July 24, 200717 yr There's just too much nonsense going on with the prequels to even be discussed in full. Everything mentioned has been mentioned, debated, and even excused via in-universe excuses already, and there are a million more. There are lists, videos, and diatribes about what is wrong with the prequels alone, not to mention the movies contradicting themselves (the OT that is). For Lucas to keep perpetuating this "Grand Vision" is laughable... Go on, give me any fallacy and I'll tell you the flimsy in-universe excuse for it. They're all just so...stupid. But I guess I can understand the Han Solo thing, as a father he suddenly had a different view on the good guy shooting first. It's understandable, but not right :-/ Edited July 24, 200717 yr by Starwars4J
July 24, 200717 yr That means that she has been told the same thing that was told to Luke, interesting. ??!! She thinks Bail Organa is her father. Luke was told Darth Vader killed his father and Owen is his uncle. What do you mean they are told the same thing? :-) Just questioning, not attacking. :-) -see? I'm smiling!
July 24, 200717 yr Author ??!! She thinks Bail Organa is her father. Luke was told Darth Vader killed his father and Owen is his uncle. What do you mean they are told the same thing? :-) Just questioning, not attacking. :-) -see? I'm smiling! You are funny, but what you say I still don't understand, the clone wars were over, you know. :-) I'm smilin' t too!
July 24, 200717 yr You are funny, but what you say I still don't understand, the clone wars were over, you know. :-) I'm smilin' t too! You said Leia was told the same thing Luke was told...what did you mean by that?
July 24, 200717 yr Author You said Leia was told the same thing Luke was told...what did you mean by that? I said that based on what you said! Now we are getting all mixed up. I'm still smilin' :-) Oh, and me, by the way, Moff Jerjerrod, has an incorrect rank. Because Captain Lennox has 3 blue bars and 3 red bars also.
July 24, 200717 yr I said that based on what you said! Now we are getting all mixed up. I'm still smilin' :-) But Luke wasn't told the same thing Leia was. He was told something completely different. X-D 1. In Episode 4 a New Hope, Leia believes that Bail Organa is her father. She has no clue that she is adopted. 2. In Episode 4 a New Hope, Luke lives with his Uncle who told him that Darth Vader killed his father. They are not the same thing... :-)
July 24, 200717 yr Thgis is the first time I am sharing this error I found in the Episode 6 movie, but when Luke and Leia are talking about how Vader is Luke's father and she is his sister, and Luke asks her avout her mother, she says she was beautiful but sad. That doesn't make sense since Padme Naberrie died right after she gave birth. And she talks as if she knew her, so she wasn't viewing a hologram or anything. Yes that one is well known, and is yet another example of George changing his mind. A friend of mine (a woman) just won't shut up about it. Not really, because we are talking about a GALAXY! The ends are hundreds of lightyears apart and some systems are not even discovered. You forget the rebellion is a small force. Yes, but spare parts and supplies still need to come from somewhere. Additionally, there may be more distance, but there are more people as well. I stand by my point. The kaminoans were intrigued by the idea of cloning beings with high midi-chlorian counts, but were not given the chance., The two beings cloned you are taling about are Luuke Skywalker, Joruus C'boath, and another, Darth Vader clone., the original, Jorus C'boath, died in the outbound flight because palptine wanted it to, and by people going mad you meant the Katana fleet? The crew were attacked by a disease and went into hyperspace, and nobody knew where they were until a lot later, with Thrawn trying to find it. No, I was not meaning the Katana fleet. If I meant that I would have said that. Besides, the Katana fleet was more related to slaved control systems. I am just saying that I think that the Clone Wars originally were not going to be versus robots. I am 100% sure on this. It is like what you thought the clone wars was because of crazy authors and he started from episode 4, leaving the prequals open to be 'vandalized'. Sorry, I don't understand your last line. You could be insulting me, but I can't tell. Are you aware that George's name is down as the author as the first novel? (The rumor is though that Alan Dean Foster actually wrote it.) Besides, George authorises everything. Before the Zahn series there were four novels. (Not counting the Han Solo novels.) I repeat, four, so it isn't like it was that hard to ensure accuacy. (The extra one was Splinter of the Minds Eye and it generally isn't seen as canon today, although it does serve as an example of how little of Star Wars was planned.) He has always worked hand-in-hand with the authors, even with the new movies. George authorised them all, and they were all based off the original scripts. Oh, and me, by the way, Moff Jerjerrod, has an incorrect rank. Because Captain Lennox has 3 blue bars and 3 red bars also. Supposedly that was an honest mistake, although I have never heard it confirmed. More about that here.
