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Since we can except the Lego star wars 2013 set list soon, here are my ideas for the possible sets...

Winter Wave:


Geonsis BattlePack-12.99$

A-wing Starfighter-19.99$

Umbaran Tank-24.99$

Rancor Pit-49.99$

Republic Z-95 Headhunter-59.99$

Liminted Edition Sets:

Tie Interceptor-39.99$


Summer Wave:

Obi-wan's Jedi Satrfighter-24.99$

AT-ST Walker-24.99$

Spider Droid Attack-39.99$

Imperial Shuttle-59.99$

Jango Fett's Slave 1-79.99$

Republic Gunship-119.99$

Ewok Village-119.99$

Limited Edition sets:


CW set-?

Lego Exclusive Sets:

UCS Unknown Starfighter-?

Geonosinan Areana-149.99$(similar to Lego Harry Potter's Diagon Alley)

Thanks for Reading!

Apart from the Ewok Village and the Genosian Arena this list sound very realistic to me, North Lego Star.

Something other:

Since TLG offers us Skiff, Jabba's Palace and Rancor Pit as some sort of modulars to put together, I would even not exclude that we - not next year but somewhen in the future - will get a Cloud City which consists of three (or more) modular sets, too: e. g. 1. Cloud Car, 2. level 1 (gangway, small prison, landing platform, dark room with breaking window), 3. level 2 (carbonite freezing chamber, lounge). What do you think?


Edited by Klaus-Dieter

I think we may get a third set for Jabba's Palace - I do not think Lego would leave the tower to stand on air :hmpf_bad:

I wouldn't hold your breath for any Geonosian sets in the near future. We've relatively recently had the Geonosian Fighter, Geonosian Cannon and Battle for Geonosis, all of which give good coverage of the Geonosis episodes in TCW. While AOTC sets are a very real possibility, they'll probably want to avoid repeating Geonosis so soon.


I wouldn't hold your breath for any Geonosian sets in the near future. We've relatively recently had the Geonosian Fighter, Geonosian Cannon and Battle for Geonosis, all of which give good coverage of the Geonosis episodes in TCW. While AOTC sets are a very real possibility, they'll probably want to avoid repeating Geonosis so soon.


I think we'll likely see a Geonosis Planet Set. But after that, I agree. I honestly don't expect many Geonosis sets at all next year...

I think we'll likely see a Geonosis Planet Set. But after that, I agree. I honestly don't expect many Geonosis sets at all next year...

I hope that we do see a Geonosis Planet as it would give them a chance to make Poggle the Lesser (The Archduke of Geonosis).

I believe that the planet sets need to come with either new figures or updates of ones they did before (Lobot is a prime example) in order for them to be fully successful. That's why I didn't buy the X-wing, it was just a another generic pilot, and hopefully that is what Series 3 will not do.

Edited by grahamm5001

Apart from the Ewok Village and the Genosian Arena this list sound very realistic to me, North Lego Star.

Something other:

Since TLG offers us Skiff, Jabba's Palace and Rancor Pit as some sort of modulars to put together, I would even not exclude that we - not next year but somewhen in the future - will get a Cloud City which consists of three (or more) modular sets, too: e. g. 1. Cloud Car, 2. level 1 (gangway, small prison, landing platform, dark room with breaking window), 3. level 2 (carbonite freezing chamber, lounge). What do you think?


Well thanks for your support, although the Ewok Village will most likely not hit the shelfs this year, I could see it as a possible set for the coming years. It would be very similar to the new Jabba's Place(Piece Count, Minifigs, Price and so on) but, I have very High hopes for a Geonosina Areana this year similar to Lego Harry Potter's Diagon Alley.

As for your Cloud City Idea, I love it, and I could see it as a possible set for the near future. Although I doubt it would be broken down into three parts, rather than two sets(also similar to Jabba's Palace.) Here are is my idea on these Cloud City sets...

Cloud City: Bespin Luke, Hoth Leia, Hoth Han, Bespin Lando, Chewbacca, C-3PO w/bag, Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, Boba Fett, Ugnaunt-119.99$

(Following Year)Clod Car with Landing Pad: Lobot, Cloud Car Pilotx2, Ugnaunt-49.99$

Thanks For Reading!

Well thanks for your support, although the Ewok Village will most likely not hit the shelfs this year, I could see it as a possible set for the coming years. It would be very similar to the new Jabba's Place(Piece Count, Minifigs, Price and so on) but, I have very High hopes for a Geonosina Areana this year similar to Lego Harry Potter's Diagon Alley.

As for your Cloud City Idea, I love it, and I could see it as a possible set for the near future. Although I doubt it would be broken down into three parts, rather than two sets(also similar to Jabba's Palace.) Here are is my idea on these Cloud City sets...

