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I can't see the first one being made. After January 2012, Lego will have most likely finished with Geonosis based sets.

3D AotC. :wink:

Just some sets I would like to see...

Episode 1:

Boonta Eve Classic:Shimi Skywalker,Gasgano,2 Pit Droids,C-3PO,Gasgano's Podracer,Repair Center-49.99

Naboo Gain Speeder:Naboo Royal Guardx2,Padme,Battle Droid on STAP-24.99

Battle Droid AAT:Droid Commander,Battle Droidx2,Captain Tarpals On Kaadu,Gungan Warrior-59.99

Episode 2:

Bounty Hunter Chase:Anakin,Obi-Wan,Zam Wesell,Assassin Probe Droid,Yellow Speeder,Zam's Speeder-39.99

Geonosian Areana:Anakin,Padme,Obi-Wan,Mace Windo,Kit Fisto,Aayla Secura,Count Dooku,Poggle the Lesser,2 Geonosians,2 Geonosian Battle Droids,Areana Beasts-99.99

Jango Fett's Slave One:Jango Fett,Boba Fett,Obi-Wan,Kaminoan-79.99

Episode 3:

Battle Of Utapau:Obi-Wan,General Grievous,Commander Cody,Clone Trooper,MagnaGuard,Boga,Wheel Bike-39.99

Battle Of Kashyyyk:Chewbacca,Yoda,Tarfful,Wookiee Warrior,Dwarf Spider Droid,Super Battle Droid,Ornithopter,Small Tree Looking Post-49.99

Republic AT-AP Walker:Commander Gree,Clone Trooperx2,Droid Commander-39.99

Anakins Jedi Interceptor-Anakin,R2-D2,Buzz Droidx2-24.99

Padme's StarShip:Padme,C-3PO,Nute Gunray,Geonosian Drone,San Hill-49.99

Duel on Mustafar:Anakin,Obi-Wan,Wat Tambor,Neimoidian Warrior,MSE Droid,Mustafarianx2,Shock Trooper,Mustafar Base,Lava Droid and Control Pad-69.99

CIS Command Ship:Anakin,Obi-wan,Count Dooku,Palpatine,General Grievous,Sercurity Droidx2-119.99

Thanks for reading.

Republic AT-AP Walker:Commander Gree,Clone Trooperx2,Droid Commander-39.99

I would love a new AT-AP set :wub:.

Just some sets I would like to see...


A lot of these have ridiculous prices and would be for minifigures only.

$99.99 For Geonosian Arena with 12 Minifigures?

And the Duel on Mustafar would have 9 minifigures? You want all the characters from one section in the movie worth $69.99. An actual set would have to include everything and in reality would end up being in the $200-$300 mark.

Aswell seeing as how The originaly Bounty Hunter Pursuit was sold at roughly $30USD. I doubt, 10+ years later it would only be $39.99.

Please make more reasonable suggestions other than loading minifigures into a set worth under $100.

Edited by Ritz Brick

Well, I based the Geonosian Areana's price on the Battle of Endor Set which sells for 99.99 and has 12 minifigs.

The Dule On Mustafar set only contains 7 minfigs(not counting the MSE Droid) and I would think lego would make a rather small base not a huge volcano base so yes 70$-80$ I believe would be very reasonable.

Most of these I would think are priced well such as the Droid AAT or Jango Fett's Slave One and I could only see 2 of these sets that may cause conflict.

These are not actual sets but just wishes of hopefull lego fans like myself.

A lot of these have ridiculous prices and would be for minifigures only.

Indeed. I believe we began discouraging the posting of future sets in this manner quite some time ago.

@North Lego Star: A small suggestion intended to help: I would recommend putting spaces after you place a comma. It so enhances readability. :classic:

We've already been over this numerous times.. TLG will never ever put more than ten minfigures in any Star Wars set. Sure, there are exceptions, like 8038, the The Battle Of Endor. Or the Death Star playset of course, but I consider that UCS, not to mention it's price tag which distinguishes it from the regular Star Wars sets.

But just take a look at the other large sets, 10198 Tantive IV, for example. A €140,- set, yet it comes with only five minifigures, whom one is exclusive. And what about 7965 Millenium Falcon? A €120,- set, which comes with five minifigures. No way they would have put in ten or more..

At the other hand, one can also notice that medium-sized sets, let's take 7961 Sith Infiltrator for example, contain a decent amount of minifigures when compared to the larger sets, like the two I was talking about earlier in this post. In my opinion, the amount of minifigures in a set, whether it's small or large, is not that much of difference.

