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"Excellent, we will push this beast back into it's hole yet."

Vindsval once again draws Verkenner and sets it to flight. This time directing his Attack at the Head of the Great Beast from the Back Row.

Battle Order

1. Annienal

2. Vindsval

3. Miderun

4. Actaeon

5. Warlen

Did you roll for each enemy being infected?

Miderun continues her violent rampage, smashing her club into the left claw and torso from the front row.

Edited by CallMePie

"Um, you guys can move up. I've, um... got you covered should it try and strike." Annienal stated, looking more confident than usual.

Annienal focuses on the tail from the front row.

Actaeon smiles, happy to have made a difference in the fight and then repeats.

  • Author

Round 5

Annienal vs Tail (front): Deflected Damage (No damage)

Vindsval vs Head (back): Hit (21 damage; 158-21=137HP)

Miderun vs left claw (front): Hit (13 damage; 77-13=64HP, claw no longer asleep; 1/6 chance for Infected, must roll a 6, rolled a 4; Other roll for lucky was 5)

Actaeon vs Torso (back): Damage (No damage)

Warlen vs Left claw (back): Shield ­– Magic Burst (Must roll a 6 for Ice, 4 for Fire; Rolled a 4; 25 damage to all enemies; Head at 122HP; Left claw at 39HP, Tail at 3HP, Torso at 24 HP)

Miderun vs Torso (front): Shield – Frenzy (23 damage to all enemies; Tail is killed, Torso at 1HP, Left claw at 16HP, Head at 99HP; other roll was a 3, no 6s rolled for infected))

Warlen casts Sleep on head: Fail (Odd is fail, even success, rolled a 1)

Round 6

Annienal vs Tail Torso(front): Hit (Torso killed)

Vindsval vs Head (back): Hit (21 damage; 99-21=78HP)

Miderun vs left claw (front): Extra Critical Hit (Other roll was a 4; 51 damage, left claw killed)

Actaeon vs Torso Head(back): Aim (7 damage; 78-7=71HP)

Warlen vs Left claw Head(back): SPECIAL – Pincers (Warlen is Stunned)

Miderun vs Torso Head(front): Hit (23 damage, 71-23=48HP, other roll was 6; Rolled a 6 for Infected, Head loses 10HP per round, now at 38HP)

Round 7

Annienal vs Head(front): SHIELD – Sentinel (party members protected for next round)

Vindsval vs Head (back): Critical Hit (30 damage; 38-30=8HP)

Miderun vs Head (front): Miss (Other roll was a 6)

Actaeon vs Torso Head(back): Aim (7 damage; 8-7=1HP)

Warlen vs Left claw Head(back): Stunned

Miderun vs Torso Head(front): Hit (Other roll was 4; Head killed)


Bolstered by Annie’s protection, the party lets loose like a storm. They hack and slash, fire arrows and cast magic, killing the tail and wounding the rest, then the left claw is eliminated, and finally the torso, and then the head, Miderun with the killing blow.

Annie and Miderun gain a full level. Actaeon and Warlen gain have a level. Vindsval gains a level and a half.

Party leader, please divide the loot.


heroica-venom.jpg7x Venom

heroica-goldpile.jpg150 gold

Explorer’s Dented Helm (SP: 2, immune to wood and earth damage; headwear; suitable for Rangers, evokers, wardens, and marauders)


heroica-floralbomb.jpg2x floral bombs

heroica-poisonbomb.jpg1x poison bomb

2x Whips (WP:5; suitable for rogues, artisans, beast warriors, harlots, marauders and necromancers.)

The Party:


Vindsval Half-born (Asphalt)
*Party Leader*

37 year old, Male, Half Giant,

: 13.5 Cleric
*Gains Triple XP*
*Immune to
Asleep, Blinded, Confused, Fragile, and Weakened, Sealed and Fire Effects*

22 (13+9)(X2 against Humanoid and Holy/Luminous)


21/21 (12+9)

22/22 (8+9+5)


: Verkenner (
WP:9, Darkness elemental Broomstick,ranged) Poisoned -10,

Medal of Glory
(accessory, mark of true talent that allows the wearer to gain triple experience from battles, immunity to
Asleep, Blinded, Confused, Fragile, and Weakened
effects)(lent by Benji)
,Fiery Robes of the Archmagi (
SP:3 Bodywear +5 Ether, immunity to Sealed Effect and Fire


