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I think most of Star Wars sets next wave will be based on AotC specially since last wave we had a bunch of PM, this was probably because of the releases of the 3D movies. :thumbup:

Right now, all we know for certain about 2013 products is Lucas Licensing's chosen packaging. Everything else, no matter how likely, reasonable, or obvious, is pure speculation, and it belongs in this thread. Thanks. :classic:

Right now, all we know for certain about 2013 products is Lucas Licensing's chosen packaging. Everything else, no matter how likely, reasonable, or obvious, is pure speculation, and it belongs in this thread. Thanks. :classic:

Is that the Yoda packaging?

Well, since there is a possible chance we can except some AOTC sets next year, here a few sets I hope to see...

Geonosis Battle Pack: Clone Trooper,Clone Commander, Geonosian Warriorx2, Republic Heavy Blaster-12.99$

Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter: Obi-wan, R4-P17-24.99$

Tusken Raider Village: Anakin, Tusken Raiderx2, Bantha, Jawa, Swoop bike, Camp Site-29.99$

Jango Fett's Slave 1: Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Lama Su-79.99$

Republic AT-TE Walker: Clone Trooperx2,Clone Captain, Clone Pilotx2, Yoda, Geonosian Battle Droid Commander-109.99$

As for a possible Geonosian Arena, since there is a strong chance we'll be getting a Rancor Pit next year to put under The new Jabba's, I'm really hopeful that we'll see more of these sets the are sold separately but are able to come together into one massive set. So here's my idea for a Geonsian Arena in Three differnet parts...

Geaonsian Arena Part 1: Stass Allie, Padme, Geonsoian Warrior, Nexu, Areana Stands/Geonosian Catacombs/Geonsoian Warrior Roof Catapult, Prisoner Pillar-24.99$

Geonosian Arena Part 2: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Super Battle Droidx2, Acklay, Arena Stands/Small Droid factory/ Prison Holding, Prisoner Pillar-24.99$

Geonosian Arena Part 3: Anakin, Count Dooku, Mace Windo, Aayla Secura, Poggle the Lesser, C-3P0 Battle Droid, Geonosian Battle Droidx4, Reek, Geonsian Private Box/Large Opening Gate/ Large Droid Factory/ Command Room, Prisoner Pillar-119.99$

Thanks for Reading!

I would like to see for future star wars sets

Obi Wan Kenobi's Delta 7 Jedi starfighter with 2 minifigures (R4-P17 and Obi Wan Kenobi) £29.99

Jango Fett's Slave 1 with 2 minifigures (Redesigned Jango Fett and Boba Fett) £44.99

Phase 1 Clone Trooper battle Pack with 5 clone troopers £11.99

A battle droid battle pack with 5 battle droids £11.99

The Twilight, with 6 minifigures (Anakin Skywalker, Ashoka Tano, R3-S6, R2-D2, medical droid, Clone Trooper)

The Acclamator Class assault ship (minifig scale) with 10 clone troopers and 10 battle droids

And maybe a set with custom minifigs, like droids etc

Edited by AudiBobaR5-D2

Now that I think about it, one more awesome set we need is the Jedi Ambassadorial Shuttle.

What makes me mad is that Lego prices everything way to much. I want a nice minifig sized shuttle.

So here's what I thought- Jedi Ambassadorial Shuttle- Anakin, Obi Wan, Ashoka, Father, Son, and Daughter.

Because you see the Father Son and Daughter while the Jedi use the shuttle why not? They would be awesome minifigs!

This set should be priced like Emperor Palpatine's Shuttle- 60$ MAX

The set should be a larger but still easy to swoosh around because the imperial shuttle released in 2011 looked almost

to big.......

The shuttle would have a large cockpit enough to fit 2 minifigs. Inside there should be enough to fit 4 more minifigs.

The ship has to have a boarding ramp and enough room to fit at least a small speeder that Anakin uses to find Son in that


That would be pretty cool. Although I would like to complete the lineup of recurring villains first (Maul, Talzin etc) before moving onto the standalone arc characters.

I hope we get more Old Trilogy sets in 2013. The ones from 2012 just rock! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

All I really want out of AotC is a new Jango and maybe if we are lucky some sort of Geonosian arena (playset) with some cool Jedi! If TLG wants a set to sell next year all they have to do is throw in a new Jango and that set will automatically fly off the shelves, either that or Bricklink will be selling a lot!

That would be pretty cool. Although I would like to complete the lineup of recurring villains first (Maul, Talzin etc) before moving onto the standalone arc characters.

I do think that Mother Talzin would be a WONDERFUL character for lego to make. Maybe like a Dothormir set with witches and their castle like thing?

Citadel Escape set with ARC Troopers Fives and Echo!!!!! or an Umbara set. I really just want more Phase II clones.

Citadel Escape set with ARC Troopers Fives and Echo!!!!! or an Umbara set. I really just want more Phase II clones.

Same here I would like to see more phase II clones next year, but definitely more AOTC sets as well

Here are mine. I'm really thorough with my ideas, I think of everything about a set. These are all CW by the way because not the biggest fan of either PT or OT. I'll continually update this post with more :)

EDIT - Added two new ones (Podhunter Attack and Wookiee Catamaran), and 6 planet sets. I'm in a creative mood today!

