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I guess no GR makes sense, and the Banshee isn't really a ghost, so I suppose she can coexist with the Specter. Where, then, did the Grim Reaper come from in the original Czech translation?

This is what the Czech site said:

Užij si zábavu, při které mrazí, s 16 úplně novými minifigurkami z říše příšer 14. řady kolekce LEGO Minifigurky! Každá minifigurka je zabalená v 'tajuplném' uzavřeném sáčku a má své vlastní doplňky, podstavec a sběratelský letáček. Vydej se do světa příšer s touhle hrůzostrašnou kolekcí: Bláznivý vědec, Muchopříšera, Šílená čarodějnice, Chrlič, Hrůzokolébač, Pavoučí dáma, Smrtka, Zjevení, Kostlivec, Velkonoh, Tygří žena, Vlkodlak, Zombie pirát, Zombie roztleskávačka, Zombie byznysman a Příšerostlina. Stáhni si hru LEGO Minifigurky Online na LEGO.com/minifigures. V kombinaci se stavebnicemi LEGO získáš ještě širší herní možnosti.

Smrtka literally means the personification of Death. Google it and see what you get.

If someone translated a random ghost as "Smrtka" .... well someone sucks at translating

About the Specter; think Casper the Friendly Ghost, without the licensing fees.

Exactly! :laugh:

If the Grim Reaper did not featured in the final list of this series, maybe he will be in the next series.

Smrtka literally means the personification of Death. Google it and see what you get.

If someone translated a random ghost as "Smrtka" .... well someone sucks at translating

I googled it and it shows some pictures of a grim reaper. Maybe he could be in the list.

Edited by legofanatic12

Well if there isn't a grim reaper i do hope for some evilness in the banshee.

I'll take just2good's word over a catalog. That guy is just2infallible.

So... that still leaves the question, what/who is that hair made for?

I mean, am I the only one who thought that maybe, just maybe, the personification of mortality might be a little dark to throw into a theme for 8 year-olds to stand shoulder to shoulder with a guy in a Skeleton Costume?

What? The Grim Reaper is one of the most common costumes during Halloween for all ages. I trip over plastic scythes every time I go down the costume isle in Walmart.

The Grim Reaper wouldn't be a inappropriate choice at all, it would be a fitting and expected choice.

I'll take just2good's word over a catalog. That guy is just2infallible.

So... that still leaves the question, what/who is that hair made for?

What? The Grim Reaper is one of the most common costumes during Halloween for all ages. I trip over plastic scythes every time I go down the costume isle in Walmart.

The Grim Reaper wouldn't be a inappropriate choice at all, it would be a fitting and expected choice.

I suppose you are right. It is a pretty common Halloween character. I guess I was being cranky, I apologize.

I dunno. We got a recent list that omits him, we haven't seen him, and now we've got people whining that he looks stupid, when that's pretty clearly not a Reaper. It's just getting old, y'know.

Where is this Just2good confirmation? Is he just repeating what we (thought we) knew, or was it a recent find that listed the Reaper. Right now, I'm inclined to believe that there is a Specter and a Banshee, but no Grim Reaper. I can't see translucent wild hair being used elsewhere, and the Specter is clearly not the GR at all. If this recent list omits him, then I think it's likely to be correct. "Dead spirit" could easily be mistaken for "Death itself" in translation.

I'll take just2good's word over a catalog. That guy is just2infallible.

Aww, well thanks! But I think I made a mistake with a piece of information on Series 14, so which are you talking about so I can clear it up. :sad:

Aww, well thanks! But I think I made a mistake with a piece of information on Series 14, so which are you talking about so I can clear it up. :sad:

If the specter with the chains and ninjago wisp piece is the grim reaper, or we just haven't see him yet.

I think the truth is this: There's no Grim Reaper. Somewhere along the translation process, there was a mistake. This series will have the standard five females, and the final one is the Banshee or other female spirit. She will use the large frizzy hair. Bigfoot and GR were the only ones we saw no leaks for, but we did see the suspiciously translucent hairdo. Honestly, I'm not too bothered. A Grim Reaper minifigure is just about the easiest purist custom to make, and it would be a big challenge to make him look unique from what they've done before. Somehow, the Specter and Banshee became Specter and Grim Reaper.

Edited by 8BrickMario

If the specter with the chains and ninjago wisp piece is the grim reaper, or we just haven't see him yet.

