September 20, 201410 yr On 9/20/2014 at 8:26 PM, arc said: I don't see why you should be worried, if you like bionicle, great! There's plenty of room on the hype train, why not jump on? Although we don't know for sure whether it's being rebooted or continued, there's good arguments for both. Okay. I'm jumped on the hype train (Toa of Hype arrives to New Stellac City)
September 20, 201410 yr I hope Lego reveals more info in the coming days before NYCC, to hold us over tell then. The usually chatter is getting kind stale, imo.
September 20, 201410 yr On 9/20/2014 at 10:44 PM, MonkeyChud said: I hope Lego reveals more info in the coming days before NYCC, to hold us over tell then. The usually chatter is getting kind stale, imo. Mainly because everyone was expecting an actual proper reveal, not just a little promo like what they do at first with every other line.
September 20, 201410 yr Well, this topic slowed down considerably... SO. Do you think they'll release new iterations of the Toa every year like how the same set of Heroes were released every year in HF (with design changes, of course)? Or do you think it'll be like the original Bionicle where every couple years or so introduced a new set of Toa. I'm hoping the latter. Seeing Tahu and co. would get kinda boring after the first couple appearances.
September 20, 201410 yr I totally agree with you, especially considering that we already have had three incarnations of each one already (and four for Tahu). Also, I wasn't counting next year's versions. It would be cool to see official re-imaginings of the Toa Metru, Mahri, and others using the CCBS. Of course, in the Metru's case, that would only be if it were a reboot (which appears to be the case), and if they existed in it. Considering that, you know, they are Turaga in the original canon. Edited September 20, 201410 yr by Puffle Pal26
September 20, 201410 yr I'm likely goin to make my own revamp of Jaller with the Fire Defender's mask, but I'd like to see more of them. One question, though? If we got new Mahri, would you want Matoro, or is he best left dead?
September 20, 201410 yr On 9/20/2014 at 11:43 PM, Lord-Vorahk said: If we got new Mahri, would you want Matoro, or is he best left dead? Well, that depends on if it's a reboot or a continuation. :P
September 20, 201410 yr I'd kill to see a re-imagining of 2006 (IMO of course). Edited September 20, 201410 yr by TDKR2012
September 21, 201410 yr Quote Seeing Tahu and co. would get kinda boring after the first couple appearances. This. exactly this. New toa characters please. Quote If we got new Mahri, would you want Matoro, or is he best left dead? I wouldn't mind seeing him as some sort of spirit, but I wouldn't really want him to be able to return to life fully. It would be nice to see him speak to his old friends again. They never even got to say goodbye ;(
September 21, 201410 yr I'd have it like classic BIONICLE: following a Toa team going through 2-3 forms, then jumping to a new team. I'd really like to see the Inika and Mahri redone, especially the former (maybe with less weird masks this time? The Suletu still makes me uncomfortable... ). Honestly though, I don't care for Vakama's team that much. Edited September 21, 201410 yr by Shakar
September 21, 201410 yr On 9/20/2014 at 11:43 PM, Lord-Vorahk said: If we got new Mahri, would you want Matoro, or is he best left dead? To be honest, I kind of think that his story is perfect as it is. He made a heroic sacrifice, that was a heroic sacrifice, e.g., didn't get instantly negated by a plot twist, and the character really made an impact on me. I was just getting into Bionicle when I read that, and even though I didn't know too much about him, I was really impressed by what he did. I think that if he were to re-appear, it would kind of lessen that aura of heroism. Revan is about the only character that can continually seemingly die and then come back to life again without it being annoying. I don't think it'd really work with Matoro.
September 21, 201410 yr This is all assuming that it's a continuation, of course, which I still doubt.
September 21, 201410 yr On 9/21/2014 at 12:26 AM, Shakar said: I'd have it like classic BIONICLE: following a Toa team going through 2-3 forms, then jumping to a new team. I'd really like to see the Inika and Mahri redone, especially the former (maybe with less weird masks this time? The Suletu still makes me uncomfortable... ) Yeah, Kongu's Kanohi is strange, a cross of a normal Kanohi with lizard type scales.