Remedy X4 , Potion X6, Smoke Bomb X3, Mead X3, Tonic x5, 5x Venom (poison -1) X3, Deadly Poison (Poison -10), Grating Stone, Banana

Spark Hammer (WP:8, (
X2 against Aquatic, Flying, and Mechanical)
-elemental hammer)

Tailored Overcoat
(SP: 1; Immunity to wind, earth-, and water- damage; suitable for rangers, rogues, hunters, and beast warriors; back wear)
Wonky Shoes
(footwear, SP: 3, suitable for all classes)(lent by Benj)
Tricorne Hat
(SP: 3; immune to Light; suitable for anyone; Headwear)
Nordic Stomach Guard
(SP: 3; immune to Ice and Water; suitable for Barbarians, Regulators, and Beast Warriors; Bodywear),
Toxic Hood:
Headwear. The green hood worn by the Rosalia Pestilence. Not only makes the wearer immune to being poisoned, but also makes the wearer Blessed if poisoned while donning the hood. (Blessed heroes recover 3 HP per round. Usable by all.


Decamon Cards
Cherub (Luminous 3)

: Bed Roll and Shovel

Package for Docken (Cape of Extravagance (SP: 5, +10 WP, Wearer is Permanently Nimble, Backwear, suitable for Mimes))


Warlen Melimane (The Chosen Minifigure)
*Hastened* *Bound*

23 year old male half-elf Mage

Level 1.5

15 (10+5) (Spellpower: 25 (10+5+10))

14/14 (4+10)

SP: 2

17/17 (4+10+3)


Gold-coated Bat Staff (WP:5, staff), Magicians Gloves (Power +10 to spells), Ethereal Cape (SP:2; Ether +3, backwear).


Magic items-
Amethyst (Darkness), Aquamarine (Water), Emerald (Wood), Ruby (Fire), Sapphire (Wind), Opal (Ice), Scroll of Fire Warding (1/2 chance to make the target immune to fire for the duration of one battle at the cost of 1 ether), Scroll of Ice Warding (1/2 chance to make the target immune to ice for the duration of one battle at the cost of 1 ether), Scroll of Water Warding (1/2 chance to make the target immune to water for the duration of one battle at the cost of 1 ether), Scroll of Wood Warding (1/2 chance to make the target immune to wood for the duration of one battle at the cost of 1 ether), Scroll of Sleep (1/2 chance to make target fall asleep at the cost of 1 Ether), Scroll of Antimagic (1/2 chance to make the target *Immune to magic* at the cost of 1 ether), Tridentian Cape (Max Ether +3; protects from Blinded effect; suitable for mages, clerics, necromancers and scholars; backwear), Scroll of the Abyss (When cast, has a 50/50 chance to tame an Aquatic monster for the next six rounds at the cost of 10 ether) borrowed from Actaeon, Scroll of Frailty borrowed from Actaeon.
(lent from Vindsval)

4 Potions, Grand Potion, Health Core, 5 Tonics, 2 Remedies, Dragon Scale, 3x Mead, x2 Smoke bomb, Fire Bomb, Ice bomb, 3x Banana

Other Junk-
Bedroll, Shovel, Telescope, Magnifying Glass.


Annienal Anavir (Kintobor)

"19" year old elven female Knight
*Bonaparte Reputation*

Level 10

16 (10+6)

7 (2+5)

19/19 (21+7)

Ammit (WP: 6; greatsword, user gains 5 ether for every kill); Plain Shield (SP: 5), Pauldrons (SP: 2, suitable for knights, dragoons, and skirmishers; accessory)


Bonaparte Cutlass (WP:9, doubled if the user has reputation among the Bonapartes; longsword), Wicked Javelin (WP: 7, throwing weapon, retrievable, 1/6 chance to slow), Sanctified Rito Longsword (WP: 4, Hits doubled against flying enemies, longsword), Training Sword (WP:4), Shark’s Tooth (Power increased by 5 against Aquatics, Accessory), Emerald (Wood), 5 Potions, 2 Phoenix Essences, 2 Remedies,2x Mead, Venom, Smoke Bomb, Bedroll, Shovel, Field Rations (Restore 15 health), Tridentian Cape (Max Ether +3; protects from Blinded effect; suitable for mages, clerics, necromancers and scholars; backwear), Fire bomb, Banana


