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I'm hoping for a set (maybe a battle pack) with the sand red Geonosis battle droids; they only appeared in the 2003 version of the Geonosian Fighter so it's about time they show up in a set again. Some non-CW EpII clone troopers would also be nice.

Edited by DarkFader

I'm looking forward to a massive set based on the Geonosis arena with the 3 creatures to be announced on tuesday, fingers crossed :cry_happy:

Are they announcing that today? That would be nice, but think of how expensive that might be.

I'd also like to see another Imperial Star Destroyer, larger Endor Bunker playset, a minifig scale Juggernaut, a larger Slave I, and finally the Outrider.

I'm looking forward to a massive set based on the Geonosis arena with the 3 creatures to be announced on tuesday, fingers crossed :cry_happy:

The only way I can see that set is a $130 summer wave set. Maybe if they do it it will be like the Helm's Deep and Uruk-hai Army sets, with the arena coming with two beasts, and a smaller add-on set with the third.

I doubt we would find out about an areana or big thing this week. The retailers catalouge will tell us the winter wave and the bigger sets are always in the summer wave.

I think the best way to do a Geonosian Arena would be a DTC style set, like the Dropship, Joust, or Diagon Alley. 10-12 Minifigs and a decent main structure. The second part could be the pillars and beasts. With the current selection of moulded animals in the Star Wars line I believe the arena beasts would also be molded, therefore making this set rather expensive. However, I think if done properly it could be a fantastic set. Imagine getting this in March 2013 and then a new Republic Gunship in the summer wave!

Now with the 30th anniversary of ROTJ next year I hope it gets a big flagship set. Specifically, I would like to see a new Imperial Shuttle. Although a Tyderium with rebels on board would be nice (great opportunity for a Prune Face Minifig) I would rather have one with an Imperial cast of characters: a great opportunity for a Jerjerrod minifig and most importantly, an Imperial Dignitary!

Now with the 30th anniversary of ROTJ next year I hope it gets a big flagship set. Specifically, I would like to see a new Imperial Shuttle. Although a Tyderium with rebels on board would be nice (great opportunity for a Prune Face Minifig) I would rather have one with an Imperial cast of characters: a great opportunity for a Jerjerrod minifig and most importantly, an Imperial Dignitary!

I agree, I think there's a very big chance that we'll be seeing an Imperial Shuttle next year. I have noticed lego always tries to wait at least three years before they remake a set, and since we saw the UCS Imperial shuttle 3 years ago in 2010, I have a good feeling we'll see a non-UCS one in 2013. Although I would love also love to see the Tyderium with an Endor Han, Endor Leia, Endor Luke and Orrimarko(Prune face), I think its more likely we'll see Imperial Shuttle with Palapatine, Vader, an Imperial Pilot and two Red Guards, either way, It would be great to this set, I'm also hope that we'll see a A-wing and TIE interceptor next year.

As for AOTC sets, I think its is almost certain that we'll see Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter and Jango Fett's Slave 1, since they were both released 3 years ago in 2010 but, the set that would make I think everyone's lego star wars 2013 year would be a Geonosian Areana. I could really see this set being made next year if it would be very similar to Jabba's Palace(Pieces, Minifigs and Price). Hopefully we'll see alot of great sets next year that can sell well aswell as make people happy.

If they were to do a set for the 30th anniversary of ROTJ, then I would be expecting a Sail Barge. It would be a perfect opportunity to reuse the new Jabba and Salacious Crumb molds. Plus they could include some new figures like Re Yees, who almost appeared in Jabba's Palace.

If there are a few ATOC sets Im hoping for another Republic gunship maybe including a small arena playset.

Its iconic and links in to ATOC, ROTS and the clone wars.

And saves paying stupid prices for the previous one on bricklink.

Edited by Jdog123

So what is everybody' s top predictions for the next UCS model?


1. Sandcrawler (the CUUSOO project is certain to exceed 10k)

2. Jabba's Sail Barge

3. AT-AT

I don't think that will make it past the review stage, it's to large.

Successful CUUSOO projects can be and have been modified by TLG.

So they'd reduce it in size and complexity, make it more stable and viable as a product... and end up with something looking like this. Which, incidentally, was also released under the UCS banner.

Also note that in this photo of TLG's office, there are two seperate prototypes of a UCS sandcrawler in the large cabinet. So not only have TLG had the same idea, they have built on the same scale. Then they went and made a product of it. As good as the Cuusoo submission is, it offers nothing that Lego didn't already have.

