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If you would buy them both why not buy them together it would work out cheaper anyways.

It would benefit those who own the Turbo Tank or At-Te already and just wish to have the dropship, or those who just want a big vehicle to build their army with.

I really want TLG to make a CW Eta-Class Shuttle because its been in the Clone Wars show quit a bit, and its a great shuttle plus we have not had a republic shuttle since the 8019 Republic Attack Shuttle. Minifigs should be CW Adi Gallia then like a Clone Pilot, then a basic Clone Trooper or better yet a Commander Fox/or another Commander we have not got yet (CW phase 1 or 2 depends on which episode/season TLG is basing it off) and maybe even CW Senator Bail Organa. OK so not all the Minifigs have been in the shuttle in the show but that does not matter because it has never stopped TLG before.

I really want TLG to make a CW Eta-Class Shuttle because its been in the Clone Wars show quit a bit.

They should have made one instead of the T-6 shuttle they made.

I really want TLG to make a CW Eta-Class Shuttle because its been in the Clone Wars show quit a bit.

I would definitely buy that. It's an easy model to make, so I hope they will make this set in the future. And indeed, more non standard clone troopers are welcome. :)

Edited by Cyberbricker

Well, I know this may sound strange, but I would like to see card board slabs with prinitings on them that match the setting of the set itself to be included in lego star wars sets. For example...

-AT-ST Walker: Chewbacca, Romba and an AT-ST Driver with an endor ground print slab

-Luke's Landspeeder: Luke, Obi-wan, Tusken Raiderx2 with an sandy Tatooine ground print slab

-Hailfire Droid: Super Battle Droidx2, Clone Sergant and Shaak Ti and an Geonosis ground print slab

-Naboo Flash Speeder: Naboo Guardx2, Captain Panaka with an Theed ground print slab

-Courporate Alliance Tank Droid: Battle Droidx2, 212th Clone Trooperx2 with an Kashyyyk ground print slab

-Training on Dagobah: Luke, Vader, Yoda, R2-D2, Yoda's Hut/Tree with a Dagobah looking ground print slab

-Umbaran Tank: Umbaran Soilderx2, Tup with an Umbara ground print slab

I really doubt this will every happen but, I still think it would be a cool idea for lego to do include these slabs in some sets.

Thanks For Reading!

I really want TLG to make a CW Eta-Class Shuttle because its been in the Clone Wars show quit a bit, and its a great shuttle plus we have not had a republic shuttle since the 8019 Republic Attack Shuttle. Minifigs should be CW Adi Gallia then like a Clone Pilot, then a basic Clone Trooper or better yet a Commander Fox/or another Commander we have not got yet (CW phase 1 or 2 depends on which episode/season TLG is basing it off) and maybe even CW Senator Bail Organa. OK so not all the Minifigs have been in the shuttle in the show but that does not matter because it has never stopped TLG before.

I think that would be my all time favorite needed ship in this forum! Lego is long overdue on this set as well as some Naboo starships. The ETA class shuttle should have an interior, a cockpit [preferably fitting 2 people] a boarding ramp foldable wings and landing gear. Not to hard for lego to do in my opinion. :laugh:

Personally the dream set for me would be a set based on the scene(s) where yoda fights darth sidious not just some dinky desk area with some minifigs I mean almost every thing that the scene uses *sigh* that will be the day.

Basically what I am trying to say is Lucas, and Lego through them will pick subjects based on a broad spread of reasons. A simple anniversary is not always it. Believe it or not, without some spectacular corresponding theatrical release, the 30th anniversary of RotJ, while worth noting, would probably not be anything that would sell more lego sets. Let's be honest with ourselves, anyone who would be buying a special 30th anniversary RotJ set, would probably be buying it without the anniversary hook. Not a lot of force driving the sales there. Whereas the 3d PT releases will boost related sales, as will a new season of TCW, etc.

Well, I personally agree with you that lego would probally not want to over due the ROTJ sets and in general OT sets for this year as we've seen a decent amount of them since 2011 but, if I think about, its possible that lego may want to try releaseing a large OT set every year now. I know it may sound very strange of lego to do so, but there are still alot of Star Wars sets left to make, the UCS sets haven't done us an justice recently as we have not seen a large set filled with minifigs such as cloud city or the sandcrawler in a very long time and since we now get two big sets every year, it may be a good way to balance out OT sets and PT/CW sets.

As for this year, I believe one of the big sets will be an AOTC set for the summer wave but, sadly I highly doubt we'll see much ROTS sets, simply due to the fact that its just to close to the CW at the moment and sets for it have come out more recently than sets for AOTC. As for the other big set, I would sayy it'll probally end up being something like an Ewok village, Mos Eisley Cantina or maybe if lego split it into two sets like Jabba's Palace, a Cloud City set. I really don't know though, these are just guesses based on observations, hopefully we'll find out some more information soon.

