September 27, 201410 yr On 9/27/2014 at 10:18 PM, Timeline15 said: soooo... the guy who saw the catalogue said he'll try to provide pics on Monday. everyone cross any available digits. and... then on some fancy blades 2 years later... Also, I echo other peoples' sentiments that Pohatu really should have tan. Silver is just such a boring and generic colour these days, and we NEED tan CCBS shells. DOn't forget those blades had holes in them... MLG 5urf pr0 mu¢h?
September 27, 201410 yr So no trace of tr. purple it seems (I could swear display pic!Onua had tr. purple, but oh well), but apparently Onua has YELLOW eyes. I hope that is actual yellow, it'd look good on a lot of characters, tr. lime makes no sense for Onua.
September 27, 201410 yr Hey, if they do have different colored eyestalks, then we can mix and match 'em. There were some eye colors I thought were kinda meh, but Onua's green always worked for me.
September 27, 201410 yr > your face when every canister villain in the history of BIONICLE had the letter K in its species name
September 27, 201410 yr On 9/27/2014 at 10:31 PM, Dorek said: Hey, if they do have different colored eyestalks, then we can mix and match 'em. There were some eye colors I thought were kinda meh, but Onua's green always worked for me. I like dark or bright green (which is close enought while giving a better sense of glow) for him, just not lime green. Yellow suits him though, for some reason. I'd probably pick:Tahu- purple would've been close enough (...well, the closest colour available at least) to his 2001/2002 pink eyes but since it seems we aren't getting it, yellow (ice blue goes great with red, but it makes him look too icy- that's Kopaka, not Tahu) Kopaka- Ice blue all the way Onua- bright green or yellow Lewa- lime or yellow Pohatu- tr. orange Gali- yellow, or (as it would seem from the pics) bright green On 9/27/2014 at 10:34 PM, TwistLaw said: http://www.acrimonie...14066666056.jpg > your face when every canister villain in the history of BIONICLE had the letter K in its species name You didn't know? K is the edgiest letter ever! Edited September 27, 201410 yr by Shakar
September 27, 201410 yr I'd prefer Lewa have his original trans. lime eyes, if only because he was the only Toa Mata to never change his eye color, and it would be a shame if that were to change.
September 27, 201410 yr On 9/27/2014 at 10:44 PM, Shakar said: You didn't know? K is the edgiest letter ever! Kill la Kill seems to confirm this. Something nobody mentioned: in Europe the sets will use English names outside of the UK, because they make just one kind of package (in Italy we had Invasion from below, not "Invasione dal basso"). Do you think this will generate confusion in the buyers? Toa Tahu was a thing, Protector of Fire is a far harder deal for the average Italian/French/German kid. They'll be like "what does all of this gibberish mean?"
September 27, 201410 yr On 9/27/2014 at 10:34 PM, TwistLaw said: http://www.acrimonie...14066666056.jpg > your face when every canister villain in the history of BIONICLE had the letter K in its species name Vorox. Strakk and Malum are also Glatorian. Enjoy! Anyway, Pohatu has a dagger. Combined with his boomerangs, can we confirm badass Australian Pohatu? I want Tahu so much now.
September 27, 201410 yr On 9/27/2014 at 10:54 PM, Grima said: I'd prefer Lewa have his original trans. lime eyes, if only because he was the only Toa Mata to never change his eye color, and it would be a shame if that were to change. I edited the post to inlcude tr. lime, I'd be ok with both (and the Lewa Mata standing on my desk does look good with those eyes). On 9/27/2014 at 10:59 PM, TwistLaw said: Kill la Kill seems to confirm this. Something nobody mentioned: in Europe the sets will use English names outside of the UK, because they make just one kind of package (in Italy we had Invasion from below, not "Invasione dal basso"). Do you think this will generate confusion in the buyers? Toa Tahu was a thing, Protector of Fire is a far harder deal for the average Italian/French/German kid. They'll be like "what does all of this gibberish mean?" Oh snap. Actually some HF sets got translated, we got "Signore del Fuoco" (which is nowhere as cool as "SENOR DEL FUEGO") and the godawful "Dottor Witch" (I wonder if they check terms up before coming up with crap like this). And some IfB names got translated too: 44024 became "Bestia Trivellatrice"and 44025 "Macchina Trivellatrice di Bulk" (talk about creativity..) and I think we got "Regina delle Bestie" (Queen Beast for the non-speakers) too. So I don't think it's that unlikely for the new set names to be translated. I think we're getting something along the lines of "Protettore/Guardiano del ____" , "____, Signore/Padrone del ____" and "Signore/Lord dei Ragni-Teschio" (or maybe they keep Skull Spiders in English, I can totally see them doing that). Hopefully Gali is a "Signora" (female form) and not a "Signore" (male form)... but I'm not keeping my hopes up. Edited September 27, 201410 yr by Shakar
September 27, 201410 yr On 9/27/2014 at 11:22 PM, Shakar said: "Signore/Lord dei Ragni-Teschio" (or maybe they keep Skull Spiders in English The LoSS' name was translated in French (Le Seigneur des Araignées, IIRC, which means The Lord of the Spiders (so like LotR, but with Spiders instead of Rings )). So perhaps it's gonna be Signore dei Ragni in Italian. Edited September 27, 201410 yr by Leewan
September 27, 201410 yr I'll freaking vanquish those packages if they have these mongolian words I use.
