March 26, 20159 yr I'm saying there's a difference between "I didn't like this episode" and "BIONICLE has had poor content thus far". Subjectively, you might not have liked what came out, but objectively, there has been content of quality. So... what was your original point, then? Both the Minisodes and NINJAGO's pilot were/have been of very high quality. Either way, this is still a discussion, so you can't say it hasn't sparked conversation :U Ah, the sweet irony of the situation. I was waiting for someone to point this out I was referring to the leaked internal document that revealed the GWP for this month and (I think) the books as well, though it made no mention of the graphic novels, for instance. Well, what discussion would there have been in place of that had those documents not been leaked? In the absence of that leak, there would have been virtually nothing discussed. Both of which are a far cry from "it won't happen because I have been to the top of the mountain and seen all there is to see you will worship me as though I were a god". RVB reference aside, I think that not knowing what to expect doesn't automatically feed into expecting nothing, so I don't quite understand the pessimism. Hey, you ever wondered why we're here? I see what you mean, but LEGO has historically had relatively long periods of time without any information on future events. My own example of NINJAGO is flawed because of this, it had a "big explosion" because the story was wrapped up immediately. HF is a shining example of this, and other lines such as Atlantis had the same problem. It's year 1, it's not unreasonable to expect a lack of "serious" news with the story/alternate media.
March 26, 20159 yr A thread on Reddit opened up discussion for theorizing what may or may not happen in 2016. Just thought I'd share my response here: Like others have said, I definitely think we're gonna see a new enemy - either a swarm or a team. I'm thinking something bestial in appearence, much like the Rahkshi (Reptilian-esque) or Bohrok (Insect-esque) were. Each of these baddies will likely be packaged with some sort of artefact the Toa need to recover, such as masks or weapons.I can also see (this just being the nature of constraction themes these days) the Toa back in a new form. Not sure what would change about them - maybe just upgraded armour n'such, caused by some magical force. Again, each Toa would likely come packaged with something from the baddies, like with the Skull Spiders from this year. Maybe a new type of tiny minion? Or some sort of coveted artefact from the baddies? In regards to story, I'm not sure what to expect. Maybe a new evil comes from overseas (much like Vikings), or from somewhere hidden on the island? Or maybe a plague of sorts infects a large portion of the population of Okoto, "zombifying" them to the aid of some ulterior force? With parts, it's a given that We'll be seeing new masks. I can guarantee that gearboxes are likely here to stay for a very long time, or at least similar functionality. The leg armour from the SW ultrabuilds could be used with Bionicle, but would likely need prints or stickers so as to fit in with G2's aesthetic. I have a feeling we'll be seeing a new armour addon, or at least older styles reused. A lot of this is a mix of foresight based on experience, and wishful thinking. Don't count me on this stuff. If this kinda discussion belongs in another thread, then I apologise. Edited March 26, 20159 yr by LewiMOC
March 26, 20159 yr ^I would love more piston-aesthetic armor add-ons to be produced, if at least three circulated in production at a time I would be happy. Maybe even a complete shell overhaul would be nice, I don't like the bland-ness of the shells and never did! But Bionicle Gen 2 has some great diversity among the sets so it's less noticeable, which is great compared to the late HF(with the exception of the beautiful Evo XL Machine <3).
March 26, 20159 yr I'm wondering how long the story can stay on Okoto. Being an island, it has a limited amount of area, which limits the amount of stuff that can be introduced. That being said, we don't know how big Okoto is. The island of Mata Nui was roughly the size of Illinois, so if Okoto is a fairly large landmass like that, I suppose there's room to be able to introduce new story elements. Though, personally, I want to know where the Toa came from. If they're space aliens, I'd like to see their homeworld/s.
March 26, 20159 yr Though, personally, I want to know where the Toa came from. If they're space aliens, I'd like to see their homeworld/s. I'm thinking they were made offworld, too. But by who? And where? And why? However, I think those kinds of questions should only be answered late into the story. Maybe at the end of this team's saga or something, in 5+ years time.