Edit; Talking about (too much) minifigures in Star Wars sets, then take a look at this suggestion for Lego Cuusoo... :wacko:

Ever wanted to have an ultimate lego collection ? ,

Vote for this,Includes... Dooku,Greivous,Ventress,Jabba,Ziro the hutt, 50 Droids 20 Clones,Commanders Rex,Fox Gree,Wollffe,Cody. Also includes Acklay, Nute gunray, Boba fett,Jango fett,4 R2-d2, 4 C3-po,R2-Q5,2 Mouse droids, 10 Rebels,25 stormtrooper, 2 scout troopers, 2 imperial officers, Luke skywalker, 2 Darth vader, 2 Emperor Palpatine,4 Red guards,5 Senate commandos,1 senate commando captain,4 Assasin droids,4 Magnaguards,1 Battle droid captain, 4 Security droids, Admiral Ackbar, Bib fortuna Chewbacca and Han solo, 2 Bomb sqaud troopers,10 Rebel commandos, 5 Ewoks,Lando Calrisian,Lando,Skiff,5 Gamorean Guards,Bossk,Hansolo ep 6, Carbonite han solo, Ben Kenobi,Obi wan Kenobi Anakin Skywalker ep 1, Watto Ep1, Quigon, Padme ep1,10 Geonosians, Poggle the Lesser,Sun fac.

Edited by Hollander

Being a UCS geek, I am looking forward the UCS B-wing.

But, what I really need is a UCS Slave 1, with nice engine detail and a cockpit interior. And it MUST be in scale with the 10179 Falcon -precisely! Not just "minifig scale" because that is interpreted a bit too loosely - Thus the Imperial Shuttle and Falcon are not really in scale even though they should be :)

So USC Slave 1; 2000 bricks. 200USD :) (Boba and Frozen Han brick included )

Being a UCS geek, I am looking forward the UCS B-wing.

But, what I really need is a UCS Slave 1, with nice engine detail and a cockpit interior. And it MUST be in scale with the 10179 Falcon -precisely! Not just "minifig scale" because that is interpreted a bit too loosely - Thus the Imperial Shuttle and Falcon are not really in scale even though they should be :)

So USC Slave 1; 2000 bricks. 200USD :) (Boba and Frozen Han brick included )

Well, the first step would involve determining the size of the Falcon, which is more or less impossible. :laugh::wink:

If we could find the sizes of the miniatures used in the Avenger dump scene and apply the same ratio to 10179, we might get somewhere...*

*Though whether that information is even out there is completely unknown to me. But it can't hurt to try. =P

Just some more sets I would like to see(WITH NO PRICES)...

Episode 4:

Mos Eisley Cantina:Luke, Obi-Wan, Han Solo, Greedo, Bar Tender, Talz Guest, Dr.Eavzan, Cantina Band Player, Luke's Landspeeder

Imperial Star Destroyer:Darth Vader, Tarkins, Imperial Ofiicerx2, Stormtrooperx2, Death Star Gunner

Episoce 5:

Rebel Ion Cannon:General Reeikan, Hoth Rebel Trooperx2, Snowtrooper, Viper Probe Droid

TIE Bomber:TIE Pilot, Admrial Piett

Yoda's Hut: Yoda, Luke(training), Darth Vader(Luke Head), R2-D2(Dirty), Cave Duel(similar to Mustafar Duel)

Cloud Car:Cloud Car Pilot, Bespin Guard, IG Assassin Droid, StromTrooper

Cloud City:Luke, Leia, Han, Lando ,Darth Vader ,Boba Fett, Chewbacca, C-3PO(with bag),Uguant

Episode 6:

A-Wing Starfighter:A-wing Pilot, Mon Calimari Techncian, Admiral Ackbar

Rebel Transport Ship: Mon Mothma,Crix Madine, Lando, Rebel Commando, R5-M6

TIE Interceptor:TIE Pilot, R4-B7

Ewok Tree Trap:Wicket, Death Star Trooper

Imperial AT-ST Walker: Han Solo(endor), Chewbacca, Romba, AT-ST Driverx2, Rope Trap

Imperial Shuttle:The Emperor,Darth Vader,Imperial Pilot,Imperial Guardsx2

Imperial Base: Luke(Endor), Leia(Endor), Darth Vader, Scout Troopersx2, Death Star Gunner, Rebel Commando, Stromtrooper, 2 Imperial Speeder Bikes

And the Duel on Mustafar would have 9 minifigures? You want all the characters from one section in the movie worth $69.99. An actual set would have to include everything and in reality would end up being in the $200-$300 mark.

