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All this talk about feet reminded me:

Though it doesn't deal with feet, the one part I want to see return is this: http://brickset.com/parts/design-92223

I mean, when was the last time we got that? Green Lantern, I think? I always thought it was a cool looking piece with neat angles, and I'd love to see it used more.

I don't like the Piraka foot (I'm talking about the clawed one- the webbed one pretty much disappeared in 2010) either and, like DV, I wish they stopped using it altogether. The Beast foot fits better with CCBS, looks more substantial and has more connection points..plus it comes in two sizes! Its only problem is the lack of colour variety (3 for each size just isn't enough). I somehow get the feeling the Skull Guys are going to use them- hopefully in new useful colours like titanium metallic or silver. It's funny, I thought HF was using too much t. metallic, but I miss it now (really hoping we get the piston add-on in that colour).

It's a bit different for the 2.0 foot. I don't dislike it but it needs to be mixed with a new design, just like 2006-2010 (even HF 2011) which used a plethora of different feet even among the same team. Two designs coexisting, much like the Toa Inika, would already be a step in the right direction.

We have the exact same problem with the torso, yet that one is suprisingly less talked about. I've said it many times: the 2.0 torso shell looks extremely bland to me and I wish they stopped using it as a torso piece (as a giant shell for arm/shoulder/leg/etc armouring, it works well). Gali, Pohatu and Kopaka look very nice with their detailed Brain Attack torso but Lewa's and Tahu's torsos stick out terribly. I've lost hope for the Breakout torso to return so I'll say that we badly need a new torso shell, or at least the Brain Attack torso in more colours (Kopaka definitely suffers from that).

Hello again guys! I didn't see anything about other masks/skull spiders but I think (and hope) that they will include them and that it's just some deal about preliminary images.

About the colours, these are what I think they are, I'm not 100 % certain on this (can't remember) but I'm pretty sure that Skull Warrior had a tr light blue bow and also had some tr light blue armor pieces on him I'm not sure about the body, while the Skull Slicer had some tr light green armor pieces on him and I think he had white body? The scorpion I can't say, really tough it just looked so generic that I don't even remember the colour. However the tips of its legs looked like it used pieces similar to or the same as the Skull Spiders legs.

Skull Basher was black/purple and Grinder was, as I've stated Black/Trans-red/neon-orange..

Interesting, thanks once again!

I'm a bit disappointed about the colours you described. Colour variety is nice but tr. light blue? Tr. green (bright, I suppose, it seems to be more popular lately)? White? Not very evil sounding to me. Bright transparent colours mixed with dark solid ones can look evil and creepy, and I guess blue and green somehow match the Skull Spiders breeds, but white.....eeh. Besides, I disagree with the notion that "skeletons = they should be white": in a setting like BIONICLE where nearly everyone is partly or completely robotic (nothing so far suggests that G2 is different in that), metallic coloured bones (I mean bone motifs, not CCBS bones) make a lot more sense to me.

Skull Scorpion probably uses these pieces on its legs, the same ones LoSS and Lewa use. Those in titanium metallic would be pretty neat to see since we already got them in the other 2 major metallic colours.

I hope that Basher isn't too similar to Onua but I trust the designers on that.

I have no issues with the original torso shell, but I do agree with you about the piece's blandness compared to the other two.

I'm not sure if anyone already posted this, but the first wave of Bionicle recently hit German shelves in the LEGO stores. I was there yesterday and got Kopaka.

It's been mentioned, they appeared on shelves on January 3rd.

I agree we could use a new foot piece. It isn't horrible, but it's never been anything beyond alright and being a foot. BIONICLE had many more foot pieces I liked much more.

Edited by Gatanui

I have no issues with the original torso shell, but I do agree with you about the piece's blandness compared to the other two.

It just doesn't fit well with the new aesthetic to me. However I trust the designers and I realize they clearly know what they're doing: they used the Vahki shin, a 11 year old piece, to show how committed they are to following BIONICLE's distinctive style. This is the reboot's very first wave and we've already come a long way from HF: a few new pieces and some clever techniques were enough to do that, so imagine what they can do in the next waves!

I agree, I really like the Stars feet and I feel they were terribly underused- only 5 sets used them! They're somehow inbetween a Matoran's more animalistic foot and a more robotic look Toa usually sport. They're so versatile.

EDIT: text size got somehow messed up..

Edited by Shakar

Personally, I feel like it is fine, and it has just about the right amount of connection points without being too overly covered in pin holes, and it has nice shaping, but now that this has been brought up I would really enjoy a new foot for aesthetic reasons as well...

See, I completely agree that it's a functional, extremely well designed part, but we've had this sucker on the majority of constraction sets for the past four years.

