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See, that's one thing I just don't agree with. I like the simple look it has. What bothers me is when designers use it in a way that just doesn't look good, such as with torso shells: Tahu would have looked much better had they given him the 7m shells in red and either gotten rid of his weird shoulder armor to alleviate that increase in budget or if they'd just used 5m shells in red with golden piston add-ons to cover up his legs.

7m shells

Pretty sure those don't exist? I'm sure all torso shells are 8M long, in case you were talking about those. Now I want 7M shells badly :grin: . It seems to be somewhat the "missing shell" in the lineup, and I can think of many situations where a 7M shell would actually be more useful than an 8M shell (which exists).

And while I'm at it, I wouldn't mind a 1M shell or a 2M shell, so I can squeeze shells into smaller spaces. Or even completely symmetrical shells, but those are as likely as getting a new set of piston-adorned shells that people crave (unlikely).

It's my dream to see a CCBS version of the Toa Mata foot. I love that design.

Is it too much simply ask that they be smarter with their choices and actually create new shell pieces rather than add-ons?

As Lyichir explained, it would not be a smart choice, because it would go against the very core concept of the CCBS (which this page explains and shows perfectly). Plus, create new add-ons instead of new shells offers much more possibilities than creating a new shell, because, depending on the way you attach it to the armor, you can create two very different shapes (think of Pohatu, the upper legs and the upper arms, although they use the same two parts, look pretty different simply because the add-on is attached in two different ways), or the size of the shell used, or the color of the shell and the add-on. By creating a single part, they offer so much more possible combinations than if they would have created a new range of shells (by the way, the current shells will not be replaced by more detailed ones, they're a core element of the CCBS, but new shells can still "complete" the range of available shells). It's not laziness, it's efficiency.

it does mean that they are trying whatever they can to avoid creating tons of new pieces.

Come on, new heads, new eyes, new gearbox, new weapons, new masks, new bones, new shells, and lots of recolors. I think we'll have at least 25 new molds this year. And of course they're reusing the mask molds as much as they can. Again, it's efficiency, they've spent hundreds of thousands of $ on these new molds, they want them to be as profitable as possible.

Pretty sure those don't exist? I'm sure all torso shells are 8M long, in case you were talking about those. Now I want 7M shells badly :grin: . It seems to be somewhat the "missing shell" in the lineup, and I can think of many situations where a 7M shell would actually be more useful than an 8M shell (which exists).

And while I'm at it, I wouldn't mind a 1M shell or a 2M shell, so I can squeeze shells into smaller spaces. Or even completely symmetrical shells, but those are as likely as getting a new set of piston-adorned shells that people crave (unlikely).

Oops. I kind of want to see a shell suitable for covering large areas, which could make large MOCs a lot less time-consuming, but the lack of ways that such a shell could be implemented in sets kind of makes that seem impossible.

i just understand that the current period is a transition and people dont really seem to be understanding that

This whole "transition year" is nonsense. The rumour holds in a lot of places where contact with LEGO employees is rare or nonexistent, and it began from those who don't like CCBS and wanted a more "old style" system to return with BIONICLE. I've seen it hundreds of times on 4chan, for instance. The first wave of Hero Factory was the only one to rely on the old building style. We've seen wave 2, and with it comes: one new add-on, a new torso shell (which as has been pointed out we've gotten most years in HF and Chima as well), and new skeleton-style bones. The basic shells? The same. The limbs that use the shells? The same. We will get new add-ons and new torso shells, and if a money-making theme (hey Star Wars) needs to budget for more organicly shaped shells, then those will probably trickle into BIONICLE too. But the idea that this first wave is a "test" or a "transition" to a different aesthetic posits a grave misunderstanding of the entire purpose behind the CCBS shells and limbs. As has been mentioned, the point is to have a base system, a la the 2x4 brick, to build off of. The basic 3, 4, 5, whatever shells aren't disappearing in favour of more detailed parts, especially when a new detailed add-on (such as this year's awesome piston add-on) can do the job more effectively and for less cost.

