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This post has been changed to a rules thread for Category C. Please ask your rules questions here. Here is a link to the "Game Thread" which has the links to the current mini-challenges / warzones.


Change Log:

Mar 3 -- Added that every build must have two approvals from seasoned builders. Any builder with a GOH Tag may give a thumbs up approval.

Added Victory Points chart and map.

Mar 5 -- Clarified rules about guerrilla and counter MOCs.

Clarified rules about approval system.

Thread Title Tags added.

Mar 7 -- Clarified Guerrilla Building - you call the location, cities(spaces that have multiple victory points, even if the city name is not on the map) must have multiple attacks per week equal to their victory points in order to have a successful attempt. Naming convention added for Guerrilla and Counters.

Mar 25 -- Guerrilla Rules fixed

Mar 27 -- language about safe zones extended to successful GAs (as intended by language already in the document about failed counters later on)

April 1st -- Clarified language changed pictures.

April 2nd -- Clarified counters further (using rules discussed in the thread)

April 6th -- reiterated approvals. And changed going forward.

Category C – The Dynamic War and Map Challenge.

Category A and B of the next challenge will be similar to the past, however Category C is all new. I think there is something here for everybody. Think of this challenge as Team Iron Builder + Historica + Wargame First I will give a quick version of the rules (for you who are tired of reading!), and then a detailed version.

NOT THE OFFICIAL MAP, just for demonstration.

16220173917_f349b0ff59_c.jpgwarmap by skaforhire, on Flickr

Step 1: Choose sides

Step 2: mini - challenges on the map are declared, using the map grid. Sea above.

Step 3: Each mini-challenge has parameters and last two or three weeks.

Step 4: After the due date, the entries are put into a voting tab, and all of EBs can vote for which side won the battle.

Step 5: Winner (except where noted) gets to choose the next battle site according to the rules.

Step 6 repeat, and multiple mini challenges, with different due dates will be happening at once.

Step 7: at the end of three months points are tallied. Each square is worth at least one victory point, squares with cities are worth 2 victory points, battles won are worth 1 victory point. Queenscross, Sultans Gate, Barqa, and Xersia are worth 3 points each. Petraea is worth 4 victory points.

Step 8 – Winner is the side with most victory points.

Caveat: There is another way to “win squares” called the personal challenge, this is described in the detailed rules.


Category C

The dynamic war and Map Challenges:

Kaliphlin is divided by 3 powers, the High Council, The Desert King, and the Ulandians – Builders have a chance to declare for a side before the war begins. We may have to balance sides. As the war progresses, all late-comers are put on the weaker team.

The map marks where the powers currently hold position.


Every week at least two zones will be up for grabs. (If it is popular, we will scale it up to 3 or 4 zones). I will put up a theme or mission, a little backstory, and a small geography lesson about the area so that the builds will have a general cohesiveness. Each challenge will be somewhat unique, but we will announce ahead of time “Major Battles” that builders have 4 weeks to prepare for. The minimum build time for a mini-challenge will be 2 weeks.

Builders will make a MOC located in one of the zones (stated clearly in their post). Each builder may build one MOC per zone / per challenge. The build doesn’t have to be combat, it could be a supply train, or something else that fits into the theme given for the mini-challenge battle.


At the due date, I will compile all the builds in a voting thread, all EB members are welcomed to vote for which side won. People will be told to vote on their favorite build and which side won overall. They will be instructed to vote according to build and story, but not photography. Sometimes there may be certain judging qualifications needed specified. For example, if one side has an overwhelming amount of builds, we might ask that when judging, members should only consider the six best builds from each side.

PERSONAL RANKS: On each side of the battle, winner, second, third, fourth, and fifth will receive points toward their “rank” in the war. All builders receive a base 2 points per build. There will be a rank system custom to each side. The ranks / point totals / will help determine a overall Winner of Category C.


