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Then reply to my post and say you agree with me. It's a much better and quicker option. Truth be told, I'm not that annoyed anyway.

He can post the ideas again if he wants to. You are not a staff member, and therefore should avoid telling others what to do, especially if it is something that is not bad in the first place.

I heard something about "large brown tracked vehicle, which holds a lot of droids" for 2013. Do you think its MTT or Java set from 4-th movie?

Heres some more ideas-


Umbaran Starfighter- Fives, Hardcase, Jesse, 2 Umbarans

Umbaran Hover Tank- Rex, 2 clones, 2 Umbarans

Umbara Battle- Rex, Fives, 5 extra clones, 5 Umbarans, Pong Krell, 1 hover tank, Y wing Starfighter[bomber]

Turtle Tanker- Obi Wan, Assajj, Savage Opress, Darth Maul[new legs] And LOTS of cargo, detachable cockpit

Z95 headhunter- Plo Koon, Clone Pilot[custom]

LARGE Planets

Kamino, 2 Kaminoans, 10 clones Shaak Ti

Naboo Palace- 3 Naboo Gaurds, Padme Amidala, Obi Wan, Anakin [throne room, hangar]


Aka Jor Shuttle[Mandolorian Shuttle] Duchess Satine, Obi Wan, Mando Guards 2

Coronet- Duchess Satine, Obi Wan, Anakin, Clones 2, Tal Marrek, Orn Free Ta, 1 extra senator, Assassin Probes 2. includes throne room, dining room, storage, docking platform

Darth Mauls transformation- Mother Talzin, Savage Opress, Darth Maul,

Munificent Class Frigate- General Grevoius, Battle Droid 5 Count Dooku, Has a bridge and a cargo bay area, UCS

H type Nubian Yacht- Padme, Anakin, C3PO

I heard something about "large brown tracked vehicle, which holds a lot of droids" for 2013. Do you think its MTT or Java set from 4-th movie?

Hehe. Where did you hear this anyway ? Source(s)? You have spies?


CT & BD Battlepack ep2

Space Trooper & Rebel Special Forces BP

Tusken Raider Camp ep2

Homing Spider Droid ep2

TIE Interceptor

B-wing Starfighter

Gungan Attack - Flach Speeder and Gungan Patrol

T-16 Skyhopper / Mos Eisley Cantina


Obi Wan's Jedi SF ep2

Cloud Car

Battle of Kashyyyk - Wookiee Flyer and Spider Droid

Naboo Royal Cruiser / Trade Fed Shuttle ep2

Jango Fett's Slave 1 ep2

Trade Fed Landing Craft / Rep Gunship ep2

Cloud City / Imperial SD

Bounty Hunter Chase ep2 - Ani's Speeder and Zam Wesell's Speeder

TIE Bomber / Imperial Shuttle

Advent Calendar

Planet sets

Snowspeeder & Hoth

AT-TE & Felucia

Wookiee Catamaran & Kashyyyk

Geonosian Fighter & Geonosis

Jango's Slave 1 & Camino

Republic Gunship & Coruscant

UCS Slave 1 / AT-AT & Republic Gunship

He can post the ideas again if he wants to. You are not a staff member, and therefore should avoid telling others what to do, especially if it is something that is not bad in the first place.

I saw some copies of what I had posted, but ultimately decided to leave it alone. And I do not want to have my ideas posted again, if it is possible, which sometimes it clearly isn't.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see a new sandcrawler. Been quite a while since our last rendition, plus the incredible MOCS by Marshall Banana and Cavegod would be some great inspiration to work off of for TLC.

I heard something about "large brown tracked vehicle, which holds a lot of droids" for 2013. Do you think its MTT or Java set from 4-th movie?

It sounds like a Sandcrawler. Odd, though. The MTT had more screentime then the Sandcrawler (it's close, though) and is more well-known due to TCW, and it (MTT) is from EP. I. The Sandcrawler seems like it would be a one-time set. The Sandcrawler would be a good UCS set, though, as those who would buy a UCS would be the more die-hard fans (and thereby would be familiar with it). I won't believe this until it is backed up by a more credible source, though. :sceptic:

I'd like to see a new TIE Interceptor in the same scale as the new TIE Fighter. A similarly scaled TIE Bomber would be cool, as well. On the Rebel side, a new A-Wing. Seems there's always many X-Wings and Y-Wings, but not so many A-Wings! I always liked A-Wings the best on the Rebel side. On the UCS side, a new regular Star Destroyer would be cool. A new standalone AT-ST would be nice too, but seems unlikely. I guess I might try BrickLinking the 2006 one instead at some point. Same thing with the Snowspeeder, I'd like a larger one than the one in Hoth Wampa Cave.

