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Day 5: A Farewell to Kings

There is unrest in the forest

There is trouble with the trees

For the Maples want more sunlight

And the Oaks ignore their pleas

The trouble with the Maples

(And they're quite convinced they're right)

They say the Oaks are just too lofty

And they grab up all the light

But the Oaks can't help their feelings

If they like the way they're made

And they wonder why the Maples

Can't be happy in their shade

There is trouble in the forest

And the creatures all have fled

As the Maples scream 'Oppression!'

And the Oaks just shake their heads

Night falls once again on Galidor, and the humans enter with their tools that bring death to the forest.


Walter begins the night’s work by felling Hazel Hazelnut.


Once on the ground, Walter remembers the Chief saying that this stump is to be removed.


He sets the dynamite, lights the fuse, and then runs like hell.


The explosives do their work, and where once stood a hazelnut tree, all that remains is a hole.


Burt and Ernie get the honor of felling one of the largest trees in the forest.


After hours of cutting, finally Waldorf Walnut falls to the ground.


Mr Big Chief prepares to fell a smaller tree, but Burt interrupts him.

“I’ve always wanted to try this!” Burt exclaims, as he takes a running start, then jumps into a flying ninja kick.


As he picks himself up off the ground, he is amazed that it actually worked. Maggie Magnolia lies there, separated from her stump.


The Elder Alder Alden stirs once again to find more of the beautiful trees gone from the forest.

“It is with a sad heart that we must bid farewell to one of the kings of this forest, Waldorf Walnut. He was one of the oldest trees here, and a good friend. He was one of the staunchest Oaks as well.

“It seems Maggie Magnolia is also missing. Her rings indicate that she, too, was an Oak.

“And it comes as little surprise that Hazel Hazelnut has been removed, stump and all. I wish I could tell you that you found a Maple, but I am unable to.

Time grows short. You must start finding some Maples. Go.”

The NPCs:


Elder Alden Alder






Mr Big Chief



The Players:


Adelaide Apple, played by TinyPiesRUs


Berty Birch, played by Dragonfire


Bruce Spruce, played by Tamamono


Chester Chestnut, played by Lego Spy


Jack Pine, played by mostlytechnic


Lassie Sassafras, played by fhomess


Nash Ash, played by Zephyr


Peter Cedar, played by badboytje88


Sammy Sycamore, played by Fugazi


Simon Persimmon, played by Hinckley


Sue Sumac, played by Bob


William Willow, played by Scubacarrot

The Fallen:


Alastair Pear, played by Brickelodeon – Lynched Day 1 – Alignment Unknown


Lauren Laurel, played by PirateDave84 – Felled Night 1 – Oak


Buck “Dollar” Poplar, played by Mencot – Felled Night 1 - Oak


Catarina Dogwood, played by adventurer1 – Lynched Day 2 - Oak


Agnes Cyprus, played by JackJonesPaw – Felled Night 2 - Oak


Vicky Hickory, played by Stickfig – Felled Night 2 – Oak


Larry Larch, played by TheLazyChicken – Lynched Day 3 - Oak


Clem Elm, played by Scaevola – Felled Night 3 – Oak


Bobby Beech, played by Lord Duvors – Felled Night 3 - Oak


Barry Cherry, played by jluck – Felled Night 3 – Alignment Unknown


Hazel Hazelnut, played by Goliath – Lynched Day 4 – Alignment Unknown


Maggie Magnolia, played by Calanon – Felled Night 4 – Oak


Waldorf Walnut, played by jamesn – Felled Night 4 - Oak

The Rules, by which we shall play:

1. Each player will be given a character to play. That character will be aligned with either the Oaks or the Maples. To win the game, the Oaks must lynch or kill off all of the Maples, while the Maples need to outnumber the voting members of the Oaks. Any Third Party characters will have their own win conditions.

2. Each day will be played out in its own topic. During the day you will be able to vote to expel (lynch) a player. Voting must be done in the following format: Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format: Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to expel (lynch) a player, meaning that over half of the remaining players must vote for the same player to warrant a lynch.

3. A game day will last for 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end after those 72 hours. After the day has concluded, a night will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 hours of nighttime. You may not post about the game openly on Eurobricks during that time (but may continue to use private messages).

