March 4, 201311 yr Yeah, I can see the appeal... I'd rather have an upgraded Bounty Hunter Pursuit or some Kamino sets instead. The odd thing is when you look back at the front page of this thread, many of the set requests have been answered: Battle of Endor Endor BP 75000 Clone and Droideka BP Swamp Speeder Jabba's Palace Death Star AAT AT-OT Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter Palpatine's Arrest Saesee Tiin's Jedi Starfighter Solar Sailer Hoth Rebel BP Snowtrooper BP All of these have been released from 2009 onwards, and forumers in 2008 have predicted them correctly.
March 6, 201311 yr Just watched some more CW. OKAY! One republic supply frigate with Ahsoka, Bariss, Trap, Scythe, and a clone pilot. One republic medical station, with Kit Fisto, naval clone sergeant, naval clone, Lama Su( i think), and injured clone. One Citadel, with electro mines, air shaft (with slicers), landing platform, command center, and two prisoner holds.comes with Sobeck, Obiwan, 2 citadel Commando Droids, Cody, Piell, 3 Naval clones, naval clone sergeant, 2 security battle droids, Anakin, Ahsoka, Artoo's Droid squad, Artoo, Rex, Echo, Fives, Charger, Longshot, three other 212th troopers, Tarkin, K2-B4, 4 SBDs, 1 Destroyer droid, and 4 Anoobas. Say hello to our new Death Star everybody! More set ideas soon.
March 6, 201311 yr I have two questions, 1) Do you think there will be many OT and PT sets after Episode 7? Like back in 2008 with the clone wars? 2) What OT sets could they still make that are new and original that haven't been made yet. No remakes. Perosnally, I think we are due for a gungan city and a new cloud city....
March 7, 201311 yr I don't think that they will do too many more older (previous seasons) CW sets, I think the Malevolence was an exception to the rule. I think you may get 1 or 2 OT/PT sets when the movies are released, however the initial release will be wholly movie sets to build up the hype. Would love to get a Malak and Revan set in there somewhere.
March 7, 201311 yr I don't think that they will do too many more older (previous seasons) CW sets, I think the Malevolence was an exception to the rule. Perhaps, But I really think that since LEGO can make different color PH 1 clones for the movie, they can make them for the clone wars. I really want a Phase 1 212th. That is a lot of 'figs.... Say hello to our new Death Star everybody! Ahem Edited March 7, 201311 yr by korpen4444
March 8, 201311 yr They've had the stupid Death Star and Super Star Destroyer for a while now... I'm really craving an updated $500 Falcon. Not that I could really afford it but maybe if I skipped out on a year's worth of sets :P.
March 8, 201311 yr So..... what? Use logic. There are many Millenium Falcon sets. One is bigger than the others :P.'s_Millennium_Falcon
March 8, 201311 yr not gunna happen, tho i wish it would even if it did too many speculators would buy 100's. it would sell out in hours and the market would be subsequently flooded making it less valuable than when it was 1st sold.
March 8, 201311 yr They've had the stupid Death Star and Super Star Destroyer for a while now... I'm really craving an updated $500 Falcon. Not that I could really afford it but maybe if I skipped out on a year's worth of sets :P. Merged.
March 8, 201311 yr I heard on the news that Disney is negotiating with some of the OT cast members about the new Star Wars sequels. Ford, Fisher, and Hamil are said to all be interested in filming together again after all these years. It won't be long now before we get minifig versions of geriatric Han, Leia, and Luke. I'm thinking wrinkly faces, glasses, grey and white hair, walkers or canes, or maybe even a futuristic Hoveround. Do we want to see a geezer home for heroes of the new Republic? Yes, complete with a day room, sit-down showers, and a duck pond.
March 8, 201311 yr I really think if they have to do Luke, Leia and Han old, they should make them background characters. Very background. Maybe only in cameos.
