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The english version is on Bionicle facebook page.

So the Toa think Makuta controls skull spiders, that would mean he has that golden skull spider mask, right?

Huh, interesting.

I guess I'm disappointed, but that shot of Makuta was awesome. So, so demonic. And look at his shoulders and his red eyes. That is NOT Protector Makuta. Did we just see a preview of his 2016/2017 set?

We just might have. It might still be him in his Protector form, but I agree with you that it is most likely different. That is Onua breaking free, which is a shame also because I expected that to be Makuta popping out in episode 18, 19, whichever one will be the last one.

"What are you, the Master of Air?"

Why do they tease us like that?

The english version is on Bionicle facebook page.

So the Toa think Makuta controls skull spiders, that would mean he has that golden skull spider mask, right?

I think Makuta has other ways of exerting his influence. Even when the Lord of Skull Spiders was controlling the Skull Spiders, I think it was Makuta ultimately pulling the strings.

From "Island of Lost Masks", pp37–38:

"Tell me, Kivoda. Did Makuta's spirit survive? Is he responsible for the rising evil?"

"Yes, or so we believe," Kivoda said. "We also believe he controls the Lord of Skull Spiders and countless other monsters."

And from p107, which is further into the story than the webisodes so far:

"They call him the Skull Grinder," Ekimu said. "He is under my brother Makuta's control. The Mask of Creation. My mask. He is on his way to destroy it. If he succeeds, all is lost."

Gali said, "You're saying that Makuta has risen, too? That your brother is responsible for the rising evil on Okoto?"

"I don't know that he has risen physically, as I have," Ekimu said, "but his evil has definitely survived and now manipulates others to accomplish his dark goals."

Edited by Aanchir

So a series of incredible short animation still finds time for a clip show?

And that master of air quote, funny as it is, doesn't excuse the fact that he should have been the master of air in the first place. Poking fun at your mistakes doesn't remove them. "well, kids though of jungle when they saw the green sets" That's because you always PUT lewa in a jungle lego. YOU caused it, not the other way around!

So, is this the first time the animatics have said that Makuta is controlling the spiders? how do they know? I assume Ekimu can sense it in some way, and told the toa.

I think Makuta has other ways of exerting his influence. Even when the Lord of Skull Spiders was controlling the Skull Spiders, I think it was Makuta ultimately pulling the strings.

From "Island of Lost Masks", pp37–38:

"Tell me, Kivoda. Did Makuta's spirit survive? Is he responsible for the rising evil?"

"Yes, or so we believe," Kivoda said. "We also believe he controls the Lord of Skull Spiders and countless other monsters."

And from p107, which is further into the story than the webisodes so far:

"They call him the Skull Grinder," Ekimu said. "He is under my brother Makuta's control. The Mask of Creation. My mask. He is on his way to destroy it. If he succeeds, all is lost."

Gali said, "You're saying that Makuta has risen, too? That your brother is responsible for the rising evil on Okoto?"

"I don't know that he has risen physically, as I have," Ekimu said, "but his evil has definitely survived and now manipulates others to accomplish his dark goals."

Ekimu saying "his evil" really, really makes me suspect the 'sentient MoUP' theory is in play here and we will see a Garmadon-esque Heel-Face-Turn in the end.

And that master of air quote, funny as it is, doesn't excuse the fact that he should have been the master of air in the first place. Poking fun at your mistakes doesn't remove them. "well, kids though of jungle when they saw the green sets" That's because you always PUT lewa in a jungle lego. YOU caused it, not the other way around.

Wow, I wish you were joking. The problem with kids not associating green sets with air was never specific to Lewa. Blaming LEGO for kids thinking of green as a plant color instead of an air color is unbelievably silly. And calling a deliberate change to a character's element a "mistake" is just as silly. There's no reason air is inherently a better element for Lewa then jungle.

The Wind is Green trope did exist before Bionicle, but part of the reason for that is associating wind with the Wu Xing elemental phase of wood/tree, which is associated with both wind and plantlife (much like the Bionicle element of Jungle). And of course, the association of the color green with plantlife is much older than the association of the color green with wind.

