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Awesome! We even get those orange eyestalks everybody's been asking for. The sets look much better in person. The blended masks look pretty amazing as well!

Edited by Zenerius

Still not a fan of Skull Scorpion (if anything, I've gained a new complaint in how the head sits.) There's also all that ugly trans-orange cluttering otherwise-decent color schemes. Loving the dual-colored Toa masks, but I do question the lack of them for Tahu and Gali. Maybe there'll be store exclusives with those masks? It just strikes me as an odd omission if these masks have any plot relevance. (Which they might; my "villains steal the Golden Masks for the powers to light the forge" theory is only bolstered by elementally-tinged golden masks.)

These look very nice from what I can make out (trans-bright green bones courtesy of Skull Slicer, so I take back the less than positive vibes I said about him earlier... They look fantastic!). I really need to see some individual shots or close-ups though, my phone really doesn't like zooming in on pictures and I can hardly make out any detail. I miss by big computer screen sometimes!

Slightly related, I think the Ninjago Master Wu dragon coming this summer may be coming with white small beast feet (judging by prelims that I saw, should see tomorrow I guess)... Might be a better foot colour for Protector of Ice perhaps? EDIT: I really should read all the conversation before jumping in, but at least my PoI suggestion is new I guess ;-)

Edited by TheOneVeyronian

Those are some of the most weird, but unique color schemes of all time. (Particularly looking at Slicer and Scorpio).

Other than that, these sets are definitely interesting in their own right. My favorites would definitely be Skull Basher, Skull Warrior, And MMVSSG set.

Personally, every set improved in some way except Skull Grinder, who looks incredibly awkward with his sunken head.

And oh yes, every mask this wave is great.

Can't wait to see Up-Close shots so we can catch a better glimpse of the masks and the new pieces, especially that "Cloth Piece".

good grief, no relief from teasing around here, can we get one up close picture please...

Some thoughts -

Skull Warrior is mostly unchanged, still looks cool enough.

Skull Slicer is garbage-tier, I understand the skeletal theme but having no armor is a little overkill. Not a fan.

Skull Basher looks excellent and has received some small tweaks to his color scheme that make the figure far more appealing.

Skull Scorpio is fine except for that atrocious tail.

Skull Grinder looks pretty gappy but is decent enough. Ekimu's cool.

Looking forward to more close-up pictures.

wooooooooo new sets pictures

Some thoughts -

Skull Warrior is mostly unchanged, still looks cool enough.

Skull Slicer is garbage-tier, I understand the skeletal theme but having no armor is a little overkill. Not a fan.

Skull Basher looks excellent and has received some small tweaks to his color scheme that make the figure far more appealing.

Skull Scorpio is fine except for that atrocious tail.

Skull Grinder looks pretty gappy but is decent enough. Ekimu's cool.

Looking forward to more close-up pictures.

I see trans bright green bones, that will get put to use immediately. (slicer)

No black extension pieces :(

I like the Skull Scorpio because it's the only non-humanoid/bipedal new creature.And thats pretty cool.

Loved em when the prelims came out, and even more now. Basher is definitely my favorite from this wave. He shall rival my onua perfectly. Speaking of that, I'm kind of disappointed that they just come with toa masks, although the blends do look very nice. Just can't help but think this.

Scorpio looks better than before, but the humanoid head looks a little out of place.

Slicer is my least favorite from this wave. Nothing really appeals to me, and is just too skinny.

Warrior is basic, but that's not always a bad thing. He pulls it off well. Really like his weapon.

Grinder is decent, but again nothing stands out to me.

As I said, basher is definitely my favorite. Just love the look and colors.

The new bones are looking nice too, as are the weapon molds.

Now I wait yet again for close ups on each...

Oh, wow! Some thoughts:

1) Skull Slicer looks....decent. The trans-green and silver looks great, but I'll probably give him some extra silver armor. (I hate exposed balljoints).

2) Skull Warrior is incredible! He looks to have a nice, thin frame, but still adequately armored. Also, I'm pretty sure his mask is the mystery one from a while back....