March 26, 20159 yr I'm wondering how long the story can stay on Okoto. Being an island, it has a limited amount of area, which limits the amount of stuff that can be introduced. That being said, we don't know how big Okoto is. The island of Mata Nui was roughly the size of Illinois, so if Okoto is a fairly large landmass like that, I suppose there's room to be able to introduce new story elements. Though, personally, I want to know where the Toa came from. If they're space aliens, I'd like to see their homeworld/s. Something else to keep in mind is that a setting can change over time. Even if the Toa explore all of Okoto as it is now, there's always the possibility that the climax of one of their adventures might fundamentally change the island, making it like a whole new place. One example in classic BIONICLE is the 2005 storyline, in which the bustling cityscape was turned into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. But a transformative event like this does not necessarily have to be so negative — look at Spherus Magna's restoration in the 2010 BIONICLE storyline, or even the re-assembly of the giant prototype robot in 2009. Right now, a lot of the Okoto scenery we've seen consists of improvised villages and abandoned ruins that hint at a better time long ago. But what if, somehow, those ruins were restored to their former glory? Not that I'm at all against the introduction of additional settings. Exploring a new place can be just as exciting as exploring an old place made new. But it's a bit early to say just what potential Okoto has or lacks in terms of exploration. One thing I've thought of that would be cool for a future story arc would be pirate-like characters from across the ocean coming to Okoto seeking the legendary masks for their own personal profit. I've seen some pretty strong indications that the Piraka might have originally been envisioned as pirate-themed villains, but I think with the right design choices you could create a wave of villains in which the pirate motif is even more integral.
March 26, 20159 yr Actually seven masks are left, but sadly we don't know if they will even be used in a competition. If I recall correctly, 32 solid gold Haus were made and only 5 were given away to the public, apparently the rest are in the hands of LEGO employees. True, i was more going under the belief that they will probably give them away because of how much making masks out of gold costs, having them sit around is unbeneficial to LEGO. Though you raise a good point with the gold haus, maybe we wont see the other masks given away...
March 26, 20159 yr I kind of want to see either fully mechanical or fully organic villains, with those aspects emphasized. Rahkshi-like creatures would work well, but I would like to see some characters for whom non-humanoid is the default. Snake-like creatures would be great; the only thing like that LEGO has made recently were Ninjago's Serpentine, and those ar humanoid versions. Insects or dragons would also be interesting choices.
March 26, 20159 yr The Korean version has the best voice acting. Gali's actually voiced by a girl this time.
March 26, 20159 yr True, i was more going under the belief that they will probably give them away because of how much making masks out of gold costs, having them sit around is unbeneficial to LEGO. Though you raise a good point with the gold haus, maybe we wont see the other masks given away... If they do decided to give the 7 remaining masks away, hopefully it doesn't involve MOCing. Edited March 26, 20159 yr by MonkeyChud
March 26, 20159 yr If they do decided to give the 7 remaining masks away, hopefully it doesn't involve MOCing. I thought we'd had confirmation from DeeVee or one of the other ambassadors involved in planning the relaunch that the other masks would indeed be given away, and that the Battle for the Gold Mask contest would be the only one that was a MOCing contest. It'd be hard for me to look up now, though, especially considering I don't know where specifically that comment would have been made.
March 26, 20159 yr Something else to keep in mind is that a setting can change over time. Even if the Toa explore all of Okoto as it is now, there's always the possibility that the climax of one of their adventures might fundamentally change the island, making it like a whole new place. One example in classic BIONICLE is the 2005 storyline, in which the bustling cityscape was turned into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. But a transformative event like this does not necessarily have to be so negative — look at Spherus Magna's restoration in the 2010 BIONICLE storyline, or even the re-assembly of the giant prototype robot in 2009. Right now, a lot of the Okoto scenery we've seen consists of improvised villages and abandoned ruins that hint at a better time long ago. But what if, somehow, those ruins were restored to their former glory? Not that I'm at all against the introduction of additional settings. Exploring a new place can be just as exciting as exploring an old place made new. But it's a bit early to say just what potential Okoto has or lacks in terms of exploration. Ah! Good point, good point. I completely forgot about 04-05 Metru Nui. Yeah, it's still early to discredit Okoto's potential, but in the long run, I just hope they can keep things interesting.
March 26, 20159 yr Maybe a new evil comes from overseas (much like Vikings), or from somewhere hidden on the island? I'd love to see vikings-themed villains.