* = New mold

Planet Sets

Wave 1

Kashyyyk w/ Wookiee Flyer and Chewbacca

Geonosis w/ Republic Gunship and Clone Trooper (Phase 1 AOTC version)

Dathomir w/ Nightspeeder and Nightsister

Wave 2

Hoth w/ AT-AT and Snowtrooper

Coruscant w/ ARC-170 and ARC-170 Pilot

Felucia w/ AT-TE and Clone Trooper (Phase 2)


Battle Droid Battle Pack - $12

Figs - x3 Battle Droid, x1 Super Battle Droid*

Vehicles - x1 STAP

Accessories - Blaster rack, Droid Blaster* x3

Clone Trooper Battle Pack - $12

Figs - x3 Clone Trooper (CW Phase 2), x1 Clone Captain (CW Phase 2 w/ fabric kama)

Vehicles - x1 AT-RT (2010 CLone Turbo Tank version)

Accessories - Blaster rack, Radio module, Clone Blaster* x3, Clone Rifle* x1

Luminara Unduli's Jedi Starfighter - $25

Figs - Luminara Unduli (CW, new lightsaber hilt that looks like her own) R3-L9 (Silver droid)

Vehicles - Dark Green & Green Jedi Starfighter (Landing gear, lightsaber storage, Flick fires and a big bomb)

Accessories - Bomb

Wookiees VS. Trandoshans - $40

Figs - Chewbacca* (CW), Bossk* (CW), x2 Wookiee* (CW), x2 Trandoshan Soldier* (CW)

Vehicles - Trandoshan Speeder

Accessories - Platform w/ 2 turrets, x1 Bowcaster*, x2 Wookiee Longrifle*, x2 Blaster Pistol, x2 Blaster Rifle

Podhunter Attack - $65

Figs - x2 Rocket Battle Droid (CW), x2 Wolfpack Clone Trooper (CW), Plo Koon (CW)

Vehicles - x1 Vulture Droid, x1 Droid Podhunter, x1 Clone Escape Pod

Accessories - x2 Droid Blaster*, x2 Clone Rifle*, asteroid, x2 Droid rocket pack*, Plo Koon's lightsaber

Wookiee Catamaran - $85 (New CW version)

Figs - x2 Wookiee*, x1 Tarrful*, x2 Battle Droid, x1 Tactical Droid

Vehicles - Wookiee Catamaran, x2 Spider Droid, Corporate Alliance Tank Droid

Accessories - x6 Droid Blaster*, Droid blaster storage, Droid Crate, Droid commend station, x4 Wookiee Longrifle*

Edited by Lieutenant_Colonel_Fifi

some idea for the next year


Old republic Battle Pack: 2_Sith trooper+2_Republic trooper(new helmet)+Imperial droid+Republic gun-$12.99

Clone wars battle pack: carb droid. Minifigures:2_Phase 2 Clone Trooper(new helmet)+2_Commando Droid with shield-$12.99

AT-ST: AT-ST like in 8038. Minifigures:1_AT-ST pilot +1_Stormtrooper+1_new Ewok+1_Rebel trooper -$19.99

Obi Wan's JediStarfighter:Starfighter from AOTC. Minifigures: Obi Wan(AOTC)+R4-P17- $29.99

TIE Interceptor: New version of 6206 like 9492. Minifigures:1_ TIE Fighter Pilot+1_Imperial Officer+2_Stormtrooper -$54.99

Padmé's ship: H-type Nubian yacht. Minifigures: Padmé Amidala (AOTC)+Anakin Skywalker(AOTC)+C-3PO+R2-D2+2_Geonosian-$59.99

Umbaran Tank:umbaran hover tank+AT-RT(same as in the bp). Minifigures: 2_Umbaran+New Clone commander REX+ARC Trooper Fives+1_Phase Il clone Trooper(new helmet) -$49.99

Republic Commando: smal building+ trees+containers+Droid dispenser. Minifigures: Boss+Sev+Fixer+Scorch+3_Battledroid+3_Trandoshan-$39.99

Planet sets:

Geonosis+Geonosian starfighter+Geonosian

Kashyyyk+Wookiee catamaran+Wookiee

Hoth+Snow speeder+hoth rebel trooper



Hailfire Droid:the new version of 7670. Minifigures. droids-$19.99

Bounty Hunter Pursuit: The new edition of 7133, smaller, niecer speeders. Minifigures: Anakin(AOTC)+Obi Wan(AOTC)+Zam Wesell-$29.99

Republic Z-95 starfighter:clone Z-95 starfighter. Minifigures:1_New Clone Pilot+1_Phase Clone trooper-$39.99

A-Wing: A-wing+rebel transport. Minifigures:1_Pilot+1_Rebel Machinist+2_Rebel trooper-$24.99

Droid transport: Hardcell-class interstellar transport. Minifigures:1_Droid pilot+6_Battle droid-$69.99

Jango Fett's Slave 1:new slave one. Minifigures: Jango Fett+Boba Fett+Kaminoan-$89.99