When not stated otherwise, the highest scoring builder from the winning faction will decide which zone to move to the next week . It is advised that they coordinate with their team though. The wining builders should submit their target in the thread they post their build, so that we can immediately get started on the next mini-challenge if they win. They could move the battle to any “no-man’s land” zone, or any zone that directly touches their team’s territory that belongs to an enemy or to no-man’s land that their territory borders. For purposes of choosing, all nine squares around a zone are considered touching or bordering.

16220173917_f349b0ff59_c.jpgwarmap by skaforhire, on Flickr

For example, if the red faction won the last battle, they could choose many different places on this map. They could pick H9, H10, J11, K11, or B10 for example because each of those spots fit the description of eligible battle zones. There are also many more on the map not named above that fit the parameters.

The red leader could NOT pick I7 because it is not within one square of territory they own. (it is two no man’s land squares from Red territory.

The red leader could NOT pick D5, because it is in the middle of Blue Territory.

Lastly, some zones will be off limits, these zones will be marked in another color. Any zone in which a battle (Warzone or successful Guerrilla Attack) has just concluded, or concluded the week before is “Safe” from battle. This includes zones conquered through decisive victories, but not overwhelming victories (see special circumstances section below.)

IF we get a situation where only two factions can reach a location (No no-man’s land to cross, or the third faction’s territory touching the warzone), then we may open up a “ flash war-zone”, where everyone can participate. This zone’s winner would not pick a new location.

The challenge would continue, with most Sundays ending at least one mini-challenge. They will overlap one another, so that two challenges are going at all times.


If a side builds more MOCs than the other two sides put together, and they win the challenge, then the second place scorer from the side can pick an additional square worth only one victory point that borders the battle zone, and claim the territory as an “overwhelming” victory.

If one side wins 60% of the popular vote in a three way battle, or 75% in a two way battle, the second place scorer from the side can pick an additional square worth only one victory point that borders the battle zone, and claim the territory as an “Decisive” victory.


Hey, I don’t like making war MOC’s, this sucks! Well, there is a part of this challenge just for you!

The Personal Challenge! (AKA Guerilla Phase)

The Guerrilla Phase! This is worth 3 individual points in the rankings. Each builder can pick a location anywhere in a territory outside their faction and take a “guerrilla action.” Each builder can make one guerrilla action each week. It should be clear in the post where the action is happening. Guerrilla actions cannot happen in a zone that is off limits (Zones that recently changed hands will be off limits for two weeks, and will be clearly noted on the updated map.) IF attacking a city with a Guerrilla action, there needs to be at least the number of Guerrilla builders equal to the number of the Victory Points the city is worth. (IE: Queenscross is worth 3 VP, so in one week three MOCers from an enemy faction would need to coordinate their strike in order to make a valid attempt on the city) In a multiple Guerrilla Action against a zone, ALL GAs must win in order to turn the zone over to the attacker. (Personal ranking points are awarded no matter the outcome of the square.)

The guerrilla action would be something to affect that area. It could be repairing a war-torn village, conducting a raid, a spy job, a hostage rescue, a mission to sabotage the other side, recruiting, anything that is not directly a battle between two sides. The builder would create this MOC, and then prepare for others to “Counter” it.

'Guerrilla Action MOCs require the same approval as battle MOCs. So make sure to have a good story, a well photographed build, and make it obvious that this isn’t a quick building with figs on a baseplate. It should be clear that effort was made in the build. At the end of the week, on the map I will mark where Guerrilla actions have been discovered.

The counter-action – Each builder can make one counter-action a week, and this action is taken against any Guerrilla action in their territory. A counter-action is when a builder picks one of the sites of the last week’s guerrilla action that occurred in their faction’s territory, and builds a MOC to reverse it. This is worth 4 points. The challenge is, the build must be similar (think mirror building, but you can reinterpret the build) to the guerrilla attack. (IE: if the guerrilla builder made a farm, and set it ablaze, the counter attack should show the same farmstead [doesn’t have to be exact, but an interpretation of the farm] in transition back to working. Rebuild it, garrison it, etc…) Counter actors should make it known that they plan on countering a guerrilla in their territory so that there are only a few people working on a counter (that way your team can counter multiple threats). Counter builds cannot be larger than the Guerrilla build they are countering.

