August 2, 200717 yr what the heck did they do to that snowspeeder???! There was nothing wrong with the previous version!! it was great... even better than that! This one is just one huuuuge giant leap backward... and I even think it fell over the edge doing so... I mean look at those cannons... they're full of gaps everywhere... nothing connects where it shoud! *sing* and all stickers? yuurk :-X look at that : there's a hole between the piston thing and the front of the cannon and it's not even leveled with it either... The only good thing I see is the way the cockpit opens... Even the probe droid doesn't look like much... :'-( pfff... I'm definitely not getting that one... oh well, all the more money I can put in the republic cruiser, then *y*
August 2, 200717 yr Eurobricks Emperor This is a great set. It has a very high playability level. I would integrate the door and those "artillery pieces" in a MOC. They are really excellent as the starting point of a great MOC.
August 2, 200717 yr Thank you for the nice review, mutley 777! The Hoth Rebel Base looks very nice! TLG has done a great job! But I would have prefered it to come with some rooms and almost one tauntaun. Nevertheless it is very nice and even a great possibility to collect some SW minifigs. ... And let's hope for some tauntaun, a (Hoth) Rebel General, a Hoth Luke and a Wampa in the next years! We really nead them! By the way: Does anybody know if the Hoth Rebel Base will be available in normal toy stores in Germany or only at S@H? Does anybody know how much Euros it will cost?
August 2, 200717 yr Nice review. I hope it will also be sold in Holland in other toyshops. @ Klaus-Dieter: I thought I read something that it would be 60-70 euro.
August 2, 200717 yr Nice review, thanks. I'm not sure whether I like the doors of the cave, they leave gaps when closed, someone should have put some tiles on them.... The snowspeeder looks subtile, and I like the winch on the back, although I prefer the first 1999 model I posses myself. I didn't see this set today at TRU Amsterdam, they only had the new Sith Infiltrator for 39,99 euro.
August 2, 200717 yr Great set and a nice review. I think this one is a must for the SW fans. I really like that is playable and well built.
August 2, 200717 yr thanks for the great reveiw.i really like this set. mmmmmmmm K3-PO (drooling smilely) yay for snowies yay for lego lego on!
August 3, 200717 yr It is a good thing that the K-3PO doesn't have red eyes like the one in the toysrus ad. I don't like the set, the base has to many stickers, not enough detail, high price, and the overall design. I don't like the rerelease of the snowspeeder. but I do like your review, thanks for getting it so fast.
August 3, 200717 yr Boo Stickers!!!! It is a lovely set though, with many figures and a nifty probe droid and turret, though, I'm out for the Republic Cruiser...maybe this ;-) .
August 3, 200717 yr Stickers ... *sigh* I'm still buying it, but if those panels had been printed, I'd be buying multiples. I don't know how the price differential breaks down for LEGO, but in the long run they lose money from me on deals like that. I suspect the same happens with a lot of other collectors, but the average kid won't care, so I guess it doesn't have much effect on the bottom line. Kind of sad. Oh well, it's a decent parts pack since the AT-AT is so stingy on Snowies.
August 3, 200717 yr Thankz for this review *y* I like the minifigs and snowspeeder but hate the set I'll pass this one Piranha
August 3, 200717 yr Author Thanks for all the great comments about the review everybody it was my first :-)
August 3, 200717 yr Great review, but I just really dislike this set and it's brother (the Republic Cruiser) sooo much. For this set they should have tiled the doors... The K3PO is the saving grace of this set for me. The snowspeeder is a giant pile of crap because in a set this cheap a real snowspeeder wouldn't be cost-effective. They just shouldn't have put one in at all and included some more rebels and snowies instead...
August 3, 200717 yr Looks like a really nice set overall, great review Mutley. I think this may be one of the few sets I could end up getting this year, it's got some great figs in it.
August 3, 200717 yr Tks a lot Mutley for this sweet review ;-) I really like that set actually and I intend to build at least 4 of them :-P (I have 4 previous snowspeeders, so now I'll have 2 squadrons of 4 >:-) ) The set overall is crap but has really great bonus features and sweet Mfs 8-
August 3, 200717 yr Author Tks a lot Mutley for this sweet review ;-) I really like that set actually and I intend to build at least 4 of them :-P (I have 4 previous snowspeeders, so now I'll have 2 squadrons of 4 >:-) ) The set overall is crap but has really great bonus features and sweet Mfs 8-
August 4, 200717 yr Awesome review Mutely! I'm not so sure about this set. To me it feels kinda "thrown together". I feel the base door with the snow BURPS looks kinda bad with the me it makes it feel more "icy" and from what i remember on the Hoth, it wasn't really icy as much as it was snowy. K3PO looks kinda neat. The Stickers kinda suck for sure, but on the bright side if you buy multiples, then you have all those trans-windows and other parts. I can't see me buying this but its a fairly neat set nonetheless...minus those few niggles. Thank you Mr. Mutely
August 4, 200717 yr Sounds like a decent enough set, I'll pick it up when my local TRU stocks it. They already have the Radiant VII on the shelves anyway (except the set came with 2x 2/2 instruction manuals and the aforementioned obi-wan head!) Plus this is the last of the new 07' line up that I need! *sweet*
August 4, 200717 yr Wow. I like this set! Commercial: Come to Echo Base; our blast doors are always open.... :-D Still, it's a nice set.
August 4, 200717 yr Thanks a lot for the review! Your pictures are very nice (both quality and selection)!! :-) :-) I am a bit stuck with SW in the moment, and have already enough Snowtroopers and Hoth Rebels as well as the 4500 Speeder (which is a bit better imo..) I'll pass on this cause no Tauntaun and well... stuck... :-/ keep on doin reviews, mutley!!
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