Also, as an aside, the reason the original small wave of Hero Factory sets in summer of 2010 used the older building style is because they were rushed to production. Hero Factory was initially conceived to debut with the CCBS system (see the press release for the cancellation of BIONICLE, positing the next action figure theme as a more flexible building experience), but the release gap between the Stars sets and the Ordeal of Fire wave was larger than TLG desired, so a quick "filler" wave (which was also how the Stars came about) was created to fill the interim before the CCBS sets were ready to go. The "transition" wave didn't exist to help integrate folks to the new line, it existed to keep constraction sets in the forefront of consumers' minds and maintain TLG's hold on that small market demographic.

it now has two lines that contribute to how many new pieces they can introduce (Star Wars and Bionicle) so over time their will be more specialised parts until it varies from just a bunch of these.

There have been two constraction themes active at a time for the majority of the system's life. We had the Superheroes in 2012 (the second year of the CCBS system), consisting of two waves. In 2013 and 2014, we had Chima waves as well. The advent of Star Wars CCBS sets does very little, though you're right that it allows for some more varied parts because they do have more sets to use them in. As Aanchir said, that's one of the reasons why system themes can do more, because they can spread them over more. But this doesn't change the status quo much. 2015 is the first year since 2011 where a secondary theme hasn't been active with our main CCBS line.

Its been 3 years with the same parts that were primarily made for very simplistic Superhero sets, made for a target audience that was younger than the target audience of Gen 2 Bionicle. While it worked to an extent for Hero Factory because Hero Factory was not a theme based around a pre-existing design asthetic, when it comes to Bionicle the whole idea is replicating the old. That is why so much work went into making the masks a culmination of all that came before it.

The new parts were conceived to launch with Hero Factory, and designed to be used for all future constraction themes, as the design specs posted a few above this point out. The superhero ultrabuilds debuted a full year after the CCBS lineup had launched.

It feels like people are just accepting the standardized shells as being 'Bionicle' when they were never intended for that purpose. Sure they were intended for the CCBS building system, but in terms of progress they've made none in a long time simply keeping the pre-existing shells and covering them rather than altering them. We're still getting the same shells as 3 years ago that dont fit the theme its being used for.

Imagine system fans complaining about basic bricks continuing to be used sixty years later.

otherwise they would have just done that without introducing the new armour pieces to cover the shells

The new armour add-on (both the piston one and the one debuting in a few months) are the perfect counterexample for what you're arguing for. Why would they change the shells beyond the base set when a new add-on can be introduced to do the exact same thing, for a lower cost and a greater usability? The entire point of the CCBS system revolves around this, in fact! We've had four themes use this system now, and none have deviated from the base shell set. They have all utilized different add-ons to convey the aesthetic they desired. Why would you expect this to change now?

I'm saying they are attempting to replicate the style of Bionicle yet doing so half-heartedly because they are seemingly afraid of taking a risk with the theme. If they wanted to blend the simplistic pieces then they would have done so by going with much more simplistic mask and weapon designs, instead they created armour add-ons that were more based on the original wave. Why try to replicate a style and then not go through with replicating it completely?

Because they aren't trying to fully replicate the old style. They are trying to replicate the feeling with an updated aesthetic. The masks are less smooth and more geometric than the first, original six masks, precisely because they needed a visual update to fit the CCBS style. They don't want to recreate the ultra-busy technical parts of the original line. They want to recreate the feeling of those sets while updating the visual style to match the current offerings. Even the very obviously BIONCILE styled giant sword parts are less visually busy than the vahki staffs were. This is on purpose. It's not half-hearted, it's intentional.

New BIONICLE will indeed add new add-ons, a new torso shell (and maybe more of them?), and other new moulds to expand the CCBS system. But I don't understand why anyone would think, that after three other themes have used it and the base set has stayed the same with little expansion or contraction, that the name saying "BIONICLE" suddenly means the shells and the shell system are on their way out. Star Wars is introducing one new torso shell and a leg covering. Darth Vader and Luke both use an abundant number of the base shells as well. Star Wars is not a good argument for removing and changing the base set.

Will we get new add-ons? Yep! New armour parts? Probably. Will the base aesthetic change from the base CCBS aesthetic? Nope. It's not what it was designed for.

On the other side note going on, I also hate the 2.0 clown foot, and have been advocating for a new, not-terrifyingly-ugly foot part for years. It's comically shaped and overly large. It's bulbous. I hate it too. I love the beast feet from Invasion from Below, and I'd love to see some new feet with bar connections like those in a more human-styled foot. I'm okay with the 2.0 chest, though the breakout torso is by far my favourite, and I'd like it in some new colours. When it looked like Kopaka might have had it in white in the old leaked images, I was pretty stoked. I don't mind the silver on him with the gold, it just looks like armour, but a white recolour would have been awesome. If there's a limitation in the new system, it isn't in the variety of shell styles, but in the lack of colour variety. I love Gali's dark azure- I would like more shells in that colour now. Especially the 3 and that sloped one used on Kopaka's thighs. I love that part.