Cloud City: Bespin Luke, Hoth Leia, Hoth Han, Bespin Lando, Chewbacca, C-3PO w/bag, Darth Vader, Stormtrooper, Boba Fett, Ugnaunt-119.99$

(Following Year)Clod Car with Landing Pad: Lobot, Cloud Car Pilotx2, Ugnaunt-49.99$

Thanks For Reading!

Nice choices. Although I'd replace Hoth Han with the Bespin version that came with the last AT-AT. Also instead of another Hoth Leia I'd like to see a Bespin Gown Leia in one set and the Bespin jumpsuit in another.



Well, since we now have the Winter Wave of 2013 set rumors, I'm just going to list my ideas for the rest of 2013(Full Detail)...

Winter Wave Limited Edition Sets:

TIE Interceptor: TIE Pilot, Admirial Piett, Death Star Protocol Droid-39.99$


Summer Wave Sets:

AT-ST Walker: AT-ST Driver, Chewbacca,Lumta-24.99$

CW set-?

Hailfire Droid Attack: Super Battle Droidx2, Shaak Ti-29.99$

Imperial Shuttle: Emperor Palpatine, Vader, Imperial Guardx2, Imperial Pilot-59.99$

Jango Fett's Slave 1: Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Lama Su, Obi-wan-79.99$

Republic Gunship: Yoda, Clone Pilot, Clone Trooperx2, Clone Commmander, Count Dooku on Speeder Bike-119.99$

Ewok Village:Endor Luke, Ewok Village Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2, Scout Trooperx2, Wicket, Chief Chipra, Teebo, Rebel Commando, Speeder Bike-119.99$

Summer Wave Limited Edtion Sets:


Umbaran Starfighter: Fives, Hardcase, Umbaran Soilder-49.99$

Lego Exclusive Sets:

Unknown UCS Starfighter-?

Geonosian Areana: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, Mace Windo, Pablo Jill, Kit Fisto, Poggle the Lesser, Geonosian Warrior, Geonosian Battle Droidx4, Acklay, Reek, Nexu-149.99$

Thanks For Reading

Edited by North Lego Star

If they make phase II Wolfpack troopers, I hope the color scheme will be changed and more adequate, like here:


Is there any word on a new LEGO Star Wars: The Clone Wars video game? Sequel to LSW3? Like Seasons 3 & 4?

Apart from the Ewok Village and the Genosian Arena this list sound very realistic to me, North Lego Star.

Something other:

Since TLG offers us Skiff, Jabba's Palace and Rancor Pit as some sort of modulars to put together, I would even not exclude that we - not next year but somewhen in the future - will get a Cloud City which consists of three (or more) modular sets, too: e. g. 1. Cloud Car, 2. level 1 (gangway, small prison, landing platform, dark room with breaking window), 3. level 2 (carbonite freezing chamber, lounge). What do you think?


That's basically an interesting idea. However, after thinking it over, i would prefer such set to be a full fledged one. While separate sections do for a sum of an impressive diorama, the wait for the next part kills the fun out of it. Just imagine to wait some 2 full years until you finally finish a set! I don't favor this prospect. I would instead sheer away from the modular thingy until i know for sure how the rest does look like. And if the first part looks like a fail, the rest would not be that attractive to buy, either.

If the whole of the scene was divided into parts that can pretty much stand for their own AND the others parts of the complement were in the same (or at least definitely in the next), one could consider. Otherwise the policy to make full sets and release some smaller add-ons (like Jabba's Palace and the Skiff) would continue to be the best marketing approach, IMHO.

Regarding Cloud City itself - it's indeed high tide to make it - 10 years after the first version. :wink:

I have a feeling .......

"UCS Lobot" will become a real set in 2013.... Exclusive Cloud City

We got infos about this befor 2011 . A big CC set need around 2 years developing. So...

So I think that it is possible, but we need to wait for more information. :sceptic:

Is there any tips on a possible cloud city set in the future? I missed that rumor. Every year I see people saying they want a cloud city set and a Mos Eisley cantina, but i haven't heard anything specific! I've been hoping for some Tatooine sets (Obi Wan's hut, Sand people ambush, Luke's/ Uncle Owen's house etc.) but since this is the year of ROTJ (allegedly) I don't see that happening in OT sets..

Edited by mpaisana

I have a feeling .......

"UCS Lobot" will become a real set in 2013.... Exclusive Cloud City

We got infos about this befor 2011 . A big CC set need around 2 years developing. So...

UCS Lobot? Is that a ship?