March 26, 20159 yr I enjoyed some people's speculation that it's a sort of "life support system" so his body doesn't rot away over the years. I actually liked that idea too, but I think it might be too scy-fy for G2 (yet ). I was thinking something more mystical, like Mask of Regeneration/Restoration; something that could be used to heal the Skull Army of their undead state as well. A thread on Reddit opened up discussion for theorizing what may or may not happen in 2016. Just thought I'd share my response here: If this kinda discussion belongs in another thread, then I apologise. I'm wondering how long the story can stay on Okoto. Being an island, it has a limited amount of area, which limits the amount of stuff that can be introduced. That being said, we don't know how big Okoto is. The island of Mata Nui was roughly the size of Illinois, so if Okoto is a fairly large landmass like that, I suppose there's room to be able to introduce new story elements. Though, personally, I want to know where the Toa came from. If they're space aliens, I'd like to see their homeworld/s. Something else to keep in mind is that a setting can change over time. Even if the Toa explore all of Okoto as it is now, there's always the possibility that the climax of one of their adventures might fundamentally change the island, making it like a whole new place. One example in classic BIONICLE is the 2005 storyline, in which the bustling cityscape was turned into a post-apocalyptic wasteland. But a transformative event like this does not necessarily have to be so negative — look at Spherus Magna's restoration in the 2010 BIONICLE storyline, or even the re-assembly of the giant prototype robot in 2009. Right now, a lot of the Okoto scenery we've seen consists of improvised villages and abandoned ruins that hint at a better time long ago. But what if, somehow, those ruins were restored to their former glory? Not that I'm at all against the introduction of additional settings. Exploring a new place can be just as exciting as exploring an old place made new. But it's a bit early to say just what potential Okoto has or lacks in terms of exploration. One thing I've thought of that would be cool for a future story arc would be pirate-like characters from across the ocean coming to Okoto seeking the legendary masks for their own personal profit. I've seen some pretty strong indications that the Piraka might have originally been envisioned as pirate-themed villains, but I think with the right design choices you could create a wave of villains in which the pirate motif is even more integral. I actually hope we stay in Okoto for a longer time just so we can explore more of its environment. I actually thought it would be a good idea if there was a season focused in the Northern Okoto (Regions of Ice, Water and Sand) while they searched for the MoCo, and another focused in Southern Okoto (Regions of Fire, Earth and Jungle) while they searched for the MoUP. Or the other way around. That said, the idea of enemies from overseas is appealing, especially if it involved travel and battles between both islands instead of staying only in one. But I would prefer something a bit more generic (and less overused) than pirates; vikings or barbarian hordes would be nice. I kind of want to see either fully mechanical or fully organic villains, with those aspects emphasized. Rahkshi-like creatures would work well, but I would like to see some characters for whom non-humanoid is the default. Snake-like creatures would be great; the only thing like that LEGO has made recently were Ninjago's Serpentine, and those ar humanoid versions. Insects or dragons would also be interesting choices. I would prefer a 50/50 mix: some humanoid villains, some bestial (and not arachnoid; we already had a lot this year). But what I would really like would be something in-between, like the the Hordika, or an enemy of alien nature and abilities, like the Bohrok, the Baterra or the Vahki (and yes, all of those three examples involve transformation of some kind. I'm a sucker for transformation ). Another good idea would be elemental (not elemental-themed, actually elemental) enemies, like the Element Lords and the beasts from the cancelled first game. I'm still waiting for biomechanical dinosaurs. You and me both ! Maybe in the Jungle/Water Region's swamp? I t was said to be unexplored even by the Protectors... By the way, my earlier comment about the pacing seems to have been misinterpreted (I probably wasn't clear enough; sorry), so I'll clarify: I wasn't criticising how fast the episodes were uploaded, but how fast the story is advancing in each episode. Most of it is reused animation from previous episodes or the character animation, and we dedicated two of them (episodes 4 and 5) just to reach and use the Golden Masks. And many cool ideas were just wasted: we never really explored Okoto and its Regions, never saw the Toa battling Skull Spider-controlled Protectors and never saw them taking LOSS' Golden Mask of Skull Spiders and do something about it (ending a battle like Web of Shadows's "You're free!...That's an order!" would be cool and a bit funny). Also, I was not comparing it to G1's early years (I couldn't any way: no comic was ever sold in my country, I could only find the first 2 books of each collection in 2008, and I didn't take an interest in the internet until 2005); if anything, I was comparing them to what shows I like such as Transformers or Doctor Who have done. In retrospect, however, I'm definitely being unfair: those last at least half an hour each episode, while the webisodes are one minute and a half long. Still, I can't help but feel disapointed. Edited March 26, 20159 yr by The Outsider
March 26, 20159 yr I'm still waiting for biomechanical dinosaurs. agreed 1000%. Skirmix was cool, but I want a pack of bio velociraptors. That could be best thing ever.
March 26, 20159 yr Now that I think about it, dinosaurs are actually likely: we're already getting Jurassic World sets this year, might as well take advantage of the following hype and excitement.
March 26, 20159 yr I'm still waiting for biomechanical dinosaurs. ^This x10.Also, the idea of Biomechanical pirates or vikings sounds pretty awesome. I would also absolutely love it if we got gen2 Rahkshi and/or Bohrok. Regardless, I want more non-humanoid characters and builds. Reptilian creatures in particular would be great.
