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Everyone seems to think an Ekimu hammer would be only static pieces or only shooters...why not half-and-half? One side shooter, one side normal pieces that can be turned to use the shooter. Makes much more sense from a design standpoint than two shooters on one hammer...

I agree with this because if the hammer was double-sided the studs would hit your own hand when you turn the axel. I seriously think its going to be half-and-half as well.

... or you could just put bullets in the front half... just saying....

Lego released an official press release on Bionicle that seems to imply the characters are the same as before by saying they are back. In honesty its kinda complex with its phrasing describing them as new Bionicle characters yet also claiming they are back...

In addition 'The Lord Of Skull Spiders' is confirmed to be a singular being via statements of 'His' and referring to him as a singular being

The Mask Of Ultimate Power is confirmed as being evil and Makuta was taken over by 'Dark Forces'

The awakening of Ekimu is confirmed for the Summer storyline

Its revealed someone gave Ekimu and Makuta their masks (Control and Creation)

Edited by Scarilian

Ekimu is called the Wise Master. Master of Wisdom ? #WAIRUHA2015CONFIRMED

Also, new "comics".

Edited by Leewan

Yay! More Bunny-eared Lewa!

Ekimu is called the Wise Master. Master of Wisdom ? #WAIRUHA2015CONFIRMED

Also, new "comics".

That doesn't work for Americans.

Everyone seems to think an Ekimu hammer would be only static pieces or only shooters...why not half-and-half? One side shooter, one side normal pieces that can be turned to use the shooter. Makes much more sense from a design standpoint than two shooters on one hammer...

Fair point. I was basing my hypothesis on the lack of a hammer at Toy Fair. I find it odd that Ekimu would be displayed without his weapon and that a character described as "The Mask Maker" would not have a hammer.

Ekimu is called the Wise Master. Master of Wisdom ? #WAIRUHA2015CONFIRMED

Also, new "comics".

Hmmm... More Tarduk Lewa. I wonder how many comics in this style exist.

@Leewan For those of us not versed in French, how did you come by those comics?

I wonder how many comics in this style exist.

Well these comics depict the arrival of the Toa and the Journey to the Masks.

The other comics we saw prior depict the Toa getting the Golden masks.

As such that seems to be about it in terms of covering the 'story so far', though we might get more

That doesn't work for Americans.

What ?

@Leewan For those of us not versed in French, how did you come by those comics?

Someone on BF bought his sets at a toy shop called King Jouet, and received these.

I just noticed that the second panel of the Jungle comic depicts both heroes in their box-art poses. Yet more evidence that these are preliminary works.

Someone on BF bought his sets at a toy shop called King Jouet, and received these.

Ah, so LEGO is giving these out to dealers to promote the line. Cautious budget or no, this seems an odd way of marketing. Aside from obvious the lack of polish in these comics, they simply lack the charm of the other art-style, and risk turning potential customers off, in my opinion.

Edited by Quisoves Pugnat

Lego released an official press release on Bionicle that seems to imply the characters are the same as before by saying they are back. In honesty its kinda complex with its phrasing describing them as new Bionicle characters yet also claiming they are back...

In addition 'The Lord Of Skull Spiders' is confirmed to be a singular being via statements of 'His' and referring to him as a singular being

The Mask Of Ultimate Power is confirmed as being evil and Makuta was taken over by 'Dark Forces'

The awakening of Ekimu is confirmed for the Summer storyline

Its revealed someone gave Ekimu and Makuta their masks (Control and Creation)

I'm still a bit skeptical on the return part... it says "new" immediately followed by "back", so that's just a confusing statement regardless =P.

I'm actually most intrigued by the "dark forces" line; if the MOUP was really just supposed to be a super powerful elemental mask... what made it turn evil? Sounds like there's more going on.

Anyway, useful press release, confirms a few facts, which is nice.

I just noticed that the second panel of the Jungle comic depicts both heroes in their box-art poses. Yet more evidence that these are preliminary works.

Ah, so LEGO is giving these out to dealers to promote the line. Cautious budget or no, this seems an odd way of marketing. Aside from obvious the lack of polish in these comics, they simply lack the charm of the other art-style, and risk turning potential customers off, in my opinion.