Actaeon Artus

21 years old male human Ranger

Level 12.5
*Immune to Bound and Slowed*

: 19 (12+6+1)

: 2

: 17/17 (7+10)

: 344

: 6

:Sanctified Rito Bow (WP:6, doubled against Flying enemies; bow), Greaves of the Aubergine Dragoon (SP:2, protects from the Bound- and Slowed-effects; footwear) Ranger's Quiver (WP +1 to bows and crossbows, suitable for rangers, beast warriors, infiltrators, weather mages and winged warriors; backwear)

: Scroll of the Abyss (When cast, has a 50/50 chance to tame an Aquatic monster for the next six rounds at the cost of 10 ether), Scroll of Frailty, 3x Potion, 2 Remedies, 2 Meads, Smelling Salts, Nostrum, Ambrosia, Dragon Scale (Causes lucky and blessed),Soma, Trial Brew, 2 Venom, Smoke Bomb, Fire Bomb, Stun Bomb (Deals 5 damage and the Stunned-effect to all opponents when used.), Writ of Blacksmith Service (Voucher for one free weapon or shield upgrade at Anwyl's Smithy), Bedroll, Sleepy Crossbow (WP:6; has a 1/6 chance to put the target to Fast Asleep; ranged; suitable for rangers, beast warriors, infiltrators and winged warriors.), Nondescript cape (SP: 3; protects from Cursed effect; suitable for rogues; backwear).


Miderun (CallMePie) *Attacks cause

18 year old female orc Barbarian

Level 10

24 (10 + 13 + 1)

Health: 1
7/17 (10 + 7)


Oculoid Claw (WP: 13, 1/6 chance of dealing the infected-effect, causing an enemy to lose health equal to 1/3 of their level rounded down at the end of each round, club), Seductive Perfume (Holder deals the enamored-effect, accessory, suitable for women)

Bonaparte Cutlass (WP: 9, doubled if the user has reputation among the Bonapartes), Serstyral (WP: 3, axe), Tricorne (SP: 3), Mead, Opal, Phoenix Essence, 3x Potions, Remedy, Smoke Bomb, High Heels (Power +1; suitable for women.), -War Axe (WP: 9, suitable for suitable for barbarians, alchemists, beast warriors, infiltrators, regulators and winged warriors.), x2 Venom

OOC: you Forgot all of my lovely compounding Poison Damage. :)

​ If anyone has a specific request on items let me know.

Actaeon relaxes, grateful that the battle is over. Seeing the loot, he says, "If no one else minds, I'd be happy with that helmet and a bit of gold."

"I believe master Warlen had he eye cast upon that helm. The gems set within its brow would allow him to channel more energies than he can now. "

The Giant uses a scrap of fabric to wipe the venom from Verkenner.

"There does indeed seem to be great power to be found down the path of those that sting and bite. This begs consideration. But is it a path to darkness or one though which glory can be found in the light? Would I master it or it me?" Vindsval muses quietly to himself, looking between the dead beast and the soiled rag in his hand. The throws the rag into the weeds and moves to the task at hand.

He walks up to the battered scorpion scorpion and begins to collect the loot strewn about it. He collects the Telescope, vials and gold then pries the helm from where it was jammed under a chink the beasts armor. Lastly he moves to the tail and removes the poison stinger. This he wraps and places with the other pieces he has collected from the vermin of the isle. He returns to the group. He begins by giving 30 Gold to each member of the party including himself.

"What say all of you, is there anything here which you covet? For myself I would continue to explore the power of the beasts of this land. The venoms and poisons of the wild hold great power."

Wouldn't my ether count be

20/22 (5+12 +5) since ether and health do not reset at the end of a battle?

Edited by Asphalt

Miderun wipes much of the blood on her front off and then puts away her club. She also stuffs her Tricorne on her head.

"If nobody else wants it, I'll take the poison."

Annienal take a seat on a nearby rock and pulls out a cloth, cleaning her sword and shield and looking very relieved.