September 27, 201410 yr On 9/27/2014 at 10:44 PM, Shakar said: You didn't know? K is the edgiest letter ever! "I disagree. R is among the most menacing of sounds. That's why they call it 'murder', and not 'mukduk'." - Dwight Schrute No but seriously BIONICLE uses a lot of K's, so it's really unsurprising. Edited September 27, 201410 yr by Dorek
September 27, 201410 yr On 9/27/2014 at 11:34 PM, Leewan said: The LoSS' name was translated in French (Le Seigneur des Araignées, IIRC, which means The Lord of the Spiders (so like LotR, but with Spiders instead of Rings )). So perhaps it's gonna be Signore dei Ragni in Italian. Too bad they're going to drop the "Skull" part. "Ragni-teschio" actually sounds kind of badass and exotic to this native speaker. I wonder if it's for simplicity sake, or the old boring "Death is EEVIL! Kids must NOT know about death!".
September 28, 201410 yr > the spiders clearly look like skulls > they teach you in fourth grade what a skull is > still pretend kids are too innocent for that word Neo Latin countries, you never disappoint me.
September 28, 201410 yr On 9/27/2014 at 10:34 PM, TwistLaw said: http://www.acrimonie...14066666056.jpg > your face when every canister villain in the history of BIONICLE had the letter K in its species name Carapar Mantax Vamprah Antroz Gorast Chirox Bitil Come at me bro Edited September 28, 201410 yr by TheGreatSpirit
September 28, 201410 yr On 9/28/2014 at 12:06 AM, TheGreatSpirit said: Carapar Mantax Vamprah Antroz Gorast Chirox Bitil Come at me bro They didn't teach you at school what a species is, did they?
September 28, 201410 yr Technically all of the Barraki are different species, since Barraki is a title. Semantics, but if you're going to press the point...
September 28, 201410 yr I keep revisiting Kopaka's legs in hopes of gaining some sort of appreciation for them but I just can't. It's impossible. His legs are just really, really bad. I don't know who thought calves almost as wide as they are tall was a good idea but they should be demoted to assistant set designer or something because these are just. really bad legs.
September 28, 201410 yr On 9/28/2014 at 12:06 AM, TheGreatSpirit said: Carapar Mantax Vamprah Antroz Gorast Chirox Bitil Come at me bro I don't know why but somewhere it was written as "Karapar". I remember that the canister reads "Carapar" but the instructions "Karapar"
September 28, 201410 yr On 9/28/2014 at 12:19 AM, Grima said: I keep revisiting Kopaka's legs in hopes of gaining some sort of appreciation for them but I just can't. It's impossible. His legs are just really, really bad. I don't know who thought calves almost as wide as they are tall was a good idea but they should be demoted to assistant set designer or something because these are just. really bad legs. oh. Um, I couldn't tell from the view we got, but those are way worse than I thought. /:
September 28, 201410 yr On 9/27/2014 at 10:44 PM, Shakar said: You didn't know? K is the edgiest letter ever! And yet it somehow does a complete 180-degree turn and makes Krekka's name endearing. "Oh, poor little Krekka tried to be triple-edgy with 3 K's, bless his heart." Also, TwistLaw said "species name" meaning Makuta, Skakdi, etc. However, it fails if you define the "villain races" more broadly, as you then run into things like Vortixx. Edited September 28, 201410 yr by The Kumquat Alchemist
September 28, 201410 yr oh hey i just realized the thing i thought was a second wheel on Onua's back actually seems to be his eyepiece if the reddit guy is right which means Onua might not have separately swinging arms, unfortunately. EDIT: On the other hand, the one wheel we do see looks somewhat offcenter, so it's still possible i guess? idk Edited September 28, 201410 yr by Grima
September 28, 201410 yr On 9/28/2014 at 12:31 AM, Grima said: oh hey i just realized the thing i thought was a second wheel on Onua's back actually seems to be his eyepiece if the reddit guy is right which means Onua might not have separately swinging arms, unfortunately. EDIT: On the other hand, the one wheel we do see looks somewhat offcenter, so it's still possible i guess? idk Huh, then if I can just get some friction on it, my gearbox design will have 1-upped LEGO's. I hope not, I'd rather have an official design for separately swinging arms, complete with friction locks; it would be far more elegant. Edited September 28, 201410 yr by The Kumquat Alchemist
September 28, 201410 yr Still missing the Vorox, and rogue Glatorian. Also, removing references to death can be a good thing. Adding the death theme can make something become rather narmy. Take Yveltal in Pokemon, for example. THe name of it's signature move in Japan? Death Wing. Narm. THe name of its signature move after translation? Oblivion Wing. Now that's cool. I think this is the same. Lord of Skull Spiders sounds a bit silly. The Lord of Spiders? Reminds me of the Lord of Locusts in Bone. It actually sounds creepy.
September 28, 201410 yr On 9/28/2014 at 12:26 AM, The Kumquat Alchemist said: Also, TwistLaw said "species name" meaning Makuta, Skakdi, etc. However, it fails if you define the "villain races" more broadly, as you then run into things like Vortixx. Species name more like in Piraka, Barraki, Rahkshi, Bohrok etc. The way they were sold, to be more clear. This means we also had RoodaKa, SidoraaK, NidhiKi, BrutaKa, IrnaKK... Oh crap, voiceless velar sounds are really loved by LEGO.
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