The guerrillas build will be presented against the counter-builds in a general voting thread. If the guerrilla wins, that zone will turn over to their side and the builder earns an addition 6 personal points.

All Guerrilla Builds should have their own thread, with a link posted in the Category C thread. The naming convention for Guerrilla builds from this point on should be: [G: Location, your faction vs the owner of the zone you are attacking]

ie: [G:J13, DK vs U]

Counter builds should look similar: [CG: location, your faction vs the guerrilla's faction]

IE: [CG:J13, U vs DK],

This naming convention will help us straighten out where things are happening.

Counter-builders have at least a week to counter a guerrilla MOC. Their week starts the Monday after the Guerrilla MOC is posted and ends on the next Sunday. (IE: if the Guerrilla MOC is posted on Monday, the deadline to counter would be TWO Sundays from that Monday, whereas if the guerrilla MOC was posted on a Sunday, the deadline would be the NEXT Sunday) All counters should be posted to the Guerrilla Build's thread. The Guerrilla attack thread will be checked on Monday of the next week to compile all counter MOCs for voting.

All cities (any place with multiple VP are cities on the map - check smaller Nice Marmot maps for details which city is where) have three weeks of counter time. Any zone deeply in enemy territory (More than two zones deep in all directions, including water) will have two weeks of counter time. Any zone in the "Special victory condition" area of the Desert King would also get two weeks to counter, since these are worth a lot at the end.

GAs that go uncontested will be awarded to the attacker. This includes zones with multiple attacks. IE: If a zone is Guerrilla Attacked with two MOCs and the defenders only counter one of the MOC, the attackers win.

Special rule: Failed Countered territories can immediately be guerrilla attacked the next week by the team that lost the territory. This gives the old team a second chance to get a valuable territory back. A failed counter is anytime the defender loses after a counter attempt is made. Uncontested GAs do not earn the same protection as a successful GA that was challenged and won. (IE: they are not protected from the third faction for two weeks)

Attacks by all three factions -- In a 1 Guerrilla v 1 Guerrilla v defender zone situation there are two ways to resolve the outcome. If the defenders can create a counter MOC that takes care of both Guerrilla Attacks, then they can counter with just one MOC. In this case, the three MOCs will go head to head to head. If multiple "dual counter MOCs" are made, then the judges will be asked to apply the best counter (in their opinion) against the other two GAs in the head to head to head poll. If multiple single MOC Counters are made, and both Guerrillas win, then the next week both guerrilla action MOCs will go head to head, winner takes the square. If only one guerrilla MOC wins, the next week it will go head to head against the winning counter of the other GA.

Personal points chart:

Guerrilla Attack Build: 3 points. Requires 3 approvals

Counter Attack Build: 4 points. Requires 4 approvals.

Uncontested win by a Guerrilla Attack: 2 points.

Contested Win by a Guerrilla Attack: 6 points.

Best Counter (If the counter attackers win): 3 points


Finally, there will be a thread for each mini-challenge battle. This is where you report your separate thread that you posted your challenge entry in. Also, you should state where the next target is if you win. Again, teams should talk about possible targets so that they are declaring similar targets when they post their build. We will take whatever location the winning builder picked, even if their entire team picked another location.

For Guerrilla actions, the builder should make a separate thread that displays their attack the thread should start with [Guerrilla] then title.

Factions may want to start a general thread to coordinate their team for Category C, and even the other two categories.

16709871642_5dd022a7eb_o.jpgactions for points by skaforhire, on Flickr

End game – at the end of the three months, the squares will be tallied, and this will go into deciding which side won the overall civil war. Each square is worth at least one victory point, squares with cities are worth 2 victory points, battles won are worth 1 victory point. Queenscross, Sultans Gate, Barqa, and Xersia are worth 3 points each. Petraea is worth 4 victory points.