Rancor Pit: Rancor pit+under word of palace. Minifigures:Rancor+2_Gamorrean Guard+Luke Skywalker+3_Bounty Hunter-$119.99

AT-TE: AOTC AT-TE Minifigures: 1_Clone pilot+2_Clone trooper+1_Clone gunner+4_Jedi-$119.99

Mandalorian shuttle: Aka'jor-class shuttle. Minifigures: Satine Kryze+Mandalorian policeman+New printed Death Watch Trooper-$44.99

Geonosian arena:playset like 9526 or 7879. Minifigures:Jedis+droids+Count Dooku(AOTC)-$84.99


Kamino+Kaminian+Republic Attack Gunship

Christophsis+AAT+Whorm Loathsom

Alderran+Bail Organa+Tantive IV


Edited by Gubi0222

Not sure if this belongs in 2012 Pictures and Rumors, but I and many others are hoping for some kind of Rancor Pit add-on.... I think this picture validates speculation of a Jabba Palace add-on. Read the first two little paragraphs at bottom of page and let me know what you think..... I'm thinking we're getting something in the future


Photo taken from July/August Lego club magazine

I have some idea for the next year


Clone trooper battle pack:AT-RT like in 8098. Minifigures:3_ Phase Il clone Trooper(new helmet)+Phase Il ARC trooper -$12.99

Battle droidbattle pack: Carb droid. Minifigures:2_battle droid+1_super battle droid+1_tactical droid or aqua droid-$12.99

AT-ST: AT-ST like in 8038. Minifigures:1_AT-ST pilot +1_Stormtrooper+1_new Ewok+1_Rebel trooper -$19.99

Obi Wan's JediStarfighter:Starfighter from AOTC. Minifigures: Obi Wan(AOTC)+R4-P17- $29.99

TIE Interceptor: New version of 6206 like 9492. Minifigures:1_ TIE Fighter Pilot+1_Imperial Officer+2_Stormtrooper -$54.99

Padmé's ship: H-type Nubian yacht. Minifigures: Padmé Amidala (AOTC)+Anakin Skywalker(AOTC)+C-3PO+R2-D2+2_Geonosian-$59.99

Umbaran Tank:umbaran hover tank+AT-RT(same as in the bp). Minifigures: 2_Umbaran+New Clone commander REX+ARC Trooper Fives+1_Phase Il clone Trooper(new helmet) -$49.99

Republic Commando: smal building+ trees+containers+Droid dispenser. Minifigures: Boss+Sev+Fixer+Scorch+3_Battledroid+3_Trandoshan-$39.99

Planet sets:

Geonosis+Geonosian starfighter+Geonosian

Kashyyyk+Wookiee catamaran+Wookiee

Hoth+Snow speeder+hoth rebel trooper



Hailfire Droid:the new version of 7670. Minifigures. droids-$19.99

Bounty Hunter Pursuit: The new edition of 7133, smaller, niecer speeders. Minifigures: Anakin(AOTC)+Obi Wan(AOTC)+Zam Wesell-$29.99

Republic Z-95 starfighter:clone Z-95 starfighter. Minifigures:1_New Clone Pilot+1_Phase Clone trooper-$39.99

A-Wing: A-wing+rebel transport. Minifigures:1_Pilot+1_Rebel Machinist+2_Rebel trooper-$24.99

Droid transport: Hardcell-class interstellar transport. Minifigures:1_Droid pilot+6_Battle droid-$69.99

Jango Fett's Slave 1:new slave one. Minifigures: Jango Fett+Boba Fett+Kaminoan-$89.99

Rancor Pit: Rancor pit+under word of palace. Minifigures:Rancor+2_Gamorrean Guard+Luke Skywalker+3_Bounty Hunter-$119.99

AT-TE: AOTC AT-TE Minifigures: 1_Clone pilot+2_Clone trooper+1_Clone gunner+4_Jedi-$119.99

Mandalorian shuttle: Aka'jor-class shuttle. Minifigures: Satine Kryze+Mandalorian policeman+New printed Death Watch Trooper-$44.99

Geonosian arena:playset like 9526 or 7879. Minifigures:Jedis+droids+Count Dooku(AOTC)-$84.99


Kamino+Kaminian+Republic Attack Gunship

Christophsis+AAT+Whorm Loathsom

Alderran+Bail Organa+Tantive IV


I see some copies of what I posted. Please take them out.

I don't think that's confirmation of any sort that we're getting an add-on. It's just the basis for a contest meant for kids.

You don't think TLG is reading the forums, and now fishing for ideas via us (AFOL) and kids (through Kids club)? Besides the droid torture chamber and Rancor pit, what other rooms are really available? And with TLotR Cave Troll, the Wampa, and new Hulk, I think the "big guy" molds are there for a Rancor, with some tweaking of course. Idk, I think the seed is planted and they are looking for some input. I apologize if my comment before came off definitive, merely my thoughts/ opinions. I just really have a good feeling about this.....

I see some copies of what I posted. Please take them out.

sorry but i think it's a good idea

Edited by Gubi0222

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