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the game host via PM. This includes the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. You may not quote/post anything sent to you by another player via PM. If you wish to use information gained in this way, you must do so in your own words only.

7. Do not play the game outside the day threads. Similarly, do not post out-of-character inside the day threads. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

8a. If you are a Tree Stump, you MAY (and are encouraged to) continue to take part in the Day thread discussions. Tree Stumps may not Vote, they may not use Night Actions, and they cannot be voted for or targeted at night.

8b. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players (living or dead). Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

9. Don't edit your posts.

10. You must post in every day thread.

11. Violation of the above rules will result in a 5-vote penalty against you on your first offense, and the death of your character on your second offense.

12. If at any time another player asks you to violate these rules (for example, asking you to give them your role PM), report this to the host immediately along with PM proof of the violation.

Nash, today you die.

Oaks, WE SUCK AT BEING OAKS apparently!

Not surprised to see Waldorf flipping oak, but disappointed to see Hazel being hidden. Although I still don't like it, I'm seriously starting to reconsider the suggestion that no stump = maple or 3rd party. I just can't believe that with this many trees felled, there's not a single maple among them. Stumps, any guidance you can shed on things? Any reason to think any of our missing are oaks?

Oaks, WE SUCK AT BEING OAKS apparently!

Not surprised to see Waldorf flipping oak, but disappointed to see Hazel being hidden. Although I still don't like it, I'm seriously starting to reconsider the suggestion that no stump = maple or 3rd party. I just can't believe that with this many trees felled, there's not a single maple among them. Stumps, any guidance you can shed on things? Any reason to think any of our missing are oaks?

I've been really iffy about you this entire time, but something about this post really pings me.

Anyone else here with me?

Also, yeah, Waldorf is correct - it's time to bash some Nash.

I love you, Waldorf. :cry_sad:

So, what are the odds that the Scum could janitor that many times? And why not clean up Catarina who everyone was all in a bind about?

Also, I sent everyone more codes, which made some of you panic. :hmpf: All I've done is expand our vocabulary. I didn't want to mention this plan yesterday as I didn't want to clue the Scum into the plan since that would make me a very strong stump. Now, we should all have a lot more ammo to check our claims with. Let's get those Maples.

Who think we've gotten three of them. Alden mentioned he wasn't surprised. Is there anything to that? :look:

:sing: Alden!! Alden Elder! :sing: Hey! Pretty please :sweet: can you tell us if removed stumps are Scum/third parties? Pweeeeeeaaaaase!!!! :cry_happy:

Nash, today you die.

Why Nash and not Berty?

Bruce, am I supposed to talk to myself in PM the same way I'm talking to myself in-thread right now? :snicker: Check your damn Messenger!

I find it weird that Berty was explaining his defense of Hazel to me this afternoon and then hovered over Alder while the day was posted then disappeared altogether.

Hey Waldorf! n1668 is a EQFQ. :laugh:

Alden needs to calm down, given there's no evidence to prove these people weren't Maples. :hmpf_bad:

:sing: Alden!! Alden Elder! :sing: Hey! Pretty please :sweet: can you tell us if removed stumps are Scum/third parties? Pweeeeeeaaaaase!!!! :cry_happy:

I'd like to point out that both Barry and Hazel got dynamited, so if anyone still thinks that Barry was some kind of stupid bomb thing, then Hazel probably was also. That is to say, Barry was a scheming liar.

Alden needs to calm down, given there's no evidence to prove these people weren't Maples. :hmpf_bad:

Are you referring to me? If so, could you be any Scummier?

I'd like to point out that both Barry and Hazel got dynamited, so if anyone still thinks that Barry was some kind of stupid bomb thing, then Hazel probably was also. That is to say, Barry was a scheming liar.

Hey, regarding n136, check PM2 pg 9 post 8, paraphrase, second sentence. Discuss with stumps, please?

Also, please make sure they know that n5174 SUXT 8033. I feel we should lynch his megablocks too.

Yep. Okay. The hidden alignment theory seems to be right.

Why would Nash be the logical follow-up lynch, again?