I don't expect to ever see this done again...Mostly because LEGO is making a Jedi Intereceptor and throwing a little bit of duel in there as well to throw us a bone...

Lapiz Cutter

Minifigs - AOTC Nute and Rune, Pilot Battle Droid, and two Neimoidian Ground Crewmen.

The shuttle should be bigger than the Clone Wars one so that it can fit more minifigs.

Techno Union Starfighter / Mankvim-814 Light Interceptor

Minifigs - Pilot Battle Droid

Separatist Boarding Craft / Pod Hunter

Minifigs - Asajj Ventress, two Super Battle Droids, and two Green Company Clone Troopers.

Assassin Probe w/ Probe Killers

Minifigs - Duchess Satine, Tal Merrik, and Orn Free Taa.

Trident-Class Assault Ship

Minifigs - Riff Tamson, three Aqua Droids, and Nossor Ri.

Mon Calamaria Guard Battle Pack

Minifigs - Two male Mon Calamaria Soldiers, female Mon Calamaria soldier, and Captain Ackbar.

Separatist Soldiers Battle Pack

Minifigs - Two Quarren Soldiers, and two Karkarodon soldiers.

Xanadu Blood

Minifigs - Pilot Cad Bane, three baby Jedi, Holographic Darth Sidious, Todo 360, and Nanny Droid.

It should also come with a little Mustafar playset.

Edited by Rune Haako

Well, I based the Geonosian Areana's price on the Battle of Endor Set which sells for 99.99 and has 12 minifigs.

The Dule On Mustafar set only contains 7 minfigs(not counting the MSE Droid) and I would think lego would make a rather small base not a huge volcano base so yes 70$-80$ I believe would be very reasonable.

Most of these I would think are priced well such as the Droid AAT or Jango Fett's Slave One and I could only see 2 of these sets that may cause conflict.

These are not actual sets but just wishes of hopefull lego fans like myself.

Honestly I liked your ideas and I don't see no problem with any of them. There wasn 't too many figs in either the Arena or Mustafar sets, because alot of those figs are droids and I don't think TLG counts droids as figs. (?)

We've already been over this numerous times.. TLG will never ever put more than ten minfigures in any Star Wars set.

Incorrect, TLG can do whatever they want when they want. There is no guidelines or boundaries for them they do as they please. I think it is unlikely but more possible if the set has some droid like maybe 3 or more because TLG doesn't count those as figs (?). Example the MTT, 7929, albeit the majority of those are droids. :laugh:

I've been hoping for a battle of Kamino set, it could include: Echo, Fives, Commander Colt, 3 aqua droids, trident ship, and maybe a landing pad with some walkways. I would also like the set that I'm pretty sure everyone wants: Cloud City! It would great if they made it as a huge set like the Death Star.

Delta Squad Battle Pack w/ Jedi body bags.

Asajj Ventress - Jedi Padawan and her master Ky Narec

Not sure what vehicle they'd come with.


Minifigs - General Whorm Loathsom, Bunny Assitant Droid, and 2 LR-57 Combat Droids aka Retail Droids.


Minifigs - General Lok Durd, Pune Zignat, 1 Probe Droid, and 1 Battle Droid.

Super Tank

Minifigs - Poggle the Lesser, Tactical Droid TX-21, 1 Geonosian Warrior, and 1 Battle Droid (Geonosis color, with the yellow.)

S-130 Shelter Speeder

Minifigs - Padme - Hazmat Suit, Jar Jar - Hazmat Suit, and Peppi Bow.

It should also come with a Shaak for Peppi to ride.

Edited by Rune Haako

Being an OT fan, there is not much left for me besides re-designs of old sets but given that I have restarted my collection I am certainly fine with that.

I assume that stuff like the Rebel Transport or Escort Frigate do not have enough appeal to justify their high price tags. The only new sets I could think of are a Lars Family Speeder (could make for a nice, small set with Owen and Beru possibly with some Jawas and a Moisture Vaporator) and a Rancor. I would like to see Lego attempt a brick-built Rancor but if not, a sculpted one would be fine. It would be consistent with Lego sculpting other large beasts (e.g. Jabba, Dewback). Maybe whatever set it comes in could include a large gate that could be attached underneath the new Jabba's Palace set.

Also, since most new sets will probably see re-designs, I would like to see a new TIE Bomber, Cloud Car, (System-scale) Imperial Shuttle and T-16 Skyhopper. I remember the last A-Wing we got had a green color scheme and I wonder if Lego would ever re-release the model by itself with a movie-accurate red color scheme.

