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Put my bet down as $5 that the next new set will be UCS Darth Vaders Magical Castle. Ponies will be involved. Scary Sith ponies.

For this Imperial Star Destroyer, Imperial shuttle they have already made; in normal and UCS version. The sandcrawler is made in a mix with UCS and minifig :wink:

Hi thanks. Of course I know the have already made them. I was to laisy to put New in front of the names.

Have to add a new jabba's sail barge, after the wonderful palace.

I know its really eariler, but here are my predictions for the winter wave of 2014...

Winter Wave:

Gunner Droid vs. Clone Trooper Battle Pack: Clone Trooper(Phase II), Shock Trooper(Phase II), Gunner Droidx2, CIS AST(Armored Scout Tank)-12.99$

Rebels vs. Imperials Battle Pack: Rebel Trooper, Rebel Lt., Stromtrooper, Dark Trooper, Rebel Sand Speeder Bike, Imperial Tank-12.99$

Naboo Flash Speeder: Captain Panaka, Nabbo Soilderx2-24.99$

Courporate Alliance Tank Droid: Battle Droid Commander, Battle Droid, Clone Scoutx2-24.99$

T16 Skyhopper: T16 Pilot, Jawax2, RA-7 Droid, Jawa Crane-49.99$

Wookiee Catraman: Luminara Unduli, Tarful, Wookiee Warriorx2-59.99$

Limited Edition Sets...

Hoth Deffense: Chewbacca, R-3P0, Hoth Rebel Trooper, Snowtrooper, AT-AT Driver, Trench/Sheild Generator, E-Web Blaster-49.99$

General Grevious' Wheel Bike Chase: Grevious, Obi-Wan, Commander Cody, Boga-39.99$

I probally think of the rest later so expect to see the rest soon. Thanks For Reading!

Here's the rest...

Summer Wave:

Onderon Rebel Speeder: Saw Gerrera, Onderon Rebel, General Tandin-24.99$

Bespin Cloud Car: Cloud Car Pilot, Lobot, Bespin Guard-24.99$

Ewok Battle Wagon: Paploo, Tipite, Imperial Commander-29.99$

Republic Fire Control Speeder: Republic Fire Fighterx2, Republic Technician, Palpatine, Small Landing Tower-69.99$

Battle of Utapau: 212th Air Borne Trooperx2, Clone Gunner, Magna Guardx2, Crab Droid, Republic Gunboat-89.99$

Mos Eisley Cantina: Luke, Obi-Wan, Han Solo, Greedo, Dr. Evazan, Ponda, Bith Band Memberx2, Sandtrooper, Dewback-119.99$

Super Battle Droid MTT: Super Battle Droidx12, Steela Gerrera, General Kalani, King Ramus Dendup, King Sanjay Rash, Pilot Droidx2-139.99$

Limited Edition Sets...

Corellian Deffender Attack: Ven Zallow, Darth Malgus, Jedi Knight, Sith Warriorx2, Qyzen Fees-89.99$

Darth Vander's TIE Advance: Darth Vader, Obi-Wan, Grand Moff Tarkin-39.99$

Just some ideas for next year. Thanks for Reading!

Edited by North Lego Star

@North Lego Star:

It's never too early to speculate! Some of those ideas would be great. It's too bad that TLG never seem to release the stuff we really want to see...

I'll be posting my own ideas ASAP!

It's too bad that TLG never seem to release the stuff we really want to see...

Queen Amidala (and other variants of Padme other than the Menace Tatooine one), Tauntaun, Rancor, Palpatine's Arrest, Boussh, Death Star Troopers, extensive leg printing... all things that we'd wanted for a long time before they were released in sets. They're not immediately seen after we voice our desire for them, but that's understandable, considering that TLG's planning sets far in advance and also has to work with Lucas Licensing to decide which sets to do and what to include in them. Not just in Star Wars, but in all LEGO products across all themes, I think TLG's done a great job of working things we want into the sets that they think will sell well.

Now that we are going to get a modular palace (= palace with attachable pit), I hope that this concept will extend to other locations (e. g. Endor, especially Hoth) as well, to the extent that sets covering the same locations will fit together in a better way than they currently do.

Edited by Brickadeer

Now that we are going to get a modular palace (= palace with attachable pit), I hope that this concept will extend to other locations (e. g. Endor, especially Hoth) as well, to the extent that sets covering the same locations will fit together in a better way than they currently do.

I also hope that we see a lot more of these combination sets. Here are some ideas of these combination sets that I would like to see in the future...