The box comics on the sets also depict a lot of the characters in their product poses... I genuinely don't see why anybody would have a problem with these comics, it's only older fans I've seen who have some sort of weird hangup about it. It's just another comic from a line that's known to be multifaceted in media.

Anyway, for anybody who's better versed in French than I (it's been a few years since I was fluent) could you ask those guys for some scans? I'd love to have the image, especially since they're different than the ones we've already seen. The storyboards too, they're neat.

No need to ask, he said that he would post scans tomorrow or Saturday in a new topic. I'll give you the link when it's done. :wink:


I'd love to have the image, especially since they're different than the ones we've already seen. The storyboards too, they're neat.

The storyboards are just BW / outline versions of the colored comics (which are actually stickers, BTW).

Edited by Leewan

The box comics on the sets also depict a lot of the characters in their product poses...

For clarification's sake, could you give an example? Are there any instances in which both characters are portrayed in their product poses? I don't recall seeing either, but they could easily have escaped my notice.

I genuinely don't see why anybody would have a problem with these comics, it's only older fans I've seen who have some sort of weird hangup about it. It's just another comic from a line that's known to be multifaceted in media.

Believe me, I have no problem with these comics, objectively, it's just that I don't think they fit the new BIONICLE. They have a post-apocalyptic vibe that doesn't really suit the tropical, tribal style of 2015. Imagine the 2001 characters portrayed in that style. It just doesn't mesh, for me. Furthermore, LEGO has been openly trying to evoke the early years of BIONICLE and shying away from the grittier feel of the latter years, which some fans (of whose number I do not count myself) found so unappealing. Promoting the line with these comics seems counterproductive.

I'm still a bit skeptical on the return part... it says "new" immediately followed by "back", so that's just a confusing statement regardless =P.

I'm actually most intrigued by the "dark forces" line; if the MOUP was really just supposed to be a super powerful elemental mask... what made it turn evil? Sounds like there's more going on.

Anyway, useful press release, confirms a few facts, which is nice.

I'm not sure what they meant by it either, can be interpreted a lot of different ways.

Dark forces being Von Nebula out for revenge perhaps :P

In seriousness i've no idea either, opens up a lot of possibilities for the future though depending on which 'Dark Forces' its referring to.

Dark forces being Von Nebula out for revenge perhaps :P

Yes please

No need to ask, he said that he would post scans tomorrow or Saturday in a new topic. I'll give you the link when it's done. :wink:


The storyboards are just BW / outline versions of the colored comics (which are actually stickers, BTW).

Hooray! Maybe I should have actually read the post =P.

I'd like the storyboards too, if they can. I collect that kind of stuff. Didn't know the others were stickers, though, that's weird. Neat though.

For clarification's sake, could you give an example? Are there any instances in which both characters are portrayed in their product poses? I don't recall seeing either, but they could easily have escaped my notice.

PoF comic and PoF set

PoI comic and PoI set

PoJ comic and PoJ set

These are the more egregious examples.

Believe me, I have no problem with these comics, objectively, it's just that I don't think they fit the new BIONICLE. They have a post-apocalyptic vibe that doesn't really suit the tropical, tribal style of 2015. Imagine the 2001 characters portrayed in that style. It just doesn't mesh, for me. Furthermore, LEGO has been openly trying to evoke the early years of BIONICLE and shying away from the grittier feel of the latter years, which some fans (of whose number I do not count myself) found so unappealing. Promoting the line with these comics seems counterproductive.

I feel like that's mostly just a byproduct of the almost chibi-like nature of the Dum!Dum! animations (which I also love, for the record). The descriptions and the BIONICLE homepage make everything look pretty damn dark, and now the confirmation of scary skull villains for the summer makes me think that the sunshine and rainbows that people were expecting is more wishful thinking.

I don't think it will get needlessly dark, that said (as much as I love the Piraka, they did take it overboard) but maybe more like 2005 levels of dark.

Dark forces being Von Nebula out for revenge perhaps :P

Oh god yes. I'd be disappointed if we didn't see some kind of HF reference in the future, actually. I mean, they do just leap straight from HF to BIONICLE G2.

You know, I do really have to laugh at how a lot of peoples criticisms of G2 are that it isn't darker like the later years of Bionicle, and that somehow makes it worse. I think a lot of people took old Bionicle very, very seriously and are trying to do the same this go around. We oughta just be able to have some fun with the line. Like a bad movie we know is bad, but we watch just because it's amusing. Biggest difference here is that this new line isn't bad, and we don't even understand the full feel of it because the story hasn't been solidly kicked off, sans animations.