I wouldn't mind a new foot, but I haven't got any issue with the current 2.0 foot as far as sets are concerned. Maybe something slightly smaller that looks more like a bare foot and less like a boot could be interesting or useful, like the feet of the Toa in this topic. It'd certainly complement the hand pieces nicely.

I've tried a number of times to make realistically-proportioned custom feet on LEGO Digital Designer, and what I've found is that on a typical Toa-sized figure that would be a bit ridiculous. On a figure 25 modules tall, a realistically-proportioned foot would be only around four modules long! All things considered, I much prefer the slightly exaggerated size of Toa Mata feet or 2.0 Hero Factory feet, which look more powerful and provide a more stable foundation for a figure that size.

In any case, I'm glad we're no longer seeing feet like the Toa Metru or Toa Inika feet with exaggeratedly long heels. The Toa Metru foot was half a module shorter than the 2.0 foot in the toe but an entire module longer in the heel.

I wouldn't mind more 1.0 Hero Factory feet in my collection. When built as intended, with a Y-joint placed horizontally on top of the foot, the proportions are rather ridiculous, with the kind of elongated heel I dislike so much. But by sticking a Y-joint in vertically and putting a 2M cross axle through the bottom cross axle hole, what you end up with is a foot proportionally similar to the 2.0 foot but more slender, with a more pointed toe and a higher arch. Probably not a technique the LEGO Group would ever use in a set, but it's great for MOCs.

I know you enjoy to hype him as the original source of information, but the truth is he is not the first with this information and has not commited to details.

Actually, he posted his information before Risgrynsgrot. At least about the tan set and the absence of dark blue (which Risgrynsgrot seems to confirm, BTW). Sure, he's intentionally vague, but it's because he saw the sets when he was invited by LEGO France at their HQ for a partnership between them and BIONIFGIS, and I hope you'll understand that it wouldn't be very smart to ruin this partnership by telling everyone details about the confidential info he saw / learnt when he was there. Also, I don't hype him as the original source of information, I'm trying to prove you that he's reliable because you keep accusing him of lying.

He has also got the names in SEPTEMBER a month or so after the names were
in AUGUST and the
was leaked in JULY. He was neither the first to provide them nor the earliest, so stop lying and pretending he was the original source.

But I never said that. I said that he provided the official french names in September while we usually get them in December / January, which makes him reliable.

Hello again guys! I didn't see anything about other masks/skull spiders but I think (and hope) that they will include them and that it's just some deal about preliminary images.

About the colours, these are what I think they are, I'm not 100 % certain on this (can't remember) but I'm pretty sure that Skull Warrior had a tr light blue bow and also had some tr light blue armor pieces on him I'm not sure about the body, while the Skull Slicer had some tr light green armor pieces on him and I think he had white body? The scorpion I can't say, really tough it just looked so generic that I don't even remember the colour. However the tips of its legs looked like it used pieces similar to or the same as the Skull Spiders legs.

Skull Basher was black/purple and Grinder was, as I've stated Black/Trans-red/neon-orange..

I'm really worried about Skull Slicer's color scheme if that's true. Green + white just seems really ugly.

Well if the other guys colors are clear, I guess that means the scorpio is dark tan. It's nice to hear that all of them are not just dark and red for the sake of "we don't know how to make these guys look evil so we put them in black and red). Besides, we will have grinder so no worries about not guys looking evil enough.

I like the idea of white and tr. neon or apple green for the Skull slicer. I've tried it on MOCs, and it immediately gives it a toxic look. And if the Skull Basher is black and purple, that'd be just perfect. Kind of dissapointed about the tr. blue on the warrior, though.

I suspect that the problem that most folks have with the 2.0 foot is how (no pun intended) pedestrian it is. Unlike the Mata foot, which, to me, fits just as comfortably on a humble villager as a mighty warrior, the 2.0 foot is too large and too oblong to suit most Matoran-sized models, whilst seeming a bit too casual for a Toa-type hero (a bit like Beowulf wearing sneakers.) That's not to say I find it a worthless piece. I think it can work well on a Toa, but the rest of the models requires a certain something (it's hard to say what) to compliment it.

I'm really worried about Skull Slicer's color scheme if that's true. Green + white just seems really ugly.

I highly disagree, in my opinion white and green look beautiful together. However, I think the set is actually silver and green, it's not that hard to mistake silver for white in the prototype pictures (remember everybody wondering if Pohatu is white and brown or silver and brown?)

you know what would be nice? A foot that doesn't have the bloody ball socket built in to it. When the ankles were removable, you could use the feet so much more easily as other stuff like armour. Also, I've never like the 2.0 feet. they look like clown shoes. I also preferred when Bionicle figures had wide or spiky feet, like the 2 Inika options.

