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  On 10/31/2014 at 4:57 PM, Shakar said:

For anyone who owns samples of the new parts: can the new armour add-on (you know, the one the Protectors use on their torsos and the Toa use as body armouring) fit over the shoulder shell? The Breakout bubble armour can (like on Black Phantom), the Cap America boot can't, I can't tell which is the case here.

It actually can, facing either up or down! I was a bit surprised to find that out. It even fits on a torso beam, but only facing up.

Edited by Aanchir

Perfect, thanks a lot! That makes the new part even more useful, especially for shoulder and lower leg armouring. I had already thought about some uses for that design, but I wasn't sure if it was actually feasible.

  On 10/31/2014 at 6:11 AM, JayWalker said:

And you've clearly got some misunderstandings of your own that need to be cleaned up. If the LEGO employee was just stating that there are similar elements, either he's a sarcastic troll or an idiot. Why? Look at the sets. Gee, I wonder where I've seen characters like Gali, Pohatu, Tahu, Kopaka, Makuta, Lewa and Onua before? I wonder where I've seen the concept of an island governed by distinct elemental "areas" before? I wonder where I've seen the main protagonist cast into a deep sleep before? As I said before, if your opinion is correct, then either the LEGO employee was a sarcastic troll stating the obvious to screw around with the fanbase, or he was just stating the completely obvious without realizing how much that doesn't relate to the question asked of him. Or perhaps there's a third option, where he was actually giving an answer to a question?

Furthermore, when was it ever stated in the old canon the Vahi was half a mask? Read through your own version of what you said. What purpose does this serve? Where did the Rep get this idea from? Was he talking about aesthetics? If so, why talk about aesthetic design in a question about the story?

Clarify your point, and make sure it doesn't conflict with your main argument. Because everything you have said conflicts with itself when you examine the basic groundwork. Is it possible the guy just made a mistake? Yeah. Likely? No. This is a guy who's worked closely with the new BIONICLE, who should know what he's talking about.

And before you accuse me of being a TTV fanboy, I don't really care about the Vahi at all. It's too early to tell, the comment made by the Rep was unclear, so before we all get our knickers in a knot and split the fanbase up further than it's already going to be once the new story is established, can we all just say that in regard to the new story; "we don't know"? Because at this point in time, we really have no idea of what is going to happen with the Reboot. Anyone claiming otherwise that doesn't have some direct link to LEGO is either lying or has a real-life time-travel version of the Vahi. :tongue: (or they're Vezon)

edit: re-read over my own points again, and there is the possibility he brought up the Vahi to say it's part of the new universe, just different this time around. However, it still doesn't add up to why he would say anything like this in regard to a question about if the universes are linked. Why not just give a straight-up "No, they aren't"? One can argue he brought it up as a comparison/reference, but it's still weird. Especially seeing as no one who was actually at Comic Con when the question was asked can recall whether he actually gave a straight answer (at least from what I've seen, anyway)

I don't have any misunderstandings, thank you very much. I was both at NYCC and helped plan the entire panel for a good chunk of the year. Your post is weirdly condescending considering I have literally known about this for the last six months.

The vague answer was the go to comment by the LEGO rep (who is not on the BIONICLE team, by the way) to show fans that certain themes and ideas from the first canon will have mirrors in the second. The team made it very clear in the panel that this is a reboot.

  On 10/31/2014 at 11:26 PM, Darth Vader said:

I don't have any misunderstandings, thank you very much. I was both at NYCC and helped plan the entire panel for a good chunk of the year. Your post is weirdly condescending considering I have literally known about this for the last six months.

The vague answer was the go to comment by the LEGO rep (who is not on the BIONICLE team, by the way) to show fans that certain themes and ideas from the first canon will have mirrors in the second. The team made it very clear in the panel that this is a reboot.

You helped plan the event? In what way does that relate to a word I said? "I helped plan the entire panel" does not equate to "I helped plan the entire new BIONICLE universe". Have you been told by LEGO outside of Comic Con/secret-dealings-with-them the exact nature of the Rep's response? Have you contacted the LEGO Rep that made the Vahi comment to get a clarification on what was said?

I'm well aware it's confirmed this is a reboot, no one is arguing it's a continuation of the original plot. The entire Vahi controversy is about ties and links to the old universe. To say that this is a continuation would be foolish, even if there are ties to the old universe there's an absolute tiny chance LEGO would continue work on it, and I couldn't blame Greg if he didn't want to continue the Serials either.

