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Well, with the release of the new pictures of the lego star wars sets for 2013, here are my currnet predictions on the summer wave for 2013...

Umbaran Tank: Umbaran Soilderx2, Domga-24.99$

Imperial AT-ST Walker: AT-ST Driver, Rebel Commando, Romba-24.99$

Hailfire Droid Attack: Super Battle Droidx2, Shaak Ti, Clone Captain-39.99$

Imperial Shuttle: Emperor Palpatine, Imperial Guardx2, Imperial Shuttle Pilot-59.99$

Jango Fett's Slave 1: Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Lama Su-79.99$

Republic Gunship: Anakin, Count Dooku, Clone Pilot, Clone Trooper, Clone Commander, Count Dooku's Speeder Bike-119.99$

Ewok Village: Endor Luke, Ewok Village Leia, Chewbacca, C-3PO, Wicket, Teboo, Lumat, Scout Trooperx2, Speeder Bike-119.99$

Limited Edition Sets:

Republic AT-TE Walker: Plo Koon, Geonosian Warriorx2, Clone Pilot, Clone Trooperx2, Republic Speeder Bike-89.99$

Imperial TIE Interceptor: TIE Pilot, Admiral Piett, Imperial Protocal Droid-39.99$

I also hope we get a nice large lego exclusive set this year as it seems that over the past three years every other theme has gotten one. So heres, my idea on what we'll get...

Geonosian Arena: Anakin, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme, Mace Windo, Poggle the Lesser, Kit Fisto, Pablo Jill, Geonosian Warrior, Geonosian Battle Droidx4, Reek, Acklay, Nexu-199.99$

Thanks For Reading!

Edited by North Lego Star

Now the 2013 winter wave has come out.Is there any information about summer wave?

I guess we may got the following sets:

1.Bariss Offee & her Delta-7 OR Kit Fisto & his Delta-7($24.99 OR $29.99)

2.Advent Calendar($39.99)

3.Cloud Car OR AT-ST($39.99)

4.Tie Bomber OR Tie Interceptor($59.99)


6.Assault ship OR MTT($119.99)

7.Tusken Encounter($29.99)

8.Wookie Catamaran($59.99)

Edited by frank_day

That UT-AT would be nice, I guess there will be 80% clone wars or old republic.

I would like to see a cantina again. (New dewback and new Greedo)

Some others: Sandcrawler, Cloud City, Endor treehouse, ...

Or a good Star Destroyer would be nice too: Mon Calamari Star Cruiser, Interdictor Cruiser, Nebulon-B Frigate, ...

They have to make something for UCS, some Star Destroyers would fit good in the room like the Super Star Destroyer :classic: .

Now the 2013 winter wave has come out.Is there any information about summer wave?

I guess we may got the following sets:

1.Bariss Offee & her Delta-7 OR Kit Fisto & his Delta-7($24.99 OR $29.99)

2.Advent Calendar($39.99)

3.Cloud Car OR AT-ST($39.99)

4.Tie Bomber OR Tie Interceptor($59.99)


6.Assault ship OR MTT($119.99)

7.Tusken Encounter($29.99)

8.Wookie Catamaran($59.99)

Replace Barris Offee/Kit Fisto's starfighter with Obi-Wan's. Its in need of an update and works better as a tie in to AOTC's re-release in theatres.

Replace Barris Offee/Kit Fisto's starfighter with Obi-Wan's. Its in need of an update and works better as a tie in to AOTC's re-release in theatres.

But we already have 10215 Obi-wan's Delta-7 (AOTC) in 2010 and 75006 in 2013.It's hardly to believe that we will get the same item soon.

As a tie to AOTC's re-release in theatres,we may have the New Bounty Hunter Pursuit (Obi-wan EP2,Anakin EP2,Zam Wesell,Jango Fett) at the price about $39.99

Edited by frank_day

Seeing as things are going with the release of OT sets, I think we can also expect a new B-wing next wave. So I think its very strange that they bring out a planet set with a B-wing Pilot.

Of course I could be wrong.

Has any guy noticed that a new kind of Gunship OR Troop Transport like LAAT/i in the trailer for TCW season 5?

Has any guy noticed that a new kind of Gunship OR Troop Transport like LAAT/i in the trailer for TCW season 5?

Yep! It might be in the summer wave.

Has any guy noticed that a new kind of Gunship OR Troop Transport like LAAT/i in the trailer for TCW season 5?

No, I personally haven't noticed anything new looking in that preview that seems close to a Republic Gunship, unless your talking about the small transport ship that has a red plasma cockpit and is seen with Plo Koon and Woffle coming out of it?