I don't remember what I said before, but that hood guy (with the chains and wisp) is what I've called the Grimm Reaper and what I will call the Grimm Reaper until official names come out. :look:

Keep in mind that I never saw the full series and never have, but I heard parts of it from my insiders and saw parts of it from my insiders, that cloaked guy shown there is one of them- and not even to the final extent to what was shown off yesterday.

Edited by just2good

In certain mythololgies, a banshee is supposed to have the body of a beautiful woman and the head of a rabbit with sharp teeth, clothed in rags. It is a herald of imminent death. It is never actually supposed to harm anyone. I wll be very surprized if Lego gives her a fanged rabbit face.

The various translations gave us quite a good discussion around the Rocker Monster and Bigfoot. It doesn't surprize me that Grim Reaper might be a mis-translation. It seems that the original Czech list may have been a bad translation of a bad translation. Banshee is an English derivation of the original ban-sidhe, which refers to a dead fey spirit.

Edited by gedren_y

Yeah I remember. "Horror cradle" was quite a challenge for a while, so I can totally see "dead guy" being conflated with "Death", and there actually being two spirits, one an ominous fae, and one a traditional cloaked ghost in chains. The Grim Reaper seems to be a translation error, and it makes sense, as it wouldn't be unique and would bring down the standard number of females.

Unless instructed not to, why didn't the image source take a picture of the checklist? That would have cleared everything up!

Edited by 8BrickMario

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So, the czech site mistranslated the Banshee (premonition of Death) as a Grim Reaper and coincidentally j2g made a mistake about a piece of info given to him and thought The Grim Reaper was in the series.

That explains it all, I think.

A Banshee is kind of a surprise. It could be a interesting minifigure.

I updated the first post with the new list

Edited by Robert8

The head should be creepy!

According to what I read (and I know its wikipedia) a Banshee is around when someone is about to die. She often sings a song when someone has died but in of herself isn't really a monster, like the Grim Reaper, but a fairy. So she doesn't actually kill people like Death but rather sings to tell about a death.

Speaking of which... it looks like that Ghost's head glows in the dark.

Yes, she's not malevolent, but she's certainly very frightening. One of "the fair folk". I'd like to put her with the Bagpiper!

"Harbinger of death" could easily be mistranslated.

I noticed the Specter's face, too. Surprising, as they've never done a glow-in-the-dark CMF before, even when there were good candidates. I wonder why they suddenly did it.

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As a confirmation, the order of the names in the Argos list fit with the ones of the czech site list, with the exception of the Grim Reaper/Banshee


1. Crazy Scientist

2. Fly Monster

3. Wacky Witch

4. Gargoyle

5. Monster Rocker

6. Spider Lady

7. Banshee

8. Spectre

9. Skeleton Guy

10. Square foot

11. Tiger Woman

12. Werewolf

13. Zombie Pirate

14. Zombie Cheerleader

15. Zombie Businessman

16. Plant Monster

Czech site:

1. Mad Scientist

2. The Fly

3. Crazy Witch

4. Gargoyle

5. Horror Rocker

6. Spider Lady

7. Grim Reaper

8. Specter

9. Skeleton Guy

10. Bigfoot

11. Tiger Woman

12. Werewolf

13. Zombie Pirate Captain

14. Zombie Cheerleader

15. Zombie Businessman

16. Plant Monster

Edited by Robert8

Then the mystery's solved. The Czech translation wasn't very good, and nothing's out of order with this series' statistics. Seeing as we had virtually no evidence of a Grim Reaper minifigure, I wasn't surprised, and I'm infinitely happier with a female spirit.

Will she have a dress or a white Genie tail? I'm inclined to think she'll be full-bodied, but her color scheme (as evidenced by the trans-black hair) should be very interesting indeed.

Aw man, I really wanted a Grim Reaper figure for the possibility of a new molded scythe and easily obtained tattered black capes. Oh well. :sceptic:

I'm not, uh, invested in gender ratios. So the 4 female thing didn't bother me. I just like neat figures, no matter the chromosomes. And IMO Reaper > Banshee.

But as 8BrickMario pointed out, at least the trans-black hair means she might have a unique color scheme. Hopefully she will won't be goofy like the Specter.

Definitely has to be our Banshee. It's big, wild, and spooky.

The ghost is kind of interesting. It doesn't exactly fit with the others as the molded wisp piece kind of makes it seem like this isn't just a person in a costume, which the others are.

This is a pretty solid series for me. It'll be interesting to see the last few revealed.

And the vampiress isn't a vampiress, she's a spider lady. Whatever that is.

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