"I, um... wouldn't mind the telescope. However, I assume it was Virgil's brothers. I think it'd be proper to return the telescope to him."

Putting her cloth and shield down for a moment, Annienal held the telescope out to Virgil, looking for a response.

Vindsval watches silently the elf offer the telescope back to the explorer, a family heirloom perhaps? WE have farther to go, this may help him find the courage to continue on with us. If there are more beasts within the forest another set of arms fighting at our side would be a great boon.

Vindsval hands out the remaining loot.

Loot Distribution

Vindsval-30 Gold, Venom X2, Poison Bomb, Whips X2

Annienal-30 Gold, Telescope

Miderun-30 Gold, Venom X5

Actaeon-30 Gold, Floral Bombs X2

Warlen- 30 gold, Explorer’s Dented Helm

"Virgil, as you have seen your brother avenged and his spirit put to peace, would you continue with us in our search for the Flower?"

"Act, if you like, I'll sell you the helm for 55 gold after I've rem the garnet," said Warlen, as he tossed Vindsval a tonic.

"I believe that covers my debt to you?"

Then he mentions, to no one in particular, "I hope we get to go back to that shop. I have some unfinished business."

Edited by The Chosen Minifigure

Ooc: Hold on, Vind gets a value of 170 gold? When (for example) Annienal gets only 60?

  On 3/6/2015 at 3:01 AM, The Chosen Minifigure said:

"Act, if you like, I'll sell you the helm for 20 gold after I've rem the garnet," said Warlen, as he tossed Vindsval a tonic.

"I believe that covers my debt to you?"

Vindsval Returns the Tonic to Warlen.

"As I said earlier, master mage, As it was a loan of coin, at the end of our journey you can repay me in kind."

OOC anyone else unhappy with the loot distribution and want me to change something?

  • Author

I've been resetting them, I guess wrongly now, after a level up. You went up a level and a half instead of part way. If it was partway, like some people did, you would have kept the same ether and HP.

The Party:


Vindsval Half-born (Asphalt)
*Party Leader*

37 year old, Male, Half Giant,

: 13.5 Cleric
*Gains Triple XP*
*Immune to
Asleep, Blinded, Confused, Fragile, and Weakened, Sealed and Fire Effects*

22 (13+9)(X2 against Humanoid and Holy/Luminous)


21/21 (12+9)

22/22 (5+12+5)


: Verkenner (
WP:9, Darkness elemental Broomstick,ranged) Poisoned -10,

Medal of Glory
(accessory, mark of true talent that allows the wearer to gain triple experience from battles, immunity to
Asleep, Blinded, Confused, Fragile, and Weakened
effects)(lent by Benji)
,Fiery Robes of the Archmagi (
SP:3 Bodywear +5 Ether, immunity to Sealed Effect and Fire


Remedy X4 , Potion X6, Smoke Bomb X3, Mead X3, Tonic x5, 7x Venom (poison -1) X3, Deadly Poison (Poison -10), Grating Stone, Banana, Poison Bomb

Spark Hammer (WP:8, (
X2 against Aquatic, Flying, and Mechanical)
-elemental hammer)
, 2x Whips

Tailored Overcoat
(SP: 1; Immunity to wind, earth-, and water- damage; suitable for rangers, rogues, hunters, and beast warriors; back wear)
Wonky Shoes
(footwear, SP: 3, suitable for all classes)(lent by Benj)
Tricorne Hat
(SP: 3; immune to Light; suitable for anyone; Headwear)
Nordic Stomach Guard
(SP: 3; immune to Ice and Water; suitable for Barbarians, Regulators, and Beast Warriors; Bodywear),
Toxic Hood:
Headwear. The green hood worn by the Rosalia Pestilence. Not only makes the wearer immune to being poisoned, but also makes the wearer Blessed if poisoned while donning the hood. (Blessed heroes recover 3 HP per round. Usable by all.


Decamon Cards
Cherub (Luminous 3)

: Bed Roll and Shovel

Package for Docken (Cape of Extravagance (SP: 5, +10 WP, Wearer is Permanently Nimble, Backwear, suitable for Mimes))


Warlen Melimane (The Chosen Minifigure)
*Hastened* *Bound*

23 year old male half-elf Mage

Level 1.5

15 (10+5) (Spellpower: 25 (10+5+10))

14/14 (4+10)

SP: 2

17/17 (4+10+3)


Gold-coated Bat Staff (WP:5, staff), Magicians Gloves (Power +10 to spells), Ethereal Cape (SP:2; Ether +3, backwear).


