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by 'masks of power' it's referring to the toas' own golden masks, not the 3 legendary masks, which, at this point at least, they're not actually questing for.

I think I would be very underwhelming if the current arc ended so quickly. I've even seen people suggesting that the mask that comes with LOSS is the mask of control. Why would they go to the trouble of designing a mask, and then release that mask with a totally different design the same year?

Edited by Timeline15

If BIONICLE Gen 2 is *planned*( :wink: ) to last only 3 years, I just can't believe that the entire story of Gen 2 is a scavenger hunt.

  On 1/1/2015 at 1:08 AM, LN-01354 said:

Wait a minute: "• Quest for the long lost Masks of Power in six elemental regions". Does that mean that we are able to find the MOUP also?

I had a thought recently: we are just ASSUMING that every year of the planned 3 year run will be finding a different mask. What if we wrap of the mask-quest story this year, and move onto something else? Just like 2001......

That doesn't make sense, based on the leaked Summer wave information.
  On 12/31/2014 at 9:15 PM, Dorek said:

I've... always done bold =P. Some people do colors, I use bold as a posting mechanism. Makes me look distinguished. I think.

Meh :P

  On 12/31/2014 at 9:15 PM, Dorek said:

I'm not really seeing where the "three years=three masks" idea is coming from. Numbers seem coincidental to me; not to mention we have the scary face in the corner of the 2015 teasers (which looks nothing like the skull-face teaser), so why would they drag those sorts of things out? We don't have much context, granted, but even in BIONICLE's heyday, there wasn't much of a specific tease like that (barring the Ignika, which I'll mention below).

From the leaked summer sets we only are getting one main titan set. I doubt they'd release all three rare masks that they've been hyping in one set. As such chances are we are getting one main mask in that set - the Mask Of Creation. As such thats where most the 1 mask = 1 year theory comes from. As we're only probably getting one main mask this year

As for 'dragging it out' a simple way of simplifying the story is to have the same very basic storyline stretched over several years.

  On 12/31/2014 at 9:15 PM, Dorek said:

The Ignika is basically the counterpoint to that. That thing went through so many design changes, and even once it had been finalized, we didn't see it in that specific form until the next year.

Besides, the animations show a pointedly obscured image that could end up being anything. It has six points and is deliberately enshrouded. The skull-face has six points and is deliberately obfuscated by shadows. There's not much to go on, but it's not a far-fetched intuitive leap.

True but in this case we've seen the general outline of the mask, they would'nt have shown us the six spikes unless that was finalised. The rest they have probably kept hidden for story relevance.

Reveal hidden contents

I just cant see them giving us the outline if the outline wasnt finalised

  On 12/31/2014 at 9:15 PM, Dorek said:

Again, something that could be coincidental. If we hadn't seen any leaked information, we'd totally think this was the MOUP. Not to mention the "skull" imagery looks markedly different from our current interpretation of skulls, the Skull Spiders.

I mean, it totally could be one of the skull villains and might very well be. But there's a lot of room for interpretation.

The mask retains the same forhead as the top of the Skull Spider mask... as such we'd know it was related to the Skull Spiders in some form. From a story point of view it would'nt make sense for the Mask Of Ultimate Power to ever be included in the first year of Bionicle, or atleast not until the Mask Of Control and Mask Of Creation were dealt with.

As a story writer you dont introduce the idea of a 'collect them' style quest and then give your characters the most powerful item that automatically would make them win.

  On 1/1/2015 at 2:20 AM, Scarilian said:

From the leaked summer sets we only are getting one main titan set. I doubt they'd release all three rare masks that they've been hyping in one set. As such chances are we are getting one main mask in that set - the Mask Of Creation. As such thats where most the 1 mask = 1 year theory comes from. As we're only probably getting one main mask this year

But we're still getting five (six?) titan sets, as far as we understand; in terms of set releases, this is a pretty unprecedented move for BIONICLE, and I can easily see them including the masks across these sets. Not necessarily all at once, or (as I mentioned) maybe this skull-face we see is the MOUP, but it's not being released until later (which is exactly what happened with the Mask of Creation, even assuming we get THAT one!).