March 9, 201311 yr I heard on the news that Disney is negotiating with some of the OT cast members about the new Star Wars sequels. Ford, Fisher, and Hamil are said to all be interested in filming together again after all these years. It won't be long now before we get minifig versions of geriatric Han, Leia, and Luke. I'm thinking wrinkly faces, glasses, grey and white hair, walkers or canes, or maybe even a futuristic Hoveround. Do we want to see a geezer home for heroes of the new Republic? Yes, complete with a day room, sit-down showers, and a duck pond. Yes Carrie Fisher has confirmed she would return. I wonder if she becomes a jedi like in the Expanded Universe. Its hard to imagine her fighting with a lightsaber at that age
March 15, 201311 yr So what might we see from that mixed period between TCW fading and the new movies. I'm hoping for a few oddball things. Coran Horn X-Wing. Yeah I know Lego will often steer clear of EU stuff. But this one might be a gimme. Standard or mildly refined X Wing in green and white. It would give them an excuse to do another X Wing. Bossk's Hounds Tooth. We have long heard about this ship. We finally saw it in TCW. It looks like a good easy to Legofy subject, and would give a chance to do a nice bounty hunter theme set. Mos Eisley. It's been years since we have seen real TOS Tatooine love. Cantina with band would be a treat. A nice big play set to put all the aliens in. Or at least some Mos Eisley street scenes. New minifig scale B Wing. Once again been years. The long begged for cloud city. And a pod car. Nuffield said. TOR D5 Mantis so we have a Sith/Imperial ship (Fury) a Jedi ship (Defender) and a more grey area scum and villainy sort (Bounty Hunter) Dash Rendars Outrider. Another of those classic EU mixed media ships that has slipped into the common vernacular (plus doesn't it appear for a second in TPM?)
March 15, 201311 yr What OT stuff is there left to do except Cloud City, Yavin Base, Dagobah Hut and some Tatooine sets?
March 15, 201311 yr What OT stuff is there left to do except Cloud City, Yavin Base, Dagobah Hut and some Tatooine sets? How about a Binary Sunset and a full on Mos Eisley Cantina for example?
March 16, 201311 yr I'd love to see Obi-Wan's Actis-class interceptor released outside of a rare value pack, with the improvements on that fighter model made by 9494-1 in 2012. A Mace Windu version would be excellent as well, but I don't know what the chances of that are, given that his interceptor technically only ever appeared in the EU.
March 16, 201311 yr I'd love to see Obi-Wan's Actis-class interceptor released outside of a rare value pack, with the improvements on that fighter model made by 9494-1 in 2012. A Mace Windu version would be excellent as well, but I don't know what the chances of that are, given that his interceptor technically only ever appeared in the EU. Greater than you might think. While Mace's Eta Intercepter did not appear in the movie, Lucas and ILM did work out the coloring and markings for his and several others. The main SW archives have concept art of the ship. And the drawings and paintings appear in the bonus materials on the SW blu rays.
March 18, 201311 yr What OT stuff is there left to do except Cloud City, Yavin Base, Dagobah Hut and some Tatooine sets? I bet LEGO could hugely improve the old Sandcrawler now.
March 18, 201311 yr The one SW set that I really want TLG to make is a massive UCS Jedi Temple. Although it would never be made to scale it would be awesome to see some rooms included such as the Council Chamber, the Library, a Lightsaber Training Room, the War Room and other cool halls/rooms/courtyards that were featured both in the movies and the CW series. Edited March 18, 201311 yr by Kalbatjon