Magic items-
Amethyst (Darkness), Aquamarine (Water), Emerald (Wood), Ruby (Fire), Sapphire (Wind), Opal (Ice), Scroll of Fire Warding (1/2 chance to make the target immune to fire for the duration of one battle at the cost of 1 ether), Scroll of Ice Warding (1/2 chance to make the target immune to ice for the duration of one battle at the cost of 1 ether), Scroll of Water Warding (1/2 chance to make the target immune to water for the duration of one battle at the cost of 1 ether), Scroll of Wood Warding (1/2 chance to make the target immune to wood for the duration of one battle at the cost of 1 ether), Scroll of Sleep (1/2 chance to make target fall asleep at the cost of 1 Ether), Scroll of Antimagic (1/2 chance to make the target *Immune to magic* at the cost of 1 ether), Tridentian Cape (Max Ether +3; protects from Blinded effect; suitable for mages, clerics, necromancers and scholars; backwear), Scroll of the Abyss (When cast, has a 50/50 chance to tame an Aquatic monster for the next six rounds at the cost of 10 ether) borrowed from Actaeon, Scroll of Frailty borrowed from Actaeon.
(lent from Vindsval)
, Explorer’s Dented Helm (SP: 2, immune to wood and earth damage; headwear; suitable for Rangers, evokers, wardens, and marauders)

4 Potions, Grand Potion, Health Core, 5 Tonics, 2 Remedies, Dragon Scale, 3x Mead, x2 Smoke bomb, Fire Bomb, Ice bomb, 3x Banana

Other Junk-
Bedroll, Shovel, Telescope, Magnifying Glass.


Annienal Anavir (Kintobor)

"19" year old elven female Knight
*Bonaparte Reputation*

Level 10

16 (10+6)

7 (2+5)

19/19 (10+9)

Ammit (WP: 6; greatsword, user gains 5 ether for every kill); Plain Shield (SP: 5), Pauldrons (SP: 2, suitable for knights, dragoons, and skirmishers; accessory)


Bonaparte Cutlass (WP:9, doubled if the user has reputation among the Bonapartes; longsword), Wicked Javelin (WP: 7, throwing weapon, retrievable, 1/6 chance to slow), Sanctified Rito Longsword (WP: 4, Hits doubled against flying enemies, longsword), Training Sword (WP:4), Shark’s Tooth (Power increased by 5 against Aquatics, Accessory), Emerald (Wood), 5 Potions, 2 Phoenix Essences, 2 Remedies,2x Mead, Venom, Smoke Bomb, Bedroll, Shovel, Field Rations (Restore 15 health), Tridentian Cape (Max Ether +3; protects from Blinded effect; suitable for mages, clerics, necromancers and scholars; backwear), Fire bomb, Banana, Telescope


Actaeon Artus

21 years old male human Ranger

Level 12.5
*Immune to Bound and Slowed*

: 19 (12+6+1)

: 2

: 17/17 (7+10)

: 374

: 6

:Sanctified Rito Bow (WP:6, doubled against Flying enemies; bow), Greaves of the Aubergine Dragoon (SP:2, protects from the Bound- and Slowed-effects; footwear) Ranger's Quiver (WP +1 to bows and crossbows, suitable for rangers, beast warriors, infiltrators, weather mages and winged warriors; backwear)

: Scroll of the Abyss (When cast, has a 50/50 chance to tame an Aquatic monster for the next six rounds at the cost of 10 ether), Scroll of Frailty, 3x Potion, 2 Remedies, 2 Meads, Smelling Salts, Nostrum, Ambrosia, Dragon Scale (Causes lucky and blessed),Soma, Trial Brew, 2 Venom, Smoke Bomb, Fire Bomb, Stun Bomb (Deals 5 damage and the Stunned-effect to all opponents when used.), Writ of Blacksmith Service (Voucher for one free weapon or shield upgrade at Anwyl's Smithy), Bedroll, Sleepy Crossbow (WP:6; has a 1/6 chance to put the target to Fast Asleep; ranged; suitable for rangers, beast warriors, infiltrators and winged warriors.), Nondescript cape (SP: 3; protects from Cursed effect; suitable for rogues; backwear), 2x Floral Bombs