September 21, 201410 yr On 9/21/2014 at 12:26 AM, Shakar said: I'd have it like classic BIONICLE: following a Toa team going through 2-3 forms, then jumping to a new team. I'd really like to see the Inika and Mahri redone, especially the former (maybe with less weird masks this time? The Suletu still makes me uncomfortable... ). Honestly though, I don't care for Vakama's team that much. This. I loved (still love) the Inika/Mahri. Maybe we could see them introduced as Matoran/Defenders first before seeing them transformed into Toa? My favourite thing about the Inika was seeing beloved old characters turning into heroes of a different kind. Jaller, Hahli, Nuparu... I loved it. As for the Metru, while I loved Legends of Metru Nui, I'm with you in that I don't feel as close an attachment to them than I do with the Mata/Nuva and the Inika/Mahri. But yes, more Toa teams, please! I'd love to see other teams like the Mangai or the Hagah as well. It's a little premature, but I can see the Mata getting stale after a few years. Maybe they'll go Nuva next year... Then what? Lego could also do something like Bionicle's original run, and have the Nuva go on hiatus and explore other teams to keep things fresh, then bring them back again a few years later. Edited September 21, 201410 yr by Lockon Stratos
September 21, 201410 yr I liked all Toa teams about equally, so I'll be happy with any. I'd love to see some new Toa in later waves, though.
September 21, 201410 yr I would definitely like to see new toa inika, I got into bionicle mid 2006, (can't believe it's been almost 10 years ) so they were always my favorite team. but what about the villains? If lego could make new piraka...
September 21, 201410 yr On 9/20/2014 at 5:35 PM, Grima said: aw come on are you saying you don't want any more masterpieces like this? I had the Vakama one when I was a kid. Good times. Edited September 21, 201410 yr by Bigger Fish
September 21, 201410 yr If the Mahri do return as sets in a continuation, they should get a new 6th member. Kopeks might work to fit the Ice Toa slot, but I think Takanuva would work better as he has a history with the Mahri and he would still fill the white colour slot. Also, speaking of Toa incarnations, I find it interesting that every Toa team has had at least 3 set appearances (Though not necessarily 3 forms as Toa) The only exceptions are Pohatu, Lewa, Jaller, Matoro, and Hewkii, who all had 4 incarnations.
September 21, 201410 yr I am so sorry everyone, but I just had to do what I had to do.
September 21, 201410 yr Speaking of remakes, did Lego release the classic Bionicle seasonally? And is it too obvious that it's going to happen with Bionicle 2015? We could see Takanuva and a new baddie in the summer.
September 21, 201410 yr On 9/21/2014 at 3:40 AM, MonkeyChud said: Speaking of remakes, did Lego release the classic Bionicle seasonally? And is it too obvious that it's going to happen with Bionicle 2015? We could see Takanuva and a new baddie in the summer. On the LMBs, Greg said that he knows all about the sets and story "for the first half" of 2015, so that implies that they'll be releasing a wave in August as well as a wave in January like they always have with Bionicle
September 21, 201410 yr I can see why turagas will not be a thing, but please let me see a set with Vakama riding on a dinosaur of somesort. These guys need a proper mentor, at least one. Edited September 21, 201410 yr by GK733
September 21, 201410 yr On 9/20/2014 at 6:17 AM, Quisoves Pugnat said: But did you really need to fully comprehend what was happening to appreciate the story? Were the TV commercials any less accessible than those from 2001? Just because back-story exists doesn't mean it is perpetually relevant. Blink sits upon more than twenty-five years of Doctor Who continuity, yet you don't need to know any of it to appreciate the story. Doctor Who also doesn't rely on toy sales as the primary means of profit-making. The two are not comparable, especially considering how Doctor Who's plot is almost entirely told via one medium. Sure, you could jump into BIONICLE at any time and enjoy the surface of that year's story, but after the line had run for awhile, and with the advent of the books, serials, and films, the media was split too deeply across different platforms, and consumers reportedly (from TLG themselves) found it often too daunting. Even with Doctor Who, despite all the new incarnations, you have had one single lead the entire time: The Doctor. BIONICLE changed leads basically every two to three years. Consumers (again, we're talking about a toy company, not a television production company, so the comparison you're trying to make is not valid) did not like attempting to dig deeply into a story to understand where the character they were buying fit in. It's why the story-telling methods the first few years always seemed better to me. The MNOG did world-building better than any other piece of media from the line, bar-none. You were introduced to different villagers in each village, settings, locales, random bits of mythology and lore, you saw little cutscenes of action. Each of these told a story, but they also hinted at the idea that you were there for but a moment in the life of these characters. There was space to breathe with fan-fiction, with theories, with the mythology, with the island and its history. This is what I mean when I talk about the line not actually being deep in later years, just complex and busy. In the first few years we built a world, and we showed it. In the latter half of the line, we needlessly connected every single character, device, plot, location, background image, etc, all to the main plot, and then split that plot up between books, comics, films, and online serials. The world was no longer deep, it was just wide.
September 21, 201410 yr I really think that BIONICLE needs games that follow the canon story (in this case I mean console & PC games and not simple browser minigames) if they want to avoid any confusion.
September 21, 201410 yr If the Inika return, Nuparu just needs his Sniper Rifle and shoulder cannon and I'll be happy.
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