TL;DR: Let's have fun with G2, and not try and make it the Lego version of The Dark Knight.

(Was this all just pointless? Dang...)

You know, I do really have to laugh at how a lot of peoples criticisms of G2 are that it isn't darker like the later years of Bionicle, and that somehow makes it worse. I think a lot of people took old Bionicle very, very seriously and are trying to do the same this go around. We oughta just be able to have some fun with the line. Like a bad movie we know is bad, but we watch just because it's amusing. Biggest difference here is that this new line isn't bad, and we don't even understand the full feel of it because the story hasn't been solidly kicked off, sans animations.

TL;DR: Let's have fun with G2, and not try and make it the Lego version of The Dark Knight.

(Was this all just pointless? Dang...)

Go back to reddit!

Just kidding. XD But I agree, although I do miss the darker more complex story I agree this is a return to the more light hearted years of Gen 1 Bio, and I'm okay with that. Though a Gen 2 Karzahni would be epic. ^_^

You know, I do really have to laugh at how a lot of peoples criticisms of G2 are that it isn't darker like the later years of Bionicle, and that somehow makes it worse. I think a lot of people took old Bionicle very, very seriously and are trying to do the same this go around. We oughta just be able to have some fun with the line. Like a bad movie we know is bad, but we watch just because it's amusing. Biggest difference here is that this new line isn't bad, and we don't even understand the full feel of it because the story hasn't been solidly kicked off, sans animations.

TL;DR: Let's have fun with G2, and not try and make it the Lego version of The Dark Knight.

(Was this all just pointless? Dang...)

I don't think people are trying to make it dark; on the contrary, I think a lot of people are expecting it to be very lighthearted, when in fact the premise and atmosphere are less sunny (literally and figuratively) than people are giving it credit for. It's obviously got a campy edge to it (the dialogue makes that perfectly clear), which makes it a blast to watch, but the overall premise of BIONICLE has often been straightforward and serious; six heroes trying to save the world from an emerging darkness.

It doesn't have to be light or dark; a good story will have nuances of both. So far, it seems to be working pretty well. This summer looks to be taking on a slightly darker tone; nobody is trying to project that, it's what we're being told.

I don't think people are trying to make it dark; on the contrary, I think a lot of people are expecting it to be very lighthearted, when in fact the premise and atmosphere are less sunny (literally and figuratively) than people are giving it credit for. It's obviously got a campy edge to it (the dialogue makes that perfectly clear), which makes it a blast to watch, but the overall premise of BIONICLE has often been straightforward and serious; six heroes trying to save the world from an emerging darkness.

It doesn't have to be light or dark; a good story will have nuances of both. So far, it seems to be working pretty well. This summer looks to be taking on a slightly darker tone; nobody is trying to project that, it's what we're being told.

Oh yeah, I do realize. All quite true. Granted, there are a selection of folks which wish for the days of 06 or 08, and expect something far more serious and brooding than what we're giving. That, to me, seems a little sad and unusual that there are people that want it to be more serious and try to take it more seriously than they oughta. That's a dislike I've seen from a lot of people, and it's a little unfortunate. I suppose it's like how they don't like CCBS because of how it works and looks, because they prefer the more techno-look of G1.

And yeah, good point in regards to the straightforwardness of it. But even with that in mind, I know there are a lot of people that would rather the animations be more serious than anything else. I'm quite glad we've got some humor mixed in, similar to Kapura from MNOG, or heck, even the little Hitchhickers references.

I am really interested to see what summer holds. From everything I've been hearing, we're in for a lot of fantastic pieces, at the very least. As far as the story goes, I can't even begin to fathom what they're cooking up for us.

- The island is filled with post-apocalyptic ruins, strange symbols and intrigue.

- Lord of Skull Spiders enjoys squeezing the life out of his victims, occasionally cocooning them and draining the life out of them via his fangs

- His army of Skull Spiders i would guess as fan canon use the Skulls of the dead villagers he has captured

- Essentially they are the skulls of former victims with spiders living inside them, alternatively they are the skulls that have becomes spiders...

Like mentioned before the darker elements of the story are their, you just need to look at them and realise what it would mean if it was a realistic environment.