I really want TLG to make a CW Eta-Class Shuttle because its been in the Clone Wars show quit a bit, and its a great shuttle plus we have not had a republic shuttle since the 8019 Republic Attack Shuttle. Minifigs should be CW Adi Gallia then like a Clone Pilot, then a basic Clone Trooper or better yet a Commander Fox/or another Commander we have not got yet (CW phase 1 or 2 depends on which episode/season TLG is basing it off) and maybe even CW Senator Bail Organa. OK so not all the Minifigs have been in the shuttle in the show but that does not matter because it has never stopped TLG before.

This would be a great set for the near future, I could really see lego making this one really soon due to the fact that its seen pretty commonly in the CW, has a decent amount of features(in one episode I believe Ahsoka pulled out a speeder bike from the back of the ship) and is flown by or seen around some interesting people. Here are some differnt sets it could come in...

1.-Jedi Ambassador shuttle: Anakin, Eeth Koth, Adi Gillia and a Commando Droid-59.99$

2.-Jedi Ambassador Shuttle: Obi-Wan, Quinlan Vos, Cad Bane, Todo 360-59.99$

3.-Jedi Ambassador Shuttle: Obi-Wan, Adi Gillia, Savage Opress and Darth Maul-59.99$

I would want number 3 to become a set the most because it would include two new characters and relate to the newest season of the CW the most.

Thanks for Reading!

Well, I personally agree with you that lego would probally not want to over due the ROTJ sets and in general OT sets for this year as we've seen a decent amount of them since 2011 but, if I think about, its possible that lego may want to try releaseing a large OT set every year now. I know it may sound very strange of lego to do so, but there are still alot of Star Wars sets left to make, the UCS sets haven't done us an justice recently as we have not seen a large set filled with minifigs such as cloud city or the sandcrawler in a very long time and since we now get two big sets every year, it may be a good way to balance out OT sets and PT/CW sets.

As for this year, I believe one of the big sets will be an AOTC set for the summer wave but, sadly I highly doubt we'll see much ROTS sets, simply due to the fact that its just to close to the CW at the moment and sets for it have come out more recently than sets for AOTC. As for the other big set, I would sayy it'll probally end up being something like an Ewok village, Mos Eisley Cantina or maybe if lego split it into two sets like Jabba's Palace, a Cloud City set. I really don't know though, these are just guesses based on observations, hopefully we'll find out some more information soon.

One of the two big retail release SW sets on the shelves right now is Jabba's Palace. A large set with lots of Minifigs. It gets even larger next release with the Rancor add on. I agree that Lego probably will try and keep at least one large OT set on the shelves. Those appeal to the parents and the older fans. The ones with the more disposable income. I also would not rule out seeing another huge exclusive play set such as the Death Star. Maybe a big UCS Cloud City? ( other candidates for something that size would be the Theed Palace, maybe the Ewok Village, and the Jedi Temple (which easily spans all 3 prequel movies and TCW. It would probably be stuffed with TCW style figs of Jedi and Bounty Hunters).

One of the two big retail release SW sets on the shelves right now is Jabba's Palace. A large set with lots of Minifigs. It gets even larger next release with the Rancor add on. I agree that Lego probably will try and keep at least one large OT set on the shelves. Those appeal to the parents and the older fans. The ones with the more disposable income. I also would not rule out seeing another huge exclusive play set such as the Death Star. Maybe a big UCS Cloud City? ( other candidates for something that size would be the Theed Palace, maybe the Ewok Village, and the Jedi Temple (which easily spans all 3 prequel movies and TCW. It would probably be stuffed with TCW style figs of Jedi and Bounty Hunters).

Hey, how about a set like Attack on the Jedi Temple? I believe in all the Season 5 previews we've seen, the Jedi Temple sees some action.

This would be a great set for the near future, I could really see lego making this one really soon due to the fact that its seen pretty commonly in the CW, has a decent amount of features(in one episode I believe Ahsoka pulled out a speeder bike from the back of the ship) and is flown by or seen around some interesting people. Here are some differnt sets it could come in...

1.-Jedi Ambassador shuttle: Anakin, Eeth Koth, Adi Gillia and a Commando Droid-59.99$

2.-Jedi Ambassador Shuttle: Obi-Wan, Quinlan Vos, Cad Bane, Todo 360-59.99$

3.-Jedi Ambassador Shuttle: Obi-Wan, Adi Gillia, Savage Opress and Darth Maul-59.99$

I would want number 3 to become a set the most because it would include two new characters and relate to the newest season of the CW the most.

Thanks for Reading!

I agree with number 3. We do need a darth maul in a clone wars version in a set.