March 26, 20159 yr I would love dinosaurs, but I would adore pterosaurs even more. Maybe the first wave of 2016 could be the new Toa, with the smaller sets being small velociraptor sets, maybe a small pterosaur, with the second half featuring stuff like a T-rex, a generic stegosaur, other large dinosaurs or maybe even an Azdarchid.
March 26, 20159 yr If they do decided to give the 7 remaining masks away, hopefully it doesn't involve MOCing. Yeah, hopefully we never have another MOC'ing competition in future. I'm still waiting for biomechanical dinosaurs. Those would be awesome, though personally hoping for them to continue the 'scary' theme that the Skull villains are starting with ghosts and vampire inspired sets in future. I actually liked that idea too, but I think it might be too scy-fy for G2 (yet ). I was thinking something more mystical, like Mask of Regeneration/Restoration; something that could be used to heal the Skull Army of their undead state as well. It could be explained away as a 'Mask Of Preservation' and serve the same purpose :P I think the theory is a nice head-canon until we get confirmation of what the golden protector mask does.
March 27, 20159 yr Why was it that as soon as I read "biomechanical dinosaurs", I was reminded of this picture I saw while browsing BS01? If we get biomechanical dinosaurs (or pterosaurs or marine reptiles even) in the future, I will be absolutely all over it (even if they are woefully out of scale or inaccurate), especially since dinosaurs were the main reason I eventually went to study palaeontology at university. Failing that, I'll settle for biomechanical dragons But somehow I think they might be unlikely. I've no idea where Bionicle 2016 will take us next to be honest Edited March 27, 20159 yr by TheOneVeyronian
March 27, 20159 yr maybe this is cuz i am currently taking american history in collage but rather than the hypothetical new villains from another island be pirates or vikings or other classic hoard archetype they were like more technologically advanced "civilized" colonists,only coming for the island's resources and are free to oppress the natives? i can see this as a good way to bring back the original notion of the makuta species experimenting on the matoran and other lifeforms i the MU, specifically Spiriah and his involvement with the skakdi species. as others mentioned we need more non-humanoid baddies like the reptilian rahkshi or the bug-like bohrok i can imagine the small protector tier sets be little scout drones designed for Otoko's specific environments, like the bohrok were. and maybe for bad guys whatever tech/magic these Colonists use to experiment on the natives could mutate half the Toa into their minions and to fill out the the good guy roster we will have three good rebel Colonists working with the remaining toa who are equipped with the Colonists' own super tech making them upgraded for a final battle or something. [EDIT] the whole mutant thing could start with Lewa as i believe he was the one who kept going over to the darkside in G1. basically takes the mutant/monster themes of the toa hordika and the toa mahri but a more dramatic take on the good guy/bad guy split form the Phantoka and Mistika. i am betting this is way too dark for bionicle's reboot and i bet a bit convoluted for the children but i think it could work. Edited March 27, 20159 yr by Kalta the Noble Mind
March 27, 20159 yr Going off of my theory from a while back, what if the Skull soldiers were actually conquerors from another island who came to Okoto--perhaps, their own island had also been overrun by an evil? Maybe the same evil that's terrorizing Okoto? So then the 2016 story would involve the Toa (or maybe the Protectors) going to that island in order to find some answers...... </theory> But yeah, I hope that we go beyond Okoto, but it is possible that they will stay on Okoto for the entire story. I mean, the line is expected to last 3 years, and the first 3 years of Gen 1 were only on Mata Nui.....
March 27, 20159 yr If Gen 2 goes beyond its original 3 years, I don't want to see them expanding out the story in a way that "taints" the core material, such as Metru Nui or Voya/Mahri Nui. Both were awesome concepts and places, but they strayed too far from the original concept of BIONICLE. I'd like to see a "soft" reboot of Gen 2 after the 3 year-run, set in an entirely new location with a new cast of characters and some ties to Okoto but nothing huge and gigantic that crossed the borders between the two yet still allowed for an eventual showdown for the fate of both locations when the line reaches its "climax" and LEGO wants to discontinue it. Or in other words, not Bara Magna
March 27, 20159 yr I'd support an idea that Okoto will be wrapped up in three years. Was it because of MouP or not. And I much guess that is/was their original plan before they saw the sales. At least the ones in charge of all the money. Then we could get introduced six baddies that have come to Okoto in search of ancient relics and whatever and stumble upon MoUP and take it with them, not knowing that it still has the essence of of all evil/Makuta inside of it. These" gen 2 piraka" will flee with the mask and stuff and toa have to go after them. But instead of Voya Nui, the island could have more asthetics that resemble Metru Nui but not be all that sci-fi.
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