Nash, today you die.

Any particular reason?

Oaks, WE SUCK AT BEING OAKS apparently!

Not surprised to see Waldorf flipping oak, but disappointed to see Hazel being hidden. Although I still don't like it, I'm seriously starting to reconsider the suggestion that no stump = maple or 3rd party. I just can't believe that with this many trees felled, there's not a single maple among them. Stumps, any guidance you can shed on things? Any reason to think any of our missing are oaks?

I think Hazel was town, so I do think there is a janitor now; however, it is likely that scum janitored two of their own. No stump = non-Town is the host lying to us. Unlikely.

So, what are the odds that the Scum could janitor that many times? And why not clean up Catarina who everyone was all in a bind about?

Also, I sent everyone more codes, which made some of you panic. :hmpf: All I've done is expand our vocabulary. I didn't want to mention this plan yesterday as I didn't want to clue the Scum into the plan since that would make me a very strong stump. Now, we should all have a lot more ammo to check our claims with. Let's get those Maples.

Who think we've gotten three of them. Alden mentioned he wasn't surprised. Is there anything to that? :look:

:sing: Alden!! Alden Elder! :sing: Hey! Pretty please :sweet: can you tell us if removed stumps are Scum/third parties? Pweeeeeeaaaaase!!!! :cry_happy:

Why Nash and not Berty?

Bruce, am I supposed to talk to myself in PM the same way I'm talking to myself in-thread right now? :snicker: Check your damn Messenger!

I find it weird that Berty was explaining his defense of Hazel to me this afternoon and then hovered over Alder while the day was posted then disappeared altogether.

Hey Waldorf! n1668 is a EQFQ. :laugh:

Maybe they janitored Hazel to make me look bad...

I wasn't online when the day was posted. Got a problem with that?

I'd like to point out that both Barry and Hazel got dynamited, so if anyone still thinks that Barry was some kind of stupid bomb thing, then Hazel probably was also. That is to say, Barry was a scheming liar.

I wouldn't trust anything Barry said at this point.

Also, please make sure they know that n5174 SUXT 8033. I feel we should lynch his megablocks too.

I think I know what you mean but I want to be sure. This is what you said about n5174 in PM2, page 12, post 5, right?

I'd like to point out that both Barry and Hazel got dynamited, so if anyone still thinks that Barry was some kind of stupid bomb thing, then Hazel probably was also. That is to say, Barry was a scheming liar.

And two bombs in one game is highly unlikely so scrap that idea!

Yep. Okay. The hidden alignment theory seems to be right.

It sure would ecplain a lot!

Well aftethis many cut down trees one would expect to at least have found one maple. My theory is that either all maples get janitored after a lynch/kill or the stumps who got janitored with dynamite are maples. That makes sence right?

Are you referring to me? If so, could you be any Scummier?

... Uh... No. I thought your name was Simon.

I'm referring to Elder Alden something like this every day where the day lynch's alignment is unknown.

Time grows short. You must start finding some Maples. Go.”

I think I know what you mean but I want to be sure. This is what you said about n5174 in PM2, page 12, post 5, right?

I just want to make sure they are clear on the SUXT. But, yes, tell them all of that, by all means.

n3372 n9639?

Anyone who has been paying attention doesn't need all of this repeated about our illustrious "Miller". But, let's take a look anyway. First, he loves polar opposites:

I clearly stated that my personal belief is that there is no janitor, and the stumps of scum/neutrals are removed.

I think it is this option. There is no point in maples/SKs becoming stumps, so the host balanced the stumps with not knowing the non-Town players' alignments.

I don't think there is a janitor.

I don't think there's a janitor. I think the alignments of all Maples/Neutrals are hidden upon death.

I think Hazel was town, so I do think there is a janitor now; however, it is likely that scum janitored two of their own. No stump = non-Town is the host lying to us. Unlikely.

"I only believe there's a janitor when it makes me look less Scummy."

This is scummy. You only want to vote for Waldorf and Nash because their names have been brought up? This also looks like you're saying, "oh well, it's a real bother having to come up with some fake reasons for joining a townie's bandwagon".