Edited by Aanchir

yes, but LEWA was an air controller that they randomly put in a jungle. the entire air village is in a jungle. In g1 there were Matoran of plantlife too. There was no reason for the air ones to be in a jungle, other than that they were green. I don't care that green is the colour plants are, I care that the air sets didn't have much of an aesthetic of their own to separate them from plantlife, to the point that the air element has now been removed entirely.

It feels like there's a glaring hole in the teams elemental power without wind. I'll admit, the absence of plant control felt odd to begin with, but presumably was the result of the bizarre choice to have both earth and stone as separate elements.

Kids will naturally associate green things with plants, that's a given. Lego Should have given lewa a clear, air based aesthetic (jets, vents, etc. To show that he was nothing to do with plants, rather than change his element because he happened to be green. it's changing an existing character for the sake of colour association, and it's daft. I was a staunch requester of toa of plantlife sets in g1, but changing lewa into one? that just wasn't necessary. Besides, "Jungle" isn't even an element. Plantlife or wood, sure. But jungle is a place. it's a reallt bad word to use for it.

Edited by Timeline15

it's changing an existing character for the sake of colour association, and it's daft.

They didn't change an existing character, though. Lewa G1 ≠ Lewa G2. Suddenly give jungle powers to Lewa in 2008, that would have been daft.

I seems to me that they're building up to the idea that the toa were summoned from the other timeline, in which case, the lewa's are the same. Obviously though, there's no proof for that at this stage.

I also don't like that Pohatu's the one with tornado powers now because: "sand... makes tornados sometimes... right?..." I get that, if Pohatu can control each sand grain, he could easily make a tornado out of them, but it seems strange to rob one character of that power, and give it to another.

Edited by Timeline15

I seems to me that they're building up to the idea that the toa were summoned from the other timeline, in which case, the lewa's are the same. Obviously though, there's no proof for that at this stage.

I also don't like that Pohatu's the one with tornado powers now because: "sand... makes tornados sometimes... right?..." I get that, if Pohatu can control each sand grain, he could easily make a tornado out of them, but it seems strange to rob one character of that power, and give it to another.

Remember how Tahu and Pohatu trapped three of the rahkshi in glass by Pohatu making a tornado and Tahu heating it?

Remember how Tahu and Pohatu trapped three of the rahkshi in glass by Pohatu making a tornado and Tahu heating it?

That was Lewa. He used his air powers to kick up a sand tornado and Tahu then heated it to trap the Rahkshi in glass.

I don't really mind since Lewa still retains his Air powers in G2.

If I was in charge, I probably would've changed many more elements. Have the team consist of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Jungle, and Metal. Ice would be an additional power for water since ice is just frozen water, anyway. This means Kopaka would be Metal, Lewa as Jungle, and Pohatu, Air with the remaining three retaining their old elements.

Of course, I highly doubt that'd go over well amongst the pre-existing fan-base.

yes, but LEWA was an air controller that they randomly put in a jungle. the entire air village is in a jungle. In g1 there were Matoran of plantlife too. There was no reason for the air ones to be in a jungle, other than that they were green. I don't care that green is the colour plants are, I care that the air sets didn't have much of an aesthetic of their own to separate them from plantlife, to the point that the air element has now been removed entirely.

First of all, when Bionicle started out there WASN'T a separate element of plantlife. That element wasn't made canon until at least 2006.

Second, if a jungle is such a bad fit for air characters, where would you have put them? Mountains were already taken by ice characters, and treetops are one of the only other "airy" locations around on a natural-looking tropical island.

It feels like there's a glaring hole in the teams elemental power without wind. I'll admit, the absence of plant control felt odd to begin with, but presumably was the result of the bizarre choice to have both earth and stone as separate elements.

Seeing as Lewa still has some wind powers and Pohatu has sandstorm powers, I don't feel like there's a glaring hole at all. Bionicle G2 isn't the only franchise that lacks a dedicated air element, either. The closest Pokémon has ever had to an air element is the flying type, which is not even treated as a type of its own in the trading card game. The elements in the MegaMan Battle Network games were Fire, Water, Electric, and Wood (there were wind-themed battle chips which were given a formal type in later games, but it was not considered an elemental chip type). The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time had sages with the elements of Light, Forest, Fire, Water, Spirit, and Shadow — Earth and Wind sages were not added until The Wind Waker.