July 24, 200717 yr Pardon my interuption but this was bugging me: Thgis is the first time I am sharing this error I found in the Episode 6 movie, but when Luke and Leia are talking about how Vader is Luke's father and she is his sister, and Luke asks her avout her mother, she says she was beautiful but sad. That doesn't make sense since Padme Naberrie died right after she gave birth. And she talks as if she knew her, so she wasn't viewing a hologram or anything. Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't Leia be talking about the wife of Bail that adopted her? I don't know if he had a wife or not, but it seems logical. And if he didn't then Lucas screwed something up...
July 24, 200717 yr I just want to spit this out, quickly... This is George Lucas' story, his story, and his story alone. He has all the rights to change what he want in anyway in his own story. George sets out to tell this story. Back in '77, George wasn't completely happy with his story, it wasn't up to his full imagination. So, after all his contributions to the film industry, he saw (or something) that he had the chance to go back and try to make what he wanted more possible. The story isn't yours. Stop getting all fussy about all the changes.
July 24, 200717 yr I just want to spit this out, quickly...This is George Lucas' story, his story, and his story alone. He has all the rights to change what he want in anyway in his own story. George sets out to tell this story. Back in '77, George wasn't completely happy with his story, it wasn't up to his full imagination. So, after all his contributions to the film industry, he saw (or something) that he had the chance to go back and try to make what he wanted more possible. The story isn't yours. Stop getting all fussy about all the changes. Imperial Scouts, we're having fun being nerdy fan boys. Settle down. :-P
July 24, 200717 yr I just don't like it that some people criticize what he does X-D . Edit: Plus I really, truly like (or love) the movies. Very, very big inspiration for me. *Tear*
July 24, 200717 yr I just don't like it that some people criticize what he does X-D . iz oo gwumpies? iz Impewial Scowts gwumpy-hed? Awwww...sorry I picked on your friend, George. He just makes me so mad! >:-( Just kidding. We're having a harmless conversation and you can't stop us :-P But please join us! *sweet* Tell us why you don't think there are inconsistencies. But please don't type bold letters at me, it hurts my feelings. :-)
July 24, 200717 yr I'm sure there are some inconsistencies, but I really (sometimes, and now is not the time) talking on it. In my way, it kind of ruins the magic of the whole saga if you start grinding down the movies pointing out the mistakes. So I like to avoid that. Like in Star Wars Insider Magazine, Mark Hamill says "I know I didn't talk much about Star Wars over the past few years, but it wasn't a matter of reticence, I just didn't want to be the one who aided and abetted the stripping away the allure the unknown has. When you talk about it, it's not unknown anymore. It's like, if you're a Beatles fan, do you really want someone telling you what Strawberry Fields Forever means? I kind of wanted to keep the magic, the secrets of Star Wars a secret; talking about it would have drained the magic from it. I didn't want to be the magicians assistant who gave away all the secrets." I kind of feel the same way. And trust me, the bolding is certainly not pointed to you, but just there to make a point. I'm sorry to start creating a fuss myself :-) . And may the Force be with you. Always.
July 24, 200717 yr This is George Lucas' story, his story, and his story alone. I love Star Wars too, but he has betrayed me by not caring about consistancy. Ever heard of the expression Hell has no fury like a woman scorned? Well that is how it is for me as I am a Star Wars B$tch. (This forum changes B@tch to female canine!) He authorised many derivative works by others so he could make more money, but he didn't care enough to not change practically everything later, trashing other peoples work that he approved. Boba Fetts history for example was destroyed when the new movies were made, even though George originally had no plans for Boba Fett at all. (These stories have now been tweaked so the "Boba Fett" in them is now a clone called Alpha- Edited July 24, 200717 yr by Sinner
July 24, 200717 yr I'm sure there are some inconsistencies, but I really (sometimes, and now is not the time) talking on it. In my way, it kind of ruins the magic of the whole saga if you start grinding down the movies pointing out the mistakes. So I like to avoid that. Like in Star Wars Insider Magazine, Mark Hamill says "I know I didn't talk much about Star Wars over the past few years, but it wasn't a matter of reticence, I just didn't want to be the one who aided and abetted the stripping away the allure the unknown has. When you talk about it, it's not unknown anymore. It's like, if you're a Beatles fan, do you really want someone telling you what Strawberry Fields Forever means? I kind of wanted to keep the magic, the secrets of Star Wars a secret; talking about it would have drained the magic from it. I didn't want to be the magicians assistant who gave away all the secrets."I kind of feel the same way. And trust me, the bolding is certainly not pointed to you, but just there to make a point. I'm sorry to start creating a fuss myself :-) . And may the Force be with you. Always. I agree with you and Mark Hamill although he is a big nerd. I wouldn't question a good saga like Lord of the Rings or... the Jurassic Park trilogy. That's a joke, not a good one, but a joke nonetheless. But Lord of the Rings is good and beautiful and consistent. Peter Jackson didn't go back and change his mind after he'd already set things in motion and he won't be adding Greedo shooting at Boramir, so I don't question the magic behind LOTR because I don't want to know. Star Wars' changes and additions already ruined the magic for me so I naturally go back and ask "Why? Damnit George why?!! I gave you part of my soul George and you pooped on it and laughed at me when I cried." Now all I have is ten different versions of the OT and a poopy soul and George has billions of dollars. Great, he did a lot for the industry, no one's saying he didn't. Special effects on! But he also made Leia make out with her brother then kinda went, um..."They were siblings all along, ewoks win! The End." I didn't kill the magic, George did and that is why I'm here discussing my frustrations. But, I respect your opinion ImperialShadows and your right to it. I love you! *wub* EDIT: Ever heard of the expression Hell has no fury like a woman scorned? Well that is how it is for me as I am a Star Wars B$tch. (This forum changes B@tch to female canine!) :-D :-D :-D Hell hath no fury like a walrus scorned!! Man, you are a b!tch! :-P
July 24, 200717 yr In my way, it kind of ruins the magic of the whole saga if you start grinding down the movies pointing out the mistakes. So I like to avoid that. So do I. Ultimately I try to ignore the plot holes and inconsistencies in Star Wars (and many other movies) while watching them as otherwise you find it hard to enjoy any movie. But you still shouldn't deny they exist. It is a classic case of doublethink! Star Wars' changes and additions already ruined the magic for me so I naturally go back and ask "Why? Damnit George why?!! I gave you part of my soul George and you pooped on it and laughed at me when I cried." Now all I have is ten different versions of the OT and a poopy soul and George has billions of dollars. You seem to feel the same way I do.
