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So, the twelfth doctor in a Dimensions set? At least that might mean they could use the twelfth doctor's screwdriver in an eleventh doctor's Ideas set...

  Cube1701 said:
1431339402[/url]' post='2214166']

The copyright stuff mentions Daleks and Cybermen, so those will be in the game.

I suspect that a Dalek and Cyberman will appear in the Ideas set. I think K9 will be exlusive to the Dimensions Pack.

Actually, the Beeb puts that on all Who products.

Edited by The Chosen Minifigure

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Why haven't we seen pictures of the actual set yet? Any of the upcoming Ideas sets.. it's ridiculous

The Doctor Who and WALL·E sets are both due out sometime after the set for The Big Bang Theory, and we haven't seen that one yet. It's possible the design hasn't been finalized. Alternately, it could be ready and waiting to go to production, but the production lines could be solidly booked with more mass-market sets, so that that set (and the Ideas sets after it) are waiting until production slots are free for them. Remember, Ideas sets are lower priorities for LEGO than all the mass-market sets from major themes. if that's the case, they probably are waiting on the reveal, since they don't want an unusually long time to pass between the reveal and the release.

Did anyone happen to download the .pdf files for the Doctor Who set instructions when they were live? I really want to read 'em. XD

Darn it, I meant to save them, but didn't. Oops.

But that said, there's actually very little instruction in LEGO Dimensions instruction booklets, it turns out (at least for the add-on packs; the starter packs are presumably different). I checked out all the ones I saw links for, and all of them simply had instructions for putting together the minifigures - literally just the hair, head, torso, and legs, and then adding whatever handheld accessory item and putting the figure on the included NFC base; the instructions then just have you put the completed figure on the game pad, and then go in-game for the rest of the instructions. Most of the instruction booklet contents are not actual instructions, therefore, but simply the catalog-style listings of various Level, Team and Fun Packs that have had us all a-flutter the last few days.

The instruction booklets do have the customary parts inventories in the back, however, and given how small the builds are, one can probably guess from looking at them and the pictures of the completed models how they're put together. The parts inventories also confirm something I think most of us had already guessed from the images, which is that all the decorated parts in these (all the ones for which we've seen booklets, anyway) are actual printed parts, not stickered ones. The Doctor Who Level Pack uses a number of printed tiles for both the TARDIS and K9, for example.

I have copies on my flickr.

  • 2 weeks later...

Sooo... what do you guys reckon are the chances of the good Doctor doing a full Minecraft on us? I personally think that we've got a good chance, considering the hugeness of the Whovian fanbase, even in the US of A.

I suspect all of the parts in the Dimensions product will be printed rather than stickered.

The new doc brown minifig for lego dimensions has a new hair mold and I think it would work well fir a hartnell doctor

At first I thought we would get a few sets but now I am not sure, I am not sure what will happen to all the ideas/dimensions crossovers. I hope we get new sets for all of them with the new molds used.

  • 3 weeks later...

Birds are number 9, BBT (probably) 10, Wall-E -12. So - Dr Who is 11. So no 2 - we should see him soon?

If the Doctor Who set is numbered 11, it would be great to get a Doctor Eleven in the set... :P

  On 5/21/2015 at 4:36 AM, jonwil said:

I suspect all of the parts in the Dimensions product will be printed rather than stickered.

The instructions that were briefly available confirmed the decorated elements in the LEGO Dimensions set are indeed all printed. In fact, as far as I can tell from the several instruction booklets that have appeared so far, the only decorated elements in the entire LEGO Dimensions theme that use stickers rather than prints are some of the pieces of the portal in the starter set (and even that also uses some printed elements). It appears there are no stickers in any of the add-on packs, just prints.

  On 6/12/2015 at 3:26 PM, parsom said:

Birds are number 9, BBT (probably) 10, Wall-E -12. So - Dr Who is 11. So no 2 - we should see him soon?

"No 2"?

  On 6/12/2015 at 5:10 PM, Blondie-Wan said:

"No 2"?

This is number of "so". First one was earlier.

It It

  On 6/12/2015 at 5:13 PM, parsom said:

This is number of "so". First one was earlier.

It It

I'm still not sure I understand, but it does make sense that the Doctor Who Ideas set is #11. The Birds set is #9, and the The Big Bang Theory one is #10. Those two plus the Doctor Who project all came from the same review batch; Birds and The Big Bang Theory were announced together, while two different Doctor Who projects was held over for additional consideration, and then one of them was announced alongside a project from the following batch, which was of course WALL·E. Since the Doctor Who and WALL·E projects were announced together but Doctor Who was from an earlier batch, it makes sense that it would be #11 and WALL·E would be #12, though they might just wind up being released at the same time anyway (like the Exo-suit and the Research Institute last year).

This also gives us an idea when the Doctor Who Ideas set will come out. The Big Bang Theory is due for release on August 1st, and according to the retailer link in the WALL·E thread, that set is due a month later, on September 1st. If true, we should expect the Doctor Who set sometime in that timeframe, from Aug. 1 to Sept. 1. Now if only we could see it...

Please Lego Please....

It is just fanmade but something like it would be good.

  On 4/15/2015 at 11:57 PM, gedren_y said:

Ideas threads only get pinned if Lego goes for a full theme. Ghostbusters didn't get pinned.

Well, we do now know there will be a minimum of two sets, both in this same year. Perhaps it should be pinned now? Granted that both sets we know about are also actually part of other themes (LEGO Ideas and LEGO Dimensions), but still...

  On 6/15/2015 at 8:36 AM, Tariq j said:

Please Lego Please....

It is just fanmade but something like it would be good.

Youa re getting a doctor who level for dimentions. Wish granted.

But I believe that is slightly different to what I was suggesting. Lego Dimensions has its own plot and whilst the gameplay may be similar the plot will not be from the show. But hey, I guess It being included in Lego Dimensions is better than nothing.

Reveal hidden contents

Guys! Big news! Great, isn't it?

Seriouslt though, who feels this is taking too long?

Everyone does, I'm sure, but they haven't yet released the set before this one. It'll happen within the next few months, though.

Keep in mind their development time for Ideas sets is still faster than that for most of their other sets in other lines. It just seems so long for us because with Ideas sets, we see when the process begins, which we don't for most sets in other lines.

  On 6/22/2015 at 11:55 AM, Blondie-Wan said:

Everyone does, I'm sure, but they haven't yet released the set before this one. It'll happen within the next few months, though.

Keep in mind their development time for Ideas sets is still faster than that for most of their other sets in other lines. It just seems so long for us because with Ideas sets, we see when the process begins, which we don't for most sets in other lines.

Patience? What is this patience you speak of?

  • 3 weeks later...

Lego dimensions has just announced yesterday and today two announcements, 1. That Peter Capaldi will voice The Doctor in the game, 2. Clara Oswald and Missy will feature voiced by Jenna Coleman and Michelle Gomez respectively also Nick Briggs will voice the daleks according to IMDB. I wonder if that selection of characters for the game is is an indication of the characters to be featured in the ideas set, it would make sense to be honest as Series 9 of Doctor Who starts in September with a two part opener featuring the return of Michelle Gomez as Missy, which will be previewed at SDCC, as will doctor who's impact on dimensions so maybe that will be when they reveal officially the Doctor Who ideas set and then release all three in September as dimensions and series 9 both come out in sept.

If the set is based on the series 9, that could be the reason why they haven't revealed the set yet : it contains potentials spoilers, that BBC wants to avoid.

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