Kids will naturally associate green things with plants, that's a given. Lego Should have given lewa a clear, air based aesthetic (jets, vents, etc. To show that he was nothing to do with plants, rather than change his element because he happened to be green. it's changing an existing character for the sake of colour association, and it's daft. I was a staunch requester of toa of plantlife sets in g1, but changing lewa into one? that just wasn't necessary.

Lewa's colors are where the issue lies, not his motifs, which in G2 don't have any obvious plant-related traits. So giving him jets, vents, etc. (which they sort of did with his mask anyway) wouldn't have solved the problem one bit. Only changing his colors would have, and Lewa's green color is every bit as iconic as his air powers. Plus, considering this is a reboot and the new Lewa is effectively a new character, making his powers include both plants AND the wind is one of the smaller changes they could have made.

Besides, "Jungle" isn't even an element. Plantlife or wood, sure. But jungle is a place. it's a reallt bad word to use for it.

In Bionicle, Jungle is an element. If they had called it Plantlife or Wood it would not have changed the meaning. They probably just chose to call it Jungle because they felt it sounded better or more poetic, just like how they introduced a Jungle Tribe in 2009. You might not like it, but I'm sure the LEGO Group had their reasons for choosing and sticking with the term Jungle.

I don't really mind since Lewa still retains his Air powers in G2.

If I was in charge, I probably would've changed many more elements. Have the team consist of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Jungle, and Metal. Ice would be an additional power for water since ice is just frozen water, anyway. This means Kopaka would be Metal, Lewa as Jungle, and Pohatu, Air with the remaining three retaining their old elements.

Of course, I highly doubt that'd go over well amongst the pre-existing fan-base.

Technically if you wanted a team with six different elements. The best would probably be. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Jungle, Electricity. Granted. Avatar has shown Fire can manipulate Electricity and Water can manipulate Plantlife. But In terms of Bionicle this would be the most diversity for six Elements. It just wouldn't work for G2 since one of the Toa would have to be probably yellow to accommodate lightning.

I would have put them either on some sort of flying houses, or one clouds.

I'm not suggesting Lewa shouldn't have been green. Iove that he's green, it's my favourite colour. That's why I don't like that the colour is just grafted onto the idea of a jungle setting.

I'm certain lego has reason for everything they do, that's not to say I'm going to agree with them.

What I think would have been netter in G2 is Onua having a connection to plants, since he's a toa of earth. it would help to differentiate the element from stone, which currently is basically the same thing. No doubt that change would be unpopular with some people too, but at least he's supposed to be in tune with the earth, unlike lewa, who's claim to the element is that he wears green armour and lived in a jungle at one point.

As there's been floating leaks of names and supposedly pictures very soon I just want to close this so called "skull kid" out. Yeah, I spread the rumors about it. At least you can build it yourself (Why I messed up the colors in editing...)



I already said months back I did that Good Guy as well. They are both stupid ideas and just enough convincing so most people will not take them as real but I've encountered some...

I'd never to try to fake leak a real thing.

And now my "jokes" are becoming pretty predictable :D

That was Lewa. He used his air powers to kick up a sand tornado and Tahu then heated it to trap the Rahkshi in glass.

...I thought better of myself.

I might be making things up but didn't the team said at one point that there are 30 different elements in the new Bionicle?

Edited by GK733

I might be making things up but didn't the team said at one point that there are 30 different elements in the new Bionicle?

That would be news to me. If they're trying to keep things uncomplicated this time around, 30 elements seems counter-productive.

Saw the episode. Not bad considering it's a clip show. I dare say Pohatu has the best lines. I just love his attitude.

Also, I'm glad they finally outright say Makuta's been up to all this. I don't believe he was ever mentioned as being the reason behind the Skull Spiders and everything, and it felt that everyone was just blaming their problems on him. So it's good to hear that yes. He is indeed the source of the evil upon their land.

Also great that they re-established the fact that the Toa have no idea of their origins. So that, at least, remains a plot point that wasn't just thrown under the rug.

I might be making things up but didn't the team said at one point that there are 30 different elements in the new Bionicle?

