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Hi everyone,

I don't know if it is an impression, but I have the feeling that there are much less reviews done on Eurobricks than a couple years ago. I have to admit that I am in a bad position to point that as I have never done a review.

I am however wondering what is the reason for not seeing as many reviews than before?

Now you mention it...

You're certainly not alone in that feeling. It seems like the last couple of years there are fewer photo-reviews of the newer waves of sets. There are, however, many more youtube reviews. I'm surprised by this in part because of the popularity of the brick link review academy.

Standards for reviews here are pretty high... That might actually discourage people from participating.

Like I joined the Academy, then after reading through, realized that I basically needed to create a photo studio and get photoshop and become an expert with it before any review did would be up to standards. That prevented me from wanting to even contribute basic reviews that weren't up to standard.

My old hobby was amusement parks, and would do trip reports all over the world. The problem was that it got to a point that all anyone wanted to do was take pictures of stuff, and the photo subjects were getting more and more involved in minutia, and more and more time in the parks was being spent taking pictures than actually enjoying the parks... So I stopped taking pictures and drifted away from the 'enthusiasts' and started just going to have fun... Maybe something similar is happening with reviews here?

People just want to build.

Edited by rollermonkey

I've never been sure if a review has to be approved by the academy before it could be posted. I would post reviews here if I knew they wouldn't be judged too harshly for being ameuterish.

Well personally it seems like almost all sets I buy already have reviews, in the one case that it didn't I wrote a review. I don't buy a huge number of sets though. I think it varies quite a bit across themes. Friends doesn't have a lot of reviews for example.

You don't need any approval to post a review so give it a try. I plan to write some reviews of upcoming sets if I get them before a review goes up. Not a big fan of all the video reviews these days, I would rather read than listen to someone talk.

You don't have to be part of Review Academy to post a review here. I posted reviews before that aren't with RA. I don't buy much sets any more. I'm more into buying parts these days. I'm finding people posting more links to their blogs or youtube channels for their reviews. I guess they can get ad dollars from your youtube channel or personal blogs.

I think you may be right, and so is rollermonkey, well-presented reviews take so much time and effort, and they take away from the enjoyment of building a set.

These days EB staff get early access to all the big cool sets that everyone wants to see reviews of, so the general members are already limited to the standard sets that you may not feel like putting an effort into showing off. I know that most sets come out elsewhere in the world before they are available here so my opportunity to review new sets is also limited by that. But for me the biggest reason I haven't done a review in a while is because the 2014 sets are still in their boxes & I have photos from opened sets that I haven't uploaded yet... :look:

A couple of years ago every set had a race, who could post a review first? Now it's on YouTube before it's in store thanks to these guys who get advanced access, and people can't be bothered typing and photographing a text review so long after the fact. Shame, really, it was fun for the community.

Maybe more reviewers are posting reviews on their own sites in an effort to increase their own traffic.

For me, I read EB. I don't go surfing blogs and YouTube and other sites for reviews. I like photo reviews with written descriptions, not a fan of video reviews ( the exception is the designer's video).

I really don't like reviews here where a person will give a brief teaser, then say see my blog, website or YouTube for the actual review.


Andy D

Edited by Andy D

My plan is to litter Youtube with a number of videos of some old school sets. It's a great way to reach a mass market.

I would do reviews on some of the older sets here, but would get the impression that they're redundant, outside of 60051 and some basic blocks, my next newest sets were released in 1995, that's 20 years ago. Even if you were interested, there's only E-Bay, BrickLInk and a limited number of other sites to acquire this junk from.

I will be posting some specialized old school set reviews in 2015.

For the most part people are cordial here, you don't see someone post a crappy MOC that's unoriginal or just plain lame looking, and have them receive insults from all angles. People are pretty mature here . . . for the most part.

But it can be discouraging if no one responds to your post. Might be people biting their tongues . . . might not.

My best advise is, even if you are shy, even if you don't have much to say.

Make a quick blurb. Say something if a review comes up that you enjoy. Thanks - enjoyed it. Anything. 90% of people will complain if they don't like something and yet only 10% will compliment if they do. Bottom line - encourage those whom review if you're benefiting from it.

Edited by Breakdown

I noticed that aswell and also think it's sad. I pretty much read all reviews that were posted here since I first signed up (with my old account, two years ago).