Below is a map with the locations that are worth more than one victory point.

SPECIAL: Since the Desert King starts with a lot less victory points, they have a special condition. At the end of the war, if they control squares, A12, A13, A14, A15, and B12 they achieve a victory condition called "Keeping the Supply Line open" This is worth 15 points in the end of war tally.

16701906175_56ac28d166_c.jpgVictory Points Starting by skaforhire, on Flickr

16514517670_ec647f735f_o.jpgstarting VP by skaforhire, on Flickr



Every MOC must have two approvals from seasoned builders. Any builder with a GOH Tag may give a thumbs up approval. Starting April 6th, all approvals must be made by a neutral or enemy party. An approval is given with a " :thumbup: " symbol. Once a MOC has two :thumbup: it is eligible to win its contest, and the builder will be rewarded their points for the build. To keep the process running, voting threads will have all available MOCs present, even if they have not received their two :thumbup: yet. By the end of the week, when voting ends, any MOC that does not have two :thumbup: will be disqualified from winning, and the MOCer will only receive 1 point. This is the easiest way to do this, there may be a few builders that do not have GOH tag.shield that I may ask to be an "Approver" if we need more.


Thread Title Tags:

Tags for battlezone MOCs should look like this so that we can recognize them right away: MOC Title [Warzone number:grid location, faction name] it should look something like the following: Patrolling the Fields of the Arkbri Valley [WZ1: E7, High Council]



Who will you declare for?

16427973949_d8bfd9c283_z.jpgThe 1st Centurion by -Mike S-, on Flickr

16750491945_9fd7a03de2_z.jpgthroneroom by skaforhire, on Flickrdesertking by skaforhire, on Flickr

15994294173_084e8aa246_z.jpgPetitioning the Kaliphlin Council by -Mike S-, on Flickr

Edited by SkaForHire

Do I qualify as having a shield tag? Or is it just the guys with the book 1 tag?

This looks somewhat complicated but really fun!

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16646985012_e51de931d7_z.jpgchoosingsides by skaforhire, on Flickr

Do I qualify as having a shield tag? Or is it just the guys with the book 1 tag?

Let's Just say yes? That means people who won the GNAR, or got the Special member badges, could also preregister.

This looks somewhat complicated but really fun!

I tried to simplify it. I think once people get used to it, it will be kind of easy to follow.

Let's Just say yes? That means people who won the GNAR, or got the Special member badges, could also preregister.

In that case, I'd like to preregistration in support of the High Council.

Wow! Really impressed with the effort you put into this! If it's possible I would like to join the high council...

The Nestlands Clans support the High Council, whether I build for the challenge or not.

I'm gonna throw my lot in with the Desert King... for the sole reason that Avalonia will get keep Esterbroke. :grin:

Edited by Hammerhand

So cool! I can't imagine how much work will be going into this on the back end of things (well maybe I can :tongue:). Thank you to all who are making this possible!

I side with the Desert King. Bring on the mummies!

Very interesting system. Looks like it will be a fun challenge.

I'll side with the High Council.

While Ulandus makes some nice offers for Mitgardia, I'll stick with the Kaliphlin I know.

Oooh, I can't wait to start building! :grin:

I'll support the High Council. :classic:

I will gladly be the first to support Ulandus! :classic:

Amazing effort from you guys, just amazing...

I will go with Ulandus if I can please.

This looks amazing and very fresh. I am a bit confused on how it works with 3 sides, doors that mean that one side has to fight 2 battles while the other 2 factions fight only 1 each? Are Ulundus and Al'Esterbroke excluded from the conflict?

The PGTC board of directors is split on this one. Of course we stand for peace and prosperity. To the Duke that means the peaceful reunification with Ulundus which is now part of Kaliphlin. Rasputin's time with the mad monks in Arrakheen has convinced him that the Desert King is the best choice, and Rasputin is still out Chairman and CEO. A sizeable faction on the board thinks peace is not compatible with prosperity in the current environment, pointing to the outsize returns in our soft commodities trading division in the recent famine. This faction prefers the status quo because it will prolong the war and increase profits.