Edited by Fighter of Frizzies

I remember the last A-Wing we got had a green color scheme and I wonder if Lego would ever re-release the model by itself with a movie-accurate red color scheme.

It's a possibility as this year (2012) gives us a new X,Y,B Wing there's a good chance TLG will complete the set. Also a new TIE Bomber, Advance and Interceptor to go with the Fighter.

I have a suggestion that could maybe make this topic a little more ...interesting to read:

I can say with some certainty that most craft will be released more than once in the course of the license for obvious reasons. I hence propose that we avoid mentioning rehashes unless the intent of the set would change along with the rehash (a UCS Venator as opposed to a Venator playset, for example).

Similar rules would apply for a set's minifigure selection. Alternately, since there already exists a thread for minifigure wishlists, it may be better to avoid mentioning minifigures altogether.

Just a thought.

I for myself would like to see an old republic battlepack. Maybe with 2 republic and 2 sith troopers from the online game. Or two battlepacks with 4 troopers each and maybe a little canon or brickbuild battledroid. They are releasing two old republic sets, so that could be a posibility.

More stuff for 2013:

Clone Trooper Army Pack; An AT-RT, BARC speeder and some Kashyyk scenery with 1 AT-RT Driver, 4 'regular' white Phase II clone troopers, 2 501st troopers, 1 BARC Speeder Pilot. Based on Revenge of the Sith Phase II clone troopers. About $25 and 125 pieces.

Droid Army Pack; 2 STAPs and 1 Tank Droid (Less complicated build than the 2009 set's tank droid). Minifigs: 2 B2s, 8 B1s. Also includes some Kashyyk scenery. About $25 and 130 pieces.

MINI 2nd Battle of Geonosis; Includes a baseplate and some MINI Republic and Separatist vehicles, along with a MINI droid factory. About $50-60 and 400-500 pieces.

Battle For Kamino; Similar to the Battle For Geonosis set, with several aqua droids, a Trident Assault Craft, and Echo and Fives. About $40 and 350 pieces.

UCS Sail Barge; In scale with the 2012 Skiff set. Includes Jabba, Boba Fett, R2-D2 and C-3P0, Slave Leia, 3 Gamorrean Guards, 2 Weequay Guards. About $400 and 4,000 pieces.

A-Wing; Similar to the Imperial V-Wing, with an A-Wing Pilot and an astromech droid.

A Mon Cal BP with a Clone SCUBA Trooper, Mon Cal, two AQUA Droids, and a little hydro speeder thing (£10)

An Umbara BP with a 501st Trooper, 501st AT-RT Pilot, and two Umbaran Separatists and a sort of mini AT-RT (£10)

A Mon Cal BP with a Clone SCUBA Trooper, Mon Cal, two AQUA Droids, and a little hydro speeder thing (£10)

An Umbara BP with a 501st Trooper, 501st AT-RT Pilot, and two Umbaran Separatists and a sort of mini AT-RT (£10)

Quite plausible suggestions, though I already had almost the exact same idea as the Umbara BP a few pages back. :wink:

Anyway, sets for the release of AotC in 3D, which, by the way, will be one of the most anticipated films for me in all time. :blush: Anyway, the suggestions:

Padme vs. Nexu and Anakin vs. Reek; About $20. New molds for the Nexu and Reek, and brick-built pillars for Padme and Anakin to be chained to. Also contains a Geonosian with spear.

The Grandstands; About $70. Has the Grandstands and about 3 or 4 Geonosians to sit on them, and Obi-Wan vs. the Acklay. Also has the luxury booth at the top of the stands with Count Dooku, Jango and Boba Fett, and Mace Windu.

Speeder Chase; About $40. Includes the two speeders and Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Zam Wessel.

Battle on the Platforms.; About $140. Includes Slave I, Jango and Boba Fett, Obi-Wan, a Kaminoan, and a small section of the Kamino docking bay.

Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter; About $25. Includes Obi-Wan, his starfighter, R4-P17, and a Kaminoan.

Speeder Chase; About $40. Includes the two speeders and Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Zam Wessel.

Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter; About $25. Includes Obi-Wan, his starfighter, R4-P17, and a Kaminoan.

Obi-Wan's JSF should have the Hyperdrive booster ring too.

The speeder chase should include the droid and 2 or 3 dark Bley crates.

Edited by Legoman273

Obi-Wan's JSF should have the Hyperdrive booster ring too.

The speeder chase should include the droid and 2 or 3 dark Bley crates.

At $25, I don't think that there would be enough pieces in the set for the Hyperdrive Ring. Maybe if the price was jacked up to $50 or so. :sceptic:

Which droid would that be?

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