Posted January 24, 201510 yr Thanks to nisiia for translate this review. ;) 10679 Pirate Treasure Hunt Serie: Juniors Year: 2015 Elements: 57 Minifigures: 2: Pirate minifigure, skeleton Box’s Dimensions: 15.5 x 14 x 6 cm Price: $??.??, £9.99, 9,99 €, 42,99 zł BrickSet, BrickLink As a big fan of the Pirates serie I was impatiently expecting the latest, third full-fledged edition. Unfortunately, I will have to wait a while longer for it because the official launch will take place in March, but now my hunger can be slightly dampen with a small appetizer. Appetizer in the form of Pirate set, but in this particular case, belonging to a completely different series. Juniors is a serie designed for kids who just grew out of Duplo, and in a moment will want to reach for the normal system sets. This serie is somewhat simplified and has so-called "junior-ized" elements, not very complicated structures, clear and seamless instruction. Interestingly, it draws from the entire range of LEGO brand, so you'll find here sets which introducing us to the world of the City, Castle, Super Heroes, or the Pirates. If someone wants to recall what in Lego world of Pirates' theme appeared earlier (and there is a lot of it!), I invite you to the cycle Quick Review of Lego's Pirates - links to notes on the blog: first, second, third, addition (sorry now only in polish). Let's move on to our set, I really can't wait! Box has simple but nice graphic design, with strongly distinctive red border. On the front you will find the name of the series, to highlight the fact "easy to build," of course the manufacturer's logo and the number and age group (4-7 years). On the back of the box we find informations that everything here is very easy again, and I get the impression that in this case the manufacturer is a bit overreacting. Inside of box we can find two bags of blocks, two items in bulk, and of course instruction. One counting 24 page booklet in which we find, in addition to construction plans, advertising, index components and information what to do when the kids are "Ready for more" (spend money on more sets!). In set we get two minifigs. The first is the pirate wearing the striped blouse and headgear garnished with a pirate skull, the other one is skeleton with version of the "dangling" hands, so the TLG doesn't treat it a full minifigure. Pirates legs with one wooden leg is already well-known element (since 1989!), skull pattern on the cap is also not new - it comes from the second edition of the Pirates in 2009. Stubbly head in recent years has appeared in a couple of sets belonging to the series such as Dino, City, Castle and The LEGO Movie. The torso, although derives much of earlier versions, it is a completely new model. But the biggest novelty, and to that of very many controversies, it's a new bandana. In the picture below for comparison you can found the new captain in the vicinity of Pirates of the series in 2009: New bandana is greatly simplified compared to the old version, being already more than a few years older (premiered in 1989!), but for me, privately, it is much nicer headgear. Maybe the new one reminds actually tied scarf, but look at the pictures below and choose which version you like better (as models starring Pirates of the previous edition)? Among the elements there are a few interesting bricks, like characteristic for the serie Juniors tile pattern, a large panel with a pretty nice print, or chest in a rare black color! Interesting is Jolly Roger as itappears on the flag, which differs from that one on the Pirate hat. What's more, it looks like that this skull will be unique only for that set, because watching images of sets of fully-fledged Pirates III series, can be seen everywhere Jolly Roger's designs compatible with the version of 2009! And I have to admit that I don't like very much skull from 2009 (it has far too big forehead), and this angular really made my liking - it looks really great and amusingly with these different sized eyes. This set contains a treasure, and where is the treasure, there is the map! Here we get a completely new, really nice and made with a bit of humor. Example: Pirate has already skull and a map, it's time to stock up on a boat and set off on a treasure hunt. Boat is like a boat should be: pattern already well known, and the bench, the barrel (gray!), paddles and a small mast on which the pennant is fluttering. The design is simple, pretty, fulfilling its task. Island has an intresting presentation: it's literally a few items, but thanks to the rounded, great printing and chain, it looks really cool. OK, it's not a miracle, but as a toy for the younger kids, it does the job one hundred percent. The more that skeleton can be wrapped around the chain, the window opens, and in the box is hidden little treasures. Very graceful addition to the set is shark with a classic and well-known shape, in a slightly refreshed version consisting mainly of adding the gills. For those who like the dates: shark in this form, but without outlined gills, appeared with the first Pirates, so that was already in 1989! In 2013, TLG gently refreshed its image just by adding the gills. In the meantime, was an attempt to introduce a new, larger sharks, but so far it only visited two sets, including one from the second series of Pirate. The whole looks really good! Indeed, the structures are very simple, and you can build it literally in the moment, but keep in mind that this set is for children, specially for the younger ones. And as such it works perfectly: a nice, fun to build, playfully, holds up two figures (and with the characteristic for the Pirates weapon!), and with that great classic shark. Elders might be interested in the new model map, original Jolly Roger, or chest in a rare black color. Maybe I'm not objective, but this set didn't disappoint my expectations, and even surprised me pleasantly. In fact, the only downside is the new bandana, an element that I didn't like, but apparently it will be a huge problem of the whole year's Pirates serie. After building a bit of spare parts left, including weapons and chain! As a curiosity: Pirates serie from 2009 also "had" extra set, not really entering into the frame, and belongs to a series of Bricks and More, which is a kind of nucleus series Juniors: 6192 Pirate Building Set
January 25, 201510 yr Thanks for the review. Does the window panes snap into the one piece wall? Looks like pearl gold round tiles for gold pieces now?