This wouldn't be bad set, if it were to include a Phase II Woffle as well as a couple of Shock Troopers and Plo Koon. However, I think we have a higher chance of getting an Umbaran Tank, Mandalorian Death Watch Type set, Onderon Type set or even a set based off the last season once again like a Nighsisters set or something form the whole Deception based episodes.

I would love to see a CW set with Rako Hardeen as I have seen a few customs and I see a lot of great potential in a LEGO made Rako. I am not too sure what would be included set wise but it should for sure include Rako, Cad Bane, maybe a phase 2 shock trooper or Commander Fox even both. But I really want to see a Rako Hardeen.

I hope that 2013 Wave 2 has a new AT-TE Walker set with 4 of the new AOTC clones and an AOTC Commander, as well as a few droids.

Here are my thought on possible sets bassed off the Onderon Episodes of the CW...

Onderon Rebel Speeder: Onderon Rebel, Saw Gerrera, Battle Droidx2-19.99$

Droid Gunship Attack: Commando Droidx2, Ahsoka, Lux Bonteri, Onderon Rebel, Small Rebel Blaster Station-49.99$

Super Battle Droid MTT: Super Battle Droidx12, Steela Gerrera, General Kalani, King Ramsis Dendup, General Tandin-119.99$

Thanks For Reading!

Edited by North Lego Star

I hope that 2013 Wave 2 has a new AT-TE Walker set with 4 of the new AOTC clones and an AOTC Commander, as well as a few droids.

Now that TCW doesn't feature phase I troopers anymore, I think it's pretty likely we'll see more AOTC clones.

Since Lego likes putting both factions in one set, I think that we'll might see a new Gunship based on the scene where Anakin and Padme are chasing Count Dooku on his speeder. In this case, I don't think we'll see any new gunships based on TCW (Wolfpack, the red ones seen in the trailer of season 5 that are related to Commander Thorne) any soon.

On the other hand, I don't believe that Lego will feature ROTS clones before TCW is over.

An Ewok village would be a pretty nice set as well. It could include several playfeatures: the rebels getting caught by the Ewok trap, C3PO flying on the throne, a little platform where the scene takes place, two trees the removable platform rests on, further playfeatures for destroying an AT-ST, and of course an AT-ST itself.

Edited by Brickadeer

Im I the only one that thinks we should get a new Genral Grivous chase/wheel bike? As for

a new laat/i gunship, that would make my dreams come true!

A Geonesian Arena set would be very nice in the Summer wave as that's never been produced before and perhaps an Episode 2 Version of Slave I but other than that I can't think of much from Episode 2 that I would look forward to. Maybe one of those clone vehicles that fire the blue rays (you know - the ones that Yoda directs to "concentrate all firepower on the nearest starship")?

A Geonesian Arena set would be very nice in the Summer wave as that's never been produced before and perhaps an Episode 2 Version of Slave I but other than that I can't think of much from Episode 2 that I would look forward to. Maybe one of those clone vehicles that fire the blue rays (you know - the ones that Yoda directs to "concentrate all firepower on the nearest starship")?

I would love to see a Geonosian Arena but one must wonder what section they would make such as Dooku's stand because it would be impossible to make the full version. I say that because we are gettin an EP.2 battle pack in the winter, there cerainly will be some set in the summer from AotC that will require additional clones.

I reckon for an Arena, it would have some sort of gate section, above which can rest Dooku's balcony area, and then the three execution poles, the beasts, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Dooku, Windu, Poggle the Lesser, Jango, a Geonosian, and one or two Super Battle Droids? That's 10 figures, which definitely isn't out of LEGO's range.

As for RotS sets, (AotC is re-released September 2013, RotS is re-released October 2013), they have done a lot more RotS sets than AotC, so I would understand if they focused more on the latter. Let's see, recently we've seen Palpatine's Arrest, Anakin's Interceptor, Palapatine's Shuttle, but no AotC since 2003 (aside from UCS and Minis). Although, it would be good to see some new Kashyyyk sets, or even Utapau sets, or Battle of Coruscant sets. But I think, looking at the pattern they are going in, AotC will get more sets this summer.

I just hope they will release some more AotC and RotS sets this summer or next year :cry_happy:

I actually would like a new version off the AT-TE and the Droid Gunship (seen on Kashyyyk) :sweet:

I am hoping for a lego exclusive set like batman arkham asylum with lots of minifigures. Also a lot more old republic sets

I would like to see:

Imperial Star Destroyer

Imperial shuttle


tuscan raiders with bantha

New cantina with greedo

New yoda's hut

tie bomber

Ewok Village

2 or 3 sets from the list and I am happy!

For this Imperial Star Destroyer, Imperial shuttle they have already made; in normal and UCS version. The sandcrawler is made in a mix with UCS and minifig :wink:

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