Miderun (CallMePie) *Attacks cause

18 year old female orc Barbarian

Level 10

24 (10 + 13 + 1)

Health: 1
7/17 (9 + 8)


Oculoid Claw (WP: 13, 1/6 chance of dealing the infected-effect, causing an enemy to lose health equal to 1/3 of their level rounded down at the end of each round, club), Seductive Perfume (Holder deals the enamored-effect, accessory, suitable for women)

Bonaparte Cutlass (WP: 9, doubled if the user has reputation among the Bonapartes), Serstyral (WP: 3, axe), Tricorne (SP: 3), Mead, Opal, Phoenix Essence, 3x Potions, Remedy, Smoke Bomb, High Heels (Power +1; suitable for women.), -War Axe (WP: 9, suitable for suitable for barbarians, alchemists, beast warriors, infiltrators, regulators and winged warriors.), x7 Venom

If this all checks out for you guys, we can move on.

Edited by KingoftheZempk

OOC: I've got no issue with the loot, and the only issue I have with the stats is that I have no idea what is going on with Annienal's health. It should be 10+9, but here it says 21+7. Not sure what happened there, but everything else looks good.

After cleaning her weapons, Annienal pulls out her journal and begins to jot things down, waiting for the party to figure out their next move.

OOC: it was the math for my ether I was talking about as well. It should be (5 +12 +5) (base + levels +robes) the total is the same though.

And my health should only be 9 + 7.

Scratch that, you have the total right, but it should be 9 + 8.

  • Author

Sorry about that guys, I got confused somewhere along the way, but everything (should be) is fixed now and we can move along.

After the division of the loot, the explorer and Sumero gang come out from behind the Heroes.


"Thank you for killing that foul beast and avenging my brother, Heroes," Virgil solemnly says. "You all are truly worthy ones, and I am forever in your debt."


"There's a reason why I paint. Speaking of painting..."


"No, Fabio," Javier sternly tells his brother. "Stop being so vain for once. You're not just one of the models, you're also a business partner. You run all of the money, you said we have to hurry. So today, we're moving along."




"No!" the master painter shouts. "Get over it! You're not that interesting of a person, you merely manage money! We're losing money the longer we wait so let us get going. You want a portrait of you and that beast? Go stand over there."

Fabio cautiously moves to the dead beast, as if it would still snap at him.


"Now, Rose, get that image in your head. You can paint it when we finish our job."


"Can we move on now?" he asks after a tense silence. The Sumeros nod their heads and off they continue into the forest, forging a path.

After some long hours, the party exits the forest. Although to two of the Heroes, this place looks very familiar. Nature had overtaken now that the former tenant was no longer there, but the place was still recognizable.



"This could be the place." Virgil carefully steps into the cave, looking around the foliage until finally..


"I FOUND IT!" With that shout, Virgil lifts up...


The golden lotus!

"It does not seem much that a man was to die for it. But, All place worth in different measure. It does me much good to know that the evil that once called this place home does not appear to have left a lasting taint. But one must be cautious."

Vindsval moves cautiously deeper into the former lair of the Necromancer. He begins to search the cave for items of interest, traps, or treasures left there by the Wizard.

Edited by Asphalt

Warlen casts the scroll of Antimagic upon himself, repeating until he is successful. Then he digs in the ground, before assisting Vindsvals search.

"Anyone ant some Antimagic?"he shouts. "I assume that a creature that lives here, if it is indeed protecting the "Shiny Lotus" or whatchamacallit, would be presumably magical. It would probably be safer, that's all."

"No, But Thank you for the offer Warlen. I for one would like to be able to call upon the Wanderer for Healing if the need arises."

"Ah, but my friend, that is the beauty of this particular scroll. It impedes only harmful magic, but lets in all the powers of healing, and any spells that would help the affected."

  • Author

Vindsval finds no traps, but 46 gold, an emerald, and a grand tonic. Warlen is less lucky, and finds 3 bones and 2 gold.