That's elements as in "building elements" — in other words, 30 new molds in the sets. Not elements as in "elemental powers" from a story standpoint. Though I think it was an estimate rather than an exact count. Here are the ones I've counted so far:

  1. Mask of Fire
  2. Mask of Water
  3. Mask of Jungle
  4. Mask of Earth
  5. Mask of Ice
  6. Mask of Stone
  7. Protector Mask
  8. Mask of Creation
  9. Skull Spider Mask
  10. Skull Spider Leg
  11. Skull Mask
  12. Bull Skull Mask
  13. Gearbox
  14. Head
  15. Eyestalk
  16. Piston Shell Detail
  17. Corroded Shell Detail
  18. Ribcage Shell
  19. Toa Axe
  20. Toa Sword
  21. Toa Boomerang
  22. Toa Shovel
  23. Six-Shooter Barrel
  24. Six-Shooter Hub
  25. Hook Axe
  26. Hook Sword
  27. 5M Bone Detail Beam

So 27 new elements, not counting various less Bionicle-specific new elements like the flame elements used as Skull Grinder's horns, the 1x1 beam/bushing used for Lewa and several of the Protectors, and the 3M pin/double axle used in Lord of Skull Spiders and Skull Grinder, nor the recent remolds of the basic 3M and 4M CCBS shells with the back corner faceted off.

the recent remolds of the basic 3M and 4M CCBS shells with the back corner faceted off.

Wait, what? When did they alter those shells? Haven't heard anything about that nor have I noticed.

Aah, so

Makuta is behind Kulta as well. I guess that he had to be resurrected by somebody. So maybe Umarak is one of his servants too.

I don't really mind since Lewa still retains his Air powers in G2.

If I was in charge, I probably would've changed many more elements. Have the team consist of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Jungle, and Metal. Ice would be an additional power for water since ice is just frozen water, anyway. This means Kopaka would be Metal, Lewa as Jungle, and Pohatu, Air with the remaining three retaining their old elements.

Of course, I highly doubt that'd go over well amongst the pre-existing fan-base.

I would change up some stuff too. I'd add Ice to Gali's powers, give Air back to Lewa, combine Earth, Stone and Jungle and Metal under the Earth element and give it into Pohatu. An Earth Toa could start with Stone powers only but unlock his other abilities as he develops his powers. Basically making less and more broad elements. Not bad right, but what do Kopaka and Onua get? Light and (non evil) Shadow. That way there would be 3 pairs of opposing elements- Fire/Water, Earth/Air, Shadow/Light.

I was quite impressed with this clip episode. Normally these are a chore to get through, but I welcomed the brief recap, and it was structured in a way to not be tedious. I supposed having the 1:30 time limit helps to keep things concise. The result is an episode as entertaining as any other.

I was quite impressed with this clip episode. Normally these are a chore to get through, but I welcomed the brief recap, and it was structured in a way to not be tedious. I supposed having the 1:30 time limit helps to keep things concise. The result is an episode as entertaining as any other.

This was more or less how I felt. Granted given the limited runtime of the episodes a clip show can feel a bit wasted, but in terms of the plot it was a helpful refresher. The overall structure and release makes it easy to forget what the overarching goal is (in this case, one they didn't even get until six or seven episodes in anyway!).

Ekimu saying "his evil" really, really makes me suspect the 'sentient MoUP' theory is in play here and we will see a Garmadon-esque Heel-Face-Turn in the end.

NO. Please for the love of Mata Nui, no. Makuta IS evil, end of story. In some cases I like villians turning into dark hero-like characters but for an arch nemisis to turn good? Absolutely not and definitely not Makuta. He was pure evil in G1 and he needs to be pure evil this time around. He should also be a diabolical genius. The most compelling villains, to me, are ruthless evil geniuses who pull strings behind the scene.

I liked the episode although a clip show was unnecessary although I like that the Toa kind of have a bonding moment about why they were bothering to go along with all of this and that shot of Makuta was really cool, very evil. Once again Onua FTW, the sound effect for his powers at the end was pathetic though. It sounded like a fairy's magic wand. :hmpf_bad: Just like the sound effects for any magic or elemental power in the videos thus far. Sigh.

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