True but in this case we've seen the general outline of the mask, they would'nt have shown us the six spikes unless that was finalised. The rest they have probably kept hidden for story relevance.

Reveal hidden contents

I just cant see them giving us the outline if the outline wasnt finalised

Haha, I was actually thinking the MoCr is functioning like the Avohkii, and the Mask Maker isn't actually Ekimu, but the "Takanuva" of sorts. But regardless, it is hard to tell; we haven't actually seen the Mask of Control in set form either, so the only thing we have to base this on are the other masks, which can look fairly different from their set incarnations (partly due to the expressiveness the creative team is trying to imbue).


The mask retains the same forhead as the top of the Skull Spider mask... as such we'd know it was related to the Skull Spiders in some form. From a story point of view it would'nt make sense for the Mask Of Ultimate Power to ever be included in the first year of Bionicle, or atleast not until the Mask Of Control and Mask Of Creation were dealt with.

As a story writer you dont introduce the idea of a 'collect them' style quest and then give your characters the most powerful item that automatically would make them win.

Right, but why wouldn't you make it their endgoal? The Toa have been explicitly instructed to collect all of the masks; winter is collecting the six Golden masks (and the GMOSS fits in there somewhere), but the other part of their task is retrieving the ones lost to the wilderness. We see them going after the MoCr, which isn't a set piece yet, so why would they not continue on? Some mid-game shift will tell us the answer, likely, but they're in play for a reason.

Besides, owning or retrieving the mask doesn't automatically make them win everything; look at the Vahi.

The app kinda reminds me of Dynasty Warriors or Sonic in terms of combat. I'd love a BIONICLE RPG that plays like The World Ends With You.

I also just realized that Pohatu's sandstorm ability was made to differentiate stone from earth a bit more.

I also got POW today at MOA and I love him, he's amazing! I would've gotten Gali if they had her, but oh well.

What if the set is actually just a mask maker and Skull Grinder. It would had shells and masks for Both Makuta and Ekimu.

  On 1/1/2015 at 3:08 AM, GK733 said:

What if the set is actually just a mask maker and Skull Grinder. It would had shells and masks for Both Makuta and Ekimu.

That would be amazing, but rather unlikely.

Speaking of Mask Maker vs Skull Grinder, how big can we expect the $30(?) set of Titan's(?) to be? I'm guessing Mask Maker to be around the size of a $15 Toa, and Skull Grinder being closer to a $20 Toa.

  On 1/1/2015 at 3:42 AM, MonkeyChud said:

Speaking of Mask Maker vs Skull Grinder, how big can we expect the $30(?) set of Titan's(?) to be? I'm guessing Mask Maker to be around the size of a $15 Toa, and Skull Grinder being closer to a $20 Toa.

Well,if the 'Mask Maker' is Ekimu,then based on his animation model,he's the size of a Protector

Edited by GoldenChi

  On 1/1/2015 at 3:08 AM, GK733 said:

What if the set is actually just a mask maker and Skull Grinder. It would had shells and masks for Both Makuta and Ekimu.

If that is the case it'd only probably include the Mask Of Creation and the Mask Of Control... as having all 3 masks in one set prevents them using the Mask Of Ultimate Power to sell another set.

Though Makuta has not yet been referred to as a Skull Grinder only as a Mask Hoarder so i doubt that its him in that set...

  On 1/1/2015 at 3:42 AM, MonkeyChud said:

Speaking of Mask Maker vs Skull Grinder, how big can we expect the $30(?) set of Titan's(?) to be? I'm guessing Mask Maker to be around the size of a $15 Toa, and Skull Grinder being closer to a $20 Toa.

Personally i was expecting the Mask Maker to be a slightly bulkier large Toa-sized Ekimu with a hammer and the Skull Grinder to be a Protector-sized Scorpion-beast. Then we'd have three main masks; Gold Protector Mask, Skull Grinder Mask and the Mask Of Creation

  On 1/1/2015 at 3:54 AM, GoldenChi said:

Well,if the 'Mask Maker' is Ekimu,then based on his animation model,he's the size of a Protector

Their is some debate about that, considering he has a gearbox.