Now a smaller Tatooine set, that would be viable. Jawas and Sand People, neither have had much exposure in Lego. Our cup runneth over with Snowtroopers, but they got no more screentime than the Tatooine races.

So they'd reduce it in size and complexity, make it more stable and viable as a product... and end up with something looking like this. Which, incidentally, was also released under the UCS banner.

Also note that in this photo of TLG's office, there are two seperate prototypes of a UCS sandcrawler in the large cabinet. So not only have TLG had the same idea, they have built on the same scale. Then they went and made a product of it. As good as the Cuusoo submission is, it offers nothing that Lego didn't already have.

Now a smaller Tatooine set, that would be viable. Jawas and Sand People, neither have had much exposure in Lego. Our cup runneth over with Snowtroopers, but they got no more screentime than the Tatooine races.

I dont disagree with anything in your post except the issue at hand is what the next UCS model is likely to be, not whether TLG will faithfully reproduce mb_bricks' masterpiece.

The Sandcrawler is iconic and the orginal model was extremely popular.

Edited by Another Brick In The Wall

Since we can except the Lego star wars 2013 set list soon, here are my ideas for the possible sets...

Winter Wave:


Geonsis BattlePack-12.99$

A-wing Starfighter-19.99$

Umbaran Tank-24.99$

Rancor Pit-49.99$

Republic Z-95 Headhunter-59.99$

Liminted Edition Sets:

Tie Interceptor-39.99$


Summer Wave:

Obi-wan's Jedi Satrfighter-24.99$

AT-ST Walker-24.99$

Spider Droid Attack-39.99$

Imperial Shuttle-59.99$

Jango Fett's Slave 1-79.99$

Republic Gunship-119.99$

Ewok Village-119.99$

Limited Edition sets:


CW set-?

Lego Exclusive Sets:

UCS Unknown Starfighter-?

Geonosinan Areana-149.99$(similar to Lego Harry Potter's Diagon Alley)

Thanks for Reading!

Edited by North Lego Star

With the recent news of Lego having the star wars licence for another 10 years in terms of minifigures just how much can they do and how far will they go.

I'm glad TLC are continuing the theme as its one of my favourite licenses, and i know star wars has a massive wealth of background characters and locations but i cant see kids going for a shmi skywalker or Dr Evazan. As with jabbas palace and the skiff we've seen a mix of the main characters and smaller characters, so over time once we've got all of the clone commanders, every jedi each costume of luke leia han etc what kind of minifigs will we be seeing? Just wanted your guys thoughts, my girlfriend brought up the subject and shes got me thinking!!

(On another note with the rancor coming what SW species will we see could a womp rat be on its way?)

I think we'll be seeing more EU sets like the TOR ones this summer. Maybe something from the Thrawn trilogy? Other than that, I think they'll redo most of the older miifigs, maybe multiple times, and they might put extremely obscure characters in sets as fillers.

That question has been asked before, but it is still a good one. I'll try and give you an answer.

Looking back at the past 13 years of Star Wars LEGO you will see that TLC keeps revisiting the same familiar ships, vehicles and buildings over and over again. That's because every few years there is a new generation of Star Wars fans that has reached the target age that LEGO is aiming at, so they want to make sure that each generation will be able to get their hands on a version of the Millennium Falcon, X-Wing, Republic Gunship, and all the other famous vehicles from the movies. Of course the designers do try to improve the designs each time they make a re-release because of the availability of new parts and new building techniques, but they are also constantly searching for new stuff to keep the long time fans interested as well.

I hope that answers your question, at least a bit. :laugh:

With the recent news of Lego having the star wars licence for another 10 years in terms of minifigures just how much can they do and how far will they go.

I'm glad TLC are continuing the theme as its one of my favourite licenses, and i know star wars has a massive wealth of background characters and locations but i cant see kids going for a shmi skywalker or Dr Evazan. As with jabbas palace and the skiff we've seen a mix of the main characters and smaller characters, so over time once we've got all of the clone commanders, every jedi each costume of luke leia han etc what kind of minifigs will we be seeing? Just wanted your guys thoughts, my girlfriend brought up the subject and shes got me thinking!!

(On another note with the rancor coming what SW species will we see could a womp rat be on its way?)

Think of the minifig question this way. The choices for minifigs are no different then the choices Kenner has made in making action figures over the years. At this point they have covered virtually every major named character and some such as Luke and Han have been in production in one form or another almost continuously since 1978. In Legos case they don't sell specific characters. They sell scenes. So if ever they do a Full scale Mos Eisley Cantina we may see a Dr Evazan. If ever they redo Watto's Junkyard we may see a Shmi. If ever they do a Jedi Temple Library we will see a Jocasta Nu fig. As you say they seem to like mixing up the common and expected hero minifigs with some more obscure characters.

