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Remember guys, we have a topic for future sets wishes. ;)

Awww come on, LEGO. They messed up Kulta's Battle function! I liked The Skull Strike! They really need to fix this site :sick:

Best way to troll a Bionicle fan?

Best way to troll a Bionicle fan?

When you say that you like Hero Factory better than G1 of Bionicle but then you say: "just kidding!", but in reality you DO like HF more (me BTW).

G2 is good too, FYI.

I just have gotten the German LEGO catalogue, and since the Skull Baddies names are more descriptive titles rather than names (like Tahu, Gali...), they were actually all translated into German. That striked me as odd as first, but it actually makes sense. It's just that it rarely happened within the Constraction lines, were most sets had unique character names.

... and in italian they translated (even on the official website!) only Skull Warrior's name. Another reason generic names, if really needed, should be handled with care.

While I'm about it, do any italian fellow know it the sets hit physical stores?

When you say that you like Hero Factory better than G1 of Bionicle but then you say: "just kidding!", but in reality you DO like HF more (me BTW).

Get out. (Only kidding :wink:)

I'm really hoping that when Makuta is eventually released, they build him as a Witch Doctor-scale titan or so. That would more than make up for few to no "titan" sets up to that point (though the larger Toa could qualify as titans, curse loose definitions).

Also, found the skullies in a US official store today. Picked up MMvsSG. Kulta's about what I expected; will be modding him with LoSS's pieces. Ekimu's fairly chunky, almost too much so. It'd be easier to spread out his bulk on a larger figure, but it's a big too much for the protector body. Not complaining though, still like both of them.

While I'm about it, do any italian fellow know it the sets hit physical stores?

September as usual, I'm guessing. :/

EDIT: Ha, accidentally purpl'd the quoted text instead of my post.

Edited by Shakar

A question for the big bosses of this forum: when will we have our 2016 thread?

Edited by TwistLaw

Best way to troll a Bionicle fan?

Do the "new Bionicle episode just came out" thing but link it to Spooky Scary Skeletons or something

But impulse buys do outweigh larger purchases to a large degree. Small sets consistently sell better, and large sets consistently sell worse. For that reason, it's not as simple as "make fewer, but larger sets" because Lego needs to have a variety of products at the more successful price points whether or not they have larger sets as well.

Additionally, the smaller sets serve a vital purpose as a "gateway" to the theme as a whole. There are plenty of buyers who might buy a large Bionicle titan or vehicle set... but new fans usually start with smaller sets. A wave overloaded with larger characters would risk alienating new fans who aren't prepared to spend $30 on a theme they're not even sure they'd enjoy.

edit: just realized my stupidity. Ignore this.

Edited by Mandate

A question for the big bosses of this forum: when will we have our 2016 thread?

I'm in no way a big boss of this forum, but it's likely we'll have a 2016 discussion thread when we get some credible leaks or information on the 2016 sets, which we haven't really got yet. I don't know exactly when that will be, I'm just as hungry for 2016 info as the rest of us are, if not more given I was among the very first people to get hold of the Skull Villains :grin:

I'm not saying the rumours we already have are true or false. They might be true, they might be false, I don't know. If you want to discuss those, go here :wink:

It kinda sucks we won't be getting any Scopio or Axalara-T9-tier sets from CCBS.

Never say never. But it's important to remember that even in Bionicle G1, such sets were rare. For every year like 2008 or 2009 that had vehicle sets up into the 80 and 90 dollar price points, there was a year like 2003 or 2004 that didn't have any sets above the $30 price point (aside from combo packs like Takutanuva).

No, that's the one we were just talking about, presumably. For some reason they have separate listings currently, but the date on "Gathering of the Tor" is set for November 26th, two days after the "Graphic Novel 1" is due, so more than likely they're the same thing.

Also I just built MMvsSG and I'll save my thoughts for the review but mmmmmmmmmm mm that Mask of Creation piece. So good.

Never say never. But it's important to remember that even in Bionicle G1, such sets were rare. For every year like 2008 or 2009 that had vehicle sets up into the 80 and 90 dollar price points, there was a year like 2003 or 2004 that didn't have any sets above the $30 price point (aside from combo packs like Takutanuva).

Rare? Hardly. 2001 featured four sets above the $30 price, and 2002 featured only two. From 2005 to 2008, each year contained at least three sets above the $30 price tag (2008 did also have the rebranded Jetrax, which I have not included for obvious reasons). 2009 itself contained four sets above the $30 price tag, and 2010 continued on with only a single set reaching this price range. It was only in 2012 in which this price range returned, the lackluster Speeda Demon set. Still, apparently it was successful enough to warrant LEGO developing Jet Rocka at the exact same price tag, and yet again in 2014 at the same price came out Queen Beast (which, might I add, costs $60 where I live :hmpf_bad: ).

Large-scale non-combiner sets above $30 were not rare at all, they were featured in every year in BIONICLE except for 2003, 2004 and 2010, less than a third of BIONICLE's run. Admittedly, a quite a few were System sets - but they still count. Vehicle sets themselves in BIONICLE's later years weren't always incredibly expensive, a fair amount of them came below $30. I find it very interesting that LEGO found the System sets profitable enough to keep them going for three years, and that BIONICLE's vehicles were profitable enough in 2008 to warrant the production of the most expensive set release, Scopio, in 2009 and continuing into HERO Factory's first year, albeit at far smaller prices.

I bought Kulta, Basher and Warrior today. I got this little thing with them, you can write what lessons you have in the week on it (kinda lame gift for the summer wave, but hey, at least it's something):


It has this glorious picture on the other side:


Did any other countries get that promotion as well?

Edited by Voxovan

Never seen that before. The poster's neat, but the week planner is kinda the goofiest thing I've seen as a promotion. I don't think we've ever gotten something like that.

So... what do we think of that list?

Is it okay to post the list directly? I will go ahead and post it in a spoiler.

LEGO Bionicle JC

LEGO Bionicle SC

LEGO Bionicle WC

LEGO Bionicle FC

LEGO Bionicle EC

LEGO Bionicle Lewa

LEGO Bionicle Pohatu

LEGO Bionicle Gali

LEGO Bionicle Onua

LEGO Bionicle Tahu

LEGO Bionicle Hunter

LEGO Bionicle Kopaka

Paraphrasing it, we have all six Toa again and another set of sets entitled 'JC' and the like. I bet that the first letter refers to the element (Jungle, Water, Stone, Fire, Earth) and there is a missing 'IC'. Not sure what the 'C' stands for, but could it mean 'Creature'? We also have a 'Hunter' set, which I imagine will be the main antagonist of the wave ala LOSS.

Creepers? Clingers? And then there's Hunter, which bizarrely lines up with the previous list we got.

Edited by Tazakk

Where did that come from?

Hunter is probably Ekimu if the bottom 3-4 are the larger sets. Perhaps Ekimu replaces Onua, who gets a simpler design. And this way HF's Golden Boys Trio would be back- red, white and gold.

Where did that come from?

The Brickpicker forums, oddly enough.

The poster claims to have stumbled upon a list of 2016 sets, though he gives no particulars. None of his previous posts are terribly revealing.

Perplexingly, the list manages to both mesh with and yet seemingly contradict the one Willess12 posted on the TTV forums.

Edited by Quisoves Pugnat

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