Edited by Scarilian

I really don't think that the Mask of Control will have it's own year. It either comes in a set without greater hype this year or we don't get it at all.

  On 1/1/2015 at 4:40 AM, GK733 said:

I really don't think that the Mask of Control will have it's own year. It either comes in a set without greater hype this year or we don't get it at all.

I would be really disappointed if we never got a mask of control. even if in a limited set, I think It warrants one. Maybe not it's own year, but definitely in a set.

on an unrelated note, 2015 has officially begun. Time to hit the lego store. :devil:

Lol, I bookmarked the Wal*Mart page & am constantly refreshing it to get it as soon as it's released. XD I'm doing this GameStop midnight release-style. :P

It's now January 1st, and there's nothing about them being available in the UK.

To quote King Julien: 'How long is this going to take!!??' LOL

Hopefully, I'll be visiting a TRU soon. I'll tell you how that goes.

If we were about to get all 3 legendary Masks of Power in 2015, then ALL of them would have been shown in advertisements etc., not just Mask of Creation.

Btw, I just looked at Polish Bionicle website, and Kopaka is now labeled as "master of Water" :facepalm:

  On 1/1/2015 at 4:40 AM, GK733 said:

I really don't think that the Mask of Control will have it's own year. It either comes in a set without greater hype this year or we don't get it at all.

I cant see them simply ignoring the Mask Of Control... i'm guessing that we'd get the Mask Of Control with Makuta and possibly the new Mask Of Time in 2016

The Avohkii = MoUP idea seems rather silly to me, but if we're just going to guess by mask shape, they do share the spikes on the sides of their head.

  On 1/1/2015 at 1:04 PM, DraikNova said:

Avohkii = MoUP



(starring Baby Protector as the Master of Ultimate Power)

  On 12/31/2014 at 10:47 PM, GK733 said:


It's a neat game if smashing countless of spiders with your finger is your thing. (It's definetly not mine, I hate mobile games).

Neat find! Though the game itself... looks painfully boring. :S

  On 12/31/2014 at 10:47 PM, GK733 said:

Would like to see a complete playtrough though for the story reasons.

Walkthroughs for


Edited by wghost

  On 1/1/2015 at 1:31 PM, wghost said:

Neat find! Though the game itself... looks painfully boring. :S

Walkthroughs for


I... wow. I didn't think I could lose almost all my respect for the handling of the BIONICLE reboot in one sitting, yet somehow I just did. :wacko:

I mean, granted, this isn't exactly the way you judge the handling of an entire line, but good grief that game is horrible. It's literally nothing like MNOG in any way. I was expecting maybe some details yet it lacks any. The art style is nice, but that's about all I can say from my perspective.

Edited by JayWalker

Oh and would post all the images here but it'd probably take up space... but it does give us a look at the next animation via many images if you go here

Just wondering if the UK also gets the double vip points on Monday?

Edited by Scarilian

  On 1/1/2015 at 2:02 PM, JayWalker said:

I... wow. I didn't think I could lose almost all my respect for the handling of the BIONICLE reboot in one sitting, yet somehow I just did. :wacko:

I mean, granted, this isn't exactly the way you judge the handling of an entire line, but good grief that game is horrible. It's literally nothing like MNOG in any way. I was expecting maybe some details yet it lacks any. The art style is nice, but that's about all I can say from my perspective.

I hated MNOG and never played it.
  On 1/1/2015 at 2:02 PM, JayWalker said:

I... wow. I didn't think I could lose almost all my respect for the handling of the BIONICLE reboot in one sitting, yet somehow I just did. :wacko:

I mean, granted, this isn't exactly the way you judge the handling of an entire line, but good grief that game is horrible. It's literally nothing like MNOG in any way. I was expecting maybe some details yet it lacks any. The art style is nice, but that's about all I can say from my perspective.

Were you expecting it to not be a gimmicky mobile game? Because that's exactly what I assumed it was. :tongue:

I mean, if you look at the archive of online Gen 1 Bionicle games, pretty much all of them 2004 and onward (and some in 2001-2003 as well) are about as involved as this. While something like MNOG would have been great, it was unlikely from the start.

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