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If you don't like the theme, you are free to say so. But please refrain from repeating it fifty times over. By now, this theme's audience should be clear, so I don't see why you should hang around after realizing it's not your thing.

I, for one, think this theme is very creative and fresh. Silly is not bad, and I think this theme excels at the "cool factor" it's going for. It's not supposed to make sense, it's supposed to entertain.

This! It's not for all the adults that want their precious castle theme. Kids won't care that this is not a "castle" theme, they will still gobble it up like they did with ninjago. I think it's intriguing, and may end up helping me with a couple purist figures in the future! If ya don't like the theme, you don't have to buy it, or stay on the thread.

Edited by Zergos


From HothBricks.

I don't know if this has ben mentioned yet, but I feel like this is Lego Universe Sentinels 2.0, which I am very excited for. had little interest in this them up until this point.... Lego stop making me want all themes!

If you don't like the theme, you are free to say so. But please refrain from repeating it fifty times over. By now, this theme's audience should be clear, so I don't see why you should hang around after realizing it's not your thing.

I, for one, think this theme is very creative and fresh. Silly is not bad, and I think this theme excels at the "cool factor" it's going for. It's not supposed to make sense, it's supposed to entertain.

Well said.

I might customize my Jestro's hat just so it looks like the one in the poster, that's if they don't make a new mold in the future, ofc.

On a side note, I love Aaron's design, he just reminds me of Shaggy so much :wub:

I'm not too keen on the colour scheme, but overall this theme looks very cool to me with tons of great minifigs, crazy vehicle designs and an excellent assortment of new parts (especially those 1x1 pyramide parts, those have the potential to become the new cheese slope :grin:). However, has this picture with the blue knights been posted before?



Edited by Lego-Freak

Awh sweet! that Kings sword could work as a Dwarven sword just fine! awesome.

Not until now I dont think. Gives a clearer look at the king and queen too. I really like the look of the king after seeing this pic. Those basic knights don't look as bad as I thought they were going to look.

Obviously this theme isn't aimed at me.

That said, I do love that Robot Horse in the Jestro Cart set, and I'd definitively be interested in a Robo Horse Jousting Competition set!

The Baby Blue Knights would look much better if they weren't Baby Blue, but other than that the design is pretty solid.

Edited by x105Black

So no images of Merlok yet?

I'm actually liking those blue soldiers! The colors are bright, but they look pretty good.

So no images of Merlok yet?

Besides that one hologram image, nope.

Is there any news on whether Lego is considering this a castle theme? Not talking about threads here, but how Lego would categorize it

I'm sure they categorize it as both a Castle theme AND a Space theme. Unlike AFOLs, Lego has no need to fit all their themes into neat little boxes, aside from in the most literal sense.

I mean, it's not going to be categorized as "Castle" on the Lego shop or anything like that, but neither was Kingdoms—Lego has long since abandoned the idea of describing new themes as a "sub-theme" of a long-lived product line, even if those themes arguably fit in the same category as far as content is concerned. And besides that, I can't think of what sort of confirmation you would expect—it's not like Lego makes the way AFOLs categorize their products any of their business.

So since Nexo's been revealed, what else are they doing for the next 3 days?

Maybe reveal other sets? They only had two sets on display today (Jestro's Evil Mobile and Fortrex). So there are still plenty more they could reveal.

If this is truly what you think, you just don't get it and there's no use to try and convince you otherwise. Suffice it to say, I and many like me disagree with your position, and that's ok.

Arguing that "my toy for seven-year-olds is more grown-up than your toy for eight-year-olds" doesn't make sense any way you slice it. It's perfectly fine if you don't like Ninjago or Legends of Chima or Nexo Knights! But saying it's because they're "too childish" when it's really just because you prefer other themes is just putting down adults who DO prefer those themes. It comes off as a wee bit pretentious.