Oops. I kind of want to see a shell suitable for covering large areas, which could make large MOCs a lot less time-consuming, but the lack of ways that such a shell could be implemented in sets kind of makes that seem impossible.

I agree with that, I could certainly get some use out of enormous shells. Also, since it appears we're talking about shell wish lists, I wouldn't mind seeing extra-wide shells (akin to the 6M shoulder armour but in more lengths). Sometimes I want small and bulky :classic:

Oh, and add me to the list of 2.0 foot dislikers, since it's been brought up - again :laugh: Sure, it's oversized, way too common and maybe a tad ugly, but my main complaint about it is the enormous gap between the ball socket and the rest of the foot. Yes, you can fill it up, but to me, that doesn't look right. And yes, it looks okay as armour, but then it leaves an exposed ball cup, sitting there just looking out of place. Splitface and Dragon Bolt, I'm looking at you :tongue: I think a new "human-like" foot is in order, complete with more useful connection points like bars and ball joints perhaps.

I may as well also say the need for a new, innovative small hand mould, with bars so you can attach your own fingers (and not those big Savage Planet paws) and still have secure connections for weapons.

Am I the only one who wants to see a piston-y torso with pin holes on both ends of it and a new armor attachment for the lower side so we can get something like this?

Edited by Mandate

I can't refute all of these right now so I'm going to focus on the one.

Creating a full range of sizes of new shells would be the OPPOSITE of cost-effective compared to a single new detail element.

I do hope you chose not to refute the rest given you seem to have somehow focused on this one and yet gotten it muddled immediately...

I just pointed out they could have easily tried to adapt the system to be more cost-effective and accurate at the same time instead they've created an entirely new mould armour that is always going to be flawed by being forced to be on top of a shell piece that doesnt match the astethic. They are always going to be forced to make new armour pieces now to cover-up the shells for each wave. That is not saying they needed to immediately turn every shell piece into something different, so not sure where you got that idea.

It seems the more I try to make a point the more people want to argue. I suggest TLG show more fan love; "NO". I suggest find an equal appeal; "You're wrong." If you don't like my opinions then don't argue it. At the end of the day they're my opinions, though I can say I feel bad about this community and your accepting of under-appreciation. Again my opinions only, no need to argue now, is there?

Yeah, i understand your pain.

Lol, the CCBS weren't made primarily for the Superheroes series :u They've been introduced year before this series even came out, in Hero Factory :u

It was just a slip-up which happens when one has to type out a lot, not sure why you found that funny. I thought Hero Factory introduced the CCBS in 2012 around near the same time as the Superhero series, instead they introduced the system in 2011. Its an easy mistake to make considering Hero Factory didnt start as a CCBS line.

As Lyichir explained, it would not be a smart choice, because it would go against the very core concept of the CCBS (which this page explains and shows perfectly). Plus, create new add-ons instead of new shells offers much more possibilities than creating a new shell, because, depending on the way you attach it to the armor, you can create two very different shapes (think of Pohatu, the upper legs and the upper arms, although they use the same two parts, look pretty different simply because the add-on is attached in two different ways), or the size of the shell used, or the color of the shell and the add-on. By creating a single part, they offer so much more possible combinations than if they would have created a new range of shells (by the way, the current shells will not be replaced by more detailed ones, they're a core element of the CCBS, but new shells can still "complete" the range of available shells). It's not laziness, it's efficiency.

The new armour add-on (both the piston one and the one debuting in a few months) are the perfect counterexample for what you're arguing for. Why would they change the shells beyond the base set when a new add-on can be introduced to do the exact same thing, for a lower cost and a greater usability? The entire point of the CCBS system revolves around this, in fact! We've had four themes use this system now, and none have deviated from the base shell set. They have all utilized different add-ons to convey the aesthetic they desired. Why would you expect this to change now?

The execution is flawed rather than the concept. With Chima they worked with the astethic because Chima creatures are organic. Now they've just chosen to mostly cover them up rather than creating a new shell pieces that functions as a sleek armour piece they are instead always going to suffer from having a very smooth looking shell regardless of whatever they use. This is something which i do not feel works with builds designed to be both technic and organic in nature. Not organic underneath and technic covered.