Rebel Hoth Echo Base: Luke(Pilot), Leia, K-3PO, 2-B1 Medical Droid, Dak, Hoth Rebel Soilder, Rebel Screen Monitor, Darth Vader, Snow Tooperx2, FX-7 Medical Droid-119.99$

Rebel Ion Cannon Deffense: General Reeikan, Hoth Rebel Soilder, Snowtrooper, R4-M9-49.99$

Theed Palace: Padme, Captain Panaka, Nute Gunray, Haako Rune, Security Droidx2, Naboo Guard, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Darth Maul-119.99$

Naboo Starfighter wtih Theed Hanger: Anakin, R2-D2, Ric Olie, R2-R7--59.99$

Cloud City: Luke, Leia, Han, Lando, Chewbacca, C-3PO, Vader, Boba Fett, Stormtrooper, Han Solo Frozen in Carbonite, Ugnaut-119.99$

Bespin Cloud Car with Landing Pad: Lobot, Cloud Car Pilotx2, Ugnaut-49.99$

Mustafar Base: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Mustafarianx2, Cato Nemodian Guardx2, Nute Gunray, Poggle the Lesser, Shock Trooper, R2-D2-119.99$

Padme's Starcrusier: Padme, C-3PO, Wat Tambor, Security Droid-49.99$

Just some ideas. Thanks for Reading!

I also hope that we see a lot more of these combination sets. Here are some ideas of these combination sets that I would like to see in the future...

Rebel Hoth Echo Base: Luke(Pilot), Leia, K-3PO, 2-B1 Medical Droid, Dak, Hoth Rebel Soilder, Rebel Screen Monitor, Darth Vader, Snow Tooperx2, FX-7 Medical Droid-119.99$

Rebel Ion Cannon Deffense: General Reeikan, Hoth Rebel Soilder, Snowtrooper, R4-M9-49.99$

Theed Palace: Padme, Captain Panaka, Nute Gunray, Haako Rune, Security Droidx2, Naboo Guard, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Darth Maul-119.99$

Naboo Starfighter wtih Theed Hanger: Anakin, R2-D2, Ric Olie, R2-R7--59.99$

Cloud City: Luke, Leia, Han, Lando, Chewbacca, C-3PO, Vader, Boba Fett, Stormtrooper, Han Solo Frozen in Carbonite, Ugnaut-119.99$

Bespin Cloud Car with Landing Pad: Lobot, Cloud Car Pilotx2, Ugnaut-49.99$

Mustafar Base: Anakin, Obi-Wan, Mustafarianx2, Cato Nemodian Guardx2, Nute Gunray, Poggle the Lesser, Shock Trooper, R2-D2-119.99$

Padme's Starcrusier: Padme, C-3PO, Wat Tambor, Security Droid-49.99$

Just some ideas. Thanks for Reading!

The Mustafar base Idea seems a bit too large/pricey, but it's something fans need. The figures sound great, like the Mustafarian and Poggle. Theed Palace also sounds good. I hope we'll see some of these in the future. I don't know much, but it I feel that the combining stuff with a building/area + a vehicle won't have the same effect. if its two buildings, its fine,because fans will want to have the complete model. If it's building + vehicle, fans won't strive to get the building because the ships are much more desirable.

As for sets I'd like to see in the future, here's a list:

Cloud Car (with Lobot, Cloud Car Pilot, Ugnaught) The Lobot could be the one from Planet Series, the Cloud car pilot would have a new Helmet mold or would reuse Death Star Trooper's helmet, and the ugnaught would have a new mold or printing on existing mini head.

Sleight of Hand (with Cad Bane, Kul Teska, and Captain Rex) The Cad Bane and the Rex could be the existing figures, and Teska would have a new print head and the rest brick built)

Ginivex-class starfighter (with Asajj Ventress) Asajj would be the existing figure.

Mos Eisley Cantina (with Luke, Han, Chewie, Obi-Wan, Sandtroopers x2, Greedo, Ponda Baba, Dr. Evazan, Garindan, and some Cantina bimbos like Wolfman, Melas, Cebann Veekan, etc.)

TIE Bomber (with TIE Pilot, Imperial Officer, MSE Droid?) The TIE Pilot would be the new one from Planet Series 3, the Imperial Officer would be a generic officer, nothing Unique about it, and MSE droid could be brick built or new mold.

Queen Amidala (and other variants of Padme other than the Menace Tatooine one), Tauntaun, Rancor, Palpatine's Arrest, Boussh, Death Star Troopers, extensive leg printing... all things that we'd wanted for a long time before they were released in sets. They're not immediately seen after we voice our desire for them, but that's understandable, considering that TLG's planning sets far in advance and also has to work with Lucas Licensing to decide which sets to do and what to include in them. Not just in Star Wars, but in all LEGO products across all themes, I think TLG's done a great job of working things we want into the sets that they think will sell well.