3) Skull Basher is probably my favorite of the henchmen. The color scheme is consistent, he's armored-yet-thin, and those horns are great! Can't make out the mask very well.....

4) Skull Scorpion is much, much better than I thought he would be. He has a nice blend of trans-yellow and silver, and although the grabber is still over-sized, it looks fine, actually.

5) Skull Grinder's color scheme is great, and the chest print is nice too. He seems a bit....exposed....but overall he looks great. (but is he wearing a SILVER HAU?!??!). Ekimu looks good, but from this angle he looks a bit too bulky. But then again, all of the Protectors do too.....And the MOCR is a great addition!

Other notes:

-Half-Trans, Half-Opaque Toa masks? Yes, please!

-Love the new ax and sword pieces.

-New rib cages are pretty neat pieces.

-Again, pretty sure S. Warrior has the mystery mask, and S. Grinder has a silver Hau.

-It would appear that the MOCR comes with a little stand IN the set, since the stand is brick-built (unlike the others, which are part of the display).

Can't wait for this wave!

Edited by LN-01354

Blended Toa Masks of Power? Be still my beating heart.


Skull Warrior looks basic, not a fan of the asymetrical design or the overly large bow that is bigger than his body.

Skull Slicer looks bad... really bad. The arms are too long and too thin and he's got barely any armour pieces. Heck, his mask is the Skull Spider mask again.

Skull Scorpio looks bad, not worse than Skull Slicer, but the back end just destroys this set. The mask is also really odly shaped and the lack of Tan makes this set generic.

Skull Basher looks good from what i can see, probably the best of the cheaper sets. Need to see him from the front though and get a good look at the mask.

Mask Maker Vs Skull Slicer looks way too basic for a titan set. I suppose the inclusion of the rather odly proportioned Ekimu helps, however it doesnt look good when the bad guy is so bare. I Need to see better images, but this just looks 'meh'

As for the masks, i'm not a fan of them. They dont look nice and the 'half gold' masks look odd. I would like dual colored masks in the future, but this seems like a bad move. Especially seeing as Gali doesnt get one.

Edited by Scarilian


Skull Warrior looks basic, not a fan of the asymetrical design or the overly large bow that is bigger than his body.

Skull Slicer looks bad... really bad. The arms are too long and too thin and he's got barely any armour pieces. Heck, his mask is the Skull Spider mask again.

Skull Scorpio looks bad, not worse than Skull Slicer, but the back end just destroys this set. The mask is also really odly shaped and the lack of Tan makes this set generic.

Skull Basher looks good from what i can see, probably the best of the cheaper sets. Need to see him from the front though and get a good look at the mask.

Mask Maker Vs Skull Slicer looks way too basic for a titan set. I suppose the inclusion of the rather odly proportioned Ekimu helps, however it doesnt look good when the bad guy is so bare. I Need to see better images, but this just looks 'meh'

As for the masks, i'm not a fan of them. They dont look nice and the 'half gold' masks look odd. I would like dual colored masks in the future, but this seems like a bad move. Especially seeing as Gali doesnt get one.

I see.

-Again, pretty sure S. Warrior has the mystery mask, and S. Grinder has a silver Hau.

Right, the two images we have of Skull Grinder with the mystery mask were inconclusive; this unclear photo proves it's a Hau and the finalized-looking Skull Warrior is still just wearing a placeholder.

Also that's trans lime green on Skull Scorpion, not trans yellow. It's obvious in this image, where it even has a greenish tint. Notably, they each have the trans color associated with the Toa they have the mask of. (Lewa didn't have one, but his Protector's trans bright green cemented it as a Jungle color.)

Definitely getting the Skull Archer (Warrior?) for the blended Kopaka mask :laugh: and Masker Maker vs. Skull Grinder for the Mask of Creation.

Wish the Summer 2015 wave was larger, as it's going to be awhile till 2016...

Blended gold masks? Cool! Too bad Gali and Tahu don't have any in that WAIT HOLD ON A SECOND I HAVE AN IDEA

In the promotional image of the pillar holding the MoUP/Skull Warrior mask, as well as the box image of Mask Maker vs. Skull Grinder, we see red and blue streams of energy coming towards the pillars. The only blended masks that don't exist are Masks of Fire (red) and Water (blue). Could it be that Tahu's and Gali's masks are stolen and completely drained of energy by this point? That would also explain the silver Mask of Fire on Skull Grinder, it might have been Tahu's. So what happened to Gali's if this is the case...?