I'd like to see a new TIE Interceptor in the same scale as the new TIE Fighter. A similarly scaled TIE Bomber would be cool, as well. On the Rebel side, a new A-Wing. Seems there's always many X-Wings and Y-Wings, but not so many A-Wings! I always liked A-Wings the best on the Rebel side. On the UCS side, a new regular Star Destroyer would be cool. A new standalone AT-ST would be nice too, but seems unlikely. I guess I might try BrickLinking the 2006 one instead at some point. Same thing with the Snowspeeder, I'd like a larger one than the one in Hoth Wampa Cave.

Seeing as how there has been 4 renditions of the X-Wing, 3 of the Y-Wing and 3 of the A-wing, seems fairly balanced to me.

I know we're getting a UCS version, but I would really like to see a minifig-scale B-Wing fighter to go along with the new X-wing and Y-wing.

Another A-wing would be great, too.

It sounds like a Sandcrawler. Odd, though. The MTT had more screentime then the Sandcrawler (it's close, though) and is more well-known due to TCW, and it (MTT) is from EP. I. The Sandcrawler seems like it would be a one-time set. The Sandcrawler would be a good UCS set, though, as those who would buy a UCS would be the more die-hard fans (and thereby would be familiar with it). I won't believe this until it is backed up by a more credible source, though. :sceptic:

I think he Sandcrawler is one of those classic SW vehicles, moreso than the MTT. Remember the Sandcrawler was a major plot point and included 2-3 scenes involving principle characters. Including the scene where we first meet the main protagonist, Luke. Whereas the MTT while an impressive vehicle, really was more of a background special effect. I'm thinking it has been a long time since we last saw a Sandcrawler, so we're due.

I have got more ideas for 2013 sets

This is ROTJ set ideas

A new Imperial Star Destroyer with 13 minifigures, and the set is alot bigger than 6211. The minifigures are Imperial commander x 1, Imperial officer x 2, Imperial stormtroopers x 3, Imperial scout troopers x 3, Imperial protocol droid x 2 and 2 Imperial astromech droids. 3 mini Tie Interceptors, 3 mini Tie Fighters, 3 mini Tie defenders and 2 mini imperial shuttles

Imperial Shuttle (similar to 7264 imperial inspection, but a bigger version). With 5 Minifigures - Imperial shuttle pilot x 2, Stormtroopers x 2 and a Imperial officer

Rebel Alliance Home One (similar to 7754 but is the entire ship with space for minifigures) Minifigures are Rebel soldier x 3, rebel Endor soldier x 3, rebel pilots x 2, Han Solo (Endor), Lando Calrissian (General), Leia Organa (Endor), Luke Skywalker (Endor), Mon Mothma, Rebel General x 2, Admiral Ackbar, Astromech Droids x 2, R2-D2 and C-3po. And maybe this set should have 3 mini X-wing starfighters, 3 mini Y-wing starfighters, 3 mini A-wing starfighters and 3 mini B-Wing starfighters

Edited by AudiBobaR5-D2

I have got more ideas for 2013 sets

This is ROTJ set ideas

A new Imperial Star Destroyer with 13 minifigures, and the set is alot bigger than 6211. The minifigures are Imperial commander x 1, Imperial officer x 2, Imperial stormtroopers x 3, Imperial scout troopers x 3, Imperial protocol droid x 2 and 2 Imperial astromech droids. 3 mini Tie Interceptors, 3 mini Tie Fighters, 3 mini Tie defenders and 2 mini imperial shuttles

Imperial Shuttle (similar to 7264 imperial inspection, but a bigger version). With 5 Minifigures - Imperial shuttle pilot x 2, Stormtroopers x 2 and a Imperial officer

Rebel Alliance Home One (similar to 7754 but is the entire ship with space for minifigures) Minifigures are Rebel soldier x 3, rebel Endor soldier x 3, rebel pilots x 2, Han Solo (Endor), Lando Calrissian (General), Leia Organa (Endor), Luke Skywalker (Endor), Mon Mothma, Rebel General x 2, Admiral Ackbar, Astromech Droids x 2, R2-D2 and C-3po. And maybe this set should have 3 mini X-wing starfighters, 3 mini Y-wing starfighters, 3 mini A-wing starfighters and 3 mini B-Wing starfighters

20 Minifigures in one set? Which are mostly already included in some set or another. and why would an Imperial SD need 3 scout troopers?