I also hope we et anew under-torso plate to replace the 2.0/ Brain attack mix used in wave 1. Something piston-y

Edited by Timeline15

My, what have I done, mentioning the 2.0 foot. XD

Anyways, I hope the bones are white, I believe Breeze breakout was the only to have white bones, but Thornraxx was paired against her and his azure bones saw some good use last year. :P One can hope. Also liking the sound of Skull Basher, the world of Constraction needs more purple. But no yellow aside from keetorange this year? Ahh man, I don't even no why I'm drawn to yellow so much in constraction. XD

I really like the idea of Skull Slicer having trans green bones and white shells. The question is, will he be a jungle-type character or ice-type? I wasn't expecting trans blue for skull warrior but I will withhold judgement. In response to the depbate about 2.0 feet, I agree we need a new foot piece, or at the very least bring an old one back. I love that Onua uses the beast feet instead of the 2.0 feet, if he did it just would't look right. My favorite Bionicle foot piece was probably the clawed Inika foot but I don't really see that coming back and honestly I would prefer a brand new foot mold that had nods too the Mata foot.

I highly disagree, in my opinion white and green look beautiful together. However, I think the set is actually silver and green, it's not that hard to mistake silver for white in the prototype pictures (remember everybody wondering if Pohatu is white and brown or silver and brown?)

Yep, that might be right.


Yep, that might be right.


That looks quite plausible, I love how the trans green looks on the silver.

Looks like a creepy four-armed skeleton ninja. :p

But it looks like you used Tr. Green, and not Tr. Bright Green or Tr. Fluore. Green, the former being much darker than the other ones. If Risgrynsgrot's description is correct, then it's rather gonna be Tr. Bright Green (like the PoJ), or Tr. Fluore. Green (like Pohatu or the PoS). But Tr. Green looks good here, and provides a nice contrast to the white bones, IMO.

I just thought of something about the possible recolors... The parts which appear in the new sets were already available in LDD (what I mean is that in the regular LDD mode, you can use bright green or purple 4M shells, or the chest armor in gold, silver, dark orange, etc). So perhaps the next LDD brickset update can give us clues about which parts can appear in the future. Unless we get pictures before, of course. :laugh:

Edited by Leewan

Looks like a creepy four-armed skeleton ninja. :p

But it looks like you used Tr. Green, and not Tr. Bright Green or Tr. Fluore. Green, the former being much darker than the other ones.

I just thought of something about the possible recolors... The parts which appear in the new sets were already available in LDD (what I mean is that in the regular LDD mode, you can use bright green or purple 4M shells, or the chest armor in gold, silver, dark orange, etc). So perhaps the next LDD brickset update can give us clues about which parts can appear in the future. Unless we get pictures before, of course. :laugh:

I'm pretty sure he mistaked it as white so I used slighthly darker colors on the shells. If there would had been any Tr. Fluore he would had mistaked it as yellow and gave no mention about that.

I haven't thought of silver actually, I hope this is the case: silver pieces get a lot of hate but they're much more useful than white ones (...to me). Still, I wish the colour schemes were more consistent, like those of the IfB Beasts. Something like titanium metallic and/or black+a transparent colour, like S. Grinder's colour scheme. Obviously I can't judge until I actual pics so I'll wait.

I guess it's completely unrelated but I've tried to draw the Skull villains for fun and I had this idea that it'd be cool if they wore some medieval armour like skeleton warriors often do in fictional depictions. And I realized that I'd really like to see 15369 in new colours like black or titanium metallic. I don't know if we'll see it again in 2015, but it'd be such a waste if they never used it again, I like its design and shape a lot.

I haven't thought of silver actually, I hope this is the case: silver pieces get a lot of hate but they're much more useful than white ones (...to me). Still, I wish the colour schemes were more consistent, like those of the IfB Beasts. Something like titanium metallic and/or black+a transparent colour, like S. Grinder's colour scheme. Obviously I can't judge until I actual pics so I'll wait.

I guess it's completely unrelated but I've tried to draw the Skull villains for fun and I had this idea that it'd be cool if they wore some medieval armour like skeleton warriors often do in fictional depictions. And I realized that I'd really like to see 15369 in new colours like black or titanium metallic. I don't know if we'll see it again in 2015, but it'd be such a waste if they never used it again, I like its design and shape a lot.

Pretty sure some of the skullguys have it as it's most likely will be used in gold on EKimu's shoulders.

I highly disagree, in my opinion white and green look beautiful together. However, I think the set is actually silver and green, it's not that hard to mistake silver for white in the prototype pictures (remember everybody wondering if Pohatu is white and brown or silver and brown?)

Hopefully it's a dark shade (almost gray) of white.

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