Here is what we need. A Lego Theed Palace. I mean they have made Jabba's, why not one of the most iconic palaces in star wars. It spans from movies 1-3 so it is well known. It should have Padme, Anakin, some Naboo Delegates, Naboo Guards, maybe the Chancellor, Padme's Family, maybe a Naboo pilot, droideka, droids? It should have a hangar, fitting 1 Naboo Starfighter, At least 1 tower with her room and maybe like a door on the bottom? Then there should be a briefing/ meeting room for Delegates, Padme, ect. It would be larger than Jabba's palace from this summer. I'm thinking in the $200 range. :hmpf:

They should be on hinges so you can move them around. Maybe there could be like an extension set like the Rancor Pit and be a dining room or something. Tell me what you think!

Attack on the Jedi Temple does sound interesting but have you seen all the attempts on it and failed. That would be one lego might not make because of size and proportions.

Hey, how about a set like Attack on the Jedi Temple? I believe in all the Season 5 previews we've seen, the Jedi Temple sees some action.

Any set of the Jedi Temple that we will ever see WILL be a Clone Wars set exclusively. We will never, ever see a RotS Temple playset. Simply because of the whole "Child Murder" thing going on there. By doing it as a TCW set yo0u get a broad mix of really popular Jedi and Bounty Hunters in one set, can throw in a bunch of secret passages and play features, and avoid the whole disturbing image of Jimmy Smitts running away while a pre pubescent boy fights to his death to defend him.

Personally the dream set for me would be a set based on the scene(s) where yoda fights darth sidious not just some dinky desk area with some minifigs I mean almost every thing that the scene uses *sigh* that will be the day.

I agree, that and the Arrest of Palpatine are my two favorite scenes in Star Wars. Not that Arrest is out they just need to make a Senate set - which I'd love to have be "connectable (is that a word?)" to the Arrest set.

Attack on the Jedi Temple does sound interesting but have you seen all the attempts on it and failed. That would be one lego might not make because of size and proportions.

Maybe the Jedi Temple can be done similarly to the LotR set The Mines of Moria. Maybe some big pillars to give it some play-ability.

Discussion of sets you wish to see or think you might see in the future belongs in Future Star Wars sets. Moving...

...and done.

I'd really like to see a new Mos Eisley Cantina

Did you not read two posts above yours? :hmpf:

Did you not read two posts above yours? :hmpf:

Please keep moderation to Staff. If you have a problem of some sort, use the report button located under every post. Thanks. :classic:

Sandcrawler. We definitely need to have a reissue of the pride and joy of the Jawas. Maybe not next year but soon hopefully.

We might get it if the Cuusoo project is approved. By the way when will that be annonced?

  • 2 weeks later...

Here is what we need. A Lego Theed Palace. I mean they have made Jabba's, why not one of the most iconic palaces in star wars. It spans from movies 1-3 so it is well known. It should have Padme, Anakin, some Naboo Delegates, Naboo Guards, maybe the Chancellor, Padme's Family, maybe a Naboo pilot, droideka, droids? It should have a hangar, fitting 1 Naboo Starfighter, At least 1 tower with her room and maybe like a door on the bottom? Then there should be a briefing/ meeting room for Delegates, Padme, ect. It would be larger than Jabba's palace from this summer. I'm thinking in the $200 range. :hmpf:

They should be on hinges so you can move them around. Maybe there could be like an extension set like the Rancor Pit and be a dining room or something. Tell me what you think!

I'd love to see the Theed Palace, especially if done along the lines of the last Hogwarts Castle.

Here is what we need. A Lego Theed Palace. I mean they have made Jabba's, why not one of the most iconic palaces in star wars. It spans from movies 1-3 so it is well known. It should have Padme, Anakin, some Naboo Delegates, Naboo Guards, maybe the Chancellor, Padme's Family, maybe a Naboo pilot, droideka, droids? It should have a hangar, fitting 1 Naboo Starfighter, At least 1 tower with her room and maybe like a door on the bottom? Then there should be a briefing/ meeting room for Delegates, Padme, ect. It would be larger than Jabba's palace from this summer. I'm thinking in the $200 range. :hmpf:

They should be on hinges so you can move them around. Maybe there could be like an extension set like the Rancor Pit and be a dining room or something. Tell me what you think!

I also think it would be great if lego released a Theed Palace. I personally doubt it would span across a three PT movies rather than be centered around Episode 1. I also believe if we were to get one, it would be broken into two parts like Jabba's Palace was, here's how I think they would turn out...

-Theed Palace: Padme, Captain Panaka, Nute Gunray, Haako Rune, Security Droidx2, Naboo Guard, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Darth Maul. Some Features of the Palace would be, Large Opening doors, Theed Reactor, Throne Room and other Features--119.99$

-Naboo Starfighter wtih Theed Hanger: Anakin, R2-D2, Ric Olie, R2-R7--59.99$

Just an idea, Thanks for Reading!

Edited by North Lego Star

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