I think the reasons everyone came up with are all valid, especially this one:

Make a quick blurb. Say something if a review comes up that you enjoy. Thanks - enjoyed it. Anything. 90% of people will complain if they don't like something and yet only 10% will compliment if they do. Bottom line - encourage those whom review if you're benefiting from it.

You could notice that with a review redhead1982 did a couiple weeks ago set. It was a really great in-depth review, but it got only 4-5 replies, maybe because it was 'only' a small Friends set. But it's easy to see that such a low general response to a review that surely took a lot of time in creation discourages the reviewers from doing more reviews.

I don't like video reviews, always skip them. Enjoy a good read with some photos. Also because I like to speed through bits I am less interested in and I prefer to view photos of sets than moving images.

  • Author

I don't like video reviews, always skip them. Enjoy a good read with some photos. Also because I like to speed through bits I am less interested in and I prefer to view photos of sets than moving images.

Agree 100%, and this is why I would like to see more reviews. As "Breakdown" mentioned, it is our role as reader to encourage the poster who took the time making the review. It is true that I often looked at a review without commenting which is somewhat selfish towards the person who took the time to review a set.

Agree 100%, and this is why I would like to see more reviews. As "Breakdown" mentioned, it is our role as reader to encourage the poster who took the time making the review. It is true that I often looked at a review without commenting which is somewhat selfish towards the person who took the time to review a set.

I guess I need to change as well. If someone writes a review that I read I am going to try to take the time to show my appreciation of them for taking the time to write a review.

@kinggregus, thanks for pointing this out!

Andy D

Fair point,to show appreciation to the reviewer by commenting.

Also: is it not so that in many cases the Academy reviewer gets the set early from TLG? I am thinking of the Modulars, CMF and some other exclusives. What happens to the set when it is finished? Does the reviewer keep it? That should also be some kind of incentive. I know - the value of the set far from equals the value of the time and materials put into the review but it's somethng. And.... You get it before the rest of the world does.

It would also mean that TLG sees the value of a good review by a Eurobricks reviewer.

I have to admit that I am in a bad position to point that as I have never done a review.

I've rarely done a review. Although I would like to do a bunch at some point soon.

Standards for reviews here are pretty high... That might actually discourage people from participating.

I've never been sure if a review has to be approved by the academy before it could be posted. I would post reviews here if I knew they wouldn't be judged too harshly for being ameuterish.

As mentioned already, you don't need to have a review "Academy Approved" to post it. If you want your review "Academy Approved" you need to meet high standards.

The Reviewer Academy standards could also be recommendations for posting MOCs too.

For example, I posted a Review of the Black Seas Barracuda on a navy blue couch. :sick:

Now recently, I posted a MOD of the Black Seas Barracuda using a large white paper background. :thumbup:

When I look at the images in these topics, my MOD images look way better and cleaner. When you work on making a better presentation with your MOCs, stuff should already be set up for reviewing sets. I didn't use anything too fancy for "photoshooting" the MOD either. I used:

  • A 3 foot by 5 foot piece of paper.
  • Masking tape to tape the paper to a wall.
  • Borrowed an ottoman to set the MOC on.
  • And a little suction cup monopod for my camera.

I need to get a couple of directional lights from a thrift store for better lighting though, and stay away from calenders. :look:

People are pretty mature here . . . for the most part.

For the record, I am not mature. :tongue:

Having read this thread, I'm actually inspired to do some classic reviews of at least the small Age of Ultron sets. At University, my room is blessed with a white desk, white walls and a long fluorescent white light. It sure ain't pretty but it practically provides me with a small studio to work with right off the bat.

I agree that nowadays, everybody does want their own channel or blog to succeed, myself included, but I do miss the days where every set would get a couple different reviews that weren't always the highest quality but were certainly crafted with care for the community, not just the web traffic.

Sometimes it may be necessary to use the couch or sofa due to size of the LEGO model. Tossing a white comforter with little holes over it may or may not help. (I guess it matches the technic pin holes.) :laugh:

15139875060_8679d7b86f_n.jpgship_wip3 by dr_spock_888, on Flickr

I guess they can get ad dollars from your youtube channel or personal blogs.


I find this discussion very very interesting... And somehow, I also felt the same sentiments with most of you.

Before I continue, I would like to highlight that there is no such thing as a 'MUST' Reviewers Academy endorsed review. No, you can post your reviews and share with our Eurobricks Community as and when you like, based on your own reviewing style. The only thing which I greatly discourage is seeing reviews that posted as offsite reviews. Be it YouTube reviews or personal blogs or whatever, such offsite reviews are not really generating any useful intended discussion within the Eurobricks community.