Fair point. I may have been exaggerating a LITTLE bit. Sometimes they release the perfect stuff that we want, but sometimes they don't. However, there are some things that lots of AFOLs want, but will probably never be released by TLG.

But that's kind of getting off-topic. My 2014 Wave 1 will be posted in small parts throughout the next week or so:


Figs: Wookie, P2 Clone, Droids x2

Model: Dwarf Spider Droid.

Price: $24 AUS


XXXXX Rebel Snowspeeder: ESB

Figs: Dak Ralter, Luke Skywalker (Pilot), Snowtrooper x2

Model: Snowspeeder, E-Web Heavy Repeating Blaster

Price: $40 AUS

XXXXX Vulture Droid Starfighter: ROTS

Figs: Unknown (Please give a suggestion!)

Model: Vulture Droid

Price: $40 AUS



XXXXX Exclusive Obi-Wan's Jedi Interceptor: ROTS

Figs: Obi-Wan, R4-P17, Buzz Droid x2

Model: Obi-Wan's Eta-2 Actis-Class Light Interceptor

Price: $70 AUS

XXXXX Exclusive TIE Bomber: ESB

Figs:TIE Pilot, Stormtrooper x2, Admiral (Who Has Failed Vader for the Last Time!)

Model: TIE Bomber, Asteroid x2.

Price: $80 AUS

I haven't seen TCW Season 5 yet, so it is kind of tricky creating TCW sets.

EDIT: ESB Exclusive Added!

EDIT2: More ESB Sets Added and More Detail!

Edited by WampaStomper

@WampaStomper-You have some great ideas of sets for next year and I hope we get to see a couple of them as time passes.

Well, I know it is extremly eairly to even start thinking about it, but here are my predictions for 2015...

Winter Wave:

Hoth Battle Pack: Hoth Rebel Soilder, Hoth Rebel Commander, Snowtrooper, Snow Scout, Imperial Snow Speeder Bike, Rebel Dish Turrent-12.99$

Mon Cala Battle Pack: Squba Clone Trooperx2, Aqua Droidx2,Republic Water Speeder-12.99$

Trade Federation Vulture Droid: Pilot Droidx2, Tew How, Captain Daultay Dofine, Roof Turrent-19.99$

Wampa Cave Escape: Wampa, Luke, Han, Tauntaun-24.99$

Jedi Ambassador Shuttle Mission: Obi-Wan, Adi Gillia, Darth Maul, Savage Opress-49.99$

N-1 Naboo Starfigher: Anakin, Ric Olie, R2-D2, R3-D3, Theed Hangar Station-59.99$

Limited Edition Sets:

Droid Gunship Attack: Commando Droidx2, Ahsoka, Lux Bonteri, Onderon Rebel, Small Rebel Blaster Station-49.99$

Episode 7 set- 39.99$

I'll think of the rest later. Thanks for Reading!

Here's the rest...

Mon Cala City Deffense: Padme, Anakin, Quarren Warrior, Nossor Ri, Quarren Water Speeder-24.99$

Episode 7 set-29.99$

Episode 7 set-39.99$

Imperial ARC-170 Starfighter: Imperial ARC Pilotx2, Imperial Astro Droid-59.99$

Trident Drill Attack: Kit Fisto, Captain Ackbar, Prince Lee-Char, Karkarodon Warrior, Riff Tamsom-89.99$

The Clone Wars Set(I'm thinking one based on either the Nightsisters or the Ilum Episodes) -119.99$

Episode 7 set-119.99$

Limited Edition Sets:

Episode 7 set-109.99$

Umbaran Starfighter: Umbaran Tactical Droid, ARC Trooper Fives, Hardcase-49.99$

Thanks For Reading!

Edited by North Lego Star

I definetly would like to see with a set with the neat Wookie youngling from the recent TCW arc, plus two of the other non-human younglings (e. g. a set with a model of the starship, a few playfeatures, the droid, Hondo, and a pirate.)

Edited by Brickadeer

Well, its been some time since I last posted some ideas, but I got some now...

Dagobah: Luke's X-Wing Starfighter-R2-D2( Dirty)--9.99$

Sullust: Mon Calamair Star Cruiser-Orrimaarko--9.99$

Onderon: Droid MTT-General Kalani--9.99$

Thanks For Reading!

Edited by North Lego Star

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I just watched the last episode of the Younglings Story Arc of the Clone Wars and here are some ideas for sets from those episodes...