Is there any tips on a possible cloud city set in the future? I missed that rumor. Every year I see people saying they want a cloud city set and a Mos Eisley cantina, but i haven't heard anything specific! I've been hoping for some Tatooine sets (Obi Wan's hut, Sand people ambush, Luke's/ Uncle Owen's house etc.) but since this is the year of ROTJ (allegedly) I don't see that happening in OT sets..

No evidence or source or tip or anything. People are bringing it up more and more because - let's be honest - we're due.

No evidence or source or tip or anything. People are bringing it up more and more because - let's be honest - we're due.

Ahah Thanks Bobsy, that's what I thought.

Bilbo Baggins, Lobot is a character from the Ep. V - Empire Strikes back. He works for Lando Calrissian in the Cloud City on planet Bespin - He's like a steward / captain of the guard in the city. TLG launched a minifig of Lobot this year, in one of the series 2 planet sets (Bespin & Cloud City Twin-Pod)! It's a wonderful minifig!

No evidence or source or tip or anything. People are bringing it up more and more because - let's be honest - we're due.

You are correct, but with that new lobot fig. Bet cloud city set next summer wave.

Is there any tips on a possible cloud city set in the future? I missed that rumor. Every year I see people saying they want a cloud city set and a Mos Eisley cantina, but i haven't heard anything specific! I've been hoping for some Tatooine sets (Obi Wan's hut, Sand people ambush, Luke's/ Uncle Owen's house etc.) but since this is the year of ROTJ (allegedly) I don't see that happening in OT sets..

I completely agree with you about the Tatooine sets! Tatooine is my favorite Star Wars planet, so I'd love to see more tans and browns added to the LEGO SW palette. :wink:

I think we may get a third set for Jabba's Palace - I do not think Lego would leave the tower to stand on air :hmpf_bad:

I would guess a droid room or Han and Chewy's prison cell. That would make the most sense..

I'd love to see more Tatooine themed sets too. Its arguably the most iconic planet in the Star Wars universe. One idea I have is to release both the Mos Eisley Cantina and a Tusken Raider Encounter as companion sets like Jabba's Palace and the Desert Skiff were this year.

Mos Eisley Cantina

An actual building this time like the new Jabba's Palace that opens up. Comes with Han, Chewbacca, Dr Evazan, Ponda Baba, Greedo, Wuhur, a Bith band member and at least 1 other alien (Duro? Hammerhead?)

Tusken Raider Encounter

Comes with Luke's landspeeder and a bantha. Figures include Luke, Obi-Wan, R2-D2, C-3PO and 2 Tusken Raiders.

Its a good way to include all the main heroes while at the same time other characters that would not normally be made. More podracers would be good too. Gasgano, Aldar Beedo and Mawhonic's racers all need updates to go with Anakin and Sebulba's 2011 release. Mawhonic's racer also means we will finally get a Gran minifigure. Not to mention all the other possible characters that can be included - Shmi Skywalker, TPM C-3PO, Fode & Beed, new Pit Droids, the blue Twi'lek twins, Kitster, non Clone Wars versions of Aurra Sing and Quinlan Vos... :wub:

On the ROTJ front we should be due for a new Sailbarge sometime in the next couple years. Hopefully Ree Yees will find his way there after being excluded from Jabba's Palace but I'd also like to see the Max Rebo Band included as well as a Weequay and Nikto Skiff Guard. And off course a new Slave Leia. I'd like to see her get a new molded hairpiece with a printed gold clasp and braid hanging off the shoulder like the Galactic Heroes figure below. The mold could also be reused for a Mustafar Padme.


A few other ideas I'd like to see - Tusken Raider camp from AOTC, Obi-Wan's hut, the Lars Homestead and a Mos Espa set similar to Diagon Alley with Watto's shop and a few markets.

I'd love to see more Tatooine themed sets too. Its arguably the most iconic planet in the Star Wars universe. One idea I have is to release both the Mos Eisley Cantina and a Tusken Raider Encounter as companion sets like Jabba's Palace and the Desert Skiff were this year.

Mos Eisley Cantina

An actual building this time like the new Jabba's Palace that opens up. Comes with Han, Chewbacca, Dr Evazan, Ponda Baba, Greedo, Wuhur, a Bith band member and at least 1 other alien (Duro? Hammerhead?)

Tusken Raider Encounter

Comes with Luke's landspeeder and a bantha. Figures include Luke, Obi-Wan, R2-D2, C-3PO and 2 Tusken Raiders.

It would be wonderful. But I don't think TLG sees this kind of sets (from the OT) appealing to kids. I'm afraid we're gonna have to wait until the OT reaches the big screen again (with that awful 3D conversion...) I think we're gonna have to wait some years. Hope I'm wrong :/

When I read the rumors about a new Yoda hut I got so excited, and I´m still hopping for such a release in 2013! With a new OT yoda and a dirty R2!

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