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Okay, so the madness begins.......


Well, that's most of the hardware side done, of course to the right of this will go the supermarket with entrance to the whole place.

I've decided to do it this way for reasons, one is it's more open....easier to see things inside, two the least can convey the most and three is just to give the feel of a simple small low population country town......sadly very common in parts of Oz.

Keep watching for the next installment. :grin:


That is a promising start. I see you are again combining elements in an interesting way.

Thanks 'Captain', yeah I like trying things out to either simply or give something a pop factor.......I've started on the supermarket side right now, I'll update A.S.A.P......so keep watching ! :wink:


Thanks 'greg3' and 'technic70s' for your comments and yes, that is part of the plumbing department, the other side is hardware.....gate hardware with a key cutting machine.

More later today so keep watching !


Thanks 'CityBuilder' for your kind words, I have 80% of the exterior work done.....just some final end wall work and a section above the entrance to fix up then I can start properly on the interior of the food section with new checkouts, etc.,......keep watching ! :grin:


Thanks to the wife being home today I wasn't able to work on NM......but tomorrow is a different story.

Now I have decided to add a driveway and fuel pumps to the left of the IGA building.....once fitted to some 48x48 base plates.....like three of them ! :grin:

Keep watching tomorrow ! :wink:


I need some advice on what I'm planning on putting in that blank space on the right of the IGA......a post office but what style or period of construction ?

There won't be pumps at the IGA now but maybe I'll finally build another road house eh ? :wink:

Oh, before I forget should I still include a bank in the town since most major banks have left small towns in Oz ?


We want more! :laugh: :laugh:

And I find the interior more fascinating. More pics please!

Ah, okay this morning :grin: ....later on this morning while I'm building the new post office building.......it will appear that I'm rebuilding all of NM so much more to come......keep watching ! :grin:


Oh, this is what I'm going to try next to copy within in reason of space and parts availability.......


Yep, another combo.......petrol station and farmers merchandise store all in one......I love making these combo structures !

Keep watching ! :wink:


Oh, this is just a small town.....heck, I did plan a huge town layout once many years ago but it was too much and I couldn't use my favourite style of building.....open back classic town.

Thanks for everyone's kind words, etc., and I'll have another building started today sometime so keep watching ! :classic:

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