I'm not saying its laziness, but its not effective either as it will never match the asthetic they have planned as they'll just be creating armour to cover-up the flaws. In concept the idea works for Superhero, Hero Factory or Star Wars as they have a more organic and sleek design but not with Bionicle. In truth, that is precisely what they are trying to stray from with the armour piece. While the masks are a mix of organic and technological, the weapons and armour are clearly technological so the sleek/organic looking shells dont really fit.

they aren't trying to fully replicate the old style. They are trying to replicate the feeling with an updated aesthetic. The masks are less smooth and more geometric than the first, original six masks, precisely because they needed a visual update to fit the CCBS style. They don't want to recreate the ultra-busy technical parts of the original line. They want to recreate the feeling of those sets while updating the visual style to match the current offerings. Even the very obviously BIONCILE styled giant sword parts are less visually busy than the vahki staffs were. This is on purpose. It's not half-hearted, it's intentional.

Come on, new heads, new eyes, new gearbox, new weapons, new masks, new bones, new shells, and lots of recolors. I think we'll have at least 25 new molds this year. And of course they're reusing the mask molds as much as they can. Again, it's efficiency, they've spent hundreds of thousands of $ on these new molds, they want them to be as profitable as possible.

These are the essentials, aspects that are necessary and will be re-used time and again. Several also help emphasise the situation being more technologically based than the sleek shells that people associate with Hero Factory.

- The heads in all likelyhood will be used for about 2-3 years worth of sets, along with the eye stalks

- The masks are being re-used as much as possible. No mask so far has any less than 2-3 variations being released to maximise on usage

- The weapons are also being re-used, especially the summer weapons

- The bones are once again essentials, they will be used from now till the end of CCBS

- The shells, i honestly cant find any new unique shell moulds made for this line maybe recolours but those are very easy for Lego to produce

I understand the desire to be efficent and be as profiteable as possible, i just dont understand why they are trying to vary from the CCBS system via covering it with detailed armour if the underneath will always be a smooth shell with little to no detail. Kind of defeats the purpose to only partially go forth with an idea to replicate the original style. I mean we literally get a Vahki staff with Kopaka so we know the intention was to be close to that style.

This whole "transition year" is nonsense. The rumour holds in a lot of places where contact with LEGO employees is rare or nonexistent, and it began from those who don't like CCBS and wanted a more "old style" system to return with BIONICLE.

I am not basing my comment off any rumours as i have heard none on the subject, i merely expressed a desire for it to be a transition wave because otherwise Bionicle Gen 2 will not be for me as a matter of personal prefrence with the asthetic being terribly flawed. Once again, issue i have is not with the CCBS system, just those who dont seem to understand it at the moment. Its not always something that requires armour to go ontop of shell pieces and it doesnt mean we should be restricted to that set-up. A lot of work with the designers went into making masks and weapons that mirrored the old style, so the designers are also wanting a return to the old-systle system look that Bionicle had. As such their execution is weakened via astethic choices that dont fit the overall design.

Imagine system fans complaining about basic bricks continuing to be used sixty years later.

People look to technic, CCBS and otherwise for inventiveness, the progression and new pieces is what keeps them buying the sets. With fans of normal Lego sets they are fine buying the same bricks over and over again as long as it helps make an overall design they like.

With Bionicle fans, Hero Factory fans, Chima fans, Superhero fans, etc... they complain when this occurs most noticeably the Inikia build. The system and technic based fans have different desires which lego knows. Thats why Bionicle kept introducing new parts originally rather than simply putting them all in a different order because when they did that they recieved complaints.

Will we get new add-ons? Yep! New armour parts? Probably. Will the base aesthetic change from the base CCBS aesthetic? Nope. It's not what it was designed for.

People seem to be getting this confused so should probably explain... the idea of CCBS is the interlocking method. Pegs to shells, shells to balljoints. It is the idea of a bare bones skeleton to which you can attach shells and attach armour pieces. The skeleton is the aspect that remains a constant, you can redesign it however you want but it remains the underlying thing.

How those armour pieces and shells look is subject to change as demonstrated via the many years of adaptations and new shell pieces that have been introduced. Changing the shell pieces or armour does not mean a change from the CCBS system

Do i want a change from CCBS to something else - no.

Do i want a change from the simplistic shells and armour pieces - yes.

