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  On 6/3/2015 at 2:52 AM, ToaDraco said:

Not to mention there could be a dino tribe of sorts that ride the dinos or the dinosaurs could be Barraki-like monsters that are still very intelligent and deadly.

I love this idea.

I can imagine the set functions too - a Tyrannosaur with a gearbox driving his legs, a Pterosaur with a function similar to dragonbolt... Oh man.

Edited by LewiMOC

A T-rex model would be very unstable if the gearbox was connected to its legs. I could see it having a gearbox connected to its head or tail, though.

So that the tail can be swished back and forth to knock things over.

T-Rex biting function.

I wouldn't mind another Fero and Skirmix. Dino and rider would be welcome.

Why not Skull Villain dino's?

I certainly wouldn't mind some dinosaurs, I would say that was for me one of BIONICLE G1's main missed opportunities when it ended (that, and the Element Lords..). Just as long as that doesn't compromise a cast of actual, distinct villains. The idea of Barraki-like villains is good, but they would need to be very humanoid for that to work, which would limit their design. Can you imagine a regular four legged brachiosaur as a villain, let alone an actual sentient character with a personality? We might probably live with it, but it wouldn't work for kids.

I say, make a few of them as large.."Rahi".. sets, perhaps with a rider+steed play feature (for example, *sigh* Tahu riding a *sigh* T-rex, a villain riding another dinosaur, etc..) and have the real villains be something else. No limits for creativity this way.

Edited by Shakar

Dinos would be cool.

On another note, I'm just looking through the Lego Catalog for the Summer that arrived in the post today. It's rather disappointing in the respect that despite it being for the whole Summer a few Summer waves like BIONICLE have been neglected completely, whilst old sets still linger. It's rather as expected though, and one can't blame a company for trying to get rid of old products before advertising a lot of new ones but...I don't think the Death Star needed half a page, or the Simpsons House, or Tower Bridge, or the Opera House or the Volkswagen or the Mini...in fact there were a lot of things they could have kept in but given a much smaller space...

I'm just afraid that these kind of ideas might not make it because of the budget. Didn't the prize for Gen2 (290$) sets already surpass Breakout (223$), Brain attack (~213$ )and IFB (250$)?

I mean, there's small sets (10 bucks) toa and villains (15-20) bucks and titans (~30 bucks) How do you stretch that to allow for more than one dinosaur with one puny Protector sized rider? I may sound a pessimist here but this would mean that the overall prize for the sets would be around 350$ for the entire year. Just a reminder that all the Bionicle sets from 2008 cost 420$. I really don't want it to come to that...

Edited by GK733

If you cut off exclusives, the 2008 price decreases significantly (I think it's almost $200). At any rate, let's say we have the same hero setup as this year, albeit flipped around so that the small sets become the large ones and the large ones become the small ones. So $105 for the first wave. Then we have one $15 generic raptor, one $20 Triceratops, one $20 azhdarchid pterosaur, one $25 mosasaur, one $25 ankylosaur and one $35 T. Rex. You can't really make a good sauropod for under $45, not unless you make it one of the teeny-tiny ones. That comes to $140 for the second wave, which means the whole year would be only $245.

Edited by DraikNova

  On 6/5/2015 at 6:25 PM, MonkeyChud said:

Apperently, one of upcoming books is named 'Revenge of the Skull Spiders".

And there's a new logo for the Bionicle page.

Wait, if the book is released in December, and it's about the revenge of the Skull Spiders, does that mean that they will still have a role in the summer story? Or maybe they will even have a role in 2016......

  On 6/5/2015 at 11:22 PM, Mandate said:

We're going to have a lot of Star Wars jokes over the name of the book, calling it now.

Huh. I can't think of any right now.......This is actually a challenge right now. :grin:

Also MonkeyChud, I was very cautious when clicking on the link--and I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that it wasn't a joke. :grin:

Edited by LN-01354

  On 6/6/2015 at 4:49 AM, LN-01354 said:

Huh. I can't think of any right now.......

Also MonkeyChud, I was very cautious when clicking on the link--and I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that it wasn't a joke. :grin:

Think Episode 3.... With that title the book will probably be as dark as episode 3, calling it now, Tahu dies... ;)

I think it's obvious that Lewa is going to be corrupted by Lord of the Skull Spiders and betray the other Toa. :wink:

  On 6/7/2015 at 12:05 AM, Super Fish Oil said:

I think it's obvious that Lewa is going to be corrupted by Lord of the Skull Spiders and betray the other Toa. :wink:

Everyone said that 9 months ago about the normal Skull Spiders. LOSS is out of the picture now (cameo appearance is unlikely even if he did survive). Honestly, I think it's more likely that Ekimu is going to emerge from his tomb and destroy an entire continent with his face at this point :grin:

  On 6/7/2015 at 12:05 AM, Super Fish Oil said:

I think it's obvious that Lewa is going to be corrupted by Lord of the Skull Spiders and betray the other Toa. :wink:

That would be an awesome homage, especially if Onua is the one to save him, as well he should.

Sounds like pandering to me. Give me Lewa saving Onua. THEN I'll laugh.

  On 6/7/2015 at 3:32 PM, Dorek said:

Sounds like pandering to me. Give me Lewa saving Onua. THEN I'll laugh.

Perhaps you could write something where that would work, but in G1 and G2 alike I think Onua coming to Lewa's aid makes more sense. Lewa has always been flighty and reckless, which naturally gets him into trouble, while Onua is almost the exact opposite — grounded and thoughtful. Onua's strengths are the antithesis of Lewa's weaknesses.

  On 6/7/2015 at 5:22 PM, GK733 said:

So the logo on Lego Products page have been updated with Grinder and the site is starting to work weird again http://www.lego.com/...onicle/products

That means only one thing... >.>

Brace yourselves, an update is coming.

Yay for more official news! :laugh:

I also want to re-check something in the official toy descriptions (namely, what they're calling the half-trans/half-old masks; might give a hint about their purpose in-story).

On a side-note: remember those "real" combiners between the Protectors and the Toa, the ones labelled Fire and Ice? Have they released the ones for the other elements or not?

Edited by The Outsider

my body isn't ready!! My body isn't ready!!

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