July 24, 200717 yr Author Leia knew about her real mother, so she knew about her father too, obviously.
July 24, 200717 yr Leia knew about her real mother, so she knew about her father too, obviously. Why would it be obvious? I know a few people myself who knew their real mother but found only later that the person that they thought was their father was not...
July 24, 200717 yr Leia knew about her real mother, so she knew about her father too, obviously. X-D But Leia was never told that Darth Vader killed her father... X-D
July 24, 200717 yr But Lord of the Rings is good and beautiful and consistent. Peter Jackson didn't go back and change his mind after he'd already set things in motion and he won't be adding Greedo shooting at Boramir, so I don't question the magic behind LOTR because I don't want to know While I completely agree with your general point, I HAVE to go up against that particular comparison : Peter Jackson couldn't possibly mess up the consistency of the LotR universe, since it isn't his. When Tolkien wrote that story, it was already a small chapter in his whole History of Middle Earth which he spent decades tweeking up to have one huge saga spanning thousands of years and never contradicting itself (and even with such material, PJ still managed to mess a few things up because he didn't like them in the book, but still...). Whereas Star Wars is from the imagination of Georges Lucas from the start... But I still think he could have had a bit more respect for what he authorised, instead of just ruining a huge part of the EU... but whan you come to think of it, it'll only annoy those of us who actually go into EU material; those who love the films but have only seen that part of SW won't have that much to complain, nothing really conters something else... Like Leia could have been talking about Bail's late wife; when she and Luke made out, they didn't know they were siblings, etc... (by the way, have you noticed how unlucky Christopher Lee is? In both saga, he dies uselessly at the beginning of the third film... :-P )
July 24, 200717 yr While I completely agree with your general point, I HAVE to go up against that particular comparison : Peter Jackson couldn't possibly mess up the consistency of the LotR universe, since it isn't his. When Tolkien wrote that story, it was already a small chapter in his whole History of Middle Earth which he spent decades tweeking up to have one huge saga spanning thousands of years and never contradicting itself (and even with such material, PJ still managed to mess a few things up because he didn't like them in the book, but still...). Whereas Star Wars is from the imagination of Georges Lucas from the start... But that's why Peter Jackson is the better filmmaker IMO, he chose a solid story and text. George Lucas wrote his own story and didn't solidify, he got all flim-flammy and flippy-floppy. True it was his imagination, but that doesn't mean the story can't be solid and consistent. (by the way, have you noticed how unlucky Christopher Lee is? In both saga, he dies uselessly at the beginning of the third film... :-P ) I wouldn't worry too much about Christopher Lee. I'm sure he has a buck or two to show for his "misfortune" :-P
July 24, 200717 yr George had all the scripts done, I think, I'm not sure. But anyway, George did have in mind that the Leia and Luke were going to be twins since the second or third draft of the first movie. This thread makes me sad, not because of any of you, but I just don't want to read it anymore. Good day, :-) .
July 24, 200717 yr Author Pardon my interuption but this was bugging me:Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't Leia be talking about the wife of Bail that adopted her? I don't know if he had a wife or not, but it seems logical. And if he didn't then Lucas screwed something up... Luke specifically asked for her real mother. Leia knew that she was adopted, and her father was a senator. :-|
July 24, 200717 yr Luke specifically asked for her real mother. Leia knew that she was adopted, and her father was a senator. :-| You're trying to make sense out of Lucas pulling things out of his megablocks though...
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