"I'll take the lotus and keep it safe," Virgil says as he reaches into the bushes.

Just as he touches it, a gold ray bursts out and envelops him.


"Virgil!" Rose shouts, but he does not seem to hear. Everyone waits quietly for many moments until Virgil reappears from the golden shroud of light.


"That was beautiful," Virgil quietly says, tears rolling down his face. "I saw Lyle. He's at peace. This flower is real and magical, it heals, but now how one expects. It heals one mentally, spiritually. We can't take all of it." Virgil leans down and plucks only one stalk from the lotus. "This will be enough. Best to let nature run its course and let this marvelous thing grow if it will. Someone with more magical knowledge than I can make more paint from this if one must."

With that, Virgil carefully tucks the flower into his sack.


"Shall we head back to town?"


Vindsval Half-born (Asphalt)
*Party Leader*

37 year old, Male, Half Giant,

: 13.5 Cleric
*Gains Triple XP*
*Immune to
Asleep, Blinded, Confused, Fragile, and Weakened, Sealed and Fire Effects*

22 (13+9)(X2 against Humanoid and Holy/Luminous)


21/21 (12+9)

22/22 (5+12+5)


: Verkenner (
WP:9, Darkness elemental Broomstick,ranged) Poisoned -10,

Medal of Glory
(accessory, mark of true talent that allows the wearer to gain triple experience from battles, immunity to
Asleep, Blinded, Confused, Fragile, and Weakened
effects)(lent by Benji)
,Fiery Robes of the Archmagi (
SP:3 Bodywear +5 Ether, immunity to Sealed Effect and Fire


Remedy X4 , Potion X6, Smoke Bomb X3, Mead X3, Tonic x5, 7x Venom (poison -1) X3, Deadly Poison (Poison -10), Grating Stone, Banana, Poison Bomb, Grand Tonic

Spark Hammer (WP:8, (
X2 against Aquatic, Flying, and Mechanical)
-elemental hammer)
, 2x Whips

Tailored Overcoat
(SP: 1; Immunity to wind, earth-, and water- damage; suitable for rangers, rogues, hunters, and beast warriors; back wear)
Wonky Shoes
(footwear, SP: 3, suitable for all classes)(lent by Benj)
Tricorne Hat
(SP: 3; immune to Light; suitable for anyone; Headwear)
Nordic Stomach Guard
(SP: 3; immune to Ice and Water; suitable for Barbarians, Regulators, and Beast Warriors; Bodywear),
Toxic Hood:
Headwear. The green hood worn by the Rosalia Pestilence. Not only makes the wearer immune to being poisoned, but also makes the wearer Blessed if poisoned while donning the hood. (Blessed heroes recover 3 HP per round. Usable by all.


Decamon Cards
Cherub (Luminous 3)

: Bed Roll and Shovel

Package for Docken (Cape of Extravagance (SP: 5, +10 WP, Wearer is Permanently Nimble, Backwear, suitable for Mimes))


Warlen Melimane (The Chosen Minifigure)
*Hastened* *Bound*

23 year old male half-elf Mage

Level 1.5

15 (10+5) (Spellpower: 25 (10+5+10))

14/14 (4+10)

SP: 2

17/17 (4+10+3)


Gold-coated Bat Staff (WP:5, staff), Magicians Gloves (Power +10 to spells), Ethereal Cape (SP:2; Ether +3, backwear).


Magic items-
Amethyst (Darkness), Aquamarine (Water), Emerald (Wood), Ruby (Fire), Sapphire (Wind), Opal (Ice), Scroll of Fire Warding (1/2 chance to make the target immune to fire for the duration of one battle at the cost of 1 ether), Scroll of Ice Warding (1/2 chance to make the target immune to ice for the duration of one battle at the cost of 1 ether), Scroll of Water Warding (1/2 chance to make the target immune to water for the duration of one battle at the cost of 1 ether), Scroll of Wood Warding (1/2 chance to make the target immune to wood for the duration of one battle at the cost of 1 ether), Scroll of Sleep (1/2 chance to make target fall asleep at the cost of 1 Ether), Scroll of Antimagic (1/2 chance to make the target *Immune to magic* at the cost of 1 ether), Tridentian Cape (Max Ether +3; protects from Blinded effect; suitable for mages, clerics, necromancers and scholars; backwear), Scroll of the Abyss (When cast, has a 50/50 chance to tame an Aquatic monster for the next six rounds at the cost of 10 ether) borrowed from Actaeon, Scroll of Frailty borrowed from Actaeon.
(lent from Vindsval)
, Explorer’s Dented Helm (SP: 2, immune to wood and earth damage; headwear; suitable for Rangers, evokers, wardens, and marauders)