If the Rep wasn't even on the BIONICLE team how would he even know about the Vahi itself? You said you helped organize it yourself, so you should be able to answer this question: why was he told of the Vahi being a full mask? Was he just pulling random garbage out of nowhere to try to explain similarities between the old universe and the new one? And if he wasn't, why was the Vahi of enough significance to tell him, yet not of high enough significance and "confidentiality" to not tell him?

To be honest, I'm not worried about ties to the old universe at all. I don't even really care about the Vahi at all, the only thing I'm really wanting an answer is why they used Star Trek as a comparison when there were better alternatives like Transformers or even Space Police.

Star Trek is a go-to for most popular sci-fi media franchises currently, as it is the highest profile rebooted franchise currently extant. It is actually a great example, because it is often seen as a soft reboot, even though minus Spock it is entirely a hard reboot. I am not surprised a sales and franchise rep was given Star Trek as a quick comparison talking point at a pop culture convention.

Yes, I do indeed have more story information than the average NYCC attendee, and have been aware of the line's reboot status for the entire time I have known about the relaunch.

The vahi comment was made because someone asked the rep about links to the old universe or canon. He said "we'll for example, in the first story we had the mask of time made by a character in the film. But it was only half a mask. In the new series we will feature a completed mask." Trying to see that as confirmation of a universe link or speculating on consumers receiving a piece of plastic meant to connect to the original mask is foolish. It is like the "we are featuring the original toa" comment. With the exception of those determined to link these canons, all other attendees understood these lines to refer to ways to invite and create similarities between the two canons, not actually link them.

  On 11/1/2014 at 1:32 AM, Darth Vader said:

With the exception of those determined to link these canons, all other attendees understood these lines to refer to ways to invite and create similarities between the two canons, not actually link them.

I'll say that pretty much everybody at TTV always assumed that BIONICLE would be a hard reboot and actually would prefer it that way. So we didn't exactly go in with a predetermined bias towards the contrary; it merely seemed to us that Jordan Paxton was hinting towards a connection.

With that being said, your explanation certainly sounds plausible.

Edited by Mesonak

  On 10/31/2014 at 6:58 PM, Aanchir said:

It actually can, facing either up or down! I was a bit surprised to find that out. It even fits on a torso beam, but only facing up.

It's funny, I was just about to ask the same question. Thanks for asking it Shakar... and thanks for answering Aanchir!

Could you perhaps post a picture of how it looks?

No need to get so heated up, we're all here for some healthy discussion!

Anyway, here's a little something from Bionicle's Facebook page - I'm guessing it's a little preview of what we can expect in the animated shorts! I'm really liking the look of these, they really remind me of the original movie trilogy.


Edited by Lockon Stratos

I wasn't aware the debate was getting heated, although text can be hard to translate into emotions.

Anyway, thanks for clearing that up DeeVee. I had a feeling you might know more than you're allowed to say, so I probably won't be so argumentative next time :blush:

Edited by JayWalker

The Hau looks better as a cartoon than it does in physical form!

Anyway....this art looks a LOT like MNOG......

It looks more like a .jpeg image made in MS paint than anything else to me, the fact that two of the captions are typos doesn't help.

  On 11/1/2014 at 4:49 AM, Lockon Stratos said:

No need to get so heated up, we're all here for some healthy discussion!

Anyway, here's a little something from Bionicle's Facebook page - I'm guessing it's a little preview of what we can expect in the animated shorts! I'm really liking the look of these, they really remind me of the original movie trilogy.


Wow, that's great! :classic:

I honestly don't understand why the guy brought up the Vahi and about it being half a mask/incomplete, it's a bit of an odd detail to give out IMO. He could have just said "Remember the Vahi?" and it'd suggest they're making other non-elemental masks, rather than trying to hard-link the two universes, which I'm not gonna lie, I'd be very disappointed if they just straight up linked the two.

Can those Tahu face be our new emoticons please? :cry_happy:

Regarding the Vahi, if this means that any new one we get will cover both halves of the face, that's all I want. I never liked how the old one looked when actually attatched to a head. Also, "half a mask" is not really an appropriate way to describe the old Vahi. Sure, it only covered the bottom half of the face, but so did Pohatu's mask in 2008. LOMN made a big deal about the Vahi finally being complete at the end.