As for thoughts on the sets/story/direction of TLG;

I have no doubt that Bionicle will develop to become its own thing as it goes on. Likely to the extent where we get one heavily inspired technic set per wave (Lord Of Skull Spiders being an example of what to expect) Easiest way to tell the progress will be to compare the Summer 2015 sets to the Winter 2015 sets and see the general transition of parts.

As for the story, I do believe Lego is underestimating the audience and dumbing down the story, likely intentionally as to catch new fans at a very young age and thus target more people. Sets lacking proper names is an example of this such as 'Mask Maker', 'Skull Grinder', 'Skull Slicer', 'Skull Scorpio', 'Lord Of Skull Spiders', 'Skull Spider', etc... as it keeps the story more simply and easy to get into for fans.

Though we cannot really judge the story till the books and i think thats something we all need to remember. We can speculate and speak about the current way its being told, but, the animations, game and press releases are all dumbed down to the basics, straight forward information. The books will delve more into the darker aspects, under the belief of course, that the books will be targetted at more adult fans, which i may be wrong about. Either way everyone so far appears to be judging the story based on how it is told to children rather than the more adult fans.

Edited by Scarilian

I'm actually most intrigued by the "dark forces" line; if the MOUP was really just supposed to be a super powerful elemental mask... what made it turn evil? Sounds like there's more going on.

My idea is that the MOUP is just a sentient manifestation of evil.....Sort of like Satan. Nothing really creates it, nothing controls it; it just....is.

Also, I'm starting to feel the real story hype now: who gave the Mask Makers their masks?! Were there former mask makers, or are Ekimu and Makuta the first of their kind? Also, I have a pretty good idea of who their father is....... :grin:

I don't think people are trying to make it dark; on the contrary, I think a lot of people are expecting it to be very lighthearted, when in fact the premise and atmosphere are less sunny (literally and figuratively) than people are giving it credit for. It's obviously got a campy edge to it (the dialogue makes that perfectly clear), which makes it a blast to watch, but the overall premise of BIONICLE has often been straightforward and serious; six heroes trying to save the world from an emerging darkness.

Those were the perfect words to describe it: campy and lighthearted. A story doesn't have to be dark in order to be good; in fact, stories usually suffer because they try to make it TOO dark. Right now, the characters are quirky and bright, but they're not bad in any way. I, personally, love the new BIONICLE: it's bright, it's fun, and it feels like '01! :wink:

And anyway, do we really want to see another incident like....<sniff>....Matoro? :cry_sad:

Edited by LN-01354

Also, I'm starting to feel the real story hype now: who gave the Mask Makers their masks?! Were there former mask makers, or are Ekimu and Makuta the first of their kind? Also, I have a pretty good idea of who their father is....... :grin:

Giving relationships are canon now... that raises a lot of questions...

- The island is filled with post-apocalyptic ruins, strange symbols and intrigue.


- His army of Skull Spiders i would guess as fan canon use the Skulls of the dead villagers he has captured


-The ruins don't seem so much post-apoc as post-cataclysm/whatever, but I get your point there. It IS exciting to have mystery back.

-As for the skull spiders being actual villager skulls...I'm skeptical. Considering that 1) the villager skulls are likely their head frames, which look nothing like the skull spiders, and 2) the skull spiders are face huggers--it's really hard to hug a head with another head--that scenario seems unlikely.

I know it was said here before, but a story does not have to be dark to be complex or good. Does the darkness add a dramatic element? Sure. But there are many other ways of doing that. Which path TLG will follow yet remains uncertain.

Also, I think it's really funny that people point to 2006 as the darkest story year. Because when I think of 2006, all the animations of the Piraka being incredibly stupid come to mind first. :laugh:

Also, I think it's really funny that people point to 2006 as the darkest story year. Because when I think of 2006, all the animations of the Piraka being incredibly stupid come to mind first. :laugh:

What are you talking about? This is the epitome of evil and darkness:

But yeah, I never really saw '06 as dark......it was just way too silly. And the story was a waste; "Oh, the Mask of Life is--flying away? We spent, like, an entire year of story going after it, and now it just flew away?!?!?" :sceptic:

That's going to be the summer's storyline: the MOCR flies away after LOSS hits it out of POI's hand.

Edited by LN-01354

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