I think we'll be seeing more EU sets like the TOR ones this summer. Maybe something from the Thrawn trilogy? Other than that, I think they'll redo most of the older miifigs, maybe multiple times, and they might put extremely obscure characters in sets as fillers.

While I'd always welcome more EU sets, especially TOR-based, I have my doubts. In TOR's case the only direction they could go in terms of recognisability is the other player ships like the Fury... which would have the same sort of price tag as the Fury. The game focusses more on people than it does things, and there aren't enough vehicles outside the prohibitively large spaceships that are well-known enough to be worth making in Lego. As much as I'd like a Thunderclap to dogfight with my Fury.

Thrawn Trilogy? It's an obvious direction for EU sets to go, but honestly, what is there to actually build there? The vehicles are the same as in the films (there wasn't any point creating new ones, since you don't see them anyway), and vignette playsets in the style of Palpatine's Arrest would be even less visibly recognisable than anything from TOR. The only ship that would be viable as a set is a Katana-fleet dreadnaught... and even that would end up BIG, similar in size to the Republic Attack Cruiser or Tantive IV.

EDIT: And yes, we all want a Grand Admiral Thrawn minifig. I know. But first you must come up with the set.

Edited by Bobsy

Thrawn Trilogy? It's an obvious direction for EU sets to go, but honestly, what is there to actually build there? The vehicles are the same as in the films (there wasn't any point creating new ones, since you don't see them anyway), and vignette playsets in the style of Palpatine's Arrest would be even less visibly recognisable than anything from TOR. The only ship that would be viable as a set is a Katana-fleet dreadnaught... and even that would end up BIG, similar in size to the Republic Attack Cruiser or Tantive IV.

Heir to the Empire did mark the first appearance of a number of craft, notable among them the Lady Luck, Wild Karrde, and the Skipray blastboat. Unfortunately, the biggest appearance for any of them in recent media is a PLY-3000 yacht that was shown in an episode or two of TCW. I'd love to see Thrawn Trilogy sets, but I think that, as vehicles from older novels, they'd be too obscure to appeal to the majority of the target audience, and - if not only because they're based on a book and don't have a well-known image - not iconic enough to work as large exclusive for the fans who do know about them.

Heir to the Empire did mark the first appearance of a number of craft, notable among them the Lady Luck, Wild Karrde, and the Skipray blastboat. Unfortunately, the biggest appearance for any of them in recent media is a PLY-3000 yacht that was shown in an episode or two of TCW. I'd love to see Thrawn Trilogy sets, but I think that, as vehicles from older novels, they'd be too obscure to appeal to the majority of the target audience, and - if not only because they're based on a book and don't have a well-known image - not iconic enough to work as large exclusive for the fans who do know about them.

You know what, you've got me there. I'd completely forgot about the Wild Karrde and Skipray. The latter would have made a fine EU set... back in 2007 when the TIE Crawler still seemed like a good idea. I think sets like that and the renowned shelfwarmer status of the Rogue Shadow and TIE Defender must have shaken TLG's faith in EU sets. If the Fury and Striker go the same way, we may never see their like again.

You know what, you've got me there. I'd completely forgot about the Wild Karrde and Skipray. The latter would have made a fine EU set... back in 2007 when the TIE Crawler still seemed like a good idea. I think sets like that and the renowned shelfwarmer status of the Rogue Shadow and TIE Defender must have shaken TLG's faith in EU sets. If the Fury and Striker go the same way, we may never see their like again.

Yeah, I could see the Skipray as a small, standalone EU set, but unless it makes a major appearance in CW, I don't see it being very popular.

As for a Thrawn minifig, that, I don't think, would be that unreasonable. TLG's been including minifigs with their UCS releases, and if they ever revisit the UCS Imperial Star Destroyer, they could include a variety of notable ISD commanders over the OT and the EU. (after all, the Star Destroyer is, without a shadow of a doubt, a craft just as iconic as the Falcon, the TIE/in or the T-65, spanning many storylines) UCS Imperial Star Destroyer, with Thrawn, Pellaeon, Needa, and some other officers... doesn't sound too far-fetched to me.

Well, this is embarrassing. I just realized that this should've been merged with Future Star Wars Sets. I was busy, skimmed the original post, saw the word 'license', and merged it here instead. I've been going off-topic discussing EU sets here the entire time! :blush:

Merging, again...

...and done.

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