Got to say that I like those masks. Might try and turn them into reaction faces...

I seriously love those masks, they're so expressive while working primarily off the eyes and a tiny bit on expression, like GLaDOS. I never liked that the masks were like faces in the first 3 movies, so this is very welcome.

Edited by Toa of Gallifrey

  On 11/1/2014 at 10:21 AM, Timeline15 said:

Regarding the Vahi, if this means that any new one we get will cover both halves of the face, that's all I want. I never liked how the old one looked when actually attatched to a head. Also, "half a mask" is not really an appropriate way to describe the old Vahi. Sure, it only covered the bottom half of the face, but so did Pohatu's mask in 2008. LOMN made a big deal about the Vahi finally being complete at the end.

Technically, Pohatu's mask in 2008 covered the whole face, because despite being a separate piece, the visor was still part of the mask.

But in any case, the impression I get from that comment is sort of "We're going to be taking a lot of the things you remember from the old BIONICLE and trying to make them even better!"

  On 11/1/2014 at 4:49 AM, Lockon Stratos said:

No need to get so heated up, we're all here for some healthy discussion!

Anyway, here's a little something from Bionicle's Facebook page - I'm guessing it's a little preview of what we can expect in the animated shorts! I'm really liking the look of these, they really remind me of the original movie trilogy.


The first thing I thought when that showed up in this topic: "Someone needs to make emoticons of those". Seriously, I've long felt that the Action Figure subforum here on Eurobricks ought to have its own emotes, and images like these (perhaps with the other Toa for some emotions, of course) would be perfect.

Unfortunately, I'm no good at making emotes. Hopefully someone can whip something up at some point.

I quite like the preview we've gotten. The expressions are very nice and, well, expressive, all without making the mask look too rubber or organic, such as in the Mask of Light film; I suppose this is due to the new art style's very minimalistic use of detail.

Though its antithesis in expressive ranges, the preview also reminds me of this picture:


Edited by The Kumquat Alchemist

Somebody please create emotes based on those. XD

  On 11/1/2014 at 2:29 PM, Aanchir said:

Technically, Pohatu's mask in 2008 covered the whole face, because despite being a separate piece, the visor was still part of the mask.

But in any case, the impression I get from that comment is sort of "We're going to be taking a lot of the things you remember from the old BIONICLE and trying to make them even better!"

And thats what I like about the direction TLG is going for.

Maybe its because I'm a fan Gundam that I'm comfortable with a new series having winks here and there from its previous incarnation.

I'm surprise we're still talking about confirm statements from the panel. I just pray kids like it as much as I did when I was a kid. Also I would Exo-toa remake for the protector, but i am asking for too much

So, the case is that LEGO is treating this second generation as a separate universe and story, but are but telling it in a way that makes it possible for it to be linked to the old universe. Correct?



  On 11/1/2014 at 6:27 PM, Agent Fusion said:

So, the case is that LEGO is treating this second generation as a separate universe and story, but are but telling it in a way that makes it possible for it to be linked to the old universe. Correct?

That's what we've been arguing about for the past page or so. The whole "half-a-vahi" comments seem to suggest some sort of link between the two continuities, but Darth Vader, who apparently has advance knowledge of the new story, claims that this is not the case. While I'm still puzzled as to why the fellow at NYCC would have said what he did if he didn't mean to imply a link between the two universes, given the questions that he was apparently asked, DV is not the sort to idly say "There's no connection," so I'm inclined to believe him.

@Tazakk Yay, more emoticons! Thanks!

  On 11/1/2014 at 6:49 PM, Quisoves Pugnat said:

That's what we've been arguing about for the past page or so. The whole "half-a-vahi" comments seem to suggest some sort of link between the two continuities, but Darth Vader, who apparently has advance knowledge of the new story, claims that this is not the case. While I'm still puzzled as to why the fellow at NYCC would have said what he did if he didn't mean to imply a link between the two universes, given the questions that he was apparently asked, DV is not the sort to idly say "There's no connection," so I'm inclined to believe him.

Yeah, pretty much this; despite the possible interpretations of the Vahi statement and what we may believe to be the case, given that DV and BZP in general have spoken to so many people in regards to BIONICLE's return, they're the source I would recommend defaulting to in this particular instance. Regardless, we'll know for sure in a few months. :P

Also thank you so much Tazakk.

Edited by Mesonak

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