January 25, 201510 yr Excellent review! Thanks for the review. Does the window panes snap into the one piece wall? Looks like pearl gold round tiles for gold pieces now? Yes, it is pearl gold..
January 25, 201510 yr Nice review! I must say, I really like some of the parts in this set. I might have to get this! I've always preferred the dangly-armed skeletons... The flag, map and window panel all have great printing.
January 25, 201510 yr Still can't agree with new bandana, sorry, it's redesin is pointless and looks just awful
February 5, 201510 yr Picked this up today, useful set, I was going to Bricklink the new pirate torso and a couple of other elements but there are enough non-Junior elements to make it worth it, I think. Lots of essential pirate swag. Like most people I was disappointed by the unnecessary new bandanna, but now that I have one I don't think it's too bad. I have plenty of old fashioned bandannas so this one just presents an alternative style for my pirates to wear, and I do think the white new bandanna suits the cook of the Brick Bounty better than the old one would have. Not that a white bandanna in the old style wouldn't have worked, but this on has a very 'professional chef' look about it somehow. Edited February 5, 201510 yr by David Thomsen
February 9, 201510 yr Picked up one of these to tide me over until the full range comes out - I have to say it's a great little set. Not only do you get a unique pirate torso and a black chest but also a new treasure map which is nice. I also got my first shark which was appreciated. The base and the big wallpiece are also interesting.
February 9, 201510 yr Nice review! I think because of this review I'll be getting this. I need a shark, rowboat and a few extra weapons anyway. Not to mention that cool black treasure chest! Edited February 9, 201510 yr by James Wellington
February 10, 201510 yr Usually the Junior sets are fairly useless concerning good/useful pieces but this set is the exception. I'd definitely pick one up if given the chance! Thanks for the review
March 5, 20159 yr Of all the new pirates, I'm actually excited the most by this little set. Original dangle-arm skeleton, black treasure chest, love the printed wall piece, unique pirate flag and map. I have to get this.
March 7, 20159 yr For a Juniors set, this one is awesome! Good, unique parts selection: a new shark, new map, uniquely printed white plate and hard-to-find black treasure chest - not to mention the unique figure as well. Fantastic! But seeing this review, I noticed something peculiar: the shark I received is different from the one on the box, which is also the one from the reviewer's set; the shark in my set has printed eyes. Weird.
March 7, 20159 yr But seeing this review, I noticed something peculiar: the shark I received is different from the one on the box, which is also the one from the reviewer's set; the shark in my set has printed eyes. Weird. You have to take a picture :0 I got the same one as in the review.
March 7, 20159 yr I apologize for the poor quality of the picture, but here it is - my special shark:
March 7, 20159 yr I apologize for the poor quality of the picture, but here it is - my special shark: That is strange. we also have the shark that is in the official images. Maybe TLG was about to upgrade the shark with printed eyes but it was delayed and now they include those in later of the same set.
March 7, 20159 yr Hmm, now I almost regret buying my set so early. I would have liked this shark. It would fit with the new crocodile and sawfish. My shark acts as figurehead on my "budget" imperial flagship now x) I basically changed the most expensive pieces for the same ones in another colour. The result is great. Edited March 7, 20159 yr by Sigolf Brimabane
March 7, 20159 yr Thanks for the review. I really enjoyed your commentary and pictures. I plan on picking this up the next chance I get.
March 8, 20159 yr I will definitely get this one. Lots of useful items here - a chest (black!), a barrel (grey!), a boat, a shark, a pirate, a skeleton, a nice original printed wall. The only thing I don't really like is the pirate flag. It's a good thing they used this pattern only in this one set.
March 9, 20159 yr I apologize for the poor quality of the picture, but here it is - my special shark: I bought this set and have the "half-old shark". I am very disappointed.
March 31, 20159 yr I voted above average. There's just so much going on here for a set this size. And it is much better than its 2009 counterpart (sort of) - I mean set 6192. The only thing I don't really like is the pattern on the pirate flag. Then again, with so many flags available, you can make several rivalling pirate factions, each with a different flag. Also, it's funny that they used the 2009 skull and crossbones pattern on the pirate's hat, while the flag uses a different symbol and all the 'real' 2015 pirate sets use yet another different symbol.
March 31, 20159 yr Nice set. I don't like that childish Jolly Roger of the boat's flag, but this is the only bad point. The fact that the skeleton is an old style-skeleton surprised me.
March 31, 20159 yr The only thing I don't really like is the pattern on the pirate flag. I don't like that childish Jolly Roger of the boat's flag, but this is the only bad point. Conversely, I rather like that stylised flag. It reminds me quite a bit of the jolly roger in the One Piece anime and manga. Sure, I'd never use it when MOCcing anything semi-serious, but for a bit of fun it's great. As for the set itself, it's a great little parts pack. Unfortunately I received the old style of shark, unlike some of those posting earlier, but that is easy enough to remedy.
April 6, 20159 yr I apologize for the poor quality of the picture, but here it is - my special shark: I bought the set today and got this version of the shark too.This saves me from buying any undersea city set this summer
April 7, 20159 yr My 3 year old son and I played for an hour straight with this set yesterday, and he was having such a great time. And, he can take the rowboat with him when he takes a bath... What else than top marks for that, especially considering the price.
April 9, 20159 yr Hi all thinking of picking up this set, is there any way to know which shark you will get is they a way to look for if its a older or newer batch. I think I remember this also happening in sets when the gills sharks started showing up in sets.
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