4 Potions, Grand Potion, Health Core, 5 Tonics, 2 Remedies, Dragon Scale, 3x Mead, x2 Smoke bomb, Fire Bomb, Ice bomb, 3x Banana

Other Junk-
Bedroll, Shovel, Telescope, Magnifying Glass, 3x Bones


Annienal Anavir (Kintobor)

"19" year old elven female Knight
*Bonaparte Reputation*

Level 10

16 (10+6)

7 (2+5)

19/19 (10+9)

Ammit (WP: 6; greatsword, user gains 5 ether for every kill); Plain Shield (SP: 5), Pauldrons (SP: 2, suitable for knights, dragoons, and skirmishers; accessory)


Bonaparte Cutlass (WP:9, doubled if the user has reputation among the Bonapartes; longsword), Wicked Javelin (WP: 7, throwing weapon, retrievable, 1/6 chance to slow), Sanctified Rito Longsword (WP: 4, Hits doubled against flying enemies, longsword), Training Sword (WP:4), Shark’s Tooth (Power increased by 5 against Aquatics, Accessory), Emerald (Wood), 5 Potions, 2 Phoenix Essences, 2 Remedies,2x Mead, Venom, Smoke Bomb, Bedroll, Shovel, Field Rations (Restore 15 health), Tridentian Cape (Max Ether +3; protects from Blinded effect; suitable for mages, clerics, necromancers and scholars; backwear), Fire bomb, Banana, Telescope


Actaeon Artus

21 years old male human Ranger

Level 12.5
*Immune to Bound and Slowed*

: 19 (12+6+1)

: 2

: 17/17 (7+10)

: 374

: 6

:Sanctified Rito Bow (WP:6, doubled against Flying enemies; bow), Greaves of the Aubergine Dragoon (SP:2, protects from the Bound- and Slowed-effects; footwear) Ranger's Quiver (WP +1 to bows and crossbows, suitable for rangers, beast warriors, infiltrators, weather mages and winged warriors; backwear)

: Scroll of the Abyss (When cast, has a 50/50 chance to tame an Aquatic monster for the next six rounds at the cost of 10 ether), Scroll of Frailty, 3x Potion, 2 Remedies, 2 Meads, Smelling Salts, Nostrum, Ambrosia, Dragon Scale (Causes lucky and blessed),Soma, Trial Brew, 2 Venom, Smoke Bomb, Fire Bomb, Stun Bomb (Deals 5 damage and the Stunned-effect to all opponents when used.), Writ of Blacksmith Service (Voucher for one free weapon or shield upgrade at Anwyl's Smithy), Bedroll, Sleepy Crossbow (WP:6; has a 1/6 chance to put the target to Fast Asleep; ranged; suitable for rangers, beast warriors, infiltrators and winged warriors.), Nondescript cape (SP: 3; protects from Cursed effect; suitable for rogues; backwear), 2x Floral Bombs


Miderun (CallMePie) *Attacks cause

18 year old female orc Barbarian

Level 10

24 (10 + 13 + 1)

Health: 1
7/17 (9 + 8)


Oculoid Claw (WP: 13, 1/6 chance of dealing the infected-effect, causing an enemy to lose health equal to 1/3 of their level rounded down at the end of each round, club), Seductive Perfume (Holder deals the enamored-effect, accessory, suitable for women)

Bonaparte Cutlass (WP: 9, doubled if the user has reputation among the Bonapartes), Serstyral (WP: 3, axe), Tricorne (SP: 3), Mead, Opal, Phoenix Essence, 3x Potions, Remedy, Smoke Bomb, High Heels (Power +1; suitable for women.), -War Axe (WP: 9, suitable for suitable for barbarians, alchemists, beast warriors, infiltrators, regulators and winged warriors.), x7 Venom

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