just seems a little odd how the one who saw tiny images is providing more direct information and information that should/would have been obvious to someone who saw the sets.

I mean if he saw prototypes, why didnt Exo-6 say 'Skull Slicer has four arms' or something similar, it just seems odd to me that he didnt give more direct details that Risgrynsgrot did.

Hello again guys! I didn't see anything about other masks/skull spiders but I think (and hope) that they will include them and that it's just some deal about preliminary images.

About the colours, these are what I think they are, I'm not 100 % certain on this (can't remember) but I'm pretty sure that Skull Warrior had a tr light blue bow and also had some tr light blue armor pieces on him I'm not sure about the body, while the Skull Slicer had some tr light green armor pieces on him and I think he had white body? The scorpion I can't say, really tough it just looked so generic that I don't even remember the colour. However the tips of its legs looked like it used pieces similar to or the same as the Skull Spiders legs.

Skull Basher was black/purple and Grinder was, as I've stated Black/Trans-red/neon-orange..

YES! White bones! Pleaseletthatbefinalizedpleaseletthatbefinalized

I'm not sure if anyone already posted this, but the first wave of Bionicle recently hit German shelves in the LEGO stores. I was there yesterday and got Kopaka.

And I like him a lot. Though he will be ultimately mixed with Tahu for various reasons.

I'm pretty sure I'll pick Tahu up tomorrow.

Something like the Stars feet would be cool.

Also, this. The Stars feet would work great with the new armour pieces, and they are alrady just more versatile due to their shape.

Edited by ZORK64

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