March 18, 201311 yr is the ewok villiage confimed for 2013 Lego hasn't released any imformation exactly, but there have been bits of information from various people that all say, yes ther will be an Ewok Villiage this year. Well, since we pretty much know everything about 2013, here are my predictions for 2014... Winter Wave: -Ewoks vs. Imperial Forces Battle Pack: Ewok(x2), Death Star Trooper, Imperial Commander, Ewok Log Trap/Catapult-12.99$ - -Naboo Flash Speeder: Naboo Guard, Captain Panaka, Padme-19.99$ -Luke's Landspeeder: Luke Skywalker, Tusken Raider(x2)-24.99$ -Droid Gunship Attack: Clone Kashyyyk Trooper, 41st Clone Trooper, Battle Droid, Battle Droid Commander-49.99$ -Wookiee Catamaran: Tarful, Luminara Unduli, Wookie Warrior, Commander Gree-59.99$ -(TRU Exclusive)Battle of Geonosis: Shaak Ti, Clone Trooper, Clone Sergeant, Geonosian Battle Droidx2, Super Battle Droid, Hailfire Droid, Clone Speeder Bike, Clone Deffense Lines-49.99$ -(Walmart Exclusive) -(Target Exclusive)Bossk's Hound's Tooth: Bossk, Boba Fett, Dengar, Asajj Ventress-49.99$ Summer Wave: -Imperial AT-ST Walker: Imperial AT-ST Driver, Stormtrooper, Chewbacca, Rebel Commando-24.99$ -Ahsoka's Jedi Starfighter: Ahsoka, R7-A7, 501st Jetpack Tooper-29.99$ -Duel on Mandalore: Darth Maul, Savage Opress, Pre Vizsal, Bo-Katan, Mandalorian Palace, Mandalorian Speeder Bike-39.99$ - - - -Mos Eisley Cantina: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Obi-Wan, Greedo, Bith Band Member(x2), Momaw Nadon, Ponda, Dr. Evazsan, Imperial Sand Trooper, Dewback-119.99$ -(TRU Excluisve) -(Target Exclusive)Jedi Air Speeder: Anakin, Cin Drallig, Letta Turmond-24.99$ -(Walmart Exclusive)TIE Bomber: TIE Bomber Pilot, Admiral Piett, Imperial Protocal Droid-49.99$ -(Lego Exclusive) -(Lego Exclusive) I'll fill in the rest later. Thanks For Reading! Edited March 18, 201311 yr by North Lego Star
March 18, 201311 yr Lego hasn't released any imformation exactly, but there have been bits of information from various people that all say, yes ther will be an Ewok Villiage this year. Well, since we pretty much know everything about 2013, here are my predictions for 2014... Winter Wave: -Ewoks vs. Imperial Forces Battle Pack: Ewok(x2), Death Star Trooper, Imperial Commander, Ewok Log Trap/Catapult-12.99$ - -Naboo Flash Speeder: Naboo Guard, Captain Panaka, Padme-19.99$ -Luke's Landspeeder: Luke Skywalker, Tusken Raider(x2)-24.99$ -Droid Gunship Attack: Clone Kashyyyk Trooper, 41st Clone Trooper, Battle Droid, Battle Droid Commander-49.99$ -Wookiee Catamaran: Tarful, Luminara Unduli, Wookie Warrior, Commander Gree-59.99$ -(TRU Exclusive)Battle of Geonosis: Shaak Ti, Clone Trooper, Clone Sergeant, Geonosian Battle Droidx2, Super Battle Droid, Hailfire Droid, Clone Speeder Bike, Clone Deffense Lines-49.99$ -(Walmart Exclusive) -(Target Exclusive)Bossk's Hound's Tooth: Bossk, Boba Fett, Dengar, Asajj Ventress-49.99$ Summer Wave: -Imperial AT-ST Walker: Imperial AT-ST Driver, Stormtrooper, Chewbacca, Rebel Commando-24.99$ -Ahsoka's Jedi Starfighter: Ahsoka, R7-A7, 501st Jetpack Tooper-29.99$ -Duel on Mandalore: Darth Maul, Savage Opress, Pre Vizsal, Bo-Katan, Mandalorian Palace, Mandalorian Speeder Bike-39.99$ - - - -Mos Eisley Cantina: Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Obi-Wan, Greedo, Bith Band Member(x2), Momaw Nadon, Ponda, Dr. Evazsan, Imperial Sand Trooper, Dewback-119.99$ -(TRU Excluisve) -(Target Exclusive)Jedi Air Speeder: Anakin, Cin Drallig, Letta Turmond-24.99$ -(Walmart Exclusive)TIE Bomber: TIE Bomber Pilot, Admiral Piett, Imperial Protocal Droid-69.99$ -(Lego Exclusive) -(Lego Exclusive) I'll fill in the rest later. Thanks For Reading! Fingers crossed for Mos Eisley Cantina and Bossk's Hound's Tooth ! They would both be awesome. I'm suppressed you haven't put jango's slave 1 on though because that has a high chance of been made, and I think next year we could get a naboo royal starship as well !
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