Anyway. I like all of them bar Skull Slicer; his colour scheme seems a little jarring. Also not a fan of his having a Skull Spider mask.

Edited by mysteriouspi

These bad guys generally look pretty cool to me, but there's not really enough detail for a thorough analysis. I still can't quite figure what Skull Scorpio's tail does. In fact, I have mixed feelings about the new enemy weapon pieces in general. They're an awfully strange shape and one that seems like it'd be tricky to use in MOCs. I can't quite figure if there's some sort of functionality to justify that shape or if they're just weird for weirdness's sake. Certainly they don't seem to have the same elegance of the Toa weapons, but the sets use them in enough ways that I'm willing to give them a chance to prove their versatility.

I love the color schemes, though! Very unique and nightmarishly elegant! And they certainly stand out enough from the Toa color schemes for it to be clear that this is a separate "evil" faction. The packages also look nice, from what we can see of them, and I love the new blended Toa masks — though I'll agree with others that I hope Tahu's and Gali's get similar treatment sometime soon.

Edited by Aanchir

We get a Kopaka mask with Skull Warrior, a Lewa mask with Skull Slicer, a Pohatu mask with Skull Scorpio and a Onua mask with Skull Basher. Tahu gets a transparent mask as a gift with purchase (you can read about it on prior pages). Gali is the only member lacking a third mask variant.

Thing is, the GWP Tahu mask is completely Trans Orange. These are all gold/trans blend. So... Still missing Tahu and Gali's masks.

I guess the GWP mask could be a placeholder until we (potentially) get an actual blended one.

(Which they might; my "villains steal the Golden Masks for the powers to light the forge" theory is only bolstered by elementally-tinged golden masks.)

I have to wonder if they are going to do a "it can only be destroyed in the fires that it was born from" thing with the Mask of Creation - Skull Grinder sure seems like he is about to dip it in on the box art.

Good lord that bow guy (Skull Warrior?) is amazing. Absolutely a need.

I can't really make out what the Skull Scorpion is, well, meant to be. I know, a scorpion, but I can't make out what it is.

Yup, these look 1000x better than the prelims!

I'm really digging the blended Toa masks, the only thing is we don't seem to get Tahu and Gali's masks. :hmpf_bad:

As for the new villains, all them look great, especially the Skull Slicer (love the trans-green bones!)

I'm also glad we're getting red-orange eye stalks after all!

Though shiny, the blended masks are a disappointment to me.

I'd much prefer silver or gunmetal variants of the Kanohi, which would be far more useful for mocs.

Right, the two images we have of Skull Grinder with the mystery mask were inconclusive; this unclear photo proves it's a Hau and the finalized-looking Skull Warrior is still just wearing a placeholder.

Also that's trans lime green on Skull Scorpion, not trans yellow. It's obvious in this image, where it even has a greenish tint. Notably, they each have the trans color associated with the Toa they have the mask of. (Lewa didn't have one, but his Protector's trans bright green cemented it as a Jungle color.)

Did I say placeholder ONCE in that post? Nope. Anyway, look at Warrior: the top of his mask is just like the mystery mask's (with the Hewkii Inika-esque design), and the sharp cheekbones. And Grinder's mask is flat in the back, has a vent down the middle, and has a mouth like the Hau.

Also, what two images did we have of S. Grinder and the mystery mask? I think you mean the single, even-more-blurry image in the prelims. So, think before you just get all snarky. :wink:

And yeah, I know it's trans-lime green. Simple mistake, which honestly doesn't matter. :sadnew:

Edited by LN-01354

Warrior really comes across as a creepy, rag-tag kinda soldier. Looks very nice! I love how they gave him one of the add-ons on his leg, then another on his shoulder. Love that ribcage torso piece too!

Can anyone tell what blended masks Warrior and Slicer have? I can't make them out from the photo...

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