January 23, 201510 yr You just gotta love when blurry prelim pics cause mass hysteria. As for me, I'm really, really pumped to see the final sets. A lot can change from that prototype stage to the final release (see prelim Tahu and final Tahu). I feel the same way. I'm starting to understand why Lego/certain websites (BZP cough) strictly prohibits leaks, 'cause people always jump to conclusions before the final product can be made. Especially buying decisions. Edited January 23, 201510 yr by MonkeyChud
January 23, 201510 yr As much as I want to say these colors are going to change, I'm not keeping my hopes up. First, each one has the new torso piece in a trans color. Warrior= trans ice blue Slicer= trans bright green Scorpion= trans neon green Basher/Grinder= trans neon orange (trans red on grinder?) And all 5 of them have trans neon orange as a secondary trans color. Most of the parts that are in that trans neon orange color already exist in those other trans colors, so it's doubtful those are placeholder colors. Considering that LoSS also had the trans neon orange, this might be a way to tie them all to Grinder. Bones are all black/light gray, with the occasional trans one, again corresponding to that figures main trans color. The only exception is Basher, who for some reason has trans purple. The only thing I can possibly think of is that the trans neon orange is a placeholder for more unique colors, like spring yellowish green, light gray, or some other color that these parts didn't come in before- but I think that's wishful thinking...
January 23, 201510 yr So we ARE getting the Mask of Creation and Ekimu's hammer, as well as the gold Protector mask! Nice! Anyone know what the (most likely preliminary) golden Toa masks are supposed to represent? Honestly,i think that the Mask of Creation is a placeholder for the mask we saw in the recent LEGO Magazine.I mean,is more logic that the Skull Grinder is trying to steal the Mask of Ultimate Power (or whatever name the mask in the Lego Magazine have) than the MoC (otherwise,there won't be a Mask Maker after him)
January 23, 201510 yr Man. It feels like LEGO wants G2 to fail. I don't think we've had sets so universally reviled across the board since the Mistika. What happened to that supposed 'tattered cloth' attachment anyway? I don't really see anything like it here. Skull Warrior looks decent, I suppose. Skull Slicer I guess gets a pass as does Basher. But Skull Scorpio? It looks really lazily designed. Six unposable legs, a tail way too big compared to the rest of the body.... Let's not get started on Skull Grinder, who looks ultra generic. Seriously? That's the thing battling Ekimu? Ultra Generic Humanoid Skull Number #4? These sets look way to generic for their own good. It's a shame, especially since the sets in the first half of the year have managed to have had personality and great design.
January 23, 201510 yr Man. It feels like LEGO wants G2 to fail. I don't think we've had sets so universally reviled across the board since the Mistika. What happened to that supposed 'tattered cloth' attachment anyway? I don't really see anything like it here. Skull Warrior looks decent, I suppose. Skull Slicer I guess gets a pass as does Basher. But Skull Scorpio? It looks really lazily designed. Six unposable legs, a tail way too big compared to the rest of the body.... Let's not get started on Skull Grinder, who looks ultra generic. Seriously? That's the thing battling Ekimu? Ultra Generic Humanoid Skull Number #4? These sets look way to generic for their own good. It's a shame, especially since the sets in the first half of the year have managed to have had personality and great design. Let's reiterate the key word here: these images are PRELIMINARY. Things change. Just look at wave one this year...
January 23, 201510 yr It would be a very strange colour to use as a placeholder. However, I'm not sure how to reconcile these pics with the descriptions we got the other day, which were spot on about all the other sets, right down to the new armour addon. It's possible scorpio's colour changed at some point during development, but it's impossible to know which colour is the more final one. The toy fair has a more preliminary version of the mask maker set, with the mask only blue, but here it's the one in its latest stage.... I guess time will tell as to which scorpio they're going with. How long is it till the toyfair that is normally the source of clear pictures? Oh, and to the guy wondering about the "tattered cloth" attatchment, it's the new limb armour addon. He didn't say it WAS cloth, he said it RESEMBLED it. This was what I was expecting it to be from the start, and I was surprised when everyone took it so literally. Edited January 23, 201510 yr by Timeline15
January 23, 201510 yr Let's reiterate the key word here: these images are PRELIMINARY. Things change. Just look at wave one this year... The preliminary images we saw then were pretty final; the changes were the addition of chest printing, the Skull Spider legs, and Tahu's mask. These are summer sets, so there could be a bigger margin for changes, but I'm not getting my hopes up too high.