20 Minifigures in one set? Which are mostly already included in some set or another. and why would an Imperial SD need 3 scout troopers?

because it is a set just before the Battle of Endor in ROTJ, like moments before. And it is just an idea though. And hopefully LEGO would remake the Imperial SD, but alot bigger

Edited by AudiBobaR5-D2

If we ever do get another Home One, I'll rather we get Leia in her Rebel General uniform over the Endor camo.

I think that Lego should be making more sets from Episode 2 for a start. Like 'the cannon that destroys the Trade Federation starship in the Battle of Geonosis'.

Anyway, a nice Republic ship such as an Acclamator Class Assualt Frigate or an Arquitens Class Light Cruiser would go down well with me. Plus it would give Lego the opportunity to introduce Republic Navy Officers. And while they're at it, they can make a Phase 2 clone trooper battle pack with 2 clone troopers, a clone commander, an arc trooper, and a small command centre.

This would just make 2013 for me. default_classic.gif

So, there is the rumour of Ewok set for 2013.

First, lets talk about what you THINK it WILL look like.

and share ideas What we actually imagine it SHOULD look like.

My idea of how it will look like - set around 50 €, a bigger tree with a shack, two ewoks, maybe Luke in Endor outfit, maybe Threepio.

My idea how it should look like - around 100 € several (lets say three) trees, a shack, Luke, three or four Ewoks, two stormies and maybe another AT-ST or speederbike, but thats not necessary, several traps and 3PO and R2D2 to make it a full diorama with Endor bunker and Ewok attack. Thats my dream :-)

Force Ghosts anyone? :grin:

Although the feasibility of a transparent figure is questionable, I could see medium light blue or something.

What if I tell you that I have seen a custom transparent minifig on ebay :tongue:

They should be feasible

Edited by augustus

I'd like to see the Ewok Village come with an updated Endor Luke, Tribal Leia and Trenchcoat Han.

I wouldn't mind another AT-ST as a seperate release either. Endor Leia also needs an update using the new head and hair from the Hoth figure.

I think that Lego should be making more sets from Episode 2 for a start. Like 'the cannon that destroys the Trade Federation starship in the Battle of Geonosis'.

Anyway, a nice Republic ship such as an Acclamator Class Assualt Frigate or an Arquitens Class Light Cruiser would go down well with me. Plus it would give Lego the opportunity to introduce Republic Navy Officers. And while they're at it, they can make a Phase 2 clone trooper battle pack with 2 clone troopers, a clone commander, an arc trooper, and a small command centre.

This would just make 2013 for me. default_classic.gif

Have we ever seen Republic Officers except for the Clone Wars animated series? And is there any difference in their uniforming from the later Imperial Officers?

I would seriously like a proper Mustafar base. A nice big one (Unlike 2005) with Plenty of figs, maybe Padme's Starfighter and Contol room.... I could go on! I would also like:

New Star Destroyer (6211 Redo)

Uncle Owens House

Palpatines Throne Room

and many more!

Uncle Owens House

Yeah, I would also like the one from episode 2 with Owen, Beru, Clieg, Shmi Skywalker and maybe even a bantha and some Tuskens :wub: But thats a far-fetched fantasy

Figure we will get some AotC love. Plus of the 20, a few redone sets. My predictions

New version of Bounty Hunter Pursuit. About the same size and scale as the more recent pod racing set.

Acclimation class set on about the same style and scale as the Venator and ISD. Lots o clones.

New Sandcrawler. Jawas

AotC Lars residence set. Small to mid set. Anakin, Padme, Tusken Raiders, part of house. Speederbike.

Tie Interceptor. We're due

Mando Shuttle. Hopefully a Satine minifig.

CW underwater set. Mon Cal? Use pieces from Atlantis, etc. shark dudes. small set.

Zilo Beast Clone Tank, send in the clones.

Starfighters, new A wing, Red CW Y Wing, CW Z 95 (doubtful given production time frames), fan blade Starfighter.

Hounds Tooth with Trandosians

Just my hopes :classic:

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