Hazel. If you're an Oak, this is the worst possible thing to do. This behaviour is stupid and detrimental to town. I hope you are scum.

I think Hazel is Town. This is literally the longest post she has ever made and I think it's genuine. No scum would do this, and yes, I know it could be AtE, but given Hazel's previous contributions, that's unlikely.

Hazel, you think you're the least helpful? Some trees haven't spoken the whole day! (*wink* Maggie *wink*)

I think Hazel was town, so I do think there is a janitor now; however, it is likely that scum janitored two of their own. No stump = non-Town is the host lying to us. Unlikely.

"I think Hazel is Scum until our gambit goes too far and she starts getting lynched. Then I'm pretty sure she's Town." Maybe there was a fight on the Scumboard and Berty was left to do damage control. I'd be annoyed if a fellow Scum tried to quit. Or she was a hammerer. :blush: "Hey, if we get too tied up we can just try and bus Chester!"

Maybe they janitored Hazel to make me look bad...

Or in the hopes we'd question instead of know you are Scum.

I was starting to reach this conclusion about Berty yesterday (best to click the little arrow next to my name to see what I was quoting):

After our discussions and knowing the vig targeted Bobby, I'm assuming Barry was Scum. So, if that's true, these posts are interesting:

Millers should always claim day 1, you're right to do so. With a bit more experience, you'll notice millers always claim, usually in their first post. While it's risky, it's necessary. The alternative would be an investigation and guaranteed lynch.

From private conversations I've gathered that he was caught off guard with the miller role and wasn't familiar with how to best handle it. He wanted to get advice before doing something that would hurt his reputation.

He loves to defend Berty. He even makes an excuse for him not claiming in his first post in the guise of a wise Mafia lesson. Why is everyone so educated on Millers? I had no idea there was a specific protocol until Jack told me and Barry and Lassie seem to advocate the idea as well. Yes, it's a post on Mafiawiki, but wow, one year off and everyone gets all educated on weird roles. Have millers been common in recent games? They weren't very common in my day. Where's my cane?

Bruce, I think we already discussed why this isn't a fair question. Would you ask this if they were alive? And honestly, why do you want to know? If you're oak, why does this matter other than to satisfy curiosity? However, if you're maple...this question is very, VERY important to you.

This pinged me at the time and all the subsequent times I read it. Bruce was suggesting claiming to the stumps in public. What had been discussed as unfair was everyone PMing claims to the stumps. This seems like remnants of a Scum "stump-gripe-fest". I had said I thought PMing claims to Lauren would break the game. Discussion around communicating with the stumps in public was gaining positive traction. Barry didn't notice.

But Berty brought the information about Barry's weird claim to Bruce. So, that doesn't mean he's Scummy, does it? I found it odd that Berty didn't come to me first to tell me there was a second claim for bomb. Why go to Bruce when we had already discussed the bomb claim in private? I think it's possible the Scum needed a valid way to get this information to the Town block without seeming obvious. Perhaps, Berty's "concern" was a veiled attempt to warn the Town block that Barry blows up if targeted for a kill and that he has a sudden and new kill action in case he is tracked or caught by a watcher...

This quote below was made me ask for votes for Hazel. This seemed like panicked desperation to save someone from a lynch who he had earlier been calling Scummy. My entire theory that Hazel was Scum was based on this post and Berty's reaction to me voting for Hazel. For me to be right about Hazel, Berty would have to be Scum too. Unless they cleaned up Hazel with the janitor to make him look bad. Good thing he suddenly believes in the janitor.

Chester did this too.

Besides, you've now twice led lynches on Oaks and got bandwagons rolling. Don't you think you ought to look at Chester some more?

I'll vote if needs be to get a lynch, but I do suggest getting Chester or Peter instead.

Actually, screw my vote on Chester, it's not going to get us anywhere. We need a lynch, and Peter is a better lynch than Hazel IMO.

Unvote: Chester Chestnut (Lego Spy)

Vote: Peter Cedar (badboytje88)

Here's a fun little show they put on:

I didn't "defend" Hazel per se, I just think she's a confused newbie Town. Her behaviour does read as genuine to me.

Good on you. Giving up is really bad play. Whatever your alignment, good move.