Its not me asking for them to change the system, but their is nothing stopping them from slowly phasing in some shell pieces that actually have a bit more detail or slightly more varied designs so they fit with the astethic, especially if Bionicle is popular. I mean, i'm literally asking for the same as the other conversation going on at the moment, for more unique sizes and shapes of shell pieces... :L

Am I the only one who wants to see a piston-y torso with pin holes on both ends of it and a new armor attachment for the lower side so we can get something like this?

Still not 100% sure what you mean based on the image, any change you could draw it, might be easier. Though yeah, would love for more new shell pieces

Edited by Scarilian

The execution is flawed rather than the concept. With Chima they worked with the astethic because Chima creatures are organic. Now they've just chosen to mostly cover them up rather than creating a new shell pieces that functions as a sleek armour piece they are instead always going to suffer from having a very smooth looking shell regardless of whatever they use. This is something which i do not feel works with builds designed to be both technic and organic in nature. Not organic underneath and technic covered.


I'm not saying its laziness, but its not effective either as it will never match the asthetic they have planned as they'll just be creating armour to cover-up the flaws. In concept the idea works for Superhero, Hero Factory or Star Wars as they have a more organic and sleek design but not with Bionicle. In truth, that is precisely what they are trying to stray from with the armour piece. While the masks are a mix of organic and technological, the weapons and armour are clearly technological so the sleek/organic looking shells dont really fit.


I understand the desire to be efficent and be as profiteable as possible, i just dont understand why they are trying to vary from the CCBS system via covering it with detailed armour if the underneath will always be a smooth shell with little to no detail. Kind of defeats the purpose to only partially go forth with an idea to replicate the original style. I mean we literally get a Vahki staff with Kopaka so we know the intention was to be close to that style.

Kopaka (and Pohatu) have a Rahkshi staff end. :classic: Anyway...

I don't see the armor pieces as looking exclusively organic. They seem to work for both technical AND organic builds, part of the reason the CCBS system is useful. Lots of sci-fi robots have sleeker armor, so this is not unusual.

This makes me question why you think the "organic plus technical" look the sets have are bad, considering that's exactly what you said the sets should look like. This is my opinion obviously, but the piston piece on top of shells looks pretty good. I see it as an integration, not "one thing on another."

And I still don't understand why you think the sets are supposed to look more like the old BIONICLE than they do. Yes, the designers crafted the new masks to resemble the old ones. But (as I said before) that's more to make the characters recognizable than to copy the old aesthetic. And the piston add-on...it's honestly not that detailed. More than the shells? Sure. But generic enough that it fits right in with the shells.

tl;dr: You don't like the way the sets look and that's fine. But claiming that the overall aesthetic of the sets is inherently wrong seems over the top. New BIONICLE ≠ Old BIONICLE.

Still not 100% sure what you mean based on the image, any change you could draw it, might be easier. Though yeah, would love for more new shell pieces

Basically, instead of just pin holes at the top (chest region) of a torso shell, a new variant would also have pin holes at the bottom (crotch region) along with a new armor add-on similar to the armor on Lewa in that artwork. If done correctly, it could also be used for other armor attachments.

Edited by Mandate

Not sure if anyone has suggested this on the topic of feet, but the bars give me an idea. How about a two piece foot? Like, sort of like the beast feet, but the bars are straight, and attach to another piece that fits to give them toe articulation. Similar aesthetic but maybe more squared off as to match the animation design?

- The shells, i honestly cant find any new unique shell moulds made for this line

Oh, I'm sure you can :

We already have new shell pieces for the 2015 summer sets, the new trans-bone body piece is a new shell.


That's what I was referring to : the Skull villains' torso armor.

Do i want a change from CCBS to something else - no.

Do i want a change from the simplistic shells and armour pieces - yes

The thing is, the simplistic shells are a main component of the CCBS, and you're suggesting to replace them with more detailed ones. But they can't get rid of them, precisely because they're an essential element of the CCBS.

Basically, instead of just pin holes at the top (chest region) of a torso shell, a new variant would also have pin holes at the bottom (crotch region) along with a new armor add-on similar to the armor on Lewa in that artwork. If done correctly, it could also be used for other armor attachments.

Which artwortk ? On your image there's a guy who looks like a bearded Neo (think it's from a video game), hence the confusion. :tongue:

Can we please stop arguing about this? We've already had this exact same conversation a dozen times before. The 3rdeye incident comes to mind.