@goliath your home city is in the heart of Desert King territory?

Edited by robuko

@goliath your home city is in the heart of Desert King territory?

Do you mean for Vem Tabook?

Brunak the Chosen will fight for the Council! The Council was wise to give the orc chieftain a seat on the Council.

I will preregister for Ulandus, though I will not use my siggy in my builds, I will instead use Lord Benny Von Belticus of Wolf Bridge(not an official town yet).

Sir Infernum and Arcium will side (preregister) with the Ulandians! Sir Infernum agrees that a Mitgardian king will be best for all Historica. Plus, Kaliphlin could use some order.

This is a very interesting way to do category C! I love the war game aspect! One question: will there be a size limit? Or will each round be more like the open ended category C of the past few challenges?

  • Author

This looks amazing and very fresh. I am a bit confused on how it works with 3 sides, doors that mean that one side has to fight 2 battles while the other 2 factions fight only 1 each? Are Ulundus and Al'Esterbroke excluded from the conflict?

@goliath your home city is in the heart of Desert King territory?

No, all three sides will go at it for each battle, unless there is a challenge zone that one side cannot reach. If that is the case, then we will have an additional "flash battle" that that left out side can reach. Depending how it goes, we might just let that side pick where they would like to direct their efforts.

That map is not the official map, I made it before NM was done with Ulandus. If he has time to make a whole map with Ulandus, I will make a new map that includes it. If not, I will figure out the scale and we will add a seperate map. Al'esterbroke is out of play... unless we want to put it in there... but I really did not plan out controlling sea lanes for this challenge (perhaps if this works well, we can add that in the next time we do it.)

Kaliphlinites who have cities in occupied regions will see a blip on the map in their color, and their side will start out with control of that city.

This is a very interesting way to do category C! I love the war game aspect! One question: will there be a size limit? Or will each round be more like the open ended category C of the past few challenges?

Yes, great question -- there will be parameters for each mini-challenge. There will be few that are 48x48, maybe one that is larger, and most will be 32x32 and vignette competitions. My goal (fingers crossed) is to always have a vingette challenge going for the smaller builders. while the second or third challenge will be of larger proportions.

Mpya Stedor and Everlast both will be on the side of the High Council!

What probably means Everlast will be a blip in the land of the Desert King :/

A very amazing system, I`m going to need to study all that first

Also, does the shield I have as a tag (the Mitgardian Elite) count as on of the `required` shields for pre-reg?

EDIT: if so, Desert King then please

Edited by Tomsche

Ser Beorthan and the wealth of the Trifork will support the High Council, as we cannot trust any powerful king or faction on our borders. The Sand King is unlikely to stop at the border, and the First Centurion seems set upon establishing Kaliphlin as a vassal of Ulandus.


This is amazing, and I really can't wait to get started! :sweet:

It seems I do not have shield, but I will try to sneak that under the radar... :sceptic: How does one qualify?

The Trifork is right on the border with Faction one, which I assume is the High Council? I hope to be signed up for that side, but if that is not possible, I will make up a new character for this challenge.

Good job, all!

Edited by Bregir

This is all very complicated--I'm glad I'm not running it! Though my participation will likely be limited, I am quite excited for this. One question I have though--and it may have already been covered--but it seems to me like the Council faction wishes to be neutral. Why then would they be fighting in battles against the other two factions? Why would they be doing guerilla attacks?

@Milo that's a fair point. I am definitely one of the relative pacifists here anyway so I have thought about this. If I side with the Council, I will be doing guerilla bribery and subterfuge rather than attacks.

@Milo that's a fair point. I am definitely one of the relative pacifists here anyway so I have thought about this. If I side with the Council, I will be doing guerilla bribery and subterfuge rather than attacks.

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