January 23, 201510 yr Man. It feels like LEGO wants G2 to fail. I don't think we've had sets so universally reviled across the board since the Mistika. What happened to that supposed 'tattered cloth' attachment anyway? I don't really see anything like it here. Skull Warrior looks decent, I suppose. Skull Slicer I guess gets a pass as does Basher. But Skull Scorpio? It looks really lazily designed. Six unposable legs, a tail way too big compared to the rest of the body.... Let's not get started on Skull Grinder, who looks ultra generic. Seriously? That's the thing battling Ekimu? Ultra Generic Humanoid Skull Number #4? These sets look way to generic for their own good. It's a shame, especially since the sets in the first half of the year have managed to have had personality and great design. Yes, LEGO wants their own product that they spent possibly millions of dollars on to fail so epicly. Edited January 23, 201510 yr by MonkeyChud
January 23, 201510 yr The new bone piece is terrible. I get they're supposed to look like skeletons but I see no use for such a piece. A billion times no I guess I'd like these sets a lot more if they didn't have so much random tr. reddish orange. Basher especially suffers from that. I'm really curious to see these at Toyfair, where they'll be shown at a much more finalized stage. A billion times yes Edited January 23, 201510 yr by Mesonak
January 23, 201510 yr As far as I remember, the summer sets do tend to change more. Can't remember specific examples off the top of my head though. On an unrelated note, been checking up on the "ask Greg Farshtey" thread on Lego message boards. It's remarkable how many people are still trying to ask him stuff about 2015 Bionicle XD Edited January 23, 201510 yr by Timeline15
January 23, 201510 yr It would be a very strange colour to use as a placeholder. Yeah but what happened to that Mask in the LEGO Magazine? It could be for a "Warrior" yes,but for me,the MoC in the MM vs SG is a placeholder for that mask,along with Golden Toa Masks included in the Warrior (Scorpio,Basher,etc...) sets
January 23, 201510 yr I was addressing VBBN's comment about trans red, not your one about the mask. That said, I highly doubt the mask of creation is a placeholder. The mask from the advert looks like it belongs to skull grinder to me.
January 23, 201510 yr Yeah but what happened to that Mask in the LEGO Magazine? It could be for a "Warrior" yes,but for me,the MoC in the MM vs SG is a placeholder for that mask,along with Golden Toa Masks included in the Warrior (Scorpio,Basher,etc...) sets Why would you use a mask that has yet to premiere in any other set as a placeholder? Moreover, why wouldn't they include the Mask of Creation in the set with Ekimu? It seems to me the main conflict of the set is Ekimu fighting Skull Grinder to get his mask back. We haven't gotten a clear look at these heads yet; it could easily be one of theirs. Notably, it looks like Skull Grinder's mask (which also resembles the evil red eyes in the background of the main promotional image for the winter wave).
January 23, 201510 yr Circle of life guys. Leaked pics come out, people complain, people start to come around, finalized pics come out, people complain again, people come around again. Thank god we're not the target audience.
January 23, 201510 yr I'll be uploading them to BS01, iffin you don't mind... I'll ask, I'll let you know. ;)
January 23, 201510 yr It's weird that people are hating on skull scorps legs so much, I think that's the best part of its design. They look so spindle-y and skittery.
January 23, 201510 yr I feel the same way. I'm starting to understand why Lego/certain websites (BZP cough) strictly prohibits leaks, 'cause people always jump to conclusions before the final product can be made. Especially buying decisions. Details like colours, masks and printed elements can definitely change but the build and the general design tends to stay the same. Really, if you except these to look completely different in the final versions you're in for a disappointment. And by the way, I don't see any hysteria in the topic, just some disappointment. I don't think it's that unrealistic to want these sets to be on the same level of quality of the Toa. And I noticed that Grinder has a bley or dark bley torso. I guess it's the largest size given the ECS (Exposed Crotch Syndrome..wait that wasn't supposed to sound so dirty).
January 23, 201510 yr It's weird that people are hating on skull scorps legs so much, I think that's the best part of its design.They look so spindle-y and skitter. And if they want to complain about how they aren't articulated, they have lost all rights to nostalgia-gasm over the nui-jaga Edited January 23, 201510 yr by Timeline15
January 23, 201510 yr Bones are all black/light gray, with the occasional trans one, again corresponding to that figures main trans color. Pretty sure the ones that appear grey are actually white. The only grey looking ones I can see are Grinder's forearms and that's almost certainly caused by shadows. Edited January 23, 201510 yr by WARHEAD
January 23, 201510 yr I definetly hope what I'm seeing on slicer is not a large torso (used on Onua) and only the upper arms on gearbox. I know these are only prelimnary, but so far not so good. Haven't seen the leaked photos yet, but from what's being described so far it sounds like the sets shown at Toy Fair. Incidentally, from what I saw, all four arms were geared. Also, quite interested in the Mask of Creation not being mentioned by anyone who saw the sets on the days.
January 23, 201510 yr I'll ask, I'll let you know. ;) We'll just pretend I totally haven't started :U Also, could they upload the Lewa storyboard one? They seem to have Onua's in its place.
January 23, 201510 yr And if they want to complain about how they aren't articulated, they have lost all rights to nostalgia-gasm over the nui-jaga Actually, the Skull Scorpion's legs look like they're probably fixed in place, making them less articulated than the Nui Jaga's. That, and it's been 14 years since the Nui Jaga was released; expecting set quality (especially regarding articulation) to increase isn't really all that irrational.
January 23, 201510 yr And if they want to complain about how they aren't articulated, they have lost all rights to nostalgia-gasm over the nui-jaga Actually, while the Skull Scorpio has zero points of articulation per leg, the Nui-Jaga had one per leg. With the CCBS, we should be able to do better than that.
January 23, 201510 yr I don't like the Skull Scorpio set all around. Despite the tail probably having a grabbing function, it's just obnoxiously massive. The legs are too stiff, and (personal preference) stick way too far out from the body. The claw arms also feel too spindly. And the head. Looks way too humanoid. Every time I look at him, I see a dude laying down in a scorpion costume. Lot of this is personal preference. If you like him, more power to you. But I hope he'll undergo some changes.
January 23, 201510 yr Where is everyone finding these pics? Please give me a link in a PM or somethin'!
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