Edited by DraikNova

Kopaka (and Pohatu) have a Rahkshi staff end. :classic: Anyway...

I don't see the armor pieces as looking exclusively organic. They seem to work for both technical AND organic builds, part of the reason the CCBS system is useful. Lots of sci-fi robots have sleeker armor, so this is not unusual.

This makes me question why you think the "organic plus technical" look the sets have are bad, considering that's exactly what you said the sets should look like. This is my opinion obviously, but the piston piece on top of shells looks pretty good. I see it as an integration, not "one thing on another."

And I still don't understand why you think the sets are supposed to look more like the old BIONICLE than they do. Yes, the designers crafted the new masks to resemble the old ones. But (as I said before) that's more to make the characters recognizable than to copy the old aesthetic. And the piston add-on...it's honestly not that detailed. More than the shells? Sure. But generic enough that it fits right in with the shells.

tl;dr: You don't like the way the sets look and that's fine. But claiming that the overall aesthetic of the sets is inherently wrong seems over the top. New BIONICLE ≠ Old BIONICLE.

Only mentioned the one as felt refrencing both was redundant, though thanks for the clarification :3

I just feel they are too sleek, i understand Gen 2 has a new design asthetic but the intention seems to be to mirror the style of the original Bionicle, so not going through with those changes to the shells also seems a bit odd. Chima and Hero Factory introduced a bunch of printed shell pieces and i understand its cost effective not to use them, however i feel adding one or two printed shells underneath would have helped add increased detail to the different sections.

One of the reasons you should have really read before commenting is that i am not simply comparing Gen 1 to Gen 2, but going under the understanding that Gen 2 designers are trying to make the astethic similar to Gen 1. I dont expect it to be exactly the same, but with techno-organic creatures such as the toa i dont really view them as being as sleek as the factory made Hero Factory characters or the armour of Star Wars characters or the organic/sleek vibe of Superheroes.

There are certain things i feel the plain undetailed shells work perfectly with, but when it comes to Bionicle it just seems odd when most the body is covered with undetailed shells and then we see a new piece that has piston pieces detailed on it or printed chains such as the summer sets. The overall astethic is inherently wrong when compared to what they have designed for the new generation sets. They spent so much time making the heavily detailed axe/fin pieces used on Lewa and Gali for example or the shoulder pads for Onua and these are pieces that are too detailed to match with the overall designs of the rest of the set in my view.

Basically, instead of just pin holes at the top (chest region) of a torso shell, a new variant would also have pin holes at the bottom (crotch region) along with a new armor add-on similar to the armor on Lewa in that artwork. If done correctly, it could also be used for other armor attachments.

Would be interested to see that appear in set form, i just hope we do end up getting more shell pieces as we got new bone pieces recently and they are re-doing the torso piece for summer so hopefully we get shells with Star Wars or 2016 Bionicle. Their is only so much you can do with really smooth sleek pieces...


That's what I was referring to : the Skull villains' torso armor.

Ah, i was mostly referring to the current wave of sets when you pointed that out as i cant speak for the summer. As for the summer, they do actually fiddle with the CCBS system quite a bit with the new bones, shells and otherwise, hopefully they do more of that as it actually helps the sets look more of what i'd refer to as Bionicle. The torso's give off a 'Bionicle vibe' from the sheer spikeyness :P

Its pieces like that which i hope we get more of because those are brand new pieces that are good for MOC'ing and help make the summer sets unique, even if i'm not a fan of the new bone pieces i still like that they have changed it up and it actually does work with the astethic by having less smooth pieces on what are essentially skeletons xD

The thing is, the simplistic shells are a main component of the CCBS, and you're suggesting to replace them with more detailed ones. But they can't get rid of them, precisely because they're an essential element of the CCBS.

They already limited the number of shells in the summer sets, what originally had 8 or so shell pieces now has about half that many due to the new bone pieces. As for getting rid of them, i dont expect that. I just think that if they can introduce new torso armour for Bionicle's summer wave, new shell pieces for Star Wars and new bone pieces for Bionicle's summer then their is nothing stopping them introducing some more unique or specified pieces in 2016. After all as i've mentioned one of the main things people buy constraction sets for is new unique parts :3

Can we please stop arguing about this? We've already had this exact same conversation a dozen times before.

I think you are confusing 'arguement' with just long posts/replies...