There's nothing wrong with adults liking something aimed at kids. Most of us wouldn't be AFOLs if we didn't. But there's no sense in arbitrarily designating some sets "more childish" than others even when they're aimed at older kids. "Nexo Knights is too goofy for me"? OK. Nexo Knights IS goofier than most Castle themes. "Nexo Knights is too unconventional for me"? Also OK! "Nexo Knights is too childish for me"? That would be OK if you were comparing it to themes aimed at older kids like Lord of the Rings. If you're comparing it to themes aimed at younger kids, or even at kids the very same age, you're just misrepresenting the facts.

Sorry, couldn't disagree more with everything you wrote here. This theme is worse than childish. It's what unimaginative adults think of when they need to come up with something they think kids will buy.

Again, sounds just like what people said about Ninjago. Not to mention, LEGO designers actually seek feedback from kids who aren't their own offspring, something many AFOLs struggle with. LEGO doesn't put out a theme like this without any kind of concept testing. And that doesn't mean just showing kids the sets and asking them to play with them — that means testing several different concepts with kids from the very beginning and seeing which they respond best to.

I can't say it often enough: any AFOL who wants real insight into how the LEGO Group's development process has evolved over the years should read Brick by Brick. Chapter 10 on the development of LEGO Ninjago is particularly relevant here because it too is a "big bang" theme and was probably developed similarly.

EDIT: I actually misread the Nexo Knights recommended age ranges! Fortrex is aimed at ages 9–14, not 8–14. That's an even bigger difference from past Castle sets.

Lots of great close-up photos from NYCC over here.

Edited by Aanchir

Definitely going to skip this series. Shame, I was hoping for a nice, solid castle theme. Well, hope some of you like the series anyways. Meanwhile, I'll be waiting for a, for me, interesting wave.

The new orange 1x1 pyramid looks very useful. If it comes in a blue color later down the line, I could see it working well on top of the Lego TARDIS instead of a plain stud.

Theme looks cool. the guy pulling the carriage can be used in Thor and mythological MOCs.

Really wanting to see the knights' torsos. They actually seem very useful.

Probably not getting the theme unless there are some $10 sets, but it really looks fun and interesting. Well done Lego. :thumbup:

Edited by Legocity2713

I'm actually liking those blue soldiers! The colors are bright, but they look pretty good.

Yeah, reminds me of the Lego Universe Sentinel soldiers.

Wow these sets look fantastic!

Anyone notice that the Nexo Knights use the classic (90's) TRNO, and the bag guys use the newer colored (2000's) TRNO?

Gonna post some thoughts on "Jestro's Evil Mobile" (yes, that's it's name) and "Fortrex" sometime later today.

I'm sure they categorize it as both a Castle theme AND a Space theme. Unlike AFOLs, Lego has no need to fit all their themes into neat little boxes, aside from in the most literal sense.

I mean, it's not going to be categorized as "Castle" on the Lego shop or anything like that, but neither was Kingdoms—Lego has long since abandoned the idea of describing new themes as a "sub-theme" of a long-lived product line, even if those themes arguably fit in the same category as far as content is concerned. And besides that, I can't think of what sort of confirmation you would expect—it's not like Lego makes the way AFOLs categorize their products any of their business.

I am not looking for total confirmation, but more just trying to gauge whether Lego would produce a castle set alongside Nexo Knights. I know people who aren't fans of this theme are getting stomped out of this thread, but it is important for there to be open discussion about what this theme gets right and doesn't get right (IMO). If this theme was coming out simultaneously with castle sets, I doubt any exclusively castle fan would care about what Nexo Knights is doing.

I think most would admit that this theme is getting a lot more care and attention given to it than the last castle line—even just the new heraldry (as opposed to rehashes of lions and dragons) and number of sets is enough to show that.

I like Jestro's (even though he doesn't have the devil Jester hat) set the most and his army of Demons/"Lava Monsters", and I like Fortrex, but this theme definitely belongs in AA.

Analyzation of this video!