Hondo Ohnaka's Pirate Lar: Hondo Ohnaka, Ahsoka, Katooni, Gungi, Zatt, Gwarm, Weequay Pirate, Battle Droidx2, Commando Droid Captain, Battle Droid STAP-119.99$

Weequay Pirate Tank: Ganodi, R2-D2, Byph, Weequay Piratex2-49.99$

General Grevious' Skiff Speeder: General Grevious, Tactical Droid, Ahsoka, Petro-19.99$

Florrum Battle Pack: Weequay Piratex2, Super Battle Droid, Heavy Super Battle Droid, Pirate Speeder Bike-12.99$

Thanks For Reading!

Edited by North Lego Star

Here are some Ideas...

Ilum: Crucible- Professor Huy Ang-9.99$

Florrum: Weequay Pirate Saucer Ship- Hondo Ohnaka-9.99$

Well, that actually all I have today, Thanks For Reading Though!

Kit Fisto's Jedi Starfighter

Sun Crusher



A new Tusken Raider Encounter


Kit Fisto's Jedi Starfighter

Sun Crusher



A new Tusken Raider Encounter


Nice Ideas, I doo agree with you that we definetly need a new Sandcrawler, set with Tusken Raiders and maybe not soon, but at some point Kit Fisto's Jedi Starfighter. Here are two set ideas that would included tusken raiders...

Tusken Raider Encounter: Tusken Raiderx2, Female Tusken Raider, Anakin, Lars' Swoop Bike, Tusken Raider Camp Tent and Camp Area-19.99$

Luke's Landspeeder-Luke, Obi-Wan, Tusken Raiderx2, C-3PO, Bantha-29.99$

Thanks For Reading!

So now that we know a Hoth Battle Set is coming next year, does anyone think that a new AT-AT could be right around the corner? I missed the 2010 version so I would love to see an updated one. How about a nice $140 sized set with a power generator to blow up, and maybe a turret? I'm not sure about the minifig selection, though, since most Hoth characters are represented in current sets. Maybe Vader, Veers, a driver, a couple of troopers and some Rebels, but I think it would need to include at least one or two "new" characters.

So now that we know a Hoth Battle Set is coming next year, does anyone think that a new AT-AT could be right around the corner? I missed the 2010 version so I would love to see an updated one. How about a nice $140 sized set with a power generator to blow up, and maybe a turret? I'm not sure about the minifig selection, though, since most Hoth characters are represented in current sets. Maybe Vader, Veers, a driver, a couple of troopers and some Rebels, but I think it would need to include at least one or two "new" characters.

Nice Idea Galaxy Explorer! I personally think there is strong chance we'll see a new AT-AT either next year as one of the large summer sets or in 2014 also as one of the big summer sets. Here are my two ideas on possible AT-AT sets...

(1.)Imperial AT-AT Walker Assult on Hoth: General Veers, AT-AT Driver, Snow Trooperx2, Vader, Luke, Speeder Bike-139.99$

(2.)Imperial AT-AT Walker: Vader, Luke, AT-AT Driver, Imperial Commander, Stromtrooper, Scout Trooper, Speeder Bike-139.99$

I personal would like to see set number two more as it would more based upon endor than hoth.

I also would like to see at some point in time, a UCS AT-AT...

Imperial AT-AT Walker: Luke, General Veers, Snow Trooperx2, Imperial Commander, AT-AT Driver, Wedge Antillies, Wes Janson, Snow Speeder, Speeder Bike, AT-AT Power Generator-249.99$

I do agree with others though as we have gotten a lot of AT-AT's recently, but it wouldn't be bad if we got another one was meant to fight another set such as an Ion Cannon or Ewok Battle Wagon. I really don't know though, but these ideas have caused me to think about my summer wave predictions, I probally end up re-writing them soon.

Thanks For Reading!

Edited by North Lego Star

Another AT-AT? I think it's way too soon. It's only been about 2 and a half years since the last one. Now, that doesn't stop TLG from making another, but I don't see it happening for at least another couple years.

So now that we know a Hoth Battle Set is coming next year, does anyone think that a new AT-AT could be right around the corner? I missed the 2010 version so I would love to see an updated one. How about a nice $140 sized set with a power generator to blow up, and maybe a turret? I'm not sure about the minifig selection, though, since most Hoth characters are represented in current sets. Maybe Vader, Veers, a driver, a couple of troopers and some Rebels, but I think it would need to include at least one or two "new" characters.

As much as I'm interested in seeing a definitive AT-AT set, I have to asked the question again, why no Ion Cannon? Why no Shield Generator? Why TLG?

Edited by Another Brick In The Wall

Bobsy, those are spectacular choices. Since we're dreaming...


Taris: Leviathan w/ Malak

Manaan: Ebon Hawk w/ Bastila

Rakata Prime: Star Forge w/ Revan

KOTOR comic

Flashpoint: The Last Resort w/ Zayne Carrick

Arkania: Arkanian Legacy w/ Jarael

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