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There's a new LDraw update, version 2014-02.

For the people here that don't like to read, here's the page that sums up all the new parts.

If you do like a little more information, the following text sums it up pretty well:

The 2014-02 LDraw Parts Update has been now been released. This update includes 1005 new files in the core library, including 558 new parts and 83 new primitives.

The last few months have been an incredibly productive period as can be seen by the steepness of the history chart. Thanks are once again due to all the part authors who created or corrected parts for this release. The reviewers also play an important role in keeping files moving through the tracker and deserve just as much credit. This package probably ought be named the 'Friends Figures Update', as many are included.

You can preview the new parts in 2014-02 and download the update from the Latest Parts page.

There are still quite a few files awaiting admin review, and whilst I could have worked on pushing those through, I thought it best to stop to give me time to produce this seasonal gift for the LDraw community.

Once again, no new "Physical colour" parts are included in this update as we still intend to move these to a separate section of the LDraw file structure, to more closely fit with the "DesignID" vs. "ItemID" concept. A number of such parts on the Parts Tracker are awaiting admin review, but will not be released until this concept has been implemented. I am conscious that support for texture maps needs to be added to the Parts Tracker and also have that on my to-do list.

Despite this being a very large update, it has only just kept pace with the number of new files submitted since Parts Update 2014-01 was released in June 2014. Although there is clearly interest in working on new parts, I'd like to repeat my appeal for authors to try and reduce the backlog of held or insufficiently reviewed parts.

The LDraw Team


It also includes my first parts :grin:

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