I think it could be perceived as scummy, but I'm leaning town on Jack anyway so it doesn't really change my opinions.

You should have looked at the stuff he's said today. Like twisting Jack's words for instance.

You mean like this?

I'm not sure how Chester could be mislead by a hypothetical situation. I haven't seen Jack claiming to know who the vigilante is or anyone doing so. Chester has only made four posts in this entire day which have just be unhelpful and misleading. :wacko:

"Oh, look! Chester tried to twist Jack's words, just like my new buddy Hazel did! I better point that out so we can put on a big act about how Scummy it is to twist someone's words around!" How did I miss this one? :wacko: The above two quotes are just ridiculous considering it was Hazel who actually did the word twisting and Berty who was desperate to cast suspicion of her for some reason. Is there a role Hazel had that you really wanted to hold onto that it was better to get rid of Chester? Are you trying to give us Chester so we'll believe you're Town? Or is Chester somehow Town? :wacko: Who knows, but this behavior, Berty, is just plain Scummy. Can't chalk it up to being a noob Townie anymore. I've switched you over to the Scum column.

I think the best thing I've done in this game is vote for Jack Pine. I should pretend it was an intentional gambit. :blush:

It seems obvious to me that Berty was connected to two other players that are most likely Scum: Barry and Hazel. It no longer seems like gullible trust. It seems intentionally misleading. From fishing for the bomb to defending Hazel, I think you've worn out your welcome.

n3372 n9639?

:laugh: What the hell? *huh* n9639 UYLW

Well then, thanks for using me to find us some maples, Simon. Even if I'm not the best at pointing out suspects, glad to serve where I can :thumbup:

Ooooooh! :laugh: Now I get it. I guess so? I don't know. I haven't thought of it. Definitely not n4913. I doubt n4774.

Well then, thanks for using me to find us some maples, Simon. Even if I'm not the best at pointing out suspects, glad to serve where I can :thumbup:

It was an accident. It just felt dirty. :laugh:

... Uh... No. I thought your name was Simon.

I'm referring to Elder Alden something like this every day where the day lynch's alignment is unknown.

Well, you quoted me, so I was confused. Sorry. :blush:

I'd like to point out that both Barry and Hazel got dynamited, so if anyone still thinks that Barry was some kind of stupid bomb thing, then Hazel probably was also. That is to say, Barry was a scheming liar.

This is a really good point, and it makes me think Barry was scum and the vig killed him or something...

So, Waldorf, seriously, can we 6196 n4913 or what? If we had done so earlier... megablocking A... Why aren't we? Is it because n1668 n4636 EQFQ?

Let's go already. No more megablocks.

This is a really good point, and it makes me think Barry was scum and the vig killed him or something...

That's an odd thing for you to say.

Let's go already. No more megablocks.

I have no idea what you mean, but ... hear hear!

So, Waldorf, seriously, can we 6196 n4913 or what? If we had done so earlier... megablocking A... Why aren't we? Is it because n1668 n4636 EQFQ?

Let's go already. No more megablocks.

What is 6196? I can't find it anywhere in the codes I have. And, no, the stump PM thread is deader than a deadboard.

What is 6196? I can't find it anywhere in the codes I have. And, no, the stump PM thread is deader than a deadboard.

Really? What happened to the two little spazzes who were telling everyone to lynch me? Well, whatever. We have you now. :thumbup: Let's make the Maples sorry they killed you.

Oops. You sent me the codes. I added your name to a list that already had numbers for...ah forget it. It's the only role you didn't put on the role list you sent me. Have you read Much Ado About Nothing recently?

And lay off the deadboard, it's only Alastair, Barry and Hazel. :tongue:

Sure. Here goes:

I was the other investigator. You can see that both Clem and I are Oaks, so the fact we had two investigators is undeniably true. Now that's established, I want everyone (EVERYONE) to claim to Simon.

Right now.

None of this BS where everyone claims vanilla or something. If you have a role (even if you're actually vanilla), TELL SIMON NOW.

If you don't, then you're a nasty scummo.

... well, that killed the conversation. Did everyone run off to the scumboard to decide which roles are safest to claim?

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