Clay and Lance are in their Ultimate forms at 0:44

Ultimate Clay again at 0:52 (there appears to be two Clays?)

0:53 Robo-Farmer!

Analyzation of this video!

Macy's ponytail is the best.

In one of the videos I also saw Ultimate Macy, but I can't seem to find it.

EDIT: This blade is what Lavaria uses as legs.


Also, wow! The shields are buildable! Did not expect that, thought they'd be dual-moulded things. That's great!

Edited by CM4Sci

Oooh! The Queen looks lovely! I know she's getting some shade for her simplicity, but that's actually one of my favorite parts of the minifigure! She could easily be a nursewife or noblewoman this way as opposed to "Queen." Very useful minifigure!

The kind doesn't look too bad. I don't like his armour to be frank. I always dislike armour printings when a novel clothing print could have taken its place. I would much rather have seen his tunic. Also the armour is just too busy and tech-y. :blush: but whatever. If he and the Queen come in a set small enough to fit in my price range, I'll grab 'em.

The kids are great! I wonder what the female kid's torso looks like! And the hair is great, of course. Interested to see what she's holding... library card anyone? :look::grin:

And the baby blue knights... oh yeah. Definitely army building. :laugh: at least the 2 seen. If I can get more easily, then I will. I guess that means I'm for sure buying the 2 cheapest sets in the wave! :grin: they look like they could easily be space crusader types, along the lines of WH4K's space marines. Or they might even find a place in a more traditional castle setting. Can anyone make out their armour decal?

In relations to the theme's goofiness. Yeah, it's there. This is another Big Bang so it's 100% expected. I'm not even a bit sour like I was with Ninjago (come on! Can we please get an actual historic ninja theme again? Or anything non-western? :hmf: ) I don't really care what the story is, these sets have some great parts for space (those Trans pieces are the bomb, and the new "door" panel pieces are really really really nice. I'm definitely not getting the castle tank, but wow. They look good) and plenty of pieces for castle too, honestly. This pyramid parts? You're out of your mind if you don't think those are useful! :laugh:

But yeah, I'd like to see the theme less tron-y and more castly, or even darker and edgier with less "pee your knight suit" jokes, but, eh, I'm a cynical, jaded, bitter adult with no imagination and a dead heart devoid of fun or love. Bring on the dark edginess and historical realism! :devil:



Huh. I really love Fright Knights. Gimmicks aside, I think it filled that kinda Eastern European Gothic niche that had previously not been dealt with by Lego.

Although to be fair, bats are my favorite animal, so it could just have been the heavy focus on Bats that made me so enamored with the theme. :blush:

~Insectoid Aristocrat

Its wierd how last week lots of people were displaying hate toward this series but now the same people are extremely happy and cant wait for the sets

Besides the disappointment of Jestro's hat piece not being the same in that Nexo Knights poster we got, I'm loving ALL the minifigs & I personally love the color scheme.

I like these 2 minifigures the best out of the entire theme, so far:


I couldn't care less about their armor and accessories, but the figures themselves are very nice.

I wish the guy on the right didn't have claws on his toes, but he's an overall cool design. What set is he in?

The guy on the left, my favorite so far, is unfortunately in Fortrex, so even if I want to buy him on the secondary market I will likely be paying more than someone should be expected to pay for a single minifigure.

0:53 Robo-Farmer!

The robots are so ridiculous. I just don't like them. Neat new arm piece, I suppose, but overall I think they were done poorly and primitively. Then again, the fact that they made a farmer version is kind of funny.

The kids are great! I wonder what the female kid's torso looks like! And the hair is great, of course. Interested to see what she's holding... library card anyone? :look::grin:

I think the young girl is holding a gaming device (or a Game Boy, if you're old like me).

I know people who aren't fans of this theme are getting stomped out of this thread

People were told not to discuss renaming and moving the topic. I think that similarly, people should not be told their opinions are unwelcome here. But that's just me, and I feel like all opinions, for or against, are valid.

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