Edited by Scarilian

Which artwortk ? On your image there's a guy who looks like a bearded Neo (think it's from a video game), hence the confusion. :tongue:

Gosh darnit, should have seen this coming. Apologies, the intended picture is this, not a picture of Adam Jensen. I'll go edit that post now.

And yeah, I do want pistons not an atrocity lot of pistons, G1 definitely had those too much but g2 doesn't have them enough. Then again transition year or not it can be fixed only by a little effort which I wouldn't call "transition, but rather making two new molds.. What bothered me in gen1 however that most of the time you wasn't able to clip anything onto most of the pistons, the beast feet are awesome for this. Sadly the add-on follows the old too much on that.

Now I don't want to repeat myself and I could get a better answer by looking into crystal ball, but based on the past, is the next LDD update when?

Kopaka designer video.

Kopaka designer video.

You meant mask design video, right?

edit: Episode 8 is out officially:

Edited by Mandate

i feel adding one or two printed shells underneath would have helped add increased detail to the different sections.

Yeah, that could work, and I don't know much about printing, but I don't think it would be as expensive to print pre-existing parts as creating brand new ones.

As for getting rid of them, i dont expect that. I just think that if they can introduce new torso armour for Bionicle's summer wave, new shell pieces for Star Wars and new bone pieces for Bionicle's summer then their is nothing stopping them introducing some more unique or specified pieces in 2016. After all as i've mentioned one of the main things people buy constraction sets for is new unique parts :3

Sure, I'm all for new parts, as long as they don't fully replace the current ones (BTW, I'm afraid we'll never get this add-on in gold :sceptic: ).

Gosh darnit, should have seen this coming. Apologies, the intended picture is this, not a picture of Adam Jensen. I'll go edit that post now.

Hehe yes, that's better now. :tongue:

Yeah, a crotch armour (which had already been suggested months / years ago, IIRC) could be a nice addition to the CCBS. The main issue I see is that there isn't a square on each side of the "crotch balljoint" like there is on the other bones, which could allow the armor to wobble.

Now I don't want to repeat myself and I could get a better answer by looking into crystal ball, but based on the past, is the next LDD update when?

Shouldn't take more than a month now, LDD is usually updated in March / April (but last year it was early May).

Hehe yes, that's better now. :tongue:

Yeah, a crotch armour (which had already been suggested months / years ago, IIRC) could be a nice addition to the CCBS. The main issue I see is that there isn't a square on each side of the "crotch balljoint" like there is on the other bones, which could allow the armor to wobble.

No, not a new shell as crotch armor, but rather a new torso shell with pin holes on both the upper half and lower half, with a new armor attachment (like the piston attachments we have now) for the crotch pin holes on the lower half to give variation and distinction from the torso.

Oh, yes, I see. Sorry, should've re-read your original post. :blush:

Gosh darnit, should have seen this coming. Apologies, the intended picture is this, not a picture of Adam Jensen. I'll go edit that post now.

Yeah, was confused by the original pic also, thought you were on about the thing behind Adam Jensen or part of his clothing.

No, not a new shell as crotch armor, but rather a new torso shell with pin holes on both the upper half and lower half, with a new armor attachment (like the piston attachments we have now) for the crotch pin holes on the lower half to give variation and distinction from the torso.

You mean something like how their are holes in the top such as this piece. If so that would definitely open up a lot of possibility for MOC'ing :3

Kopaka designer video.

What is up with the gold they have on Kopaka, why does it look better than the gold we got in the set form? Is a prototype?

Sure, I'm all for new parts, as long as they don't fully replace the current ones (BTW, I'm afraid we'll never get this add-on in gold :sceptic: ).

Yeah, i dont want the current ones fully replaced as i love the transparent variations and was hoping to get more of them, though a new unique piece added each wave will help with sales :3

Hopefully we do get that piece in gold at some stage, was hoping to use it for a MOC of Takanuva :/

Edited by Scarilian

You mean something like how their are holes in the top such as this piece. If so that would definitely open up a lot of possibility for MOC'ing :3

Precisely that.

I don't know why people (not here, but on other sites) have been comparing the LOSS fight to the MNOG Makuta fight from Gen 1. LOSS is not the main villain; in fact, he's barely even relevant to the story (as far as we know....), so comparing him to the overarching villain of Gen 1 is kind of ridiculous.

The LOSS fight is more like Kopaka versus the Muaka from MNOG.....In fact, both of them die after falling off a cliff....

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