Reviewers Academy standard reviews, are there to share with our community on the approach of producing fine and decent LEGO pictorial reviews for us to enjoy and share opinions from one another.

Doing reviews are exhaustive task and it can't be measured by monetary value or putting a price onto it. It defeat the purpose of having to review with a strong passion in it. Without strong passion and interest, you are basically following the motion and review for the sake of reviewing which I find it absurd.

Go ahead and post reviews and do whatever you want with it, as long it is decently written with proper recognisable images to depict your thoughts clearly.

As an Eurobricks Staff and regular reviewer, I strive to share LEGO Pictorial reviews whenever is possible. I still buy sets and I will share reviews as and when is appropriate in respective theme forums within Eurobricks, like the recent City Starter set, Ninjago 2015 sets, etc. Just that I am not sure if people are interested to see regular set reviews anymore? Or people are only awaiting for the upcoming hype of sets which is not available in market. I always personally find reviews to be an extremely valuable resource for a LEGO community which will aid in your buying decision or simply admire the set in greater detail for those who have not own or intend to buy the set.

Sometimes, a little encouragement from the readers will help to sustain this delicate motivation. Reviews do not just fall from the sky. Lots of efforts and dedication is needed, with your family members support at the expense of your free available time outside of your normal working life.

I love reviews and I have been doing it for all of these years for as long as I am able which I intend to continue making reviews as it is, for Eurobricks. I also urge budding or seasoned reviewers to do the same as well.

Just my one cent worth of thoughts and it does make me think a lot more deeper onto this issue.

I like the reviews done here on Eurobricks - not least ones done by the Reviewers Academy members.

I might not be the best in commenting on the reviews that I read, but after reading this thread, I will try to do it more often.

Though I like video reviews - if the reviewer is good (camera work, voice, story teller) - I prefer pictorial reviews. With the pictures, you have a better chance to study and see the set being reviewed. While reviews of sets can give you relevant information if you are planning to buy it, it certainly can also provide you with details or angles of the set, it otherwise would be hard to find, if possible at all. E.g. old sets from your childhood (or for many even before they were born).

I think the main killer of the picture review format was just the lack of support. Sure, we still see picture reviews every once in a while, but nowhere as much as there used to be (the point of the topic). As both a video and picture reviewer myself, I can totally agree that support is a major driving force for newly produced content. Video reviews can be monetized, but the platform of video reviews allows them to get to a bigger audience (they're on one of the most poular sites in the world- YouTube). Thus, I beieve it's easier to get support as a video reviewer on your videos than it is with picture reviews (which have a more limited audience). Which results in more people being inclined to do them.

Both formats of reviews require effort. I'd love to see more picture reviews though- I prefer them over video reviews. I try my best to do both types when I'm reviewing a set that's new or that has limited pictures online. As majority of people in this thread are saying- please show support in other people's reviewing efforts if you want to see more. I honestly haven't been doing my part as I've been pretty busy with my own ventures, but I will try my best to show some more support.

I agree with what's been said. It was only until I joined the Academy did I realise how much work goes into a review, big or small. Its not just taking pictures and posting them here with some comments, alot of time and effort is required. As said above comments are the problem if someone posts a review and gets two comments saying "Nice review" they won't feel motivated anymore.

If you look at the Star Wars forum, the three latest UCS sets Ewok Village, Sandcrawler and Slave I haven't got any reviews here. I also urge people to give as much support and feedback on Reviews as much as possible.

  • Author

I love reviews and I have been doing it for all of these years for as long as I am able which I intend to continue making reviews as it is, for Eurobricks.

... and we do love your reviews...

Hi WhiteFang,

Thanks for jumping onto this topic You are one of the most - if not the most- respected reviewer in this forum. Your reviews are a delight to all of us and I hope that their quality does not scare people but rather inspire them.

If you look at the Star Wars forum, the three latest UCS sets Ewok Village, Sandcrawler and Slave I haven't got any reviews here. I also urge people to give as much support and feedback on Reviews as much as possible.

This tells it all... At a point in time, I remember people were doing their uttermost to ensure their review was the first. It came to the point that some people were risking to make incomplete reviews.

I hope that this thread will revive the interest